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fe. But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the

179 评论


I'm doing my homework. He is playing with a toy. She is watching TV. We are swimming. They are running. We are cleaning our classroom. I'm making a kite. He is reading a book. She is writing a story. We are climbing a mountain. He is sleeping. She is crying. We are drinking. They are shouting. They are fighting. I am cooking. It is raining. It is snowing. We are waiting for you. The plane is getting off.They are talking.He is speaking.She is listening to music.They are singing.We are having English class.I am walking.The boy is playing basketball.My father is working.I am looking after the baby.She is closing the door.I'm listening to him.They are flying kites.I'm looking for my watch.She's sitting there.He is opening the window.We are planting trees.They are watering flowers.She is washing clothes.He is mending a car.He is riding a bike.

144 评论


He is watching TV now.

138 评论


What do yur doing? 你在干嘛?What do yur going? 你要去哪?I'm doing my homewore now. 我正在做作业。

295 评论



246 评论


  • 英语造句长句

    1、在脑袋里先准备几个词组,然后用这些词组排顺序, 加几个胶水词儿**这样就创造句子。要这样看,词组等于红砖,胶水词儿等于砂浆,加起来可以建立一个房子, 就是你

    qq496257996 4人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 英语句法造句

    1、I'm busy enough doing my homework.我做作业已经很忙了。2、Please take the book to the righ

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  • 英语造句70句

    It’s hard for the little children to get the top of the treeIt’s good for you to

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    制造的英文单词是manufacture,具体释义如下: manufacture  英 [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃə(r)]   美 [ˌmænjəˈfæktʃɚ

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  • 英语句子造句

    英文造句是学习英文的一个重要内容,以下是我收集的相关信息,仅供大家阅读参考! 1.With my own ears I clearly heard the he

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