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Well done and congratulations to Thanks very I hope you‘ll succeed in So do I wish you Thank We send you our best Thank you very Happy new year !- Happy new year! (The same to you.) A merry Christmas to Thank I hope you‘ll have a good Thank Happy birthday!- Thank

234 评论


分了3个人,讲了3个人的不同观点和做法。 作为参考。 A : Hey, pal James, you are in a rush, what's up? Today is Saturday, no classes .(你好,詹姆斯,你这么匆忙,怎么了?今天可是周六,没有课呢!)B: I just find a part-time job as a sales woman in 's about 15minutes' ride, so I have to hurry. (我在中国移动找了份兼职销售员的工作,骑车要15分钟呢, 所以我得快点。)C:Hi, James, are you ready? we can go together, I attend a financial course this term. It's really hard for us these years,more and more unemployment of graduates makes me so worried about my future. (你好,詹姆斯,你好了吗?咱们可以一块出去呢。 我这个学期报了一个金融课程。 我们这几年可真难呀, 越来越多的毕业生失业问题,让我对自己的将来感到很担心。)A:I don't agree,John. If we are good at our major, we can find good job in future, don't worry, friends. (我不同意,约翰。如果我们专业学好了,我们将来能找到好的工作的, 不要担心,朋友们。 )B: I don't think so. John was right. And I am anxious about finding no good job, too. That's why I choose to find this job. I learn a lot from on-the-job training there, and we can not learn from our class. (我不这么认为。 约翰是对的。 我也担心找不到好的工作。 这就是为什么我找了现在这么工作的原因。 员工训练上我学到了很多的东西, 我们在课堂上学不到的东西。 )C:That sounds great! Taking this extra class also widen my eyesight and I find maybe i will find a job in field of finance instead of English. (听起来不错呢。 上这个额外的课程我也学到了很多东西, 以后我说不定要找一份金融方面的工作,不做英语方面的工作呢。 )A: Ok, I insist on learning our major first, but it's better if you can get on-job-training, minor degrees based on your good command of your own major. So, good luck, friends. I am going to the libary to study English now. (好啦,我还是坚持要学好专业。 不过在专业学好的基础上,得到职业训练和多学位也是好事。 祝你们好运,我也去图书馆学习英语去了。)

334 评论


Create a dialogue with your partners. Inthe dialogue you should present your respective views towards the phenomenonand corresponding reasons. You have about 4 minutes to present your it becoming more common for jobseekers to take positions unrelated to their college majors, both students andgraduates are taking advantage of on-the-job training, internships and theirminor degrees in order to get ahead in the workplace. And many are findingfollowing an alternative career path can be just as fun and rewarding with theright attitude and preparation.

352 评论


A: What do you think about 50 years latter the world will be?B: It is really hard to tell. NO one can tell the : Come on! Use a little bit imagination!B: I think after a lot of new technology invented We will have a more convenient life. and perhaps human beings can live a prolong life .A: Yes but look around the pollution is everywhere. I think in the next 50 years there will be wars even nuclear war。We will ruin this planet by our own : That is so bad. New technologies always company with pollution. It is really terrified me. I made my mind that i won't use plastic bags any more!A: Good for you. If you can keep doing it .I will follow!B: You can count on me!

164 评论


其实对话都不难的,只是你平时很少说而已的学英语就是要多说Don't afraid of losing your face建议找个英语角,固定的环境能让你提高迅速如果有条件可以像我一样找个老外教你我个人比较喜欢这种Face to Face的若你还没决定,不妨看下我这家!

212 评论


A: How have you been? It had been quite some time since we last met. B: I am fine thank you. Let me introduce to you. This is my classmate, C . A: Nice to meet you C. I am A. I'm a psychology student. C: Nice to meet you too A. B: Our exam is over. How about yours? A: Today is the last day of my final exam. C: This means all three of us are having holiday from now onwards. A: Yes. Do both of you have any plans for your holidays? B: I'm planning to go travelling. Since my holiday is three weeks long. C: Where is your travel destination? B: sister and her family lives will be staying in their house. A: It is very convenient then. I heard the accomodation there is very expansive. Since your sister is there then you don't need to worry much. C: I am planning to get a part time job. A: Have you found one? C: Yes. I am thinking to work in my brother's company. They are currently in need of a temporary can fill in the vacancy. B: That is very lucky of you. Most people will face difficulties in getting a part time job. C: So how about you A? What is your holiday plan? A: Just like B, I am planning to go for a trip but I have not decide on which country to visit. B: What do you have in mind? A: I was thinking about Thailand or Korea. C: Well both places are interesting. A: Yes I think so too. That is the reason why I have not make up my decision yet. B: I've got to go now. See you soon then. C: See you. A: Bye. Take care.

311 评论


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