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一类重点10题(推荐打造个性范文) 教育类: Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important for a child's education than going to school. But others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 有人认为计算机和互联网对于孩子的教育比去学校有效,有认为老师和学校对于孩子的高效学习更加重要,讨论两种观点? 点评:考频的热题,一年考试频率2-3次,2014年4月考察了网络教育的利弊,继续准备。 教育类: In some countries some school leavers are choosing to work or travel for a period of time between finishing school and attending university. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for school leavers' decision. Give your own opinion and reasons. Use your experience of life to explain it. 很多学生选择工作旅行一年再上大学,讨论间隔年的利弊。 点评:雅思写作题目一般是和年轻人的成长教育息息相关,题目要引起考生共鸣,让他们有话可谈,这个题目的语料库和很多雅思写作提问角度的答语融会贯通。 教育类: It is better for students to live away from home while studying at university than live at home with parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 孩子们应在大学学习,而不是在家里和父母住,是否认同? = Nowadays, sending children to a boarding school is becoming increasingly popular. Why is this case? Do you think it is a positive development? 寄宿学校的原因以及利弊讨论? 点评:提问角度是要先原因分析,再利弊讨论。 手机类: There are social, medical, and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phone? 手机的使用带来了社会,医疗和技术问题. = Mobile phone advantages and disadvantages on individual and the society. 手机对于个人以及社会的利弊? 点评:手机属于科技类,科技类比教育类考试频率还高,手机一直遗漏,一定会考。 电视类: A study shows that a lot of children, from the age 7 to 11, spend too much time watching television or playing video games. How do you think this problem influence the children, their families and the society? What measures should be taken to solve it? 研究显示,7岁到11岁的年轻人花费太多时间看电视,玩游戏,这对于孩子,家庭和社会的影响何在?应该如何解决? =Some teenagers are addicted to television and games. What effects does the phenomenon have on their families and society? What measures can be taken to solve it? 有些青少年沉迷于看电视,对于家庭和社会的影响,如何解决? 点评:题目不是冷题,一定要准备,电视影响就是网络的影响,网络的影响就是科技产品的影响。 科技类: Museums and art galleries are not necessary because people can see the historical objects and works of art in those places on television or on the Internet. Do you agree or disagree? 博物馆和美术馆不再重要,因为人们可以在网络电视中欣赏艺术展品,是否认同? = Some people think that museums are getting less important, when people can have access to information on the Internet, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为博物馆不重要,我们可以在网络上获得信息(参观博物馆),是否认同? 点评:较难的题目,网络浏览图片当然代替不了亲自游览,但是,我们反驳的理由和论据在哪里呢? 社会类: In many countries, more and more young people are leaving schools and unable to find jobs after graduation. What problems do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? And make some suggestions. 许多的学生离开学校找不到工作,失业对于社会和个人的影响是什么? 点评:注意审题,本文要求写作的是影响加解决,不是原因加解决。学生择业难是社会热点,和年轻人成长相关,因此,建议准备此题。 广告类: If a product is good or it meets people’s needs, people will buy it, so advertising is unnecessary and no more than an entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 人们购买商品是因为需要,广告没有作用,仅仅是娱乐,是否认同? = Some people believe that advertisements should be banned since they serve no useful purpose and can even be damaging. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 广告应不应该被废除? 点评:广告是传媒类恒热主题,不同的提问角度,今年已经考察儿童广告的影响和解决。广告话题继续准备。 环保类: Cheap air travel is increasingly popular in the world today. To what extent do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages? 廉价飞机旅行是否弊大于利? = Some people believe that air travel should be restricted because it causes serious pollution and uses up the world fuel resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为飞机旅行应该被限制,因为飞机旅行污染空气也消耗了世界上的油料资源,是否认同? 点评:飞机旅行话题在题库统计中考察过20次,今年一直没有考察,所以,每次考试必须准备,这个题目是综合考题,是环保类以及科技类角度的综合考察。 政府类: Someone believes that a taxpayer has done his part as a citizen. However, someone believes that a citizen should assume other responsibilities. Discuss both views and present your opinion. 有人认为纳税者就已经尽到了公民责任,有认为认为公民应该承担其他责任,讨论两种观点? 点评:题目较冷,本题特别考察一个人的头脑风暴以及对于社会问题的关注,所以,该题应该作为练笔。 二类重点8题(推荐准备个性观点句) 教育类: Some people believe the function of university education is to prepare students for employment but others believe university education can offer many other functions. Discuss both views and giver your opinion? 有人认为大学教育的功能是帮助学生做好就业准备,有人大学教育还有其他功能,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见?(2009年10月24日) 点评:雅思写作一般不同时支持两种观点,本题特殊,理想教育是既传播就业技能,还要满足其他功能(道德教育;性格培养等) 相关题目:Some people think that the purpose of education is to turn young people into good citizens and workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 教育是帮助年轻人成为好公民,而不是使个人受益,是否认同? 点评:让步反驳写法;题目较难。 抽象类: Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success .Others argue that happiness depends on other factors. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 有人认为幸福来着经济成功,有人认为幸福来之其他源泉,讨论两种观点再给出你的意见? 相关提问: In some countries, young people are richer but also healthier than ever before. However, they are less happy, what are the reasons? What can be done for this? 年轻人不快乐的原因和解决? (2012年9月22日) 点评:写作上面两个话题,边缘话题抽象类(幸福类)话题都可以触类旁通。 动物类: Some people think it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines intended for human use. Others, however, think it is not right to do that. Discuss both of these views and give you own opinion. 有人认为小动物实验对于人类有益,有认为人们没有权利用动物实验,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见? 点评:很冷的题目,一年的考试频率为1-2次,但是,一旦考察,难度很大,建议准备个性观点句和相关词汇。 交通能源类: The best way to solve the environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 增加油料的价格是解决环境污染的途径? 点评:本题是环保类,交通类,科技类的综合考题,雅思托福共享题目,符合典型的让步反驳的话题提问角度,建议重点准备。 教育类: Some people think children should obey rules and do what the teachers want them to do, others think controlled children are not prepared for children’s adult life in the future. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 有人认为孩子应该听从老师的,有人认为管理过严格的孩子不能为成人生活做好准备,你的观点? 点评:教育一般考察三个角度:一是老师的作用以及课堂教育的不可替代性;二是教育的目的和方式;三是选课的意义和理由。本题考察的是教育的方式。 社会类: It is generally accepted that families are not as close as they used to be. Give some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together. Include any relevant examples from your experience. 家庭关系已经不像过去一样紧密了,原因何在,如何解决? 点评:社会类话题,相关提问角度可以考察社区中人际关系不紧密的原因和解决方法。思路拓展和语料库建设可以融会贯通。 健康类: Staying healthy by playing sports and eating well should be an individual’s duty to society rather than a habit for personal benefits. Do you agree or disagree? 保持健康是个人对于社会的责任,但是不是使个人受益的良好习惯,是否认同? 点评:这种雅思提问非常典型,考察的是头脑风暴以及相关语料库和积累,写作该题对于雅思写作备考意义重大。 相关题目: Some people believe that improving public health should increase the number of sports facilities. But others believe that it has little effects and needs other measures should be taken. Discuss both views and give your own opinion? 提高公众健康应该是增加运动设备的数量,有人认为其他方法更加有效, 讨论两种观点再给出你的意见。 点评:这个提问是开放类提问,没有绝对的答案,其他改善健康的方式很多:劳逸结合;健康饮食;积极锻炼;良好心态;和谐人际健康等,建议主题句是支持双方观点。 政府类: Some people say that governments should pay for the health care and education but other people say that it is not the governments' responsibility. Discuss the both viewpoints and give your opinion. 有人认为政府应该给教育和医疗买单,有人认为支付教育医疗费用不是政府的责任, 讨论两种观点? 点评:政府类是除了教育类,科技类,社会类,广告类,犯罪类,环保类外最热的话题,今年连续考察,8月16日考察的也是政府策略。政府类话题常规提问角度有:医疗买单;太空研究;举办体育比赛;艺术投资等。写作该题,政府政策类话题写作融会贯通。

176 评论


想要知道自己的gpa、雅思\托福、gmat、gre等成绩能申请到国外什么大学,可以把自己的这些信息输入到留学志愿参考系统中,系统会自动从数据库中匹配出与你情况相似的同学案例,看看他们成功申请了哪些院校和专业,这样子就可以看到你目前的水平能申请到什么层次的院校和专业了,对自己进行精准的定位。 定位地址可到公*众*号【留学志愿参考系统】中获取,也可直接点击:

288 评论


2019年2月14日雅思大作文题目新技术改变了孩子们的玩耍方式,这是好还是坏?New technologies have changed the way children spend their free you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?解析&审题本题中有三个关键词,即new technologies,children,spend their free time,要求讨论“新技术改变了孩子们玩耍的方式,这是好还是坏?”在构思本题的时候,我们首先需要说清楚的是:哪些新技术?怎么样改变了孩子们玩耍的方式?然后讨论这种改变是好还是坏。当然,我们也要提醒自己,本题的重点是讨论“这种改变是好还是坏?”说到“新技术”,我们立马会想到电脑,网络,智能手机。雅思考试写作经常要求考生讨论这样的题目“有了新技术,人们是否还需要去博物馆,去上学,去图书馆,去公司上班”,这是要求考生讨论新技术给人们的学习和生活带来的影响。本题其实与这些题目是异曲同工的:有了新技术,孩子们怎么玩耍?那么,新技术如何改变孩子们玩耍的方式呢?我们需要提炼出2-3个“玩耍新方式”,在接下来重点讨论起优劣势的时候才能有基础。这里其实涉及到一个比较的问题。没有新技术的时候,孩子们一般喜欢在一起做各种游戏,或者安静地阅读,而网络手机的广泛使用,则让孩子们整天独自打电子游戏,或者浏览各种社交媒体信息。于是,我们可以归纳出新技术给孩子玩耍方式造成的两个影响:(1)从真实的集体游戏转变为虚拟的网上游戏;(2)从阅读书籍到紧盯手机或电脑。这样,我们接下来的讨论就相对容易了。我们可以讨论这种变化的消极影响:首先,紧盯手机和电脑会给孩子的身体带来不良影响(数据表明,中小学生近视的比例已经达到惊人的70%),其次,过多沉浸在虚拟世界容易让孩子们产生孤独感,失去解决真实世界中各种问题的能力(比如人际交往能力,领导能力等)。这样写,大家是否觉得思路是很清晰的?接下来,请大家阅读唐老师的高分范文,看以上思路是如何具体反映到字里行间的。老师笔记01The widespread use of new technologies such as the Internet,computers,and smart phones has fundamentally changed the way children spend their free the past,most children wouldengage in outdoor activities such as hiking,playing hide-and-seek,flying kites,to name only a who enjoyed reading for pleasure would stay indoors and read print books such as classical novels,children’s stories,and comic situation is quite different great majority of children today spend their spare time online,playing video games,listening to music,and browsing around in the social media of all my view,this new development has more downside risks.互联网、电脑和智能手机等新技术的广泛应用,从根本上改变了儿童利用空闲时间的方式。在过去,大多数儿童都会从事户外活动,如远足,玩捉迷藏,放风筝,等等。那些喜欢读书的人会待在家里,读一些印刷书籍,如经典小说,儿童故事和漫画书。现在情况完全不同了。今天,绝大多数孩子都把业余时间花在网上,玩电子游戏,听音乐,在各种社交媒体上闲逛。在我看来,这一新趋势有更多不利的风险。解析(1)本段讨论新技术如何改变了儿童利用空闲时间的方式。本段采用的是比较法:过去......,而现在......。(2)widespread广泛的(3)fundamentally从根本上地(4)engage in从事(5)to name only a few仅举几个例子;诸如此类;等等(6)the great majority of...绝大多数的......(7)browse around四处闲看(8)downside risks不利的风险02Though it does make children’s life more interesting,and help them obtain information in a faster and more convenient way,the Internet also makes children easily addicted to violent gun-fighting games,for example,appeal to children so much that some of them will spend hours and hours playing cost is really children’s performance at school becomes worse and worse,and their health also recent study indicates that globally,the Internet games are responsible for 70%middle school students who are shortsighted.虽然互联网确实使儿童的生活更有趣,并帮助他们以更快和更方便的方式获取信息,但互联网也使孩子们很容易对它上瘾。比如暴力枪战游戏对孩子们有很大的吸引力,以至于他们中的一些人会几个小时几个小时地玩这些游戏。这样做的成本真的很高。孩子们在学校的表现越来越差,而且健康也受到损害。最近的一项研究表明,在全球范围内,网络游戏造成70%的中学生近视。解析(1)本段论述把时间花在网络游戏上的第一种坏处:学习和身体受损。论述方法包括举例和引用研究数据。(2)be addicted to...沉迷于......(3)appeal to...吸引(4)globally全球范围内(5)be responsible for...为......负责;导致......03Worse still,too much time spent facing the computer or smart phone may result in children’s isolation from the actual the traditional games,children could learn the skills to work with others,lead a team,and create new these skills are helpful for children to maintain their interpersonal relations when they grow children can never develop these important skills by hiding behind the virtual Internet world without interactions with real people.更糟糕的是,花太多时间面对电脑或智能手机可能会导致孩子们与现实世界隔绝。在传统的游戏中,孩子们可以学习各种技能:与他人合作,领导团队,创造新事物。所有这些技能都有助于孩子长大后维持人际关系。但是如果躲在虚拟的互联网世界后面,不与真实的人互动,孩子们永远也不能培养这些重要的技能。解析(1)本段从更深的层面讨论花太多时间在网络上的坏处:导致隔绝,无法培养人际交往能力。(2)result in...导致(3)isolation隔绝;疏离(4)interpersonal relations人际关系(5)virtual虚拟的04To conclude,new technologies have changed the way children spend their free time from outdoor activities to passive indoor Internet may be beneficial to a certain extent,but generally it isa change for the worse.总之,新技术已经改变了孩子们利用空闲时间的方式,从户外活动转变为被动的室内网络冲浪。这可能在一定程度上是有益的,但是总体上看,这个变化是更糟了。解析(1)本段是结论,明确提出自己的观点。(2)passive被动的(3)to a certain extent在某种程度上(4)a change for the worse一个糟糕的变化7分范文The widespread use of new technologies such as the Internet,computers,and smart phones has fundamentally changed the way children spend their free the past,most children would engage in outdoor activities such as hiking,playing hide-and-seek,flying kites,to name only a who enjoyed reading for pleasure would stay indoors and read print books such as classical novels,children’s stories,and comic situation is quite different great majority of children today spend their spare time online,playing video games,listening to music,and browsing around in the social media of all my view,this new development has more downside it does make children’s life more interesting,and help them obtain information in a faster and more convenient way,the Internet also makes children easily addicted to violent gun-fighting games,for example,appeal to children so much that some of them will spend hours and hours playing cost is really children’s performance at school becomes worse and worse,and their health also recent study indicates that globally,the Internet games are responsible for 70%middle school students who are still,too much time spent facing the computer or smart phone may result in children’s isolation from the actual the traditional games,children could learn the skills to work with others,lead a team,and create new these skills are helpful for children to maintain their interpersonal relations when they grow children can never develop these important skills by hiding behind the virtual Internet world without interactions with real conclude,new technologies have changed the way children spend their free time from outdoor activities to passive indoor Internet may be beneficial to a certain extent,but generally it is a change for the worse.(322 words)建议背诵的句子 widespread use of new technologies such as the Internet,computers,and smart phones has fundamentally changed the way children spend their free time.互联网、电脑和智能手机等新技术的广泛应用,从根本上改变了儿童利用空闲时间的方式。 great majority of children today spend their spare time online,playing video games,listening to music,and browsing around in the social media of all kinds.今天,绝大多数孩子都把业余时间花在网上,玩电子游戏,听音乐,在各种社交媒体上闲逛。 it does make children’s life more interesting,and help them obtain information in a faster and more convenient way,the Internet also makes children easily addicted to it.虽然互联网确实使儿童的生活更有趣,并帮助他们以更快和更方便的方式获取信息,但互联网也使孩子们很容易对它上瘾。 recent study indicates that globally,the Internet games are responsible for 70%middle school students who are shortsighted.最近的一项研究表明,在全球范围内,网络游戏造成70%的中学生近视。 can never develop these important skills by hiding behind the virtual Internet world without interactions with real people.如果躲在虚拟的互联网世界后面,不与真实的人互动,孩子们永远也不能培养这些重要的技能。

80 评论


为了帮助大家备考托福阅读,提高成绩,下面我给大家带来雅思写作话题思路指导:如何保护消费者不受 广告 影响,希望大家喜欢!


Customers are faced with increasing Ads by company competition. To what extent do you think consumers are influencedby Ads? What measures should be taken to protect them?


公司间竞争使消费者面对越来越多的广告。你在何种程度上认为顾客被广告影响?应该采取什么 措施 来保护他们?





雅思写作话题 范文 :广告误导消费者

The high consuming goods are caused by the advertisements rather than the real needs of the society. What do you think?

The consuming behaviors are influenced by diversified factors, such as impulse, self-satisfaction, curiosity, and so on. But the most influential factor is the promotion of products on TV commercials and advertisements. Advertisements are changing our consuming ideas and behaviors.

It is hard to date back to the exact date when advertisements started. The emerge of advertisements is beneficial for both the purchasers and manufacturers, for the former can be informed of the latest products, together with their novel functions and usages, which meet the needs of consumers, and the latter, undoubtedly, can make larger margins and gain reputation through the publicity of products. In a word, advertising is like a go-betweener, who helps the manufacturers to find the best buyers.

Advertisements change our consuming behaviors, according to the recent surveys carried out by some institutes. The colors, music and slogans of advertisements are likely to stimulate audiences’ desire to buy regardless of their real needs. Housewives often complain that they always buy the things useless at all, and that their purchasing decisions are made on impulse. Some advertisements often exaggerate the effects and functions of products, which induces consumers to make wrong decisions. What’s more, some people, especially youngsters like to pursue fashion. In their eyes, advertisements represent vogue and the trend of social development.

In brief, we cannot do without advertisements, which are the main means of promotion. Nonetheless, we should be more rational when facing the allure of advertisements. If manipulated by advertisements, we will act like a puppet, without any creativity. (275 words)


题目是:In many countries today, people buy a range of household goods ( television, microwave, oven and rick cookers) Is it a positive or negative development?雅思写作真题范文及解析:


In contemporary society, most families are capable to afford home appliances such as television, microwave, oven and so on. It is generally accepted that those technological goods have brought great convenience to our life although they do generate negative effects on environment.


第二段:阐明第一个观点,也是核心观点,家用电器对于人们的好处,这是 作文 的重点。开头首句就直接点题。然后说明原因,由近及远,由小及大,第一点:家用电器的普及提升了人们的生活品质。举例说明,比如电视、微波炉等,当然可以说空气净化器、空调、吸尘器等。第二点是从经济学上来说,生产家用电器带来了工作和产业升级。考生也可以说其他原因,比如现在是污染问题越发严重,装修中的有害物质、城市中的空气质量,有了家用电器比如空气净化器,确实能够改善家中的环境问题。家用电器甚至可以缓解家庭矛盾(谁在家做家务常常会引发矛盾)。

In terms of merits of using domestic appliances, the most obvious is that people’s quality of life has been boosted. Take TV as an example; watching TV is a preferable means of relaxation for people to spend their leisure time and release stress, with amusing programs, entertainment news as well as soap operas shown on the screen. Another case is that the application of microwave, oven and rock cookers in the kitchen saves housewives from heavy housework and even assists them in cooking delicious meals efficiently. Furthermore, consumers’ demands for electric appliances stimulate the development of manufacturing industries, which creates more job opportunities and bring the government increasing tax revenue.



However, it must be admitted that the worldwide use of household appliances inevitably contributes to environmental degradation. To commence with, in an attempt to maintain these devices function, a great amount of electricity has to be consumed, which is largely generated from fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum. In the long run, the scarcity of natural resources will become a tough issue for human beings. In addition, harmful gas emission is another big concern. As a matter of fact, in the use of fridge and air conditions, Freon (a kind of chemical gas) is emitted into air, leading to the destruction of ozone layer.


最后, 总结 并再次强调自己的观点,人们购买和使用家用电器是好事,不过也希望今后的家用电器产品能够更加环保。

In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, it is a positive development that people can purchase various electric appliances. However, environment-friendly technology should be adopted in its production to protect environment.



1 侵犯隐私 violate/intrude on/infringe on someone’s privacy

破坏某人的名誉 tarnish/sully/smear/besmirch(vts) one’s reputation

狗仔队 paparazzi(复数名词 不再加s)

新闻界 the press

印刷媒体(如报纸 杂志) the print media

报道新闻的机构 news outlets

电子媒体 the electronic media

名人 a celebrity/celebrities(plu)

时事 current affairs

丑闻 scandals

无处不在 prevalent/ubiquitous/pervasive(adj)

2 审查 censor(vt)

删除 delete/elimminate/excise(vts)

过多的暴力与色情内容 excessive/gratuitous violent and pornographic(adjs) contents

报道非常详尽的细节 report sth. In graphic detail

媒体炒作(n) media hype

有误导性的 misleading/misreprsented/distorted(adjs)

性的 fraudulent(adj)

虚假的 false/bogus(adjs)

夸大事实 exaggerate(vt) things/sensationalise(vt) things/blow things out of all proportions(最后一个比较口语 用作文也可以)

充斥着 be awash with/be inundated with/be saturated with sth.

掩盖(丑闻或罪行等) cover up/gloss over/whitewash

不客观的,不公正的 biased/skewed/unobjective(adjs)

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