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That is two normal question and you just need to answer with what you think. 第二句是问你,你什么时候觉得时间过的快,什么时候觉得实践过得慢?

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Presently I am working for a local advertising company.

My ideal job should have at least two weeks' paid vacation every year.

I make a living by designing TV commercials.

At present the job outlook is grim.

I hope to work in a multinational company.

My dream is to find a well-paid job such as banking, marketing,etc.

I am fascinated with accounting and finance.

I believe my talents merit a higher position.

I'm not very satisfied with my present job.

I wish to switch my current job.

Nowadays the job market is full of fierce competition.

Nowadays young people tend to think themselves above business.


When you are troubled a vacation is the best medicine for you.

Last summer I had a blissful stay in Beijing.

If I had a holiday of a few days I would like to visit Guangzhou.

I spend my free time fooling around and doing nothing.

I always take a long holiday in July and August.

Seattle is an ideal destination for holidays.

With its romantic atmosphere Paris becomes a tourist attraction.

Spring festival is the most important holiday in China.

My trip to Beijing in summer holiday was charming.

During holidays I often have a big party with our family members.

I would like to pay a new year visit to my relatives during the spring festival.

I would prefer to go to the gym center to do the body exercising during on holidays.

话题3 科学发展

Driven by science and technology the society is undergoing a dramatic change.

My fascination with science started from middle school.

Science and technology to some extent represents the power of a country.

We hope that science is introduced to the public in a vivid way.

We are coming to an age of automation.

Science is not as abstract as what you have expected.

Science and technology is the first productive force in today's society.

The development of science is pushing forward the development of other traditional industries.

Technology is making the world colorful and unexpected as well.

Electronic technology is developing so fast that we see new e-products every day such as iphone or i-watch.

With many years of study and research he found out the truth.

Einstein, famous for his theory of relativity, is one of the scientists I admire most.




环球青藤友情提示:以上就是[ 雅思口语900句? ]问题解答,希望能够帮助到大家!

137 评论


people now prefer to spend their vacation outdoors instead of being at home and watching the tedious TV my perspective,the meaning of travelling is soothes one's highly stressful students and workers,they need temporary escape from the real world and be themselves for a lets one feel the breath of himself,the fragrance of flowers,the freshness of the is involved in the relaxed atmosphere and is able to banish his mind off it is certain that he come to work in a new travelling,especially travelling with family members,one can feel what happiness really a trip,family members get together and enjoy the beauty of sunrise,what a pleasure! is we live happily,we feel time lapse;when we are down,we feel time my perspective,time lapses when I am with my live far from my mom and I cherish time we spend watch television series and talk about my when I look at the clock,it is time to go to crawls when I am my final exams come and my friends have already been on vacations,my heart am desperately eager to finish my exams and play with my friends.(⊙o⊙)…回答的不好 着急吃饭 妈妈催我呢 希望对你有帮助

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