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意思如下:verify 英[ˈverɪfaɪ] 美[ˈvɛrəˌfaɪ]vt. 核实; 证明; 判定;[例句]I verified the source from which I had that information我核实了我所获消息的来源。The government has not verified any of those reports政府还没有证实那些报告中的任何一个。A clerk simply verifies that the payment and invoice amount match.职员只是核实付款和发票上的数额是否一致。I can verify that it takes about thirty seconds.我能证明,这大约要用30秒的时间。It's easy to verify his statements.证实他的陈述是很容易的。He tried his best to verify this theory.他想尽一切办法来验证这个理论。

195 评论



119 评论


verifyvt. 核实;查证;验证相关例句:1.We must verify his figures. 我们必须把他的数字核实一下。2.I looked up the word in a dictionary to verify its spelling.为了查证这个词的拼写方法,我从词典中查了一下这个词。3.The only problem is that there is no way to verify the accuracy of those images, since only the dreamerever "sees" them. 而唯一的问题是没有办法来检验这些图片的准确性因为只有做梦的人才曾经“看过”那些场景。

308 评论


verify[5verifai]vt.检验, 校验, 查证, 核实[计] 打开或关闭文件的读写校验verifyver.i.fyAHD:[vµr“…-fº”] D.J.[6ver*7fa!]K.K.[6vWr*7fa!]v.tr.(及物动词)ver.i.fied[-fºd”] ver.i.fy.ing,ver.i.fies[-fºz”] To prove the truth of by presentation of evidence or testimony; substantiate.证明;证实:通过提供证据或证词来证明…的真相;证实,证明…有根据To determine or test the truth or accuracy of, as by comparison, investigation, or reference:核实;查对;查清:通过比较、调查或参考等来确定或考查…的真实性或确切性:conducted experiments to verify the hypothesis.See Synonyms at confirm 进行实验以证实这个假设参见 confirmLaw 【法律】 To affirm formally or under oath.证明:正式地或在宣誓下证实To append a verification to (a pleading); conclude with a verification.判定:对某申诉增补证词;用证词判决Middle English verifien 中古英语 verifien from Old French verifier 源自 古法语 verifier from Medieval Latin v¶³re} 源自 中世纪拉丁语 v¶³re} Latin v¶s [true] * see w¶ro- 拉丁语 v¶s [真的] *参见 w¶ro- Latin -fic³e [-fy] 拉丁语 -fic³e [使成为] ver“ifi”ern.(名词)verify[5verifai]vt.证实; 查证, 鉴定, 验证【律】(宣誓后)作证; 在(诉状或答辩书结尾)提供举证说明实现(诺言); 履行条约verify the figures of a report核实报告中的数字verifyver.i.fyAHD:[vµr“…-fº”] D.J.[6ver*7fa!]K.K.[6vWr*7fa!]v.tr.ver.i.fied[-fºd”] ver.i.fy.ing,ver.i.fies[-fºz”] To prove the truth of by presentation of evidence or testimony; substantiate.To determine or test the truth or accuracy of, as by comparison, investigation, or reference:conducted experiments to verify the hypothesis.See Synonyms at confirm Law To affirm formally or under oath.To append a verification to (a pleading); conclude with a verification.Middle English verifien from Old French verifier from Medieval Latin v¶³re} Latin v¶s [true] * see w¶ro- Latin -fic³e [-fy] ver“ifi”ern.verifyauthenticatecertifyconfirmcorroboratedocumentprovesubstantiatesupportvalidate

163 评论


verify[5verifai]vt.检验, 校验, 查证, 核实[计] 打开或关闭文件的读写校验verify[5verIfaI]vt.-fied, -fying证实;核实verify[5verifai]vt.证实; 查证, 鉴定, 验证【律】(宣誓后)作证; 在(诉状或答辩书结尾)提供举证说明实现(诺言); 履行条约verify the figures of a report核实报告中的数字verifyauthenticatecertifyconfirmcorroboratedocumentprovesubstantiatesupportvalidate

358 评论


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