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我在百度里找到一篇,不过不太长哦。。。你自己看看咯~~小弟要出国,帮忙给翻译一下演讲稿各位老师.同学早上好,我叫张鑫,今年二十岁,来自中国西安,我的性格开朗,爱好很多,最喜欢的就是演奏长笛,我从十岁开始学起至今,我的父母都是戏曲艺术家,我们一家在西安这座古老而又美丽的城市过着惬意的生活,当然能来这里学习和生活,也非常的高兴,虽然我的英语很差,但是我相信通过老师和同学的帮助,还有自己的努力,一定能够学好英语。ELS是一个非常专业.严格的学校。翻译:Good morning,my dear teachers and name is ZhangXin, 22 years old, from Xi’'m bright and interested in a lot of things. Playing the flute is my favorate. I have practised it since I was parents are both opera family is having enjoying life in this ancient and beatiful city. I am also glad to study and live here. Though my english is very poor, I believe I can master it through teachers' and classmates' help as well as my own diligence. ELS is a very professional and strict school.

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120 评论


Ladies and Gentlemen: Today, I am going to give a speech about the advantages and the disadvantages of studying aboard. First off Let's discuss advantages. The most noticeable advantage is that we can have more opportunities to practice a foreign language, because of the native language environment. What’s more ,we can experience different cultures. And we also make a lot of foreign friends. At the same time, we will not just get used to live independantly, but also improve our communication skills. At last, we get the chance to travel and visit beautiful sights abroad, and try different , while admiting the benefits, there are still some disadvantages. Without assistantship, it may cost so much money to study aboard that many families can’t afford it. Also, as no one will be supervising us, those who like games or internet chatting may get totally indulged and neglect their studies. At the beginning of such life, we will be faced with cultural and linguistic gaps, some students may feel hard to go through. Besides, we may not get used to the teaching style of foreign professors. And at the time of economic downturn, public universities in developed countries are facing the issue of lack of funding, which leads to the decline of education quality. And treatment can be very expensive if we get seriously sick or hurt in an accident while we have no insurance. So if you consider studying abroad, please weigh the pros and cons ’s it. Thanks for you!

203 评论


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