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【成考快速报名和免费咨询: 】 在本文中陕西成人高考网为同学们准备的是高起专英语考试科目中阅读理解的模拟试题,快来阅读练习吧!、 四、阅读理解:共15小题;每题3分,共45分。阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从每小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。 A Some farmers in California are having a hard time picking their are not enough workers to help them with the harvest. One farmer used to grow peaches(桃子) , but will soon grow almonds(杏仁) require more labor to are easy to be damaged and need careful hand is now removing his peachtree he will plant almond trees in their are harvested does not take as many workers to pick them because a machine shakes the almond nuts fallon the ground and then are gathered farmer does not have to hire many workers. Some farmers think there are two reasons why they can't find enough reason is that there area lot of well-paid construction jobs in the people are taking these jobs instead of picking other reason is that it has become more difficult for workers to come from Mexico into workers are allowed to get into the country to work on the fruit settle the problem, farmers hope the government might allow these workers to work as would help workers provide for their family and help farmers harvest their the harvest season is over they'll go back say that unless things change, more fruits will come from other countries. This is because labor is cheaper in those countries than in the United States. problem do some farmers have? ( ) have no workers to remove fruit trees. is little land for growing fruit. crops were badly damaged last year. 's difficult to harvest their crops. does the peach farmer start to plant almonds?( ) is a greater demand for almonds. almonds takes much less land. machine can help get almonds off the trees. will fallon the ground when ripe. can't some farmers find enough workers to pick fruit?( ) grow too many peach trees. prefer well-paid construction jobs. people want to work in California. 't want to hire workers from Mexico. will happen if the situation does not improve?( ) government wil hire workers to help with the harvest. people will move to California from Mexico. countries will provide cheaper labor for US farmers. fruits will be bought from other countries. B Scientists have long tried to be able to know more about far, the best that scientists can do is to recognize the conditions for flooding. Although deep snow alone seldom causes floods, when it occurs together with heavy rain and sudden warmer weather, it can lead to serious there is a fast snowmelt(融化) on top of frozen or very wet ground, flooding is likely to ling snow also causes highwater levels in rivers. Whenever rivers are already at their highest possible levels, heavy rains will result in the rivers'flooding the nearby land. Rivers covered in ice can also lead to ice begins to melt, it breaks into large pieces. These pieces of ice move and float down the can block the river, causing the water to rise and flood the land up the the iced am(坝) breaks suddenly, the large quantity of water held behind it can flood the areas down the river too. Broken ice dams are not the only problem that can cause a large human-made dam breaks or fails to hold the water collected behind it, it will also cause serious damage. Although scientists can not always know when floods will occur, they do know a great deal about when floods are likely, or probably, going to occur. have scientists achieved in dealing with floods?( ) have prevented many rivers from flooding. have reduced the damage caused by floods. have learned much about conditions for flooding. have found most of the ice damson the river. will deep snow lead to floods?.( ) snow suddenly gets frozen. top of the ground becomes wet. trains hard with a big rise in temperature. snowmelt s gradually into a river. happens when ice dams break?( ) A. They may quickly block the river. ice covering the river may melt fast. larger iced am may soon be formed. areas down the river maybe flooded. C It was Sharing Day!The teacher had asked the students to bring something interesting to class. Jimmy found the little box he and Dad had was apiece of rock, as and dollar and ashark(鲨鱼) could have anything as interesting as these! In class, Jimmy waited anxiously, hoping to be called on first by the Kara was held up as and 's eyes grew big. “I found this on the beach, ”Kara said.“It's little holes that make the sand dollarlook like a flower are breathing all the needles?They help the sand dollar move and dig into the sand.” Jimmy was a little , well, he still had his rock and sharktooth. Then Mark stood up.“This is my favorite rock, called pumice(浮石) .”Then Mark dropped the rock into a glass of water.“Look!Pumice is the only rock that floats!” Jimmy put up his hand and waved, but the teacher called on Justin instead.“I found this sharktooth in Hawaii last Christmas, ”Justin said. The class was excited, but Jimmy lowered his head.“Sharks have rows of a shark loses a tooth, another one takes its place.”Justin passed the tooth heard the teacher call stood on one foot and then the other.“Well, ah, treasure box is interesting!It was just apiece of wood until Dad and I cut it into pieces and finally made a box out of smells good, reminding us of camping. “What's inside?”asked Lisa. Jimmy opened his box.“As and dollar, a piece of pumice and a sharktooth.” His classmates'mouths dropped teacher looked at the objects in the box and smiled.“Now that's interesting!”he said. the Sharing Day, Jimmy___( ) a treasure box to hold his interesting things the things others brought to the class patiently to be called on by his teacher to be the first to share his possessions does as and dollar look like according toKara?( ) hole. needle. flower. tooth. shared with the class a rock that floats?( ) . . . . did Jimmy's classmates feel when they saw the things in his box?( ) . . . · D Nineteen-year-old Melissa Goza couldn't figure out why she failed to get a bankcard time and time only became clear when she was unsuccessful while looking for a new job in a Target store:Three df ferent people are using her Social Security number(社会保障号) . Target is one of the companies using credit(信用) reports when hiring new one credit report didn't favor Goza in geting the low credit rate(评价) was under Goza's Social Security , as required bylaw, told Goza why the company couldn't offer her the job. Sacramento lawyer Jennifer Shaw, a specialist in workplace law, says creditreports are just one more way employers use to find dishonest jobseekers.“I think we need to know that, right now, there's more information out that means, there's more information that can be used against us,”said Shaw. Goza's dark cloud may, however, have a silver told her she'd be considered again for the job if she could get a letter from the Social Security Department proving that she's the right owner of the Social Security number. Now that Goza knows she's suffered from other people's wrongdoings, she wil order copies of her creditreports to see what she can do to put things right. do we know about Goza?( ) got the job from Target. has had three bad friends. doesn't have a bankcard yet. was not honest with Target. did Target first do when refusing to offer Goza the job? ( ) asked her for creditreports. told her why she couldn't get the job. found out her wrongdoings. reported it to the Social Security Department. does“a silver lining”in Paragraph 4 probably mean?( ) A hopeful future. bank report. official letter. Social Security number. does Goza have to do next?( ) up her wrong creditreports. a new Social Security number. a job in another company. for a new bankcard.>>>陕西成考高起专试题题库<<< 以上就是陕西成人高考高起专英语考试科目模拟试题(二)的所有内容,想了解更多关于陕西成考信息,可关注微信公众号“陕西省成考网”或者咨询我们【在线老师】,将为您提供更多的陕西成考报考指南等相关信息。 成考有疑问、不知道如何总结成考考点内容、不清楚成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

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【成考快速报名和免费咨询: 】 湖南成人高考《高起专》英语模拟试题。相信现在考生都已经报名了,已经在准备复习了。那么为了帮助大家。湖南成考网给大家准备了关于湖南成人高考《高起专》英语模拟试题。供考生参考。湖南成人高考《高起专》英语模拟试题二、词汇与语法知识 从每题的四个选项中,选出最佳的一项。 6. Englishmen like beer. A. Most B. Most of the C. Most of D. The most 7. The dark was in the center of the room. A. direct B. directed C. directing D. directly 8. We need information before we can decide. A. far B. farther C. further D. furthest 9. This is the best solution the trouble. A. about B. in C. to D. with 10. Not only a promise, but he also kept it. A. will he make B. he will make C. did he make D. he made 11. After the race , the celebration began. A. had been won B. is won C. will be won D. has been won 12. I’m afraid it will rain soon. A. why B. that C. that of D. how 13. The farm I visited during the holiday is quite far. A. when B. where C. that D. in which 14. Only one of the fifty states in the United States an island. A. is B. are C. was D. were 15. I can’t afford you any more money. A. borrowing B. to borrow C. to lend D. my landing 16. You’d better stay at home in weather. A. such B. so C. so that D. such 17. Coffee beans are picked by hand and then . A. drying B. dried C. which are dried D. by drying 18. It’s important to reply to our letter without . A. delay B. stop C. pause D. rest 19. A good writer is who can express the common place in an uncommon way. A. that B. one C. this D. which 20. The newspaper had no choice to print a front page apology. A. and B. besides C. yet D. but 21. The shower over, we continued to march. A. was B. is C. were D. being 22. Trains stop here in order to passengers only. A. get off B. pick up C. pull up D. get past 23. We were both pleased honored to be guests of the president. A. also B. and C. alike D. as 24. He had mistaken me Frank. A. with B. on C. in D. for 25. Let’s get in the wheat before the sun . A. will set B. was set C. set D. sets 26. The flat where we live three rooms only. A. is comprised of B. is made of C. contain D. is composed of 27. The telephone had stopped ringing I got downstairs. A. since B. just C. after D. by the time 28. Her face went red he had said. A. because of what B. because that C. because what D. because 29. When we saw his face, we knew that was bad. A. the news B. some news C. a news D. news 30. We all survived . A. from the fire B. during the fire C. the fire D. after the fire 31. entering the hall, he found everyone watching for him. A. At B. While C. On D. In 32. He the test two days ago. A. passing B. past C. through D. passed 33. All life on the earth on the sun. A. depends B. carries C. keeps D. goes 34. Nobody believed him what he said. A. even though B. in spite C. no matter D. because of 35. your help, we completed the work ahead of time. A. Thank for B. Thanks for C. Thank to D. Thanks to 以上就是关于湖南成人高考《高起专》英语模拟试题(二)的全部内容,考生如想了解更多关于湖南成考资讯、报名时间、报名流程、报名入口、报名条件、现场确认等资讯,欢迎关注湖南成考网。 成考有疑问、不知道如何总结成考考点内容、不清楚成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

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【成考快速报名和免费咨询: 】以下猎考网为大家整理了2023年山东成人高考语文高起本的模拟试题,仅供参考!  一、选择题:  第1题 北宋诗文革新运动的领袖是(____)  A. 王安石  B. 欧阳修  C. 苏轼  D. 曾巩  【正确答案】B  第2题 有“曲状元”之称的元代散曲家是(____)  A. 马致远  B. 王实甫  C. 关汉卿  D. 白朴  【正确答案】A  第3题 “赋”作为一种文体,形成于(____)  A. 战国时代  B. 秦代  C. 汉代  D. 三国时代  【正确答案】C  第4题 议论文的“三要素”是(____)  A. 论点、论据、结论  B. 引论、论据、结论  C. 立论、驳论、正论  D. 论点、论据、论证  【正确答案】D  第5题 《风波》、《断魂枪》、《苦恼》的作者依次是(____)  A. 鲁迅、契诃夫、老舍  B. 契诃夫、鲁迅、老舍  C. 鲁迅、老舍、契诃夫  D. 契诃夫、老舍、鲁迅  【正确答案】C  第6题 柳永《八声甘州》(对潇潇暮雨洒江天)中具有承上启下作用的句子是(____)  A. 不忍登高临远  B. 叹年来踪迹  C. 渐霜风凄紧  D. 是处红衰翠减  【正确答案】A  第7题 《红楼梦》中,在宝玉挨打后,众人纷纷前来探望。请根据人物性格,判断下列哪句是薛宝钗的问候(____)  A. “我的娘!怎么下这般的狠手!——你但凡听我一句话,也不到这个分儿。幸而没动筋骨;倘或打出个残疾来,可叫人怎么样呢?”  B. “你可都改了罢!”  C. “早听人一句话,也不至有今日!别说老太太、太太心疼,就是我们看着,心里也——”  D. “可好些了?想什么吃?叫人往我那里取去。”  【正确答案】C  第8题 《诗经》中的《氓》属于(____)  A. 颂  B. 大雅  C. 小雅  D. 风  【正确答案】D  第9题 李商隐《无题》(相见时难别亦难)是一首(____)  A. 七言古诗  B. 七言律诗  C. 七言排律  D. 七言绝句  【正确答案】B  第10题 下列作品中,属于叙事诗的是(____)  A. 白居易《杜陵叟》  B. 屈原《国殇》  C. 岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》  D. 陶渊明《饮酒》(其五)  【正确答案】A  第11题 下列人物形象出自同一篇作品的是(____)  A. 沙子龙、赵七爷  B. 王三胜、七斤  C. 姚纳、德拉  D. 黄省三、李石清  【正确答案】D  第12题 “举案齐眉”、“乘舟梦日”、“鲈鱼堪”三个典故所涉及到的人物依次是(____)  A. 孟光、季鹰、伊尹  B. 孟光、伊尹、季鹰  C. 伊尹、孟光、季鹰  D. 季鹰、伊尹、孟光  【正确答案】B  第13题 “祸起萧墙”、“望洋兴叹”、“日薄西山”三个成语依次出自(____)  A. 《季氏将伐颛臾》、《陈情表》、《庄子·秋水》  B. 《寡人之于国也》、《季氏将伐颛臾》、《陈情表》  C. 《季氏将伐颛臾》、《庄子·秋水》、《陈情表》  D. 《寡人之于国也》、《庄子·秋水》、《陈情表》  【正确答案】C  第14题 下列关于作品、作者、国别搭配正确的是(____)  A. 《论学问》——培根——英国  B. 《麦琪的礼物》——欧·亨利——德国  C. 《米龙老爹》——屠格涅夫——俄国  D. 《门槛》——莫泊桑——法国  【正确答案】A  第15题 下列文学常识表述完全正确的是(____)  A. 鲁迅的《呐喊》、茅盾的《子夜》和巴金的《家》,都是我国20世纪30年代著名的长篇小说。  B. 我国现代著名剧作家曹禺的代表作是《雷雨》、《日出》和《茶馆》。  C. 闻一多新格律诗的“三美”主张指的是“音乐的美”、“绘画的美”、“建筑的美”。  D. 沈从文的《边城》生动地展现了浙东小镇淳厚古朴的民风。  【正确答案】C  以上就是2023年山东成人高考的试题了,想获取更多关于山东成人高考的相关资讯,如成人高考报名时间、考试时间、报考条件、备考知识、相关新闻等,敬请关注猎考网。 成考有疑问、不知道如何总结成考考点内容、不清楚成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

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  • 成人高考模拟题语文测试卷

    【成考快速报名和免费咨询:】  本文江苏成人高考网根据《全国各类成人高等学校招生复习考试大纲》收集整理了2021年江苏成人高考高起点《语文》模拟试题及答案(3)

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