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首页 > mba考试 > 为什么读mba英文

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英语问题部分 do you apply for MBA program ? is your plan after MBA?3.用英文介绍自己公司。4.你的兴趣爱好是什么?这个时候考MBA?6.你们公司和其他公司的区别?7.学HR但是目前从事职业不是hr的原因。8.你是如何评价管理的同事和下属单位同事的,对你如何评价?9.是否有人生偶像?给自己带来哪些影响?10.公司对于我学MBA的看法?11.对所在行业和未来发展趋势的理解。最后主考官问我下周的行情预判。12.你怎么管理你的团队?13.你的优势?14.你三到五年(五到十年)的职业规划。15.职业规划,职业生涯中遇到的问题,如何解决。16.作为管理人员的优劣势?17.介绍一下公司产品。18.介绍一下你读大学所在地。19.工作晋升是为什么,为什么升你不升别人?20.你的专业是什么?21.你认为保险行业未来几年会如何发展22.自己在工作中有什么优势。23.现在很多人申请MBA,很多人还在等着参加个面,结合这一现状,你谈一下你的优势和弱势。24.你认为上财大将能够如何帮助你变得更有竞争力25.为什么选择全日制?26.作为审计人员,你认为需要哪些能力?27.审计过程中是否存在送礼受贿的现象。……

329 评论


This is the reason I chose to study for an MBA

237 评论


MBA英语面试每个学校都是有的,首先你要是考全日制的,很多学校全日制的是英文授课的。所以面试对英语要求是更高的,有的学校是全英文面试的。在职的话是简单的3分钟的左右的英语考查,基本每个学校都是会有的。要是您考的是英文班的话,那基本是英文面试了,后期是英语上课的。一些大概的模板供参考哦:一、自我介绍内容框架(有工作经验) 问候 information(Education background) 基本信息(教育背景) experience 工作经历 for the project 考研原因/动机 结尾二、自我介绍各框架模板(有工作经验)(1)、问候(模板) morning/ afternoon, dear 's my great honor to be here to introduce the respectable professors,I'm glad to be here for this interview.三、基本信息、教育背景(模板)1、【姓名+年龄/籍贯】'm Li name is Li 'm from come from 'm ____ years old this year.四、【Education background 教育背景】 got my Bachelor's degree and graduated from ______ University in 2005 and I majored in________ at that 2012, I entered _____________ University,majoring in ____ for 4 years and got my Bachelor's degree.五、工作经历(模板) graduation, I entered (名字) company as a/an salesperson . (My main responsibility was to maintain and develop customers.) In two years,I was promoted to be a sales manager and now I need to develop market channels and manage sales team at this position, which inspired me to learn more management knowledge.(未离职) for my work, I started my career as a/an teller and then I quit that job and now I work in XX bank as a product manager. This position requires me to make annual demand plan and participate in product analysis and my performance has been recognized by my superior and colleagues.(曾离职)六、考研原因/动机(模板) my practical experiences made me realize my limitations in all-round management would like to pursue further realized that my management knowledge should be 's the reason why I am applying for this program.七、结尾(模板)'s all of my 's all.(同用于其他问题的回答结束语)Thank you for your attention / listening.

269 评论


That is why I choose to study MBA program.

318 评论


that's the reson i choose for MBA.

223 评论


study for 为准备(考试等)而努力学习He is studying for bar.他为准备做律师而学习.此句翻译如下;That’s the reason why I want to study for an MBA .或者有个用法:读MBA:Do an ’s the reason why I wa...

221 评论


study for 为准备(考试等)而努力学习He is studying for bar.他为准备做律师而学习。此句翻译如下;That’s the reason why I want to study for an MBA .或者有个用法:读MBA:Do an ’s the reason why I want to do an MBA .以上回答供您参考!希望对您有所帮助! 杭州图书馆

87 评论


This is the reason why I choose to read MBA"

337 评论


  • 为什么读mba范文英文

    that's the reson i choose for MBA.

    小丸子新 6人参与回答 2024-06-03
  • 为什么读mba英文版


    晴猫猫天 8人参与回答 2024-06-03
  • 为什么读mba英语范文

    that's the reson i choose for MBA.

    小小小雨桐 8人参与回答 2024-06-03
  • 为什么要读mba英文回答

    This is the reason why I choose to read MBA"

    艾利希尔 8人参与回答 2024-06-02
  • 为什么读mba英语文章

    that's the reson i choose for MBA.

    一janice一 8人参与回答 2024-06-03