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第一章总则第一条为保证药品临床试验过程规范,结果科学可靠,保护受试者的权益并保障其安全,根据《中华人民共和国药品管理法》,参照国际公认原则,制定本规范。第二条药品临床试验管理规范是临床试验全过程的标准规定,包括方案设计、组织、实施、监查、稽查、记录、分析总结和报告。第三条凡药品进行各期临床试验,包括人体生物利用度或生物等效性试验,均须按本规范执行。第二章临床试验前的准备与必要条件第四条所有以人为对象的研究必须符合《赫尔辛基宣言》(附录1)和国际医学科学组织委员会颁布的《人体生物医学研究国际道德指南》的道德原则,即公正、尊重人格、力求使受试者最大程度受益和尽可能避免伤害。参加临床试验的各方都必须充分了解和遵循这些原则, 并遵守中国有关药品管理的法律法规。第五条进行药品临床试验必须有充分的科学依据。准备在人体进行试验前,必须周密考虑该试验的目的,要解决的问题,预期的治疗效果及可能产生的危害,预期的受益应超过可能出现的损害。选择临床试验方法必须符合科学和伦理标准。第六条临床试验用药品由申办者准备和提供。进行临床试验前,申办者必须提供该试验用药品的临床前研究资料,包括处方组成、制造工艺和质量检验结果。所提供的药学、临床前和已有的临床数据资料必须符合开始进行相应各期临床试验的要求,同时还应提供该试验用药品已完成和其它地区正在进行与临床试验有关的疗效和安全性资料,以证明该试验用药品可用于临床研究,为其安全性和临床应用的可能性提供充分依据。第七条开展临床试验单位的设施与条件必须符合安全有效地进行临床试验的需要。所有研究者都应具备承担该项临床试验的专业特长、资格和能力,并经过药品临床试验管理规范培训。临床试验开始前,研究者和申办者应就试验方案、试验的监查、稽查和标准操作规程以及试验中的职责分工等达成书面协议。第三章受试者的权益保障第八条在药品临床试验的过程中,必须对受试者的个人权益给予充分的保障,并确保试验的科学性和可靠性。伦理委员会与知情同意书是保障受试者权益的主要措施。第九条为确保临床试验中受试者的权益并为之提供公众保证,应在参加临床试验的医疗机构内成立伦理委员会。伦理委员会应有从事非医药相关专业的工作者、法律专家及来自其他单位的委员,至少由五人组成,并有不同性别的委员。伦理委员会的组成和工作应相对独立,不受任何参与试验者的影响。第十条临床试验开始前,试验方案需经伦理委员会审议同意并签署批准意见后方能实施。在试验进行期间,试验方案的任何修改均应经伦理委员会批准后方能执行;试验中发生任何严重不良事件,均应向伦理委员会报告。第十一条伦理委员会对临床试验方案的审查意见应在讨论后以投票方式作出决定,委员中参与临床试验者不投票。因工作需要可邀请非委员的专家出席会议,但非委员专家不投票。伦理委员会应建立其工作程序,所有会议及其决议均应有书面记录,记录保存至临床试验结束后五年。第十二条伦理委员会应从保障受试者权益的角度严格按下列各点审议试验方案:(一)研究者的资格、经验、是否有充分的时间参加审议中的临床试验,人员配备及设备条件等是否符合试验要求。(二)试验方案是否适当,包括研究目的、受试者及其他人员可能遭受的风险和受益及试验设计的科学性。(三)受试者入选的方法、向受试者或其家属或监护人或法定代理人提供有关本试验的信息资料是否完整易懂、获取知情同意书的方法是否适当。(四)受试者因参加临床试验而受到损害甚至发生死亡时,给予治疗或保险措施。(五)对试验方案提出的修正意见是否可接受。(六)定期审查临床试验进行中受试者的风险程度。第十三条伦理委员会应在接到申请后尽早召开会议,审阅讨论,签发书面意见,并附上出席会议的委员名单、其专业情况及本人签名。伦理委员会的意见可以是:(一)同意。(二)作必要的修正后同意。(三)不同意。(四)终止或暂停已批准的试验。第十四条研究者或其指定的代表必须向受试者说明有关临床试验的详细情况:(一)受试者参加试验应是自愿的,而且在试验的任何阶段有权随时退出试验而不会遭到歧视或报复,其医疗待遇与权益不受影响。(二)必须使受试者了解,参加试验及在试验中的个人资料均属保密。伦理委员会、药品监督管理部门或申办者在工作需要时,按规定可以查阅参加试验的受试者资料。(三)试验目的、试验的过程与期限、检查操作、受试者预期可能的受益和可能发生的风险与不便,告知受试者可能被分配到试验的不同组别。(四)试验期间,受试者可随时了解与其有关的信息资料。必须给受试者充分的时间以便考虑是否愿意参加。对无能力表达同意的受试者,应向其法定代理人提供上述介绍与说明。知情同意的说明过程应采用受试者或其合法代表能理解的语言和文字。(五)如发生与试验相关的损害时,受试者可以获得治疗和适当的保险补偿。

284 评论


Part 1: Introduction to Good Clinical Practice (GCP)  Part 2: Good Clinical Practice Guidelines Part 3: Other Federal Regulations  Part 4: Summary of Key Points Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical and scientific standard for conducting biomedical and behavioral research involving human participants. The objective of this guideline is to provide a unified standard across the European Union (EU), Japan, the United States, Canada, and Switzerland to facilitate the mutual acceptance of data from clinical trials by Regulatory Authorities. 良好的临床实践(GCP)是一种涉及人类参与者的生物医学和行为研究的 国际道德和科学标准。 本指南的目的是提供欧盟(欧盟),日本,美国,加拿大和瑞士的统一标准,以促进监管机构的临床试验中的数据相互接受。 The current system of Good Clinical Practice has evolved, in part, in response to revelations of past episodes in which research participants were grossly abused. Exposure of these incidents provided much of the momentum for the development of regulations and ethical guidelines on the protection of human research participants. 目前良好的临床实践体系的发展,部分是为了应对过去研究参与者被严重虐待的事件。这些事件的曝光为制定保护人类研究参与者的法规和道德准则提供了很大动力。This training is important for all staff involved in Clinical Research and ensures an understanding of the principles adopted in research. 这项培训对参与临床研究的所有工作人员非常重要,并确保了解研究中通过的原则。  · GCP is widely accepted and expected in all research involving human participants.  · GCP is not specific to a protocol, but rather is general and applicable to all protocols.  · GCP在所有涉及人类参与者的研究中被广泛接受和期望。  · GCP并非特定于某一协议,而是通用的,适用于所有协议。 Anyone directly involved in the design or conduct, oversight, or management of research involving human participants, including research site staff, back-up staff, contractors, subcontractors, and consultants who perform key study functions, should complete the GCP training. Non-study staff at the research site who provide standard care or other non-study related services should be encouraged to complete the GCP training, but they are not required to do so. 任何直接参与设计或进行、监督或管理涉及人类参与者的 研究的人员 ,包括 研究现场工作人员 、 后备人员 、 承包商 、 分包商  和 履行关键研究职能的顾问 ,应完成GCP培训。应鼓励研究现场提供标准护理或其他非研究相关服务的 非研究人员  完成GCP培训,但不要求他们完成。 The course is self-paced and takes approximately 4-6 hours to complete. Completion of the course is required every three years for NIH-affiliated staff to ensure that all researchers stay informed of developments regarding GCP, such as changes in federal regulations concerning the protection of vulnerable research participants , electronic data, or privacy protections . Others are encouraged to consult and comply with their institutional, regulatory, and other oversight committee guidelines for recertification requirements. 课程自行安排,大约需要4-6小时完成。NIH附属人员每三年必须完成一次课程,以确保所有研究人员随时了解GCP的发展情况,如联邦法规中关于 保护弱势研究参与者 、 电子数据或隐私保护  的变化。我们鼓励其他人咨询和遵守其制度,监管和其他监督委员会的 重新认证  要求。The Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines were prepared in association with the International Council for Harmonization (ICH). Consolidating many of the same principles set out in earlier codes of medical ethics, the GCP guidelines provide a framework for the fair, scientifically sound conduct of research studies involving human participants. The ICH GCP (R1) guidelines, dated June 10, 1996, were published in the . Federal Register in 1997 and revised to version R2 on November 9, 2016. These guidelines apply to all research involving human research participants. 良好临床实践(GCP)指南是与国际协调理事会(ICH)联合制定的。GCP指南综合了早期医疗道德规范中规定的许多相同原则,为公平、科学合理地开展涉及人类参与者的研究提供了框架。1996年6月10日发布的ICH GCP(R1)指南于1997年在《美国联邦公报》上公布,并于2016年11月9日修订为R2版。这些指南适用于所有涉及人类研究参与者的研究。 The purpose of the ICH GCP guidelines is twofold: · To ensure that the rights, safety, and confidentiality of participants in clinical trials are protected.  · To ensure that the data collected in clinical trials, as well as the reported results of clinical trials, are accurate and credible. ICH GCP指南的目的有两个: · 确保临床试验参与者的权利、安全和保密受到保护。  · 确保临床试验中收集的数据以及报告的临床试验结果准确可信。 The principles in this guideline may be applied to all clinical investigations involving human participants, such as those involving an investigational product, a marketed drug, a medical device, or a behavioral intervention. 本指南中的原则可适用于所有涉及人类参与者的临床研究,如涉及研究产品、上市药物、医疗器械或行为干预的临床研究。The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the codification (systematic arrangement) of rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the . Government. The principles of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) are codified in several sections, or titles, of the CFR. Noncompliance with these regulations may result in suspension of a research study as well as fines and penalties. 《联邦法规法典》(CFR)是美国政府行政部门和机构在《联邦公报》中公布的规则的编纂(系统安排)。良好临床实践原则(GCP)编入CFR的几个章节或标题中。不遵守这些规定可能导致研究暂停以及罚款和处罚。Researchers and clinicians participating in clinical trials need to be familiar, at a minimum, with the following sections of the CFR, which are directly relevant to research involving human participants: 参与临床试验的研究人员和临床医生至少需要熟悉CFR的以下章节,这些章节与涉及人类参与者的研究直接相关: [21 CFR 11] This section regulates the handling of electronic data and electronic signatures when an Electronic Data Capture system is used. It is enforced by the . Food and Drug Administration (FDA). For more information on 21 CFR 11, click here . 【21 CFR 11】本节规定了使用 电子数据采集系统时电子数据和电子签名的处理 。它由美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)强制执行。有关21 CFR 11的更多信息,请单击 此处 。 [21 CFR 50] This section, enforced by the FDA, regulates the informed consent process, setting out the elements of informed consent, exceptions from the general requirements, and other related information. (See related material from the Informed Consent module.) For more information on 21 CFR 50, click here . 【21 CFR 50】本节由FDA强制执行,规定了 知情同意 程序,规定了知情同意的要素、一般要求的例外情况以及其他相关信息。(参见知情同意模块中的相关材料)有关21 CFR 50的更多信息,请单击 此处 。 [21 CFR 54]  This section, enforced by the FDA, regulates investigator conflicts of interest. For more information on 21 CFR 54, click here . 【21 CFR 54】本节由FDA强制执行,规范 调查人员的利益冲突 。更多关于21 CFR 54的信息,请点击 这里 。 [21 CFR 56] This section, enforced by the FDA, regulates the membership, responsibilities, and operations of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). (See related material from the Institutional Review Boards module.) For more information on 21 CFR 56, click here . 【21 CFR 56】本节由FDA强制执行,规定了 机构审查委员会(IRB)的成员、职责和运作 。(参见机构审查委员会模块中的相关材料)有关21 CFR 56的更多信息,请单击 此处 。 [21 CFR 312] This section, enforced by the FDA, regulates the conduct of studies involving the use of Investigational New Drugs. (See related material from the Investigational New Drugs module.)For more information on 21 CFR 312, click here . 【21 CFR 312】本节由FDA强制执行,规定了涉及使用 试验新药的研究行为 。(参见研究新药模块的相关资料)有关21 CFR 312的更多信息,请单击 此处 。 [21 CFR 314] This section, enforced by the FDA, regulates the application procedure for approval of new drugs. For more information on 21 CFR 314, click here . 【21 CFR 314】本节由FDA强制执行,规定了 新药批准的申请程序 。有关21 CFR 314的更多信息,请单击 此处 。 [42 CFR 2 and 42 CFR 2a] These are the confidentiality regulations, which fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Section 2 deals with the confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records. Section 2a deals with the protection of research participants' identity. (See related material from the Confidentiality and Privacy module.) For more information on 42 CFR 2 and 42 CFR 2a, click  here . 【42 CFR 2和42 CFR 2a】这些是属于卫生和公共服务部(DHHS)管辖的 保密条例 。第2节涉及 酒精和药物滥用患者记录的保密性 。第2a节涉及 研究参与者身份的保护 。(请参阅保密和隐私模块中的相关资料)有关42 CFR 2和42 CFR 2a的更多信息,请单击 此处 。 [45 CFR 46] This regulation also governs Institutional Review Board (IRB) membership, functions, and operations. In addition, it includes the general requirements for informed consent and codifies additional protections for vulnerable participants. Subpart A of this regulation is also known as the Common Rule. which has recently undergone revision and will be effective in 2018. Subparts B, C, and D include provisions for pregnant women, children, and prisoners in research studies. It is enforced by the DHHS Office for Human Research Protections . For more information on 45 CFR 46, click here . 【45 CFR 46】本法规也适用于 机构审查委员会(IRB)的成员、职能和运作 。此外,它还包括 知情同意的一般要求 ,并为 弱势参与者 制定了额外的保护措施。本法规的子部分A也称为 通用规则 。最近进行了修订,将于2018年生效。B、C和D子部分包括研究中针对 孕妇 、 儿童 和 囚犯 的规定。它由DHHS 人类研究保护办公室 执行。有关45 CFR 46的更多信息,请单击 此处 。 [45 CFR 160 and 45 CFR 164] These are the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rules, which are enforced by the DHHS Office of Civil Rights . 【45 CFR 160和45 CFR 164】这些是 健康保险携带和责任法案 (HIPAA) 隐私规则, 由DHHS 民权办公室 执行。Research that involves the use of controlled substances must comply with . Drug Enforcement Administration regulations ( 21 CFR 1300 ). 涉及使用 受管制物质 的研究必须符合美国药品管理局(DEA)条例(21 CFR 1300)。 In addition to the Office of the Commissioner, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees scientific activities in four areas. These areas include Medical Products and Tobacco, Foods and Veterinary Medicine, Global Regulatory Operations and Policy, and Operations. Scientific investigations involving drugs are subject to FDA regulations. In addition to regulating the use of investigational new drugs (21 CFR 312) and marketing of drug (21 CFR 314) mentioned in Part 3 of this module, FDA regulations apply to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), such as: 除局长办公室外(OC),食品和药物管理局(FDA)还监督四个领域的科学活动。这些领域包括 医疗产品 和 烟草 、 食品和兽医 、 全球监管和政策以及运营 。涉及药物的科学调查受FDA规定的约束。除了规范本单元第3部分中提到的试验新药(21 CFR 312)的使用和药物的营销(21 CFR 314),FDA法规还适用于良好生产规范(GMP),例如: [ 21 CFR 210 ] Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Processing, Packing, or Holding of Drugs;  【21 CFR 210】制造、加工、包装或贮存药物的现行优良制造规范; [ 21 CFR 211 ] Current Good Manufacturing Practice for Finished Pharmaceuticals. 【21 CFR 211】成品药品的现行良好生产规范。 Another Federal law is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule and HIPAA Security Rule, which protects the privacy of research participants and their personal health information. (HIPAA is discussed in more detail in the Confidentiality & Privacy module, Part 8). 另一项联邦法律是《健康保险可携带性和责任法案》(HIPAA) 隐私规则 和HIPAA 安全规则 ,保护研究参与者及其个人健康信息的隐私。(HIPAA在保密和隐私模块第8部分中有更详细的讨论)。 NIH policies regulate grant management. For more information on the NIH Grants Policy, reference the website  here . 美国国家卫生研究院的政策规范了补助金的管理。更多关于国家卫生研究院补助金政策的信息,请参考网站。Countries, states, cities, and institutions may implement additional policies for the protection of human participants. These policies may impose requirements more stringent than those set down in federal regulations. Where more stringent local policies on human participant protection have been enacted, researchers must ensure at all times that their studies are designed and conducted in a manner that complies with both local and federal requirements. 国家、州、城市和机构可以实施额外的政策来保护人类参与者。这些政策可能会提出比联邦法规更严格的要求。如果制定了更严格的当地人类参与者保护政策,研究人员必须始终确保其研究的设计和实施符合当地和联邦要求。Ⅰ. Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical and scientific standard for the design, conduct, performance, monitoring, auditing, recording, analysis, and reporting of clinical trials. This standard provides assurance that: i. The rights, safety, well-being, and confidentiality of trial participants are protected. ii. The data collected in clinical trials as well as the reported results of clinical trials are credible and accurate. 1、良好临床实践(GCP)是临床试验设计、实施、绩效、监测、审计、记录、分析和报告的国际伦理和科学标准。本标准保证: (1)试验参与者的权利、安全、福利和保密性受到保护。 (2)临床试验中收集的数据以及临床试验报告的结果是可信和准确的。 Ⅱ、The current system of Good Clinical Practice has evolved, in part, in response to revelations of past episodes in which research participants were grossly abused. 2、目前的良好临床实践体系的发展,在某种程度上是为了应对过去研究参与者受到严重虐待的事件。 Ⅲ、The Good Clinical Practice guidelines provide a framework for the fair, scientifically sound conduct of research studies involving human participants. Therefore, all trials should be conducted according to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and all research staff should be trained and remain current in GCP. 3、《良好临床实践指南》为公平、科学合理地开展涉及人类参与者的研究提供了框架。因此,所有试验都应按照良好临床实践(GCP)进行,所有研究人员都应接受培训,并保持GCP的最新状态。 Ⅳ、All key personnel who submit applications to the National Institutes of Health for competing or noncompeting projects that involve human research participants must receive training in the protection of human research participants. 4、向国家卫生研究院提交涉及人类研究参与者的竞争性或非竞争性项目申请的所有关键人员,必须接受保护人类研究参与者的培训。 Ⅴ、The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the codification (systematic arrangement) of rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the . Government. The principles of Good Clinical Practice are codified in several sections, or titles, of the CFR. Noncompliance with these regulations may result in suspension of a research study as well as fines and penalties. 5、《联邦法规法典》(CFR)是美国政府行政部门和机构在《联邦公报》中公布的规则的编纂(系统安排)。良好临床实践的原则在CFR的几个章节或标题中进行了编码。不遵守这些规定可能导致研究暂停以及罚款和处罚。 Ⅵ、Countries, states, cities, and institutions may implement additional policies for the protection of human participants. These policies may impose requirements more stringent than those set down in federal regulations. Where more stringent local policies on human participant protection have been enacted, researchers must ensure at all times that their studies are designed and conducted in a manner that complies with both local and federal requirements. 6、国家、州、城市和机构可以实施额外的政策来保护人类参与者。这些政策可能会提出比联邦法规更严格的要求。如果制定了更严格的当地人类参与者保护政策,研究人员必须始终确保其研究的设计和实施符合当地和联邦要求。

232 评论


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