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调味品主要是指香草和香料。香草是各种植物的叶子。它们可以是新鲜的、风干的或磨碎的。香料是植物的种子、花蕾、果实、花朵、树皮和根。香料的味道比香草浓烈得多。有些情况下,一种植物既能用于生产香草又能用于生产香料。有些调味品由多种香料混合而成(例如红辣椒粉),或者由多种香草混合而成(例如调味袋)。在饮食、烹饪和食品加工中广泛应用的,用于改善食物的味道并具有去腥、除膻、解腻、增香、增鲜等作用的产品。拼音: tiáo wèi pǐn英文: [flavouring;condiment;seasoning]调味品的英文名称如下:basil 罗勒: 新鲜或者风干的罗勒的甜味是意式菜肴的必备要素。bay leaves月桂叶: 整片风干的月桂叶可以为炖菜和肉类增添特殊的香气,不过请务必在上菜前拿走月桂叶。leak 细香葱:细香葱气味清淡,常用作菜肴的装饰。莳萝:莳萝属于欧芹科,莳萝草是风干的、柔软且有茸毛的莳萝叶子。它特殊的香气很容易盖过菜肴的其他味道,所以请慎用。mojoram 墨角兰:墨角兰的味道与牛至很接近,通常用于鱼类、肉类、家禽类的菜肴和番茄酱中。mint 薄荷: 薄荷既有新鲜的,也有风干的,可以用于蔬菜、水果类菜肴中,还可以用在茶里。oregano 牛至:牛至的气味很重,极易盖过清淡的菜肴,但用在很多意式菜肴中却恰到好处。parseley欧芹:购买时,要选择鲜绿色且带有清新香气的欧芹。为便于储存,需仔细清洗欧芹,并甩去多余的水。先用纸巾包裹欧芹,再将其放入塑料袋中。平时应冷藏,使用时再取出。欧芹常用作菜肴中的装饰。rosemary 迷迭香:尽管迷迭香不能很好地与其他香草配合,但特殊的香气使其成为肉类、家禽或烧烤的首选配料。sage 鼠尾草:新鲜鼠尾草的香气比风干的浓重许多,但两者都可以与野味、家禽和馅料很好地配合。龙蒿:龙蒿常用于鸡类、鱼类和蔬菜中,也用于各种沙司中。新鲜龙蒿叶风干后辛辣味会大减。百里香:百里香常用于蔬菜、肉类、家禽、鱼类、汤和奶油沙司中,为其增添风味。英国百里香是最受欢迎的一种。调味品香料多香果粉:这种香料有着肉桂、肉豆蔻、丁香的混合香气,因此而得名。马槟榔:这些是马槟榔树上如豌豆大小的花蕾。马槟榔主要产于中美洲和地中海地区,可为沙司、调味汁和佐料增添辛辣的气味。卡宴辣椒:这种红辣椒需慎用,以免其味道过重,但对于很多拉丁美洲和西南部的菜肴来说是必备的。红辣椒粉:和咖喱粉一样,红辣椒粉也是由辛辣的香料和磨碎的红辣椒混合而成。肉桂粉:磨碎的树皮主要用于甜点,而整块树皮则可用于为苹果酒和其他热饮调味(味辣)。丁香:这种甜味的香料既有整只的,也有磨碎的,常用于烤肉和甜点中。孜然芹:磨碎的孜然芹因其辛辣的烟熏口味,常用于许多拉丁美洲和西南部的菜肴中。请慎用。咖喱粉:咖喱粉由多种香料混合而成,包括姜黄、小豆蔻、孜然芹、胡椒、丁香、肉桂、肉豆蔻,有时还有生姜。辣椒使它辛辣,磨碎的干大蒜则赋予它浓重的口味。咖喱是根据其不同的用途,选择不同的香料来混合的。生姜:生姜是一种多节、棕褐色的块根,能为食物增添一种特殊的香气,广泛用于亚洲菜肴中。肉豆蔻:这种香料带有辛辣的香气,以及一种温暖的、微甜的口味,常用于调味烘焙的食物、蜜饯、布丁、肉类、沙司、蔬菜和蛋奶酒。红辣椒:磨碎的红辣椒能为土豆色拉和海鲜等菜肴增色,而又不使其过于辛辣。干藏红花粉:这种芳香的香料主要用于汤和米饭中。姜黄:和生姜一样,姜黄是咖喱粉的必备成分,一度被称为印度藏红花。请慎用——它只需一点,香气就足以持久。

199 评论


ResearchToday I researched on a soft drink--Lulu. I enjoy drinking it very much. I think it's quite tasty. Yet I don't know if it's nutritious. Therefore, I did research (research前面不加a,research不可数) on it. My research results are as follows: It's ingredients include water, cane sugar, and apricot kernel (不能用almond,almond是指美国大杏仁,不是露露里的那种,露露的是apricot kernel). The nutrition facts show that in every 100 grams of Lulu, there are 0.5 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat, and 7.5 grams of carbohydrates (这儿用复数). Based on its nutrition facts, I now know that it's good for my health. I do think I should drink more Lulu.

250 评论


你先写好中文 再去翻译一下 就OK了

317 评论


Today I carried out a research on a soft drink - lulu. I like drinking it a lot which tastet good. However, I was not sure whether it was nutritious enough, so I examined its ingredients tday. Here are the results. Lulu consists of water, sugar and almond. Among them, the nutritious components include 0.5 gram protein, 1 gram fat and 7.5 gram carbohydrate. Based on its nutritious components, I am now convinced that it does good to my physical health, and I know I should drink more of it.

200 评论


配料的英文为charge mixture;batching;burdening;ingredient;furnish;dosage;[冶金学]burden。





"配料泵":dispensing pump;dosing pump.

"配料比":charge ratio;mixing ratio;mixture ratio;proportioning meter;ratio of mixture.


1、I put lime,bitters and no sugar in it.


2、We never use second quality ingredients.


3、Unless the ingredients are put together in just the right proportions,the gunpowder explodes when ignited.


4、Examined for weighing accuracy in batching system.


5、Application of nuclear weigher in raw material baching.


124 评论


List of ingredients ingredients: Chocolate sandwich affair: starch syrup, sugar, butter, milk powder, coffee powder, stearin oil, gelatin, emulsifiers, salt, vanillin, ethyl maltol, caramel, spice consumption Nougat: starch syrup, sugar, butter, powdered milk, peanut, stearin oil, gelatin, emulsifiers, salt, foaming agent, edible spices Comparable bars: starch syrup, sugar, butter, milk powder, cocoa powder, stearin oil, gelatin, emulsifiers, salt, vanillin, ethyl maltol, edible spices Dream bars: starch syrup, sugar, butter, milk, oil stearin, gelatin, emulsifiers, salt, vanillin, ethyl maltol, edible spices Honorable bars: the same dream gear Ex-gratia loading gear: Ibid. Blessings bars: Ibid. Switzerland Sugar: starch syrup, sugar, butter, milk, oil stearin, gelatin, emulsifiers, citric acid, consumption of spices Ginseng Sugar: white sugar, starch syrup, menthol, spearmint, edible spices Mints: white sugar, starch syrup, menthol, spearmint, pigment (bright blue) Extra milk sugar: sugar, starch syrup, butter, condensed milk, emulsifiers, salt, white-eating spices Extra coffee Sugar: white sugar, starch syrup, butter, condensed milk, coffee powder, emulsifiers, salt, caramel Acid fruit sugar: starch syrup, white sugar, fruit juice, malic acid, sodium citrate, pectin, salt, edible spices, edible pigment Stem infants tablets: milk powder, glucose, sugar, salt。

128 评论


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