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总是:always, all the time, 经常:often, quite often, usually有时:sometimes, from time to time, occassionally,很少:seldom, 从不:never

330 评论


frequency频率,快的fast,慢的slow,at high frequency以高频率, at low frequency以低频率

94 评论


点击上方↑↑↑“中学英语学习”关注我 点击下方图片领取,学而思语法精讲视频away 与 a wayaway 用作副词时,意为“远”“离开”“远离”,通常作 be 的表语,也可以放在动词或副词之后,与动词一起构成短语动词;a way 是名词短语,是“一条路”“一个方法”之意。例如:① Who will look after these children when I'm away?我走了之后,谁来照看这些孩子?②The village is about eight miles away from here.那个村子离这儿大约有八英里远。③She thought hard,and found a way at last.她苦思冥想,终于找到了一个方法。already 与 all readyalready 是副词,意为“已经”,常与完成时态连用;all ready 是形容词短语,常用作表语,意为“一切就绪”“都准备好了”。例如:①We have already finished our work.我们已经做完了我们的工作。②We are all ready for the trip. Let's go.我们都做好了旅行的准备。那么咱们就上路吧。awhile 与 a whileawhile 是副词,意思是“一会儿”“片刻”,其前不可加介词或副词; a while 是名词短语,意思是“一会儿”(与 awhile 同义),a while 前面可以加介词in,after或for,也可加副词quite。例如:①Wait awhile. [= Wait (for) a while. ]等一会儿。②The postman came quite a while ago.邮递员好一会儿前来过。③After a while, they quarrelled again.过了一会儿,他们又吵了起来。asleep 与 a sleepasleep 是形容词,意为“睡着的”,只能跟在fall 和be 后面作表语,或置于find 后面作宾语补足语;a sleep 是名词短语,意为“一段睡眠”,与have 连用,构成 have a sleep (睡一会)。例如:①Don't make any noise. The baby is asleep.别闹,小孩睡着了。②He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door.他刚要入睡,这时传来很响的敲门声。③I had a sound sleep last night.昨晚我睡得很香。anyway 与 any wayanyway 是副词,意为“不管怎样”“无论如何”(= anyhow);any way 是名词短语,意为“任何方面”“任何方式”,前面要加介词in 等。例如:①Anyway I must finish the work today.无论如何我今天也要做完这项工作。②Thank you anyway.不管怎样谢谢你。③Can I be of some help to you in any way?我可以在哪一方面帮帮你吗?anyone 与 any oneanyone 是代词,意为“任何人”,不能与 of 短语连用;any one 既可指人,又可指物,可以和 of 短语连用,表示“(……中的)任何一个”。例如:①Anyone who breaks the law shall be punished .无论谁犯了法都将受到惩罚。②Any one of the students in the class studies very hard.这个班上无论哪一个学生学习都很努力。③Any one will do.任何一个都行。faraway 与 far awayfaraway 是形容词,意为“遥远的”,可作名词的前置定语;far away 是副词短语,意为“很远”“遥远”,可作表语、状语和后置定语,有时也可作介词的宾语。例如:①He lives in a faraway village (或a village far away).他住在一个遥远的村子里。②As is known to (us) all, the moon is far away from the earth.众所周知,月球距地球很远。③Mr. Smith lives far away.史密斯先生住在很远的地方。④The news came from far away.消息从远处传来。everyday 与 every dayeveryday 是形容词,意为“每日的”“日常的”,作前置定语用;every day 是名词短语,意为“每日”“每天”,在句子中作时间状语。例如:①Can you speak some everyday English.你会说一些日常英语吗?②We go to work at eight o'clock in the morning every day.我们每天上午八点钟上班。everyone 与 every oneeveryone 是不定代词,意为“每人”“人人”“大家”,在句子中作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式;every one是名词词组,意为“每一个(人或物)”,可以与of 短语连用,在句中作主语时,谓语动词也为单数形式。例如:①Everyone (= Everybody) in our class likes Miss Gao.我们班人人都喜欢高老师。②Every one of you must be here on time tomorrow.明天你们 (每个人) 都必须准时到这儿。③I put every one of my books in the desk.我把我的书都放在课桌里了。none 与 no onenone 既可指人,也可指物,意为“没有一个”“没有一点”,可和of 短语连用。none 作主语时,谓语动词既可为单数形式,也可为复数形式; no one (= nobody) 是不定代词,只指人,意为“没有一个人”,不能和of 短语连用,在句中作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式。例如:①No one (= Nobody) in our class is absent.我们班没有一个人缺席。②-Is there anyone who got injured in the accident?有人在这次事故中受伤吗?-No one.没有。③English is the first language in none of these countries.英语在这些国家里都不是第一语言。④-How many apples are there in the basket?篮子里有多少苹果?-None.一个也没有。⑤None of the miners got injured in this accident.在这次事故中没有一个矿工受伤。sometime 与 some timesometime 是副词,意为“(过去或将来的)某个时候”,在句中作状语; some time是名词词组,意为“一段时间”。例如:①They will come sometime next week.他们将在下周某个时候来。②I saw him sometime last month.我上个月什么时候见过他。③I'm going to stay in Beijing for some time.我将在北京住一段时间。④It took me quite some time to finish the work.我用了好一段时间才把工作做完。maybe 与 may bemaybe是副词,意为“或许”“可能”,相当于 perhaps ,常在句首作状语;may be 是情态动词和连系动词,意为“可能是”“或许是”,在句中作谓语用。例如:①Maybe the meeting will be held tomorrow.会议可能将于明天召开。②He may be there now, but I'm not sure.现在他可能在那里,但我不能肯定。③They may be at the gate waiting for us, let's hurry.他们可能在大门口等我们,咱们快点走吧。however 与 how everhowever 是副词或连接副词,意为“无论怎样”“可是”;how ever 意为“究竟怎样”,其中 ever 是强意词,起加强语气的作用。例如:①However difficult the work (may) be, we must complete it in time.无论工作多么艰难,我们必须按时完成。②I'd like to go with you. however, my hands are full.我很想和你一起去,可是我忙不过来。③How ever did you manage to get the car started?你到底是怎样把汽车发动起来的?sometimes 与 some timessometimes 是频度副词,意为“有时”;some times 是名词短语,意为“几回”“几次”“几倍”。例如:①Sometimes we go to the cinema and at other times we go for a walk.有时候我们去看电影,有时候我们去散步。②We have already met each other some times this year.今年我们已经见过几次面了。altogether 与 all togetheraltogether 是副词,意为“全部地”“总而言之”;all together 是副词短语,意为“全体一起”“全部在一起”。例如:①I have three hundred books altogether.我总共有300 本书。②Altogether, the children have done very well.总的说来,这些孩子们做得很好。③Put the plates all together in the sink.把盘子全部放在水池里。英语写作教学与研究▲长按二维码“识别”关注分享学术研究成果,关注写作研究与教学中学英语学习▲长按二维码“识别”关注每天与您分享初高中英语学习精品学习资料

138 评论


表示频率的单词: never从不 seldom很少 sometimes有时 often经常 usually通常 always总是

136 评论


表示频率的单词:never从不 seldom很少 sometimes有时 often经常 usually通常 always总是

285 评论


表示频率副词有sometimes 有时seldom很少always 总是never从来不often 经常usually 常常这些词常与一般现在时态连用。

95 评论


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