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2009 年河南省普通高等学校选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语题号一 二 三 四 五 六 总分分值 40 40 20 10 20 20 150注意事项:答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考场号、座位号、考生号涂写在答题卡上。本试卷的试题答案应答在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。Part I Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there arefour choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence,and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. Julie spent one month _________ her term paper on Chinese poems.A. to write B. and wrote C. written D. writing2. I was so________the night before my examination that I could not sleep.A. worrying B. tired C. happy D. nervous3. Whether you learn or not is entirely ________ you.A. up to B. as to C. about to D. due to4. I finally________ to study much harder in the future.A. prepared B. made up my mindC. worked out D. made out5. The old couple decided to________ a boy though they had three of their own.A. adapt B. bring C. receive D. adopt6. The teacher insisted that we________ our homework before 9:00 o’clockA. finished B. had finishedC. finish D. was finishing7. The little girl showed the policeman the corner ________she was knocked off herbike.A. and B. whichC. that D. where8. The garden requires________.A. watering B. being wateredC. to water D. having watered9. Is this the house________ Shakespeare was born?A. which B. in that C. in which D. at which公共英语试卷第 1 页(共 10 页)10. ________ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.A. Anyone B. The personC. Whoever D. Who11. The population of the world is growing at a dangerous________.A. pace B. measure C. progress D. rate12. You________ not have seen her yesterday, for she was abroad.A. must B. should C. could D. would13. Alice trusts you; only you can________ her to give up the foolish idea.A. suggest B. attract C. tempt D. persuade14. When Mary paid the bill she was given a ________ for her money.A. cheque B. receipt C. ticket D. label15. It was at the music hall________we met each other for the first time.A. when B. where C. which D. that16. They found the lecture hard________.A. to understand B. to be understandC. being understood D. understood17. It is no use________me not to worry about his injury.A. for you to tell B. your tellingC. you tell D. having told18. You must walk slowly if you want the children to________you.A. put up with B. come up withC. keep up with D. go on with19. Little John caught a ________fish this morning.A. alive B. alone C. lonely D. living20. ________finished his work, he had to stay at home at the weekend.A. Having not been B. Being notC. Not having D. Having not21. I took the medicine, but it didn’t have any________ on me.A. effect B. relation C. touch D. affect22. The age of the students in this class________ from eighteen to twenty.A. changes B. ranges C. alters D. limits23. It would be ________ a risk to let the child go to school by himself.A. following B. passing C. running D. carrying24. He ________ a knowledge of this language by careful study.A. acquired B. required C. inquired D. requested25. We develop trade with that company for our shared________.A. honour B. reward C. benefit D. prize26. If you take this medicine twice a day, it should ________ your cold.A. heal B. cure C. treat D. recover27. We object________ punishing a whole group for one person’s fault.A. against B. about C. to D. for28. She has fallen in love with Jack, ________ I find hard to imagine.A. who B. that C. whom D. which29. Are you going downtown this afternoon? I am going to have these letters________.A. mailed B. mail C. to mail D. mailing公共英语试卷第 2 页(共 10 页)30. , everything would have been all right.A. He had been there B. Been here he hadC. Here he had been D. Had he been here31. _________, water resources have been severely wasted or polluted.A. They are scarce B. Scarce they areC. Scarce as they are D. As scarce they are32. from space, our earth, with water covering70% of its surface, appearsas a “blue planet”.A. Seen B. SeeingC. To be seen D. Having seen33. He’ll never succeed in passing the CET-6, _________ hard he tries.A. however B. whatever C. despite D. though34. Her face is_________ to me, but I can’t remember where I saw her.A. similar B. friendly C. alike D. familiar35. You’ll have to book the tickets for the holiday in_________.A. front B. advance C. ahead D. forward36. Children who are overprotected by their parents may become_________.A. hurt B. spoiled C. damaged D. harmed37. Kids are very curious_________.A. at heart B. in person C. by nature D. on purpose38. He has made another wonderful discovery, _________of great importance toscience and man.A. which I think is B. which I think it isC. of which I think it is D. I think which is39. My daughter and I took a _________ tour around New York City.A. two day B. two day’s C. two-days D. two-day40. Your brother is very tall. What is his exact________?A. size B. length C. height D. breadthPart II Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by somequestions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are 4 choices markedA, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice, and mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneA wealthy Persian Prince loved good stories. The older he grew,the fonder he becameof them. But he always regretted they had to have an end. So he decided to give half hiswealth and his beautiful daughter to the man who could tell him a story without an end.Anybody who failed would be sent to prison for life. The risk was so great that nobody came公共英语试卷第 3 页(共 10 页)to the palace to tell the Prince a story for a whole year. Then one day a tall, handsome youngman came and said he wanted to tell a story that would go on forever. The prince agreed butwarned him what would happen if he failed. “The risk is worth the head of your fairdaughter, ” the young man replied poetically(得体地). He then began this well-knownstory:“Once upon a time there was a certain King who feared famine. So he ordered his mento build an enormous storehouse, which he filled with corn. Then, when it was up, madewater-proof and made fire-proof, the King felt happy. But one day he noticed a small hole inthe roof and as he looked at it, a locust came out with a grain of corn. A minute later, anotherlocust came out with another grain of corn. Then a third locust with another grain of corn.Then a fourth locust, flying at great speed, pushed through the hole and came out with twograins of corn. Then a fifth locust came and …”“Stop” shouted the Prince. “I can’t,” answered the young man. “I must go on until I tellyou what happened to each grain of the corn.” “But that will go on for ever.” The Princeprotested. “Exactly” the young man replied, and he smiled as he turned towards the Prince’sbeautiful young daughter.41. The Prince always felt regretted about story because _________.A. he had too much wealthB. there was terrible famineC. all stories have endsD. there was no story-teller42. The young man risked to tell an endless story to the Prince for _________.A. a great sumB. the prince’s beautiful daughterC. showing his braveryD. Both A and C43. The young man would be sent to prison _________ if he failed to tell a story without anend.A. foreverB. for some timeC. for a whileD. for a year44.In order to prevent famine, the King asked to build _________.A. a huge storehouseB. a large farmC. a beautiful palaceD. a waterproof kitchen45. The thing the king noticed first in the roof was _________.A. a loafB. a small hole公共英语试卷第 4 页(共 10 页)

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河南专升本美术类考什么?为了帮助考生能考上理想院校,考生在参加考试之前先了解河南专升本考试科目。下面给考生整理了河南专升本美术专业考试科目,考生可先来做一个参考。 河南专升本美术类考什么? 河南专升本美术类考试科目分为文化考试和专业考试两部分,具体情况如下: 第一部分:文化考试 6月7号上午9:00-11:30 英语。跟普通高考时间相同。 考生文化成绩及分数线随普通高考成绩及分数线(6月24日)一并公布。 第二部分:专业考试 美术专业考试科目为素描和色彩(各占 50%),满分为150分。 素描:头像(照片或默写)。色彩:静物(照片或默写)。 从开始,考试时间与当年高考美术省统考时间相同。 是在12月17日。地点为各地市的招办所在地。 是在12月16日。地点为各地市的招办所在地。 考试题目: 3/4头像,有眼镜,有胡子。 色彩:照片,醋一壶,辣椒酱一瓶,小酱油壶一把,菜板一块,瓷盘一只,黄花鱼一条,黄瓜两根,冬笋一根,香菇5个,白色衬布一块。 3/4头像。 色彩:照片,大瓶可乐一瓶,听装可口可乐一罐,苹果两个,豆瓣酱一桶,高脚杯一个,白瓷盘一个,面包三片,水果刀一把,香蕉两个,桔子两个,衬布两块。 正面 色彩:一个深色罐子,白菜,两根黄瓜,三个西红柿,两块衬布 妇女头像 色彩:一个深色瓷罐,一个竹筐,两个苹果,三个香蕉,两个桔子,两块衬布 色彩:香蕉,竹篮,苹果,包括一个深色陶瓷罐子抹布 色彩:蔬菜组合,包括一个深色陶瓷罐子,一颗白菜,三个红辣椒,三根大葱,加一个白色抹布和一个蓝色抹布。 色彩:一个陶瓷罐,一个橙汁饮料,三个苹果,两个橘子,一个玻璃杯,一块衬布自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

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  • 河南专升本美术考题


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  • 河南省自考学位模拟考试

    2023年4月 2023年河南自考学位 英语考试时间预计2023年4月,报名时间预计2023年3月份。 自考学位英语一年可以报考两次,上半年报名集中在3月份,考

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  • 河南省自考学位模拟考试官网入口

    河南省自考在河南省高等教育自学考试考生服务平台报名,网址为河南省高等教育自学考试考生服务平台-首页。 从2014年起,高等教育自学考试考生申请本科毕业,须交验在

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  • 河南省自考学位模拟考试官网查询

    1、登陆河南招生考试信息网(),点击“信息查询”栏目进入“自学考试”中的“当次成绩查询”,按要求输入信息即可查询考试成绩。 2、登陆河南省招生办公室网站(),点

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  • 河南省自考学位模拟考试时间安排

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