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小托福这种技能考试, 没什么特别的技巧。 多听, 多说, 多写, 多读, 多记。 把自己的作息和做题时间调整好。

111 评论


如何在小托福写作考试中得满分?我考过4次托福(纯粹 爱好 ,第一次分就够了) 作文 都是满分,SAT作文也是满分12分。下面给大家 说说 经验 !




首先要搞明白的是,考试中的Essay永远不是抒情文、 记叙文 或者文学作品,而是 议论文 ,是表现一个学生逻辑思考、思想深度以及行文结构表达方式的载体,所以记住的是“重要的不是你的句法、词汇,而是你的思想、结构。”



三立在线作文最牛逼的北京的史愚老师亲口教导我的,长句有两个问题,一是中国学生水平不够,很难写出语法没有错误、意思表达准确的长句,语法错误、几个逗号连用、倒装从句混合是经常的。二是看essay的人也是人,经常是那种大学生研究生,没人愿意看长句混在一起的 文章 ,短剧更讨人喜欢,并且表达意思更加清晰,准确。


出现My brother, friend的时候加上名字,出现university的时候要给上名字,给出事例的时候要给出时间地点人物,没人愿意看“我的弟弟去了一个大学,然后再大学里交了很多朋友,后来去了公司里那些朋友成为了他的财富”,而“我的弟弟Dan去了Upenn读书,在学校里认识了Jeff、Dennis等好朋友,而他后来去Google公司工作的时候发现了他们成为了自己一生宝贵的财富”比上面那句好了很多。实在要写流水账也要写出细节和感觉。







It is more important for government to pay attention to health care issues than environmental issues, do you agree or not?


"Water and air are the sources of people's lives, and the bases of the world." This was said by the ancient greek philosopher Thales.(开头引用是最简单的,泰勒斯相信水和空气是最重要的元素,相似的话说过,稍加改动就可以出一个quote)(谢谢45楼的朋友纠正,是Thales说的,不是Hume)Looking at the dirty air in the sky, smelling the gross smell from Yantze River, I can't agree with him any more.(这就是搞笑的= =) The environmental issues are always the most important to a country, especially the country I live in, China.(可以适当点出我提出这个论点的原因,毕竟不存在完全客观的文章,主观因素客观环境都要适当强调)

When the environment is becoming worse and worse, I have to say it is the most serious problem in this country. My junior high classmate , Anita, lived by the end of the Yangtze River. The industrial area is around there and all the factories pollute the water day by day. Unfortunately she got cancer, like many people who lived there.(真人真事,默哀一分钟) If the polluted environment wants to "kill" you, there is no doctor in this world can save us. Looking at her face in the funeral, I finally understood the importance of protecting environment.(真人真事要写出细节和感觉,否则很难不像流水账)

It is always early to improve the health care, but never the environment. My dad is the president of the city hospital, and he always tells me "If the government gives us enough money, this hospital can be the best one in this country very quick by hiring best doctors and buying newest equipment."(真人语言描写,用他人的口说你想说的话) But we all know that the environment is always harder to save. After second industrial revolution in Britain, thepollution in Thames River became horrible. When the British government realized that problem, it took them tens of years to solve it.(用实例证明) Just like my mom always told me, " It's easy to make something dirty, really hard to make it clean again."

It's kind of like the paradox, but many times, the environmental problems cause many health care issues.(一般考试都是二选一,有时候你会发现你选的那个其实可以导致或_没选的那个,也就是说这点要是点出来的话,就更证明你的论点的正确性了) Many datas do prove that, the people who live in a good environment have better quailities of lives. In 1970s, LBJ, the president of United States, passed a proposal which was called Clean Water Plan.(真事,积累) It was made to make the water clean in the US, and it did work. The most amazing thing is that the datas show the numbers of patients in hospital decreased rapidly during first 15 years.(瞎编,有一定的事实根据) That does prove my point, the environmental issue is a important factor of the health care issues.

As I said, we do realize the seriousness and importance of the environmental issues. We do need a "Heaven" with clean water and air, green trees and beautiful mountains. The "Hell" with doctors and hospitals is always our last choice.(结尾很重要,搞笑、正经、引用都可以)


托福考试作文 范文 :技术创新改变世界



The independent essay usually asks for your opinion about a familiar topic. You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your response. Typically, a good essay for the independent topic will require that you write 300–350 words.


Advances in transportation and communication like the airplane and the telephone have changed the way that nations interact with each other in a global society. Choose another technological innovation that you think is important. Give specific reasons for your choice.




Although internet came into being about 2 decades ago, it has changed the way we live much more than the last 200 years. Its influence on business, communication and information is so profound that people now simply can't live without it.

Based on the development of internet, a lot of new types of business ranging from international conglomerate to regional small online shops are also established. The most famous internet based international conglomerate would be Google. Companies like this basically do not sell products but their service. This changed the traditional way of doing business which always involved some concrete products sell to people. Internet opens a cyber world in which a huge market is untapped. Besides large companies, internet also prospers small businesses. For example, local stores can do their business online. All they have to do is to create a website of their own and all customers need to do is to go to their websites and order what they want. Then they just need wait at home for the products they just purchased to be delivered. This way, we never need to worry about the traditional exhausting shopping.

Internet also fundamentally changed the way people communicate. There are a lot of chatting programs, such as MSN, YAHOO MESSENGER, SKYPE, that make it possible for people from different parts of the world to have a conversation with each other as long as everyone has access to internet. They even provide audio and video services meaning not only people can chat, but also they can hear and see each other. Besides that, what really makes them appealing is that they don't charge us for doing these things. These advantages definitely surpass the service that mobile phone provides us.

Internet is also like a huge tank that can contain almost infinite information. A search has shown that right now the information that internet can provide us exceeds any library in the world and some even argue that it has more information than all the libraries in total. I certainly wouldn't doubt that. I use internet to search for a lot of information. Whenever I have an project to finish, the first thing I do is to go to the internet to find relevant materials.

There is no doubt that internet has had a fundamental change on our everyday life. Though there are many problems that accompany with it, we can't deny that internet is one of the most innovations in human history.

托福考试作文范文:父母应代替少年 儿童 作决定吗

托福考试作文题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15 to 18 year-old) teenage children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


表明立场:这样的做法有一定的道理。支持这样的做法的理由:older teenage children还不够成熟(immature),考虑不够周全(inconsiderate),尤其涉及到经济相关的决定时,缺乏独立承担能力(incapable of being independent)。然而,“如何保证parents或者adult relatives所作的决定就是正确的”也是个问题。另外,总是把孩子排除在决定权之外,是否会使孩子变得“没能力做出任何决定”?the ability to make sound decision是人生道路上很重要的能力之一。


The issue of whether parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their teenage children arouses much controversy among people with different perspectives and backgrounds. Some people believe the statement is legitimate, because children are not mature and have not enough experiences to determine the optimal choice. On the other hand, people claim that nobody can control other's life even their parents. People should be responsible for their own behaviors and determine their lives. As far as I am concerned, I would like to refute the former and support the latter. In the following discussing, I would like to address some evidence to substantiate my point of view.

In the first place, the most important reason for me to choose this position is that old teenagers have their own thoughts and ideas. The fact that the thoughts of children are not perfect and logical does not mean their parents have right to eliminate their decision without considering the children's intentions. In the era of rapid social and technological changes leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, the good decision in parents' time would be out of data.

In the second place, the job of parents is not to make decision for their children, but to help them to choose. In this period of 15 to 18 year-old children, they are always radical. If their parents make decisions instead of themselves, they will not obey these decisions. Parents had better told their kids about their opinions, worries and experiences as friends. Give much more room for their kids to think and decide. Respect and believe their kids will choose the better one and will face the result directly.

In sum, considering the aforementioned reasons I support the statement that older teenagers had better make decisions by themselves. Admittedly, our parents are our best and most early teacher. They would give us more important advices to help us choose the best decision.



Students should spend at least one year working or traveling before they go to university? Do you agree or disagree? ( 2016年3月13日)




① 兼职工作可以帮助年轻人积累工作经验,获得自我成就感,使他们对于社会有了更加深刻的洞察,为未来的择业打下坚实基础。

② 旅行可以开拓视野、丰富知识、结交新友,锻炼独立性,这些对于未来的发展是有利好的。

③ 工作和旅行提高了人的社会意识,丰富了人生的阅历,成熟了人的心态。


① 很多孩子可能沉迷工作和旅行不再回归校园,如果这样,间隔年就失去了它的初衷。

② 青春期是人的求知欲望最强,也是学习能力和 记忆力 最强的宝贵时期,高中生不应该耽误一年的时间远离校园而去打工或是闲逛,否则,学业就会被耽误。

③ 高中生没有形成核心竞争力,很难找到工作。即使是找到,也很容易被欺和剥削。


【首段】背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

Such is human nature to explore the unknown and see the outside word,that is why a great many high school graduates are keen on traveling or working for a period of time before attending dream universities. Conflicting ideas clash in determining whether or not it is a wise idea to inspire high school leavers to experience the Grand Tour. As I see it, the merits of experiencing the gap year outshine its potential demerits.

【二段】 间隔年之利好

The most important educational benefit of taking a year off before starting university life is that traveling exposes young adults to stunning places and exotic cultures. It is one thing for teenagers to read about distant countries, but it is even better to enrich the experience of the world on one’s own. What one learns by associating with strangers and absorbing diverse cultures is something he or she could never acquire in the classrooms. For example,I made many congenial friends by self-travel to Tibet after finishing my schooling. This fantastic journey not only expanded my mind but also alleviated my stress triggered by tight academic study. Feasting my eyes on the stunning landscape really sweetened my life and lifted my spirit.


Virtually, youngsters can also become the beneficiaries of working as part-timers too. By that I mean, earning a living has a key role to play in helping one accumulate relevant working experience, train one’s crisis-solving abilities and deepen one’s insight into the society, which will lay a solid foundation for one’s future career ladder. To illustrate, via embarking on part-time jobs, I knew that money doesn’t grow on trees. Then, I studied even harder when coming back to campus.

154 评论


【托福雅思区别之考试科目】托福和雅思哪个好考?雅思托福的区别在哪里?而刚开始接触这两种考试的考生,对这个问题依然一知半解。关于托福与雅思在考试科目方面的区别这个问题,下面琥珀君为大家带来托福雅思区别之考试科目不同一文,通过对雅思考试托福的考试科目详细介绍,让你充分了解两者差异之处。希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。托福考试都考什么?托福考试题型由阅读、写作、听力、口语四部分组成托福听力:60—90分钟4——6个演讲(带有些课堂讨论,每个持续3至5分钟,每个演讲随后分而6个问题;2——3个对话(每个持续3分钟,每个演讲随后分布5个问题)时间:12月5日托福口语:20分钟6项(2项特定简单会话题,独立表达自己观点;4项结合所读或所听表达自己的观点)30秒准备时间,1分钟持续做答;托福写作:50分钟2项(1根据特定观点,独立展开论述,1项结合所读或所以展开论述)时间50分钟(独立论述文30分钟;结合所读所听文20分钟托福阅读:60-100分钟3——5篇学术文章,每篇700字左右,每篇12-14个问题,时间60-100分钟。大至上也要3到4个小时如果仍有问题可上。雅思考试都考什么?雅思考试题型由阅读、写作、听力、口语四部分组成。1.听力部分(30分钟听录音,10分钟誊写答案)听力通常有四段录音,四十个问题,考试内容以大量的真实的语言环境为素材,前两段内容涉及一般生活及社会形态、人际关系等,后两段则涉及教育性、学术性、世界性等的内容。 考生需根据听到的录音内容回答四十个问题,题型为多项选择,填空,完成句子等,考生只能听一次录音,不能重复。因此,考生在听读的同时,还要边写。2,IELTS考试的阅读部分(60分钟)。由三至四篇文章构成,有40个左右的问题。它的最大特点是大部分题不是传统的多项选择题。比如,试题中的一篇文章有8段,问题中列出12个小标题,要求考生根据每段的内容从12个小标题中挑出本段的小标题。再比如,文章描述某一过程 (如打捞沉船),要求考生把问题中列出的若干个步骤按其在过程中的先后顺序排序。试题还可能要求考生从列出的十几个单词、词组中选择正确答案填入一篇短文,其中一部分词或词组为干扰性选择,答题时有时还需参考试题中的另一篇文章。由于干扰因素很多,猜对的可能性几乎为零。IELTS考试阅读部分与其他阅读考试的另一重大区别是,IELTS考试不仅不含语法和词汇题,反而可能会列出若干关键词和定义,以帮助考生更好地理解。3,写作(60分钟)分两部分:TASK1和TASK2。TASK1一般要求考生写一篇不少于150个词的短文描述所给的一个图(流程图、剖面图、曲线图等)或表,或根据一篇短文的内容写一份报告。比如,描述某一国家若干年内人口增减情况。再比如,描述一个欧洲城市分别在1950、1970和1990年中各种交通车辆的运营情况。试卷建议考生在20分钟内完成本分。 4,IELTS考试的口试部分(约15分钟)分为四个阶段。(1).一般性对话:考官提问,考生回答。内容主要是个人情况,如家庭、工作、教育等。(2).某一话题的引申:在前一段对话的基础上,考官自然地接过一个话题,让考生较详细地描述某一事物或发表对某事的看法。比如让考生 比较家乡和另一城市的区别;让考生谈对城市交通现状和未来的看法。(3).使用提示卡(CUE C ARK):考生从桌上抽取一张卡片,根据上面所写的某个假定的情况进行询问。比如考生要根据提 示卡假设自己是一个新到英国的外国学生,在学校的住房办公室询问有关租房的情况。这一部分主要由考生提问,考官回答。(4).将来的打算:谈话内容从假设的语言环境中回到自然对话,考官让考生谈IELTS考试之后的打算,话题主要围绕何进出国、选择了哪所学校、进修计划等内容。口试不仅考学生回答、描述等方面的能力,还考学生能否用得体的语气、词汇等来询问、请求等。口试非常注重考生的语言交际能力。

279 评论



TOEFL Junior考试分为纸笔考试和机考两种形式。
















181 评论


  • 儿童托福考试题

    如何在小托福写作考试中得满分?我考过4次托福(纯粹 爱好 ,第一次分就够了) 作文 都是满分,SAT作文也是满分12分。下面给大家 说说 经验

    大璐璐131483 3人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 儿童留学的托福考试


    一叶扁舟85 7人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 儿童英语托福考试

    问题一:多大可以考托福 托福考试没有年龄限制。也就是说托福考试没有一定的条件。更没有因此划分的题目没有区别,总之托福考试是不现年龄和学历等先决条件的语言类考试

    triangelrain 5人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 儿童托福考试官网


    素颜~红太狼 9人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 儿童雅思托福试题类型分布


    墨亦成诗 7人参与回答 2024-06-13