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For one thing, no population can be driven entirely by density-independent factors all the time.

请思考:如果文中说这句话的前提是:all population are driven by two (and only two) categories of growth parameters, one is density-independent factors, and the other is density-independent factors. 那么作者说上面的这句话有什么用意。解释:本句虽然貌不惊人,但本书既然将其收录进来,并标出难度5,就意味着其中有怪异之处。值得一提的是,本文前面曾把控制种群密度的因素分为两种,一种叫做density-dependent factors(这里简称d-d因素),另一种叫做dentsity-independent factors(简称d-I因素)。原文的直译虽然好懂,但是总令人感觉说得不甚明白。显然,GRE或GMAT的作者不可能随便说一句无关痛痒的话,那么没有任何种群能够在所有的时间全被d-I因素所控制,其真正意思是什么呢?就是:一切种群都必然在某个时间内受到d-d因素的控制。本句是ETS在考试中惯用的正话反说的典型例子,请读者深沉体会。本句在文章中也是理解作者态度的关键所在。


In order to understand the nature of the ecologist's investigation,we may think of the density-dependent effects on growth parameters as the "signal" ecologists are trying to isolate and interpret,one that tends to make the population increase from relatively low values or decrease from relatively high ones,while the density-independent effects act to produce "noise" in the population dynamics. 为了能理解生态学家们所从事的研究的性质,我们可以把那些作用于增长参数的密度依赖效应视作生态学家们力图将其分离并予以解释的"信号",正是这一信号倾向于使种群从相对较低的数值递增,或从相对较高的数值递减;而与此同时,那些密度独立效应起到的作用则构成了种群动态变化中的"噪音"。


But the play's complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as compatible is no more "contradictory" than Du Bois' famous,well-considered ideal of ethnic self-awareness coexisting with human unity,or Fanon's emphasis on an ideal internationalism that also accommodates national identities and roles. 但该剧有关黑人自尊可与人类团结相融合这一复杂观点,丝毫都不比杜波伊斯(Du Bois)的理想或法侬(Fanon)的强调来得更为"矛盾":杜波伊斯提出的著名的、深思熟虑的理想是,民族的自觉可以和人类大同共存;法侬则对理想的国际主义进行了强调,而这一理想的国际主义同样也能兼容民族身份与角色。


In which of the following does the author of the passage reinforce his criticism of responses such as Isaacs' to Raisin in the Sun? 在以下哪一个选项中,文章的作者加强了她对类似这样的对于做出的反应的批判呢?


Inheritors of some of the viewpoints of early twentieth-century Progressive historians such as Beard and Becker,these recent historians have put forward arguments that deserve evaluation. 作为二十世纪早期"进步派"史学家(如Beard和Becker)等人某些观点的继承者,这些近期的史学家所提出的观点值得我们予以评价。


168 评论



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雅思语法有五大句型,分别是:主谓句型、主谓宾句型、主谓双宾语句型、主谓宾补句型、 主系表句型。主谓句型:Would you still work suppose you won $20 million in the lottery?主谓宾句型:An Australian firm unveiled an electronic shark repellent unit.主谓双宾语句型:Such an arrangement will spare the CEOs a lot of time.主谓宾补句型:At the conference, the representatives from the developing countries tried to make their voice heard.主系表句型:I am proud of the people working in the after-sale department.

90 评论



上升动词类:increase, go up, rise up, grow up, jump up, surge, shoot up, keep an upward tendency.

下降动词类:decrease, go down, decline, fall down, drop, sink, dip, keep a downward tendency


持平动词类:remain the same, stabilize, remain stable, remain constant

上升名词类:increase, rise, growth, jump, surge

下降名词类:decrease, decline, fall, reduction, drop


修饰名词的形容词:slight, slow, gradual, steady, rapid, moderate, significant, sharp, dramatic, drastic


高点:reach the peak/top/highest point

Increase to the peak/top/highest point(所有上升类的动词都可以替换掉increase)

低点:reach the bottom/lowest point

drop to the bottom/lowest point(所有下降类的动词都可以替换掉drop)



Increase/decrease three times增长/减少了三倍

常用雅思小作文词汇 ! 许多考生在雅思写作准备上花费了时间和精力,并发现准备考试的效果并不明显。如果你准备雅思写作论文,那么小编将为你带来一个普通的雅思作文词汇,供大家学习。


The line graph describes/ illustrates/ demonstrates/ summarizes/ outlines/ shows…后面跟名词或者从句 开头段或者主体段引出数据或者趋势常用句型

According to/ As shown in/ As can be seen from…后面跟图表的类型

It can be seen from…后面跟图表的类型…

that It is manifest from…后面跟图表的类型…that表示上升的动词

Go up(went up) /rise(rose)/ grow(grew)/ increase(increased)/ ascend(ascended) ,其中rise和increase也经常作名词, grow-growth表示急剧上升的动词

Jump(jumped)/ surge(surged)/shoot up (shot up)/ soar(soared)其中surge也可以做名词

表示下降的动词Decline/ fall/ drop/ sink/ dip/ decrease/ descend,其中decline/ fall/ drop/ decrease也经常做名词

表示急剧下降的动词Plummet/ plunge

表示速度快的形容词Sharp/ dramatic/ drastic/ rapid/precipitous/steep副词加-ly

表示幅度大的形容词Marked/ substantial / significant,副词加-ly

表示缓慢,逐渐的形容词Gradual/ steady/ gentle / slow,副词加-ly

表示小幅度的形容词Modest/ moderate/ slight,副词加-ly


表示稳定在一个水平上的动词Level off at/ level out at/ hover at/ stabilize at/ reached a plateau at

表示达到高的动词Peak at/ reach the highest point at , peak也可以做名词

表示达到低的动词Reach the bottom at/ the lowest point at/ bottom out at, bottom也可以做名词

表示经历了某种变化的及物动词Experience/ witness/ see

表示达到了多少数量的及物动词或词组Reach/arrive at/ amount to / hit/ register/ stand at

表示占…(后面跟百分数或数字)的及物动词或词组Account for/ represent / constitute / make up

表示数据由某几个部分组成的既无动词或者词组A is composed of/comprise/ is made up of/ consists of B,C and D.注意和include区别

表示对未来数字的预测的及物动词Project/ predict / forecast

表示"分别"的副词Respectively—in the 2004 Olympics, China and Russia won X and Y gold medals respectively

表示"大约"的副词或者词组About, around, approximately, roughly, just over, just under


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