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time is passing by.Who will always be with you along this road?so do not be sad when someone leaves.Now people who stay with me,if you wanna go,please go as soon as possible.

283 评论


I want you to be with me.I hope you'll be there for me.

146 评论


你一直陪着我或你要一直伴着我You always stay with me or you'll always be with me

95 评论


问题一:陪伴用英语怎么说 陪伴 [péi bàn] 基本翻译 acpany; keep *** . pany ; attend ; e along ; panion 1. He has been her constant panion for the last four months. 4个月来,他一直陪伴在她身边。 来自柯林斯例句 2. She finds it too painful to return there without him. 她觉得没有他的陪伴回到那里实在叫人难受。 来自柯林斯例句 3. She found the panionship of Marcia a solace. 她觉得马西娅的陪伴是莫大的安慰。 来自柯林斯例句 4. Ross had always enjoyed the pany of women. 罗斯总是喜欢有女人陪伴。 来自柯林斯例句 5. Children unacpanied by an *** will not be admitted. 儿童无成年人陪伴着不准入场. 问题二:我会一直陪伴你的左右用英文怎么说啊 I will sitting in your side all along. 问题三:“谢谢你一直陪伴着我”的英文怎么说? thank you for having been sti叮l with me thank you for being with me always 问题四:希望幸福能一直陪伴你,用英语怎么说 希望幸福能一直陪伴你! May you be happy forever! May happiness be with you always/forever. 问题五:它一直陪伴我成长用英语怎么说 I’m growing with it 问题六:感谢她一直陪伴我. 用英语怎么说?求帮助,谢谢。 Thank you for always being with me. 问题七:求 我是一直陪伴在你身边的人 的英文翻译 I'm the one who acpanies you all the time. (表达一种目前状态)我是一直陪着你的人。 I'm the one who will be acpanying you all the time. (将来)我是会一直陪伴你的人。 I'm the one who has been acpanying you all the time. (开始于过去并一直持续到现在)我是一直以来陪在你身边的人。 问题八:我想一直陪在你身边。英文怎么翻译? I want to always stay with you 问题九:我会一直陪着你 用英文怎么翻译。 I will stay with you forever. I will be with you forever.唬I will always be with you 问题十:陪伴用英语怎么说 陪伴 [péi bàn] 基本翻译 acpany; keep *** . pany ; attend ; e along ; panion 1. He has been her constant panion for the last four months. 4个月来,他一直陪伴在她身边。 来自柯林斯例句 2. She finds it too painful to return there without him. 她觉得没有他的陪伴回到那里实在叫人难受。 来自柯林斯例句 3. She found the panionship of Marcia a solace. 她觉得马西娅的陪伴是莫大的安慰。 来自柯林斯例句 4. Ross had always enjoyed the pany of women. 罗斯总是喜欢有女人陪伴。 来自柯林斯例句 5. Children unacpanied by an *** will not be admitted. 儿童无成年人陪伴着不准入场.

309 评论


  • 我陪伴着你英文

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    ◆I will accompany you forever.

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  • 一直陪伴英语

    i'll always be with you!

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