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Academic year:组成学年的单位,如:学期、学季等。

Academic advisor:由学校中之教授或职员担任,帮助学生学业问题之顾问。



Advanced placement:申请美国大学时,可经由考试或转学分(transfer credit)而直接进入大一、 大二、大三或大四。

Advanced standing:同Advanced placement。

Associate degree:副学士学位。为高中毕业后所上的两年制社区大学(Community College)或两年制学院(Two-year College)所发给的学位。



Bachelor's degree: 学士学位。由四年制大学毕业所取得的学位。

Baccalaureate degree: 学士学位。由四年制大学毕业所取得的学位。

Bursar: 学校之财务及会计部门。

Bulletin: 布告、公告。通常学校课程介绍目录也叫bulletin.


Campus: 校园,校区

Candidate notification date: 学校公布其对于学生申请结果的决定的日期。

Candidate reply date: 回函期限。大部份学校会指定的一个日期,此日之前学生必须通知学校是否要入学。

College catalog: 学校介绍目录。

Community college: 两年制的社区大学。

Competitiveness: 学校的竞争性;越有竞争性的学校代表申请的困难度越高。

Conditional Admission: 即条件式入学;有些学校会给条件不合(通常是英文能力未达标准)的学生条件式许可,待其修完所需之课程始可正式开始修学位。

Cooperative Education Plan: 建教合作计划;学生可一边上学一边从事相关工作, 或是课程、工作轮流,或是课程、工作同时进行。一般这类计划要花五年取得学士学位。然因移民局之规订,所以外国学生较少有这类机会。

Core Course: 是取得大学学位之必修通识科目,只有少数学校无此要求。通常必修科目分三大类:自然、社会、和人文科学,在毕业前每大类需修满一定的学分数,一般多半在大一或大二修这类的课程。

Credit或Credit Hour或unit:学分。

Curriculum vitae 或vitae 或 CV: 将自己的学历、研究经验、专业经验等总合起来以有结构的方式呈现出来,和履历表类似。此表等于学术界使用的履历表。


Dean: 学院院长。

Degree: 学位。

Deferred Admission: 延迟入学:准许学生在被接受后延迟一定时间入学,例如延后一年。

Dissertation: 论文,一般指博士论文。

Distribution Requirement: 同Core Course。

Doctorate 或 Doctoral Degree:博士学位。

Dormitories 或Dorm:宿舍。

Double Major:双主修;学生完成两个科目的主修的必修课。




Electives: 选修;可选本系或旁系、主修或非主修的课。

Enrollment deposit: 订金;有些学校会要求被接受的学生付保证金(不退还)以保留位置。



Fellowship:奖学金;提供学费,学校生活费给Full-time 学生。

Financial Aid:财力奖助;包括奖学金(发给成绩优良者),助学金(发给经济有所需者)……等等,其中含有:1.不需还的奖助金(grant, scholarship);2.贷款(loan),但极少给外国学生;3.校内的工作机会(work study)。每个学校申请奖助金的规定不同,大部份很少给外国学生,尤其是大学部的学生。


Foreign student Advisor:外国学生顾问;各学校中多有此部门,由专业人员给与外国学生学业或私人问题的辅导。


Full-time student:全时学生。至于要修多少学分以上才算全时学生,视各学校规定而异。


GPA(grade point average):即成绩点数与学分的加权平均值。

GPR(grade point ratio):同GPA (grade point average)

Graduate Management Admission Test(GMAT):由GMAC委员会委托美国教育测验服务社(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)举办的世界性测验,做为美国美国商学研究所的申请入学参考条件之一。大部份的美国商学研究所均会要求GMAT成绩。此测验包含计量(Quantitative)、语文(Verbal)及分析写作(Analytical Writing)二篇,提供学校评估申请者将来在商学研究所的学术表现。

Graduate Records Examination (GRE):由GRE委员会委托美国教育测验服务社(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS?#123;举办的世界性测验,做为美国各大学研究所或研究机构的申请入学参考条件之一。GRE测验分为普通测验(General Test和学科测验(Subject Tests)两种。普通测验是测量考生语文(Verbal)、计量(Quantitative)、和分析(Analytical)等三种能力,进而反映未来学术成就成功的可能性。

Graduate Study: 研究所;得到学士学位后,进入研究所求取硕士、博士学位之课程。

Graduate program: 研究所课程。


High School:高中。

Higher Education:高等教育。

Honors Program:荣誉课程;一个给优秀学生的特殊的学习机会。


Independent Study:独立研究;有一些课学生可独立研读,不需上团体课程或小组作业。基本上是学生与一位或数位指导老师,规划研读计划,定期向他们报告进展并在期末交一总报告以评分。

IAP-66: 美国州政府指定合格的教育交换学者资助机构所发给的文件,为J-1签证必备之证件。

International Student Advisor:见Foreign Student Advisor。




Immigration and Naturalization Service:美国移民局,简称INS。








Liberal arts courses:由人文、艺术、社会、自然科学等领域中选出的一些基本课程,做为根本的知识基础。






Master's Degree:硕士学位。






Open admission:开放式入学。也就是不管申请者条件如何都会给他入学许可。


Pass/fail grading system:一种以通过/不通过来计分的方式,有的学校全用此系统,有的则只用于某特别课程或学生。亦有以有学分/无学分来记录的。

Placement test:安置测验;学生到校后的程度考试,如果考的好可直接上较高的课程。



Quarter system:学季制,一学季长度约十二周,通常一学年会分为春、秋、冬三学季外加暑季。




Residency requirement:大部份学校规定学生需在校内修数个学期的课程(除独立研究和别校转来的学分外),才能毕业。另一意为要得到州民身份所需居住的年限。

Residence hall:即宿舍。

Rolling admission:先到先审制;以循环方式,入学申请没有一定的截止日期,申请资料随时寄到就随时开始审核。


Semester system:学期制,一学期长度约十五到十六周,通常一学年会分为春、秋两学期外加暑期。


Social security number:社会安全号码,简称SSN:最初目的是作为社会安全保险之用,但事实上不管考驾照,买保险或银行开户几乎到处都会用到,有些学校也会拿此号码作为学生证号码(student identification number),其重要性如同我们的身分证字号。外国学生到当地后可至相关机构办理。






Test of English as a Foreign Language 或TOEFL:也就是一般所称托福测验,为美国大学及研究所用来评量外国学生英文能力之考试。




Transfer student:转学生。以大学部而言,是指已经上了一学期到三年的大学课程,而欲转往另一所大学继续就读的学生。台湾的五专、二专和三专学生便是以转学生的身份申请进入美国大学。



Unit:与学分 (credit) 通用。

Undergraduate study:大学部课程。也就是高中毕业后所上的两年制或四年制的大学课程。

Upper-Division courses:通常指大三或大四上的进阶课程。

Upper-Division schools:提供学士学位中后二年课程的学校,但学生需先在别的学校完成前二年的课程。


Vocational school:职业学校

Vitae: 见curriculum vitae





Zip code:邮递区号

274 评论


“ 话术 ”Word operation"“ 话术 ”Word operation"

132 评论


留学顾问-overseas study consultant会计 - accounting

133 评论


都可以,不一样的地方的人说法都不一样recommendation letter更常用,感觉正式点reference letter我的几个美国老师也这么说过,感觉像口语,随便一点

142 评论


Shanghai Queer Psychology is a pioneer in the field of mental health services in China.  It is a professional institution  which  provides longterm  psychologicaln  English  counseling  s ervice for overseas clients and foreign students. The institution has long adhered to the service attitude of being trustworthy and professional,edicatingto create the special brand value and advocatinga new life style with healthy body and mind.    上海酷儿心理咨询中心,是中国心理健康服务行业的先驱者,也是国内从事 全程英语心理咨询服务,海外人员心理咨询、国外留学生心理服务 时间较长、经验丰富的专业机构,机构长期坚持用专业赢得信赖,用品质取得品牌的服务态度,提倡身心灵健康全新生活方式Life的小天地。Our Objective: To provide professional counseling services for overseas/English clients 为海外/英语人士,提供专业的心理咨询服务 Psychological counseling mode: full tracking counselling service by psychological expert 专家全程跟踪系统咨询 Shanghai Queer Psychological Counseling Center is committed to improve better quality of provide professional counselling services in both English and certified counselors have received professional education and have accumulated extensive clinical experiences. Providing spiritual counseling, psychoanalysis, family counseling, personal growth and other services, we are ready to listen to and inclusive all your a leading psychological service platform in China, Shanghai Queer Psychology has built a professional team of counselors. Our counselors come from divertive backgrounds, including counselors who graduated from top universities in China and counselors who have overseas experiences. Our team consists of more than 20 counselor, providing various psycho-counselling approaches: psychoanalysis, Satya family counseling, CBT, SFBT, etc.       上海酷儿心理咨询中心致力于提高人们的生活质量。我们可采用英语和中文为来访者提供专业咨询服务。我们经过认证的心理咨询师有着广泛的专业经验,并接受过良好的教育。提供心灵疏导、精神分析、家庭疏导、个人成长等服务。我们随时倾听、包容你的一切故事。        作为国内领先的心理服务平台,上海酷儿心理打造了专业的心理咨询师团队,包括毕业于全国顶级大学的心理咨询师,以及多位来自国外的心理学博士、硕士。我们的团队有超过20位心理咨询师,分别流派:精神分析、萨提亚家庭疏导、CBT行为认知、短焦技术等等。 1、Face-to-face counseling 2、Telephone and WeChat can be used for remote counseling only for clients who are not convenient to visit. 3、Personal counseling services. 1、面对面心理咨询 2、对于不便来访的来访者,可单纯采用电话、微信远程心理咨询。 3、提供私人心理顾问服务。 Principles of Psychological Counseling and Psychological Education 心理咨询,心理辅导的原则 principle of confidentiality for clients. principle of gradual and orderly progress, from concrete to general, from shallow to deep-step. counselor of Shanghai Queer Psychology must be sincere, enthusiastic, respectful and patient. We will use techniques of listening, empathy and other basic techniques of psychological ounseling.  1、为来访者保密原则。 2、循序渐进的原则,从具体到一般,从浅度向深度 —— 一步一步推进。 3、上海酷儿心理咨询中心心理咨询师必须具备:真诚、热情、尊重、耐心。以及需要运用倾听,共情等心理咨询的基本技术。 Our Mental Therapist 我们的咨询师 Queer Mental Therapist : Katherine Shang Katherine graduated from New York University with a Master degree in Clinical Social Work. Katherine gained her New York State Registered Social Work License after her graduation and started her career in New York for 5 years. She has worded in different field including crisis intervention, substance abuse, hospice care, and spent a lot of time working with families and children. Ke is multilingual and is capable of conduct her sessions in English/Chinese/Cantonese.   Major areas of expertise includes: CBT, crisis intervention, hospice and grief, immigration, couple and family, parent-child education, substance abuse. Professional style: Katherine is gentle and accepting, sincere and affectionate and shows great empathy. She listens to the inner needs of her clients, let them express their emotions safely. Katherine has an international perspective in multicultural context and is LGBTQ Friendly.酷儿心理咨询师——商珂Katherine      毕业于纽约大学社会工作硕士,获得纽约州注册社工执照,并有5年的海外咨询经验,多语言咨询(英文/中文/粤语)。可提供全程英语心理咨询。      主要擅长领域:CBT行为认知疗法,危机干预,悲痛疗愈,留学/移民/海归,婚姻家庭,亲子教育,成瘾障碍      咨询风格:温柔包容,真诚而亲和力十足,能很好地与来访者共情,聆听来访者内心诉求,让其安全的抒发情绪,并得到有的放矢的指引。有多文化背景下的国际视野,LGBTQ FriendlyQueer Mental Therapist: Chen Qinyi Qinyi, a, Queer Mental contract therapist, gained her Bachelor Degree in Psychology in Brandeis University, USA and her master degree in psychoanalysis theory from University College London, UK. Qinyi also attend an exchange program at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. Qinyi has extensive overseas experience and a well-established understanding of different cultures. She has accumulate face-to-face session time of 300 hours and telephone session time of 100 hours. She is capable to conduct mental health therapy in English. Major areas of expertise include: young adult counseling, couple and family therapy, emotion intervention. Professional style: Qinyi is good at listening. She is gentle and affinity. She is very verbal and her background has enriched her understanding of the latest development and progress in clinical psychology. 酷儿心理咨询师——陈沁宜      酷儿心理签约咨询师,本科毕业于美国布兰戴斯大学 Brandeis University,获得心理学学士。研究生毕业于英国伦敦大学学院 University College London,获得精神分析理论硕士学位,也在日本东京早稻田大学交换学习,海外经历丰富,充分了解不同国家的文化。面询时数累计300小时,电话时数累计100小时。可提供全程英语心理咨询。       主要擅长领域:青少年大学生咨询、恋爱情感、情绪焦虑、婚恋家庭       咨询风格:表达能力优秀,海外经验丰富,了解学科最前沿发展与进展,与国际接轨。善于倾听,温柔细心亲和力强。语音能力强,可以接受全程英语咨询Fluent in English。Queer Mental Therapist: Ding yi Ding yi is a National second-class psychological counselor and a Queer mental contract counselor. He has sccumulated face-to-face session of over 1000 hours and telephone hours of 500. English psychological counseling can be provided throughout the course. Major areas of expertise: specialized in counseling college students, young adults, Satya family therapy model, family relations, couple therapy, marriage and family, personal growth, LGBTQ, etc Professional style: Diying is warm and patient, very rational and has strong logical thinking ability. He is popular among female visitors who need a fresh prospective and professional suggestion from a male’s point of view. 酷儿心理 咨询师——丁怡      国家二级心理咨询师,酷儿心理签约咨询师。面询累计时数1000小时,电话累计时数500小时。可提供全程英语心理咨询。      主要擅长领域:大学生心理辅导、萨提亚家庭治疗模式、职场困惑、家庭关系、恋爱情感、婚姻家庭、个人成长、LGBT Friendly等      咨询风格:温暖有耐心,非常理性,逻辑思维能力强,适合女性来访者,需要了解男性视角的建议。Queer Mental Therapist: Yu Haiyun Tracy Tracy is a National second-class psychological counselor and a Queer Mental contract counselor. She has accumulated face-to-face session hours of 1000 and telephone hours of 800. English psychological counseling can be provided throughout the course. Major areas of expertise: Tracy is experience in working with college students and young adults. She also has expertise in psychoanalysis, depression, family therapy, short focus, love psychology, Tracy is LGBTQ friendly. Professional style: gentle and affectionate, thoughtful and considerate, when the visitors have emotional expression, she listens with acceptance and give effective and constructive help that they are looking for.酷儿心理咨询师——俞海昀Tracy      国家二级心理咨询师,酷儿心理签约咨询师。面询累计时数1000小时,电话累计时数800小时。可提供全程英语心理咨询。      主要擅长领域:大学生心理辅导、精神分析、抑郁情绪、家庭治疗、短焦、恋爱心理、LGBT Friendly等       咨询风格:温柔亲和力强,心思特别细腻贴心,遇到来访者有情绪抒发的时候,都可以很好的承接并耐心倾听,给出特别有效的建设性帮助。 更多咨询师 等你来预约 Consultation procedure 咨询程序 1. Assessment phase (initial stage):  In this stage, the counsellors will work with the client to collect relevant information, explore the motivation to seek help, establish consulting objectives, formulate implementation plans, and build up a therapeutic alliance together. 2. Advisory phase (middle stage):  In this stage. The main task is to help the clients to analyze and solve problems, changing their inappropriate cognition, emotion or behavior, choosing appropriate counseling skills and intervention technology, exploring the subconscious, correcting behavior and changing maladaptive cognition. 3. Consolidation phase (final stage): This stage is a consolidating and enhancing stage of the achievements the counsellor and the client gained in the counselling process. 1.评估阶段(初期):    此间段的内容包括收集相关信息,进行心理疏导,调整来访动机,确立咨询目标,制定实施方案。   2.咨询阶段(中期):      这是心理咨询最核心的实质性阶段,主要任务是帮助来访者分析和解决问题,改变其不适应的认知,情绪或行为.选择适当的咨询技巧和干预技术,探询潜意识,矫正行为,改变认知。 3.巩固阶段(后期):    这一阶段是咨询的总集和提高阶段。 How to make appointments and  access psychological counselling 心理咨询与预约的步骤 Make a decision Step 1 After reading the introduction of psychological service or online counseling, have you decide to solve your own psychological problems by going to counseling? If you hesitate, you'll need to think about it.        心理预约服务或是在线咨询的相关介绍后,你是不是决定通过心理咨询解决自己的心理困扰?如果犹豫不决,就需要再考虑一段时间。Making An Appointment Step 2 After deciding to have a counseling session, contact our booking service to brief your situation. You will need to determine whether you want to take the face-to-face counselling method or telephone counselling. Reservation methods: Telephone number:  , , Wechat: queermental (* An appointment needs to be made at least 1-2 days in advance. Booking service time: 9:00-22:00) 决定进行心理咨询之后,与我们的预约客服联系,简单介绍一下自己的情况,确定:       1、明确咨询流程,确定咨询的方式: 电话咨询或者当面咨询 2、预约电话: ­/ 预约微信号:queermental (至少提前1-2天预约 9:00-22:00) The Initial Interview  Step 3 The process and length of initial psychotherapeutic interview varies in accordance to the specific approach taken by the counsellor. However, no matter with approach is the counsellor taking, in this process, he/she will start from information collection and psychological assessment. Formost of the counsellors, the main goal of the initial interview is to collect the basic information, complete initial assessment, and establish a counselling goal together with the client. The two parties of a therapeutic relationship will make futures plans and discuss the details of the counselling setting, including the time, frequency and techniques that preferred to be used.       与心理咨询师建立咨询关系,介绍个人情况,完成初步心理评估后,预约下次咨询时间。  Keep Going to Your Counselling Sessions Step 4 Psychological counseling is not a rapid process. You need to translate the knowledge and experience what you gain from counseling in your daily life. You need to actively practice the skills and techniques shared by your counsellor constantly. Whether the counselling could be carried on or not has a direct impact final results, so don't give up halfway.          确定心理咨询目标及方案,在自己的日常生活中积极进行实践。心理咨询需要一个过程:需要把你在和心理咨询师咨询过程中,获得的知识和经验变成你自己的行为习惯,在你的日常生活中能够熟练应用,这些都不是你咨询一次就能够完成的。能否坚持下去,决定着咨询的最后效果。所以不要半途而废。End the Counselling Step 5 If you have completed the counseling program and achieved the desired results, or if you are unable to complete the counseling assignments and feel the problem is difficult to resolve and cannot continue, you can end or interrupt the counseling.        如果完成心理咨询计划,达到预期效果,或者你不能完成心理咨询师布置的心理作业及感觉问题解决很困难,不能坚持下去,就可以结束或中断咨询。 Follow-Up Interview Step 6 Follow-Up Calls is an important method to understand the situation of visitors after counseling and to observe whether a certain psychological counseling method is effective or not. After the counseling is over or interrupted, the counseling center keeps abreast of the visitor's situation through a return visit. The method and time of the follow-up interview will be decided by both the client and the institution.   回访是了解来访者咨询结束后情况,和观察某种心理咨询方法是否有效的重要研究手段。在咨询结束或者中断之后,心理咨询中心会通过回访的形式了解来访者的近况。回访的方式及时间须双方商定。 Notes 注意事项 1As all the client will be asked to fill up a form on the day of the first consultation, please arrive 5 minutes earlier than the appointment time and fill in a Registration Form to improve the consultation efficiency. You will be asked to provide some basic information, including your name, main troubles, available time, consultation target, information of urgent contacts, ect.       关于填表格——首次咨询当天,请您比预约时间提前5分钟到达,填写一份《登记表格》,以提高咨询效率:包括姓名,是否有过心理咨询,主要困扰,咨询目标等。 2How we charge: We will remind you of the start time of consultation, and charge according to the actual consultation time.       关于收费——我们会提醒您注意咨询开始的时间,咨询结束后按实际咨询时间收费。 3About Counsellor -Please pay attention to and trust your own feelings. Whatever the reason is, as long as the counsellor gives you feelings that make you uncomfortable, unsafe and untrustworthy, please end the consultation as soon as possible to reduce your loss. This is your right.        关于咨询师——请重视并相信您自己的感觉,无论什么原因,咨询师给您的感觉让您不舒服、不安全、无法信任,请尽早结束咨询降低您的损失,这是您的权利。 扫码预约咨询

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