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云南导游证免费的地方有1、昆明石林:175元(60岁-69岁130元,70岁以上免费),导游证免票。 2、石林景区电瓶车:25元(70岁以上免费),导游证免票。 3、滇池海梗公园:10元(老年人凭老年证免费)。导游证不免票,但是整个景区都在修,如果不去西山的话,不建议进,除了水外,没什么好看的。 4、大理蝴蝶泉:60元(70岁以上免费),导游证免票。 5、蝴蝶泉景区电瓶车:单程10元,导游证免票。 6、大理苍山:30元,导游证免票。 7、苍山感通索道:80元往返,凭行程单免票。需要说明的是,事先请朋友帮做了份行程单,在索道口工作人员查看了行程单后放行。另:现在苍山小索道已经停运,景区正在推一条海拔3980米的大索道。 8、玉龙雪山:通票220元(60岁-69岁110元,70岁以上免费)。在玉龙景区门口,遭遇了此行最严格的检查。因为拿的是外地旅行社的行程单,没有地接社的行程单,估计是“破坏”了当地的保护政策,自称旅游局工作人员的检查者拿着导游证左看右看,连芯片都用手刮,不知道是在看什么。而且,声称是对外地旅行社的惩罚,强制要求我们买大玉龙通票,以此来换取了导游证的免费进入票。9、丽江古城维护费:80元。要进玉龙雪山,就必须在买门票的同时交古维费。导游证免费。 10、牦牛坪景区车费:20元,导游证免费。 11、牦牛坪索道:60元往返,导游证免费。 12、玉水寨:50元。好像是私人景点,因为包含在大玉龙通票里,所以必须要进一下,虽是私人景点,但查得蛮严的,看了下行程单才让进。因为以前去过,所以进去不超过半小时就出来了:) 13、白沙壁画:30元,也是包含在大玉龙通票里的,导游证免票。 14、泸沽湖:100元(70岁以上免票,学生证半价),导游证免票。 15、末代王妃府:20元。是在大环湖途中去看的,就是私人家里,不能免票。 16、虎跳峡:65元(60岁-69岁元,70岁以上免费),导游证不免票。以前跟团时去过,是可以免票的,问景区工作人员,说是去年还可以免票的,今年就不行了,只好买票进啦。 17、普达措国家公园:138元(60岁-69岁69元,70岁以上免费),导游证免票。之前虎跳峡不免票的经历让我对普达措的门票政策有些惴惴不安,在买票时先咨询景区工作人员,外地导游能否免票。景区工作人员态度非常好,直接告诉我导游证可以免门票,不能免车票,也没有查看行程单。要提醒注意的是,进景区时,查票的工作人员会查看导游证和身份证是否一致。18、普达措景区环保车:120元,不免费。 19、丽江古城木府:60元(60岁-69岁30元,70岁以上免费),导游证免票。木府不查验古维费,建议大家提前在网上购买门票,我在某宝就提前买好了30元的票,相当于半价哦。 20、万古楼:50元,导游证免票。万古楼是看古楼全景的好去处,从木府最高处拾级而上,门口售票处有人看守,举个导游证远远给看看就让进了。要提醒注意的是,从万古楼出来再进木府也是要重新买票的,当然,导游证是免票的。 21、黑龙潭公园:不收费,但要查验古维费。可能是因为云南大旱,公园里河床都干涸开裂了,所以想看倒影的人们肯定要失望了。也正因为此,门口查古维费的非常松,没票也是肯定能进的。18、普达措景区环保车:120元,不免费。 19、丽江古城木府:60元(60岁-69岁30元,70岁以上免费),导游证免票。木府不查验古维费,建议大家提前在网上购买门票,我在某宝就提前买好了30元的票,相当于半价哦。 20、万古楼:50元,导游证免票。万古楼是看古楼全景的好去处,从木府最高处拾级而上,门口售票处有人看守,举个导游证远远给看看就让进了。要提醒注意的是,从万古楼出来再进木府也是要重新买票的,当然,导游证是免票的。 21、黑龙潭公园:不收费,但要查验古维费。可能是因为云南大旱,公园里河床都干涸开裂了,所以想看倒影的人们肯定要失望了。也正因为此,门口查古维费的非常松,没票也是肯定能进的。

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Stone Forest

The Stone Forest lies about 80 miles to the southeast of Kunming. A geological phenomenon, the Stone Forest was a vast expanse of sea during the Paleozoic era--some 270 million years ago. Later, the movement of tectonic plates altered the earth''s crust, causing the sea to recede and its limestone bottom to appear, thereby forming to the constant seeping of rain through the cracks in the limestone, some of the stone formation dissolved and the fissures broadened, producing a group of great sculptures of different shapes, all molded by nature.

In the midst of the forest, there is a huge rock screen on which two words--Stone Forest--are engraved in official script (in a calligraphic style typical of the Han Dynasty, 206 .). Among the scenic sights is the "Sword Peak Pond" with jadeite-colored water so clear that one can see the bottom of the pond. Other astonishing sights include "Figure of Ashima," "Shi Ba Xiang Song" (its name originating in the Chinese love story, "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai"), and "Lotus Peak."

The splendor of the Stone Forest is enhanced by the local customs of the native Sani people (who are part of the Yi minority). Sani people are industrious and hospitable--and unconstrained. Sani women are expert at spinning, weaving, and embroidering. They like to wear rainbow-colored headgear and bright-colored dresses. The young people especially are very good singers and dancers. Every day at sunset, under the moonlight, boys and girls gather at the village platform. While the boys play the three-stringed plucked instruments, the girls clap their hands and dance the strong-rhythmed traditional "A''Xi (Ah-shi) Dance in the Moon" with great enthusiasm. If you happen to witness the event, you will be invited to join in the festivity.

Note that every lunar year, on June 24th, the Sani people celebrate their national festival--the Torch Festival. On that day, the entire Stone Forest is permeated with a celebratory atmosphere. There are traditional performances of wrestling and bull-fighting. Finally, when the land is enveloped in the curtain of night, the young men (holding torches in their hands) run after the young women to propose marriage in the light of colored lanterns.


1. Stone Forest 石林

2. Sword Peak Pond 剑峰池

3. Figure of Ashima 阿诗玛像

4. Lotus Peak 莲花峰

In the year 1893, James Hilton described an eternally peaceful and quiet place among mountains in the East--- "Shangri-La" in one of his novels for the first time. In the novel "Lost Horizon", an English diplomat Conway and his brother Gorge scattered the English citizens and helped them leave the dangerous region. On their way home,their plane washijacked

and fell down into the mountain in the Tibetan region. Some lucky survivors were taken to Shangri-la where Conway found lots of fantastic things in such a state founded nearly 200 years ago, in which the local people lived up to more than one hundred years old and lived peacefully and harmoniously with the other people, animals and everything here. The place was called "Shangri-La" by the local folks.

James Hilton located "Shangri-La" in a mysterious valley which was surrounded by snowcapped mountains; near where there were snow-clad peaks, blue lakes, broad grassy marshlands, and lamaseries, Buddhist nunneries, mosques, Catholic Church, the human beings and the nature were in perfect harmony, several religions and varies of nationalities exited at the same time; the temples looked splendid in green and golden; though people contacted the outer world by caravan for a long time, many foreign experts and scholars had come here to investigate and remained much relics...

Obviously, that is not only a beautiful scenery, but also a kind of artistic conception.

With the novel and the film coming out, Shangri-La became very famous in western countries. Later, a Chinese named Guo Huonian used the name of this place and set up "Shangri-La" Hotel Group which has become one of the most successful hotel group in the world.

At the same time, people didn''t give up looking for the legendary Shangri-La. Up to the end of this century, they finally have found.

After inspecting and proving on many aspects, people found that Diqing Prefecture, the only Tibetan region in Yunnan, China, has striking similarity with what''s described in the tale regarding either on natural scenery or people''s way of living. Therefore, the name of "DiqingǎShangri-La" spreads worldwide.

Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed " Aerial Garden " for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and plants.

Renowned as a huge natural zoo, Xishuangbanna''s rain forest and monsoon jungles provide a habitat for nearly 1000 species of animals. Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering.

Thirteen species of wild life enjoy state protection, including loris, the gibbons, the red-necked cranes, the brown-neck horn-bills, and the green peacocks, which to the Dai people are a symbol of peace, happiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to shame. The region has 5,000 kinds of plants or about one-sixth of the total in China. This has earned it the renown and sobriquet " The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants ".

Among these are such fascinating ones as the " color-changing flower " whose colors change three times daily and the "dancing herb " whose leaves rotate gently. Then there is " mysterious fruit " which reverse tastes, turning sour to sweet.

Species of trees that go back a million years are still propagating themselves. The " King of Tea Trees ," which authorities say is at least 800 years old, continues to sprout, adding extraordinary splendor to the homeland of the famous Pu''er tea. In Xishuangbanna, there is a saying: "Even a single tree can make a forest and an old stalk can blossom and beat fruit ."


1. Xishuangbanna 西双版纳

2. Aerial Garden 空中花园

3. Pu''er tea 普洱茶

355 评论


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