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无用的, 徒劳的 无效的

290 评论


void 英 [vɒɪd] 美 [vɔɪd] adj. 空的;无效的;无人的n. 空虚;空间;空隙vt. 使无效;排放n. (Void)人名;(俄)沃伊德英语解释及例句:1.N-COUNT If you describe a situation or a feeling as a void, you mean that it seems empty because there is nothing interesting or worthwhile about it. 空白; 空虚感例:His death has left a void in the entertainment world that can never be filled.他的去世在娱乐界留下了一个永远无法填补的空白。2.N-COUNT You can describe a large or frightening space as a void. (空间) 大而恐怖的例:He stared into the dark void where the battle had been fought.他凝望着那一大片黑洞洞的空地,那里曾是战斗的地方。3.ADJ Something that is void or null and void is officially considered to have no value or authority. 无效的例:The original elections were declared void by the former military ruler.原来的选举被前军事首领宣布为无效。4.ADJ If you are void of something, you do not have any of it. 没有…的例:He rose, his face void of emotion as he walked toward the door.他站了起来,面无表情地朝门口走去。5.V-T To void something means to officially say that it is not valid. 正式宣布…无效例:The Supreme Court threw out the confession and voided his conviction for murder.最高法院驳回供状,宣布他的谋杀罪判决无效。

340 评论


voidn.空间, 空旷, 空虚, 怅惘adj.空的, 无人的, 空闲的, 无效的, 无用的, 没有的voidadj.空的;空虚的(与of连用)没有的;缺乏的〈法〉无效的voidn.空间,真空voidvt.使无效排泄,排出

314 评论


a.1. 空的, 空无所有的2. 无人占用的; 无人居住的; (职位)空缺的The position of secretary is void.秘书的职位现在空缺。3. 空闲的, 闲散的4. 没有的, 缺乏的[F][(+of)]It's not like him to put forward suggestions wholly void of sense.他才不会提毫无见识的建议呢。5. 无用的, 徒劳的6. 【律】无效的The contract was declared void.这一契约被宣布无效。n.1. 太空, 空间; 真空; 空白[the S]It vanished into the void.它消失得无影无踪。2. 空隙; 裂缝[C][S1]He looked down at the gaping void at his feet.他看着脚下张开的裂缝。3. 空虚感; 寂寞的心情[C][S1]The death of his dog left an aching void in the old man's heart.老人的狗死了, 这在他心中留下了痛苦的空虚感。4. 【数】空集vt.1. 使无效; 把...作废void a contract使合同作废2. 使空出; 退出; 离开The press gallery has been voided of the customary bulky desks.记者席经常放着的大写字台被搬走了。3. 排泄; 放出

222 评论


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  • void的英文意思

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