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一.写作点拨:申请信 类型很多包括求职信,报考申请信,留学申请信等;写申请信应注意语言言简意赅,语气诚恳礼貌,避免夸张。 申请信一般包括:申请原因、具备条件、恳请申请单位考虑自己的申请,表示谢意,期盼回复。具体为: 第一段引入事件,说明写信目的。 第二段介绍关于自己的一些具体内容。 第三段提出请求,表示感谢盼复。二.词句模板:1. 好词集锦: considerable,confident,suitable,extremely,pleased,grateful,especialy,opportunity,position,apply for,be good at,allow,would like to, offer, take...into .说明应聘原因常用语 learned from sb/the newspaper that your company wanted to... was told that... have just read in the newspaper that your company needs a... am writing to inqure opportunities for ... am writing to you to inqure if there would be any position available for me to work as a... am writing to apply for the job . have learned from your advertisement that a ...is wanted in your .介绍个人优势常用语 I would like to introduce myself to . My name is Tom aged 16/who is a 16-year-old graduated from...in like/am fond of swimming, singing and dancing in my spare work hard and Ican get along /on well with am good at English and especially my spoken English is fairly master English and I talk to foreigners in English am currently studying ... would be interested in .... main specialization is...4.表示感谢及请求常用语 you for your consideration of my you agree with me,I'll work hard and try to be a... am available for am looking forward to hearing from you agree with me, please write to me or phone telephone number is... am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to .... would like to apply the position that your company offers to . Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to your early . I greatly appreciate any of your favorable consideration of my would be very grateful if you could consider my application and could send me about... from doing sth, I may as well work as ...5.满分模板 一Dear... I am extremely pleased to see (报纸、广告) for the position (职位) .And I'm writing to apply for (职位).I am confident that I am suitable for (职位). On one hand, (原因) .On the other hand, (原因) . I shall be much honored if you will offer me the opportunity to (尝试) . I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. YOUR SINCERELY 二Dear... I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in (报纸) of (发布时间) . I am form .As a/an ,I have been .Besides, I won in . If you consider me appropriate for the job, please call me at . I will appreciate it very much if you could give me an early reply/Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to meting you. YOURS SINCERELY

134 评论


第一句,总结某某现象,是不是变得更有争议了,或者某某东西是不是变得更加重要了。(我感觉是一句废话)第二句,就是你说的,某某认为怎样,然而某某又认为不然。第三句,personally,或者As for me(很多,多记几个),表达自己观点。当然 这是写5段式的模板,如果要两边讨论的话,就先不忙表达自己观点,最后一段再表达,第3句就写:我将从两方面讨论。我就是这样总结的。然后剑家族的每一个text后面的范文,看看samples是怎么开头的。多看几篇,大概结构就能出来了。其实很多参考书里都总结得有。我就大概说下:(根据我的记忆)5段式:第1段引出论题, 第2段列出观点一, 第3段列出观点二, 第4段列出观点3。 第5段总结。 这是一边倒的。 或者:第一段引出 第二段观点1 第三段观点2 第四段让步段 第五段总结。还有四段式,一般是两边都讨论。 还是那句话,多研究范文,特别是剑桥上的。自己分析下结构,积累一点连接词。

119 评论


你好,雅思写作小作文是对图表的描述,是客观题型,对大家在结构和内容以及字数上面的要求很高。以下内容供大家参考。 table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to...该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。 bar chart illustrates that...该柱状图展示了... graph provides some interesting data regarding...该图为我们提供了有关...有趣数据。 diagram shows (that)...该图向我们展示了... pie graph depicts (that)....该圆形图揭示了... is a cure graph which describes the trend of...这个曲线图描述了...的趋势。 figures/statistics show (that)...数据(字)表明... tree diagram reveals how...该树型图向我们揭示了如何... data/statistics show (that)...该数据(字)可以这样理解... data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that...这些数据资料令我们得出结论... is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table...如图所示... to the chart/figures...根据这些表(数字)... is shown in the table...如表格所示... can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in...从图中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化。 the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that...从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到...更多雅思学习技巧:

83 评论


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