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1、为什么我们之间的爱情总是一方勉强,一方承让。 Why our relationship is always one party, one party bear let. 2、爱情不能天长地久,只能朝生暮死,青春不会天长地久,只会转瞬即逝。 Love cannot be everlasting, only ephemerality, the youth will not last forever, only will be fleeting. 3、最难过不是大吼,而是痛到最深处喘不上气手发抖连泪都得忍着。 The most sad is not shout, but the deepest pain to breath trembling hands even tears have to endure. 4、花开的世界虽美,有你的世界更美。 The world is beautiful flowers, have your world more beautiful. 5、如果有一天你叫我,我没有回头,只有一个原因。我哭了。 If one day you call me, I don't look back, just for one reason. I cried. 6、以前要的不是这种以后,想要的不是你的虚情假意。 It used to be, not after the want is not your false. 7、如果他能给你肩膀,而不是我,我可以接受,你可以滚出我的世界了。 If he can give you the shoulder, not me, I can accept, you can get out of my world. 8、我心疼为男人伤心流泪的女孩。 I love sad tears, and the girl for the man. 9、凡事别太早下定论,时间会证明究竟有多少人在意你。 Things don't too early to tell, time will tell how many people care about you. 10、男人没本事别怪女人现实,女人没本事别怪男人花心。 A man will not be able to don't blame the woman reality, women will not be able to don't blame men flower heart. 11、强颜欢笑的悲伤,从心底蔓延出微微的痛。 Smile of sadness, sPad from the bottom of the slightly pain. 12、爱一个人不一定就要拥有,但拥有了一个人就应该好好的爱她呵护她。 Love a person not necessarily will own, but have a person should have a good love she care for her. 13、过程和结局都有了,再去纠缠,连自己都觉得贪婪。 Here are the process and outcome, again to entwine, connect oneself feel greedy. 14、我在乎你,你才那么闪耀。我不在乎你,你就什么都不是。 I care about you, you just so shine. I don't care about you, you are nothing. 15、时光就像是一场地震,趁年少如花,路途遥远,我们在一起吧。 Time is like an earthquake, young flower, long journey, we are together. 16、故事结局太完美,也是悲伤的。 The story ended too perfect, also is sad. 17、当你爱一个人时,你才发现,他是你心里地刺青,永远深深地印在你的心里。 When you love a person, you will realize tattoos he is in your heart, deep in your heart forever. 18、虽然还爱你,但是我已经慢慢习惯没有你的日子了。 Although I still love you, but I already get used to day without you. 19、即使伤心,也不要愁云一脸,由于你不知是谁会爱上你的笑颜。 Never frown, even when you are sad dark a face, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 20、可有可无,在你心里我终于弄清了自己处在一个多么尴尬的位置。 Dispensable, in your heart how I got to know the oneself is in an awkward position. 21、不够喜欢一个人再小的事都会成为放弃的借口。 Not like a person again small things can be used as an excuse to give up. 22、我多希望在我害怕的时候在我旁边的人是你。 How I wish when I was scared at the person next to me is you. 23、我希望以后可以不用送你回家,而是我们一起回我们的家。 I hope I don't have to take you home, but we together back to our home. 24、记住了并不代表是永恒,忘却了也不等于没发生。 Remember do not rePsent is eternal, forget also is not equal to didn't happen. 25、愈想得到,就愈要放手。放手是很难的,但是别无选择。 The more want more, just want to let go. It is difficult to let go, but have no other choice. 26、自从和你分手以后,我发现追我的人越来越多了。 Since breaking up with you later, I found more and more people are chasing me. 27、我不是没有情绪不是木衲,是爱你太多无言表达。 I don't be to have no emotions is not wood, is love you too much contempt. 28、要一句诺言,即使明知它如流连于皮肤上的亲吻一般,会失去痕迹。 To promise, even though it is like linger on the skin's kiss, will lose marks. 29、不合适这个词拆散了太多善良的人。 Don't fit the word break up too much kind person. 30、我常常想起一些人。没有想念那么黏,没有想望那么热,只是稀薄的想起。 I often think of some people. No miss so sticky, no desire so hot, is thin. 31、青春是人生的实验课,错也错的很值得。 Youth is life's experiment, wrong also wrong is worth it. 32、哭花了妆,泪湿了衣裳。 Cry spent makeup, tears wet clothes. 33、放好心态,失去的东西,不要悲伤,你就当,他本身就不属于你。 Put a good attitude, lose something, don't be sad, you when, he himself do not belong to you. 34、尽管我们再苦,我们小两口也幸福。 Although we will have a bitter, we happy couple. 35、只是我回首来时路的每一步都走的好孤独。 I just come back each step of the road go well alone. 36、喜欢一个人是种感觉,不喜欢一个人却是事实。事实容易解释,感觉却难以言喻。 Like a person is feeling, I don't like a person is true. Fact easy explanation, the feeling is unspeakable. 37、长大的岁月里我们没有变化,只是更像自己。 Grew up in the years we have no change, just like himself better. 38、遇见你,感激。就算没有未来、没有以后。 Grateful to meet you. Even if no future, no later. 39、不是我不挽留,而是你的选择。 Not I don't keep, but your choice. 40、女人恋爱的时候就像与世隔绝般。 Women like isolated when you're in love. 41、原来,我们的感情,从头到尾都只是一场有头无尾的游戏。 It turns out that our feelings, from the beginning to the end is just a game of half-finished. 42、发生什么事情都不要离开,因为回去的路很难走。 What all don't leave, because it is difficult to go back to the way. 43、千万个不眠的夜里,你一直让我感动,只是因为相信有个人会爱我一生一世。 Do a sleepless night, you always make me moved, only because believe someone will love me for life. 44、一想到跟你说话,我就笑的跟个傻逼一样。 The thought of talking to you, I will smile like a silly force. 45、淡淡的味道、蠢蠢的自己。单单的以为、纯纯的爱情。 Light taste, stupid. Just think, pure love. 46、鱼上钩了,那是因为鱼爱上了渔夫,它愿用生命来博渔夫一笑。 Fish bait, it's because the fish fell in love with a fisherman, it may use life to bo fisherman a smile. 47、我没有爱过你,只是爱怀念着你,再苦也与你没关系。 I have no love you, I just miss you, love again painstakingly also it doesn't matter with you. 48、如果你肯回头看看,你会发现有个人依然在原地等候,等了很久很久。 If you look back, you will find someone still in situ waiting, waiting for a long time. 49、所有人都说我把你宠坏了,唯独你说我从来没宠过你。 Everyone said I put you spoiled, but you said I never spoil you. 50、那左手系着对你的思念,右手却牵着你给的悲伤。 for your thoughts on the left hand holding your sadness. 51、有本事你就照顾好自己,不然就老老实实地让我来照顾你! Have skill you will take good care of yourself, otherwise it honestly let me to take care of you! 52、唱着我们喜欢的歌,幸福回忆一点一点重现。 Sing our favorite songs, happy memories bit by bit. 53、对我来说你的诚恳比谎言还要锥心刺骨! Your sincere for me than a lie cone heart bitter! 54、好想从现在开始抱着你,紧紧地抱着你,一直走到上帝面前。 Really want to hold you from now on, tightly hold you, until you come to god. 55、爱情是一朵生长在悬崖峭壁边缘上的花,想摘取就必须要有勇气。 Love is a growth in the cliffs on the edge of the flower, want to pick it must have the courage. 56、我也想单纯一点,不想懂这么多人情事故。 I also want to simple point, don't want to understand so many accidents. 57、别把爱情当游戏,因为我玩不起。 Don't put the love when the game, because I can't afford to play. 58、只想找一个在我失意时可以承受我的眼泪;在我快乐时,可以让我咬一口的肩膊。 Just want to find a can bear my tears when I am frustrated; When I am happy, can let I bite shoulders. 59、幸福就好,不要晒出来,因为晒多了,会晒干的。 Happiness is good, don't burn out, because the sun is much, will be dry. 60、我自认做到了不离不弃,但你说好的生死相依呢? I think do it, but a good life and death dependency are you talking about? 61、曾经的记忆,空白的如此透彻。 Once the memory, blank so thoroughly. 62、爱一个人容易,去忘了一个人哪有那么容易。 Love a person is easy, to forget a person which have so easy. 63、当初的甜蜜,如今只能留着回忆,留着怀念。 At the beginning of sweet, now can only keep the memories with nostalgia. 64、女人的心慈手软,与男人的口是心非,成正比。 A woman with kid gloves, and the man's duplicity, is proportional to the. 65、爱你、给你我生命所有的美好、然后退场、让万花筒灿烂你的眼瞳。 Love you, I give you all the good life, then exit, let the kaleidoscope brilliant pupil of your eyes. 66、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。 Love makes people forget time, time makes people forget love. 67、人与人之间,总有邂逅;心与心之间,总会生情。 Between people, there will always be met; Between the heart and heart, always love. 68、既然爱,为什么不说出口,有些东西失去了,就在也回不来了! Since love, why not export, some things lost, in also won't come back! 69、爱一个女孩子,与其为了她的幸福而放弃她,不如留住她,为她的幸福而拼搏。 Love a girl, and for the sake of her happiness and abandon her, not equal to keep her, fight for her happiness. 70、不管你的想法是对是错,都不要强迫别人去接受。应试教育才那么做。 No matter your idea is right or wrong, don't force others to accept. Exam-oriented education to do it.

179 评论


1、爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。 Love keeps the cold. 2、爱情,它让我爱上寂寞。 Love, it makes me fall in love with loneliness. 3、爱上像我这样的一个人。 Fall in love with a person like me. 4、爱情是生活最好的提神剂。 Love is the best tonic in life. 5、当我需要动力时你鼓励我。 Encourage me when I need a drive. 6、爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。 Love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 7、你的泪水,对我已经毫无意。 Your tears, I have no intention of. 8、爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。 Love warms more than a thousand fires. 9、过去的过不去,未来的未曾来。 The past is not to go, the future has not come. 10、治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。 The only way to love is to love more. 11、两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。 No words are necessary between two loving hearts. 12、热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。 Passionate love is a desire that cannot be supPssed. 13、爱能医人奉献者和接受者皆然。 Love cures people and devotees receive it. 14、人生总有些人,忘不了,戒不掉。 There are always some people in life, forget not to quit. 15、此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。 Remembrance into, but was already frustrated. 16、我喜欢星星,而你就跟星星般美丽。 I like the stars, and you are like the stars. 17、同一个单词,既是想念,也是错过。 The same word, both miss, but also missed. 18、一个不欣赏自己的人,是难以快乐的。 A person who does not apPciate his own, is difficult to be happy. 19、尽避还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想! Do not avoid once left, I have you yearn day and night! 20、你的专属的味道,让我的心紧紧依靠。 Your own taste, let my heart closely rely on. 21、在乎才会乱想,不在乎连想都不会想。 Care will want, don't care don't even want to. 22、太多人有太好的演技,却不知道在演戏。 Too many people have too good acting, but do not know in acting. 23、你对我的一点点好,都会动摇我的决心。 You have a little bit of good to me, will shake my determination. 24、缺少爱的生命,就像未开花结果的枯树。 Life without love is like a tree without. 25、我没有哭泣,只是突然学会了思念而已。 I didn't cry, but suddenly learned to miss it. 26、有时沉默,不是不快乐,只是想把心净空。 Sometimes silence is not happy, just want to get the heart. 27、真爱是上帝单独赐予普天下芸芸众生的礼物。 True love is God given gift alone the world numerous living beings. 28、希望那些我没有做到的,可以让你做得更好。 I hope that I do not do, can make you do better. 29、没有什么过不去,我不相信幸福,我相信你。 Nothing can't live, I don't believe in happiness, I believe you. 30、生活中最大的幸福就是,坚信有人爱着我们。 The great happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. 31、爱情是一个平台,上面聚集着形形**的人。 Love is a platform, which gathers all kinds of people. 32、懦弱的人害怕孤独,理智的人懂得享受孤独。 A weak person is afraid of loneliness, a rational person knows how to enjoy being alone. 33、哪怕别的赢不了人家,我们心态好就是完胜。 Even if the other win others, our attitude is victory. 34、人生能有几多可等,你不挽回我,我等不了你 Life can have how much can wait, you do not save me, I can not wait for you 35、没心没肺地笑,只是不想输掉仅剩下的骄傲。 My smile, just don't want to lose the rest of the proud. 36、即使太阳从西边出来,我对你的爱也不会改变。 If the sun were to rise in the west, my love for you would never change. 37、不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。 38、躲开的是身影,躲不开的却是那份默默的情怀。 Away from the figure, can not hide is the share of the feelings of silence. 39、为表现的多完美而花的时间,是浪费掉的时间。 It's a waste of time to spend more than perfect performance. 40、一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手,触动你心灵的人。 A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 41、爱你,我的脸颊往中挤;想你,我的下巴向下移。 I love you, my cheeks are in the middle of the crowd; I want you, my chin down. 42、假如你走了,我会很沮丧。你离开,我会很想念。 If you go, I will be very upset. You leave, I will miss you very much. 43、任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。 Any one thing, as long as willing, always can become simple. 44、有时候,最适合你的人,恰恰是你最没有想到的人。 Sometimes, the most suitable for you, it is your most did not think of the people. 45、回忆,很美,却很伤;回忆,只是回不到过去的记忆。 Memories, very beautiful, but very hurt, memories, memories of the past but can not go back. 46、在世界上你可能只是某人,但对于某人你可能是世界。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 47、没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry。 48、适当地用理智控制住爱情,有利无弊,发疯似的滥施爱情。 The proper use of rational control of love, harmless, crazy love abuse. 49、爱情的秘密在双方的心灵中生成,但形体是表白爱惜的书。 The secret of love is in the heart of both sides, but the body is the book of love. 50、只因为某人不如你所愿爱你,并不意味着你不被别人所爱。 Just because someone doesn't love you as you wish, it doesn't mean you're not loved with all his being. 51、爱,直至成伤之后就是永远的对不起,即使你感觉不到我。 Love, until after the injury is always sorry, even if you don't feel me. 52、只要我一想起你,亲爱的人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消云散。 As long as I think of you, dear ones, all loss and regret disappear. 53、失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁却犹如远在天边。 The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. 54、我不需要一张照片把你记起,因为在我心里你从未曾离去。 I don't need a photograph to remember you, because in my heart, you never leave. 55、我在这个世界上,走走停停,寻寻觅觅,就是为了和你相遇。 I in this world, stop and go, searching, is to meet with you. 56、有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 With you, I lose myself. Losing you, how I wish I lost again. 57、当我们搬开别人脚下的绊脚石时,也许恰恰是在为自己铺路。 When we move others stumbling block, perhaps it is paving the way for their. 58、爱情存在于奉献的欲望之中,并把情人的快乐视作自己的快乐。 Love exists in the dedication of the desire, and the lover's happiness as their own happiness. 59、纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 60、如果只有在梦里才能和你在一起,那么,宝贝,我宁愿长睡不起。 If only in the dream and you can be together, then, baby, I would rather not sleep. 61、应该更好的方式开始新一天,而不是千篇一律的在每个上午都醒来。 It should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning. 62、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world。 63、每当我看天的时候我就不喜欢在说话,每当我说话的时候却不敢在看天。 Every time I look at the sky, I don't like talking, but I don't dare to look at the sky when I talk. 64、我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 65、爱,围绕在我的身边,如此温柔,如此温馨;如果我要奉献我的心,那它只属于你。 Love, so soft and warm beside me, if I were to give my heart, it would have to be with you. 66、不要吝惜自己的爱,敞开自己的胸怀,多多给予,你会发现,你也已经沐浴在了爱河里。 Don't be stingy with their love, open their mind, give more, you will find that you have been bathed in the love river. 67、只有跟你在一起的时候我才是活着的,我一个人的时候,就连最耀眼的太阳也失去光彩! I am alive only when I am with you. When I am alone, the most dazzling sun seems to have lost the brilliance! 68、学的越多,知道的越多,知道的越多,忘记的越多,忘记的越多,知道的越少,为什么学来着? The more you learn, the more you know, the more you know, the more you forget, the more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn. 69、我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。新的爱情来,旧的爱情去。 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. New love, old love to go. 70、内心的每一次跳动,都在呼喊你的名字。我是如此渴望和你在一起,噢,希望你,希望你,能有同样的感觉。 Every beat of the heart, is calling your name. I am so eager to be with you, oh, hope you, hope you, can have the same feeling. 71、当你需要倾诉,我就在这里;当你需要一个温暖的拥抱,我就在这里;当你需要有人为你擦去伤心的泪水,我就在这里。 When you need to talk, I am here; when you need a warm hug, I will be here; when you need someone to wipe your tears of sadness, I will be here. 72、她的一举一动,她的一颦一笑;她的聪慧,她的声音将我的心俘虏;将我的心俘虏。我不明白个中缘由,但我会爱她到永远。 Her every act and every move, every twinkle and smile of her; her wit, her voice my heart beguiles, beguiles my heart. I don't understand why, but I will love her forever. 73、如果我因深深的悲哀而痛哭,如果我已对明天失去了所有的希望,你是否会为我擦去泪水,抚平伤痛,你是否会让我欢颜依旧? If I because of deep sorrow and cry, if I lost all hope for a new tomorrow, would you dry my tear and ease pain, would you make me smile once again? 74、我喜欢并习惯了对变化的东西保持着距离,这样才会知道什么是最不会被时间抛弃的准则。比如爱一个人,充满变数,我于是后退一步,静静的看着,直到看见真诚的感情。 I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things. Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. For example, when you love someone, changes are so variable. Then I step backward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings. 75、当你需要有人倾听的时候,我就在这里;当你需要温暖的怀抱的时候,我就在这里;当你需要有人牵你的手,我就在这里。当你需要有人为你擦去伤心的泪水,你知道吗?我就在这里。 When you need someone to listen, I'll be there. When you need a warm hug, I'll be there. When you need someone to hold your hand, I'll be there. When you need someone to wipe your tears of sadness, do you know? Here I am. 76、我不觉得人的心智成熟是越来越宽容涵盖,什么都可以接受。相反,我觉得那应该是一个逐渐剔除的过程,知道自己最重要的是什么,知道不重要的东西是什么。而后,做一个纯简的人。 I don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the most important and what's the most important. And then be a simple man.

104 评论


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  • 英文句子爱情

    1、即使你不爱我,我会一生保护你。 Even if you don't love me, I will protect you forever. 2、我们,

    卓越精品装饰 3人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 英语爱情句子

    1、为什么我们之间的爱情总是一方勉强,一方承让。 Why our relationship is always one party, one party be

    一起去听风 2人参与回答 2024-06-12