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小思今天给大家讲讲美国大学的面试规则,面试问题以及针对面试应该做哪些准备。美国哈佛大学商学院MBA的面试规则是By invitation only,提供hub、campus、电话三种方式,大约有20-25%的申请人能收到面试,面试后被录取的概率为50%。沃顿商学院(Wharton)MBA面试By invitation only,提供hub、campus、校友三种方式,不提供电话方式,面试通知的过程是滚动(rolling)的,中间有一个mid-decision date,收不到面试的同学会在当天收到拒信,大约有30-40%的申请人能收到面试,面试后被录取的概率为30%。接下来是一些面试中可能会被问到的问题:美国硕士留学面试问题1:专业选择“为什么选择这个专业?”这是申请美国大学硕士学位的学生常被问到的问题。美国硕士留学面试问题2:应变能力MBA的面试是各类面试中难度最大的。美国硕士留学面试问题3:转专业一个本科学中文的学生,想申请法律专业硕士,面试时应怎么打动面试官?其实,美国的法律硕士是不需要专业背景的,但是学生的学习目的却往往会成为申请成果与否的关键。美国硕士留学面试问题4:性格、兴趣中学的面试与大学不同,更注意考察学生的学习目标和个人性格。“你喜欢自然科学还是社会科学?”“长大想做什么工作?”面试官常通过诸如此类的问题,了解学生适合做技术工作、创意工作还是公关交际工作,性格是内向害羞还是外向活泼。

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Good morning/afternoon everyone! It is my honor to be here and I really appreciate you offer me the chance of interview .Now I will introduce myself first .My name is……from Xiangfan in Hubei province. I'm an honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person. I can adapt different environments quickly .Second I like this kind of field very much and I take it as my career .Till now I have one year experience in this field. As a 21 years man, I'd like to experience more to enrich myself and then it can help me to laid good foundation for my future career .There is no use doing what we love ,we must love we do just like the field. At the same time, I am really proud of myself applying for this job. I hope you can give me a chance and I will try my best to do it better. Finally , I hope your hotel can bee the best one among hotel industry。 Thanks for your time.


11 March 2010

Personal Statement

My name is XXX, I was born on 19,Mar,1989 in xxx City of xxx Province—a beautiful seaside city. I spent my wonderful childhood and boyhood there.

In grade one of primary school, I was awarded to be the “Three Good Student” of the city, and was awarded the title of “Excellent Young Pioneer” of Qingdao City before graduation. All of these are great honor for a pupil. After finishing primary education, I acpanied my parents ing to the so called “Heaven of the World”—Hangzhou City. My grandfather said I was so lucky that I lived and studied in the most two beautiful cities both in the north and south of China. In fact, what made me more lucky was I studied in the best junior high school and senior high school in Hangzhou City and even in Zhejiang Province.

I request myself ever and again self-consciously: what others can do, so can I, what others can’t do, I still must try my best to achieve.

In study, I am serious, self-conscious; I can learn more in limit time, so many students think my efficiency is higher than them. My result is considered satisfactory. As I have strong ability of organizing and municating, I have taken the post of secretary of school student union in junior high school, later, I was selected to be vice secretary of school league mittee. Under the nice atmosphere of junior high school and senior high school, I can exert my strong suit well. I love puter, I have gained the first prize of “National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces” . Because of my operation ability of website and software and nice prestige, I was successfully elected to be the minister of rmation network minister of school student union, being responsible for daily management and maintenance of school after class.

Besides study, I also take part in sports actively, I am fond of tennis ball, having taken part in tennis ball match, and gained good result. I always practice long-distance running, and obtained silver cup in school sports meeting. I also like playing guitar and so on musical instrument.

The appraisal that teachers and clas *** ates placed on me is: lively, kind and *** art, possessing certain ability of organizing, municating.

I hope after finished study in your school, I can successfully attend Oxbridge to study puter or other related major further. I hope, today I am proud for school, tomorrow school is proud for me. I apply your school just with this wish. I believe you will never regret for the decision of accepting me.

My father graduated from teachers college, he taught middle school, now he is establishing a website of baby and children education. He says it will be the biggest website of early language education in China. I benefit a lot from his tolerance, patience and the steadiness to work. My mother graduated from foreign trade college. She is engaging in import and export trade. There are her clients in Africa and Europe, she is a excellent manager. They provide sufficient fund for my middle school and future university education, I will be greatly appreciated them.

Even though I didn’t took the exam of IELTS and TOEFL, I have been studying English from primary grade one in my spare time, I received the training of the College of International Education, Oxford, England, and was issued certificate of pletion of a General English Language and Cultural Programmed in Aug,2005. In high school, we have one English oral class by foreign teacher every week, I can understand in general. So the listening and spoken English are not very difficult for me.

I sincerely hope to be one of your students.



My Chinese name is Huangzhuoqun. My English name is Rose. I’m a girl .I’m twelve years old. I’m from Ruian Xincheng Experimentation primary school.

I’m in Class two Grade six. I’m clever. I’m a good girl. I’m helpful. I often help clas *** ates. My best friend is Caichenglai. He’s nine years old too. We eat play and read together. We learn each other.

I like swimming,roller-skating and puter games.

I swim everyday in the summer holiday. I ofen roller-skating on the weekend.

I like blue and red .

I like the blue sky. I like the red auturm .

There are three people in my family. They are my mother my father and I. My mother is thirty-seven years old. She’s an accountant. She likes to go travelling. My father is thirty-seven years old too. He is a teacher. He likes to read books.

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“你喜欢自然科学还是社会科学? ”“长大想做什么工作? ”面试官常通过诸如此类的问题,了解学生适合做技术工作、创意工作还是公关交际工作,性格是内向害羞还是外向活泼。因为对于中学生而言,选择符合自己兴趣和个性的发展方向是至关重要的,所以学校面试也会注重个性的考察。


“你为什么会选择这个专业? ”这是申请国外大学硕士学位的学生常被问到的问题。面试官以此考察学生对专业的了解,还会让学生介绍自己曾经做过的相关研究。“你是否从事过与申请专业相关的工作?”比如申请工程管理,面试官会问你

是否有过工程管理方面的学历、工作经验。这两个问题几乎每个面试都必定会问到。还有诸如“你会往什么专业方向发展?”“你的成绩如何、学分积点多少? ”学校会关注学生的学习成绩,根据学习成绩给学生一个申请建议,比如哪类课程成绩欠佳、提醒学生要加强学习。这也告诫在校的大学生:如果以后想在某个专业继续深造,在学校的成绩一定要考好。



其实,国外的法律硕士是不需要专业背景的,但是学生的学习目的却往往会成为申请成功与否的关键。“你为什么转专业? ”毫无理由、仅仅因为兴趣就想转专业,对面试官来说往往缺乏说服力。所以申请者千万不要只说“因为我热爱法律这个专业”,而应尽量从自己的经历、个性化的理由入手,比如某个学法律的人给自己的影响、某个案件促使自己想维护社会公正,等等。



曾有学生申请管理类专业,被面试官问到对“安然破产”的看法。还有诸如“微软的操作系统软件常被黑客攻击,公司在信息安全方面应如何加强? ”这类问题。不过问的问题大部分是主观题,不会有唯一正确答案,因此学生只要逻辑严密能够自圆其说即可。

292 评论


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  • 清远留学面试培训

    挺好的。老师会把面试时出现的各种情况告诉我们,并如何应付。。所以这次我通过了。。。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 感谢浦清啊!!···

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