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1. A man’s wristwatch ___ in the lobby of Liugi’s Pizza Restaurant on Tuesday, February . finds B. finding C. has found D. was found2. While this work is being done, most classes will continue as usual inside the building. However, if some classes need to be moved _____ to other rooms, teachers will inform their . greatly B. temporarily C. successfully D. ___ about the upcoming construction work should contact the school’s main . is having a question have questions C. there is a question D. who has questions4. A brood parasite bird put its own eggs into another bird’s nest and ___ the other bird take care of the . lets B. it let C. to let D. letting5. ______ moved to new . Rarely they only are B. Only are rarely they C. Are they only rarely D. Only rarely are they6. When the baby birds hatch from their eggs. the host bird—the bird that is being tricked—feeds the brood parasite’s baby ___ one of its . it were as if B. were as it if C. as if it were D. if as it were这个是真题

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口语考试对于很多考生来说是有一定难度的,托福考试中的口语部分学生很难拿到高分,为大家带来了2021年8月21日托福口语考试真题,可以来看看。 2021年8月21日托福口语考试真题 1. 一些人喜欢保存老旧的物件;另一些喜欢把老旧的东西扔掉,你喜欢哪一种? 2. 同学提出proposal: 想让current students and alumni at the same field组一个什么program to let alumni give advices about what courses current students should take and so on. 听力:the woman disagrees with the proposal. She thinks he does not think it through. Students are busy and have no time to go off-campus. They could just go to the student office and ask for advice. Moreover, they might felt overwhelmed since professors and counselors already gave advises to them. 3. 广告是如何让消费者记住产品的? 听力:教授去沙龙,看到一本杂志,里面有很多广告,其中里面有一个看起来很成功的的男人看起来很贵的车。下一页接着是一个香水小样,再之后他进过一家香水店,进去本来没打算买东西但是看到了那天杂志上的香水。第一时间想到了那个成功男人和他的车。他本来也没打算买的,但或许是因为那个pleasant memory of the magazine... 4. 两种方案防止土壤堆积盐分: 1.修建管道,排出多余的水。地下水含盐量高,排出多余的水,那么盐分也会随着水分一起被排出。 2.种植抗盐植物。耐盐的植物可以在盐碱地中生长,这样农民仍然可以使用含盐的土壤进行种植生产。 托福口语考试注意细节 中国考生口语举例表达需重视文化差异 中国考生在举例表达时必须注意中西文化的差异,很多考生在阐述思想时能把中国文化中普遍认同的东西表达出来,却没有能够把中国人为何普遍认同这种东西其背后的原因和条件讲述出来。因为美国人对其背后的原因和条件一无所知,就很难明白你想表达的思想观点,甚至会认为你所表达的观点是荒唐的。 实例讲解中西方文化差异在口语中可能导致的问题 比如说,一个学生在谈到在中国用什么交通工具最好这一问题时,阐述了这一观点“Only the very wealthy people can afford to buy a car.”为了使美国人真正理解这句话,就必须按下面的方法来交代原因和条件:The living standard in China is still not very high. The average monthly income per person even in large and affluent cities is about 200 U. S. dollars. This income is just enough to cover the family expenses, without any money left for savings. Furthermore, cars in China are far more expensive than in the United States. The cheapest car in China would be about 10,000 dollars. Very few Chinese people can save enough to purchase a car, not to mention the cost of car maintenance. 托福口语零基础备考提升方法 说英文的语言环境 若有人问我:“学了如此多年英语,口语为何不见得有提升呢?”我能够十分负责任地回答:“这事儿不怪你!”口语是人与人之间的交流方式,并未有人找你用英语聊天,你自然就不可以获得口语的锻炼,是不是?说得专业一点,英语口语不见提升的根源就是英语环境的缺失。 口语发音要重视起来 可能有的考生针对托福口语的发音并非十分的重视。事实上口语发音是托福口语的一个十分重要的评分标准。大家可以想像下老师每天需要批改那么多的答案,若你的答案还要他去猜是什么意思,如此最后的得分肯定不高。相反,那么答案语音清晰的,得分就会相对高很多的。 严格把控时间 托福口语考试的答题时间是相当短的,最长在60秒,通常情况下的答题时间只有45秒。针对这部分时间,大家一定要把握好。到了考试时有很多考生只注意时间,表示时间凑满了,就一定会拿高分。其实,为了凑时间而出现的重复答案,并不会给你加分,反之清晰的表达出所要表达的内容最后才可以获得高分。 在此还有一种情况是你所说的答案逻辑十分清楚,有理有据,就算是用在规定时间里没有答完,如此同样不会影响你获得高分的。这一点大家一定要注意了。 平时需要多实践,多练习 针对托福口语备考而言,平时的口语练习才是最重要的。这一点,考生们能够在平日找到有的朋友一起来练习,很多学校都会给有的学外语的学生开设如同英语角这样的场所,大家可以在里面就要大胆的说。考试时需要将考试当做和朋友在一起聊天就好,这样即消除了恐惧,同时也能得到一个不错的分数。

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  • 小托福考试真题pdf

    1. A man’s wristwatch ___ in the lobby of Liugi’s Pizza Restaurant on Tuesday, F

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