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A very special advertisement promoting the "Made-in-China" brand has already made its debut on CNN Asia, and it won't be long before it premieres in Europe and North America.一段非常特殊的推广“中国制造”品牌的广告首次亮相CNN(美国有线新闻网)亚洲频道,并将不久后在欧洲和北美投放。 The 30-second ad uses only products that are "Made in China", from running shoes, high fashion, to even air planes. It will soon be aired to audiences in North America and Europe as part of a global campaign against common stereotypes about Chinese products.这段长30秒的广告使用的全是“中国制造”的产品,包括运动鞋、高级时装甚至飞机。此广告不久将会面向北美和欧洲的观众播出,是中国旨在消除国外用户对中国产品的成见的全球行动的一部分。Liu Libin, Director of China Advertising Association of Commerce said "We've had this idea for years, and we feel such an ad should improve the image of 'Made in China'. We've invested tens of million yuan on the whole process of filming and airing." 中国商务广告协会会长刘立宾表示,“前几年就有这个想法,我们认为这样一则广告能帮助提高‘中国制造’的品牌形象。整个广告的拍摄和播出我们投入了数千万元。” Brand study expert said "More countries have launched anti-dumping investigations since the beginning of this year. China's been through the most severe trade containment since entering the WTO." 品牌研究专家指出:“今年年初开始,不断有国家发起反倾销调查。中国度过了自加入世贸组织以来最严厉的贸易遏制。”The theme of the ad is "Made in China, made with the world". It aims to highlight how Chinese and overseas firms work together to produce high-quality goods. On show are products used in daily life involving cooperation between different firms. These include running shoes made with American sports technology, and an iPod player with software from Silicon valley, a French-designed fashion label and a European-designed refrigerator.该广告的主题是“中国制造,世界合作”。其目的在于强调中国公司与世界各国公司精诚合作、共同生产出高质量的产品。片中展出的产品都是日常用品,是各国公司合作的结晶。其中包括综合了美国运动科技的跑步鞋、使用了来自硅谷的软件的iPod音乐播放器、由法国名师设计的时装以及融合欧洲风尚设计的冰箱。

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这是CNN的报道.称为海南岛事件."hainan island incident" BREAKING NEWSChinese Release Americans from Hainan IslandAired April 11, 2001 - 10:00 ETTHIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.DARYN KAGAN, CNN ANCHOR: I'm Daryn Kagan. Let's now check on the latest coming out of China where it is now just after 10:00 p.m. in Beijing. The latest from Hainan Island.While an agreement is at hand, the release of those detained 24 crew members remains just out of reach for right now. For the moment, the Bush administration has a commercial airline on standby and awaiting word on the nearby island of Guam.The breakthrough was announced just about three hours ago. It followed the U.S. expression of deep regrets over the incident and the emergency landing of its crippled surveillance plane on Chinese soil on April 1st. There is no word yet on the return of the U.S. spy plane.For the latest on this developing story, let's check in with our Beijing bureau chief Rebecca Mackinnon -- Rebecca.REBECCA MACKINNON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Daryn, the Chinese side is hailing this as victory. The Chinese media is showing interviews with people on the street and around Beijing saying, "We've won. We've gotten the United States to apologize. We've gotten to them to say they're sorry. We've come out on top on this."So very much the Chinese government is playing this as a victory. However, it's very interesting to note that in terms of the way in which the United States expressed that it was sorry, there was not any assumption of responsibility. The Chinese side had been insisting not only that the U.S. apologize but also that it take responsibility for the incident. But the way in which "I'm sorry" -- the way in which we are sorry was worded in the U.S. letter to the Chinese foreign ministry made it very clear that there was no assumption of responsibility going along with it.They were apologizing for two things. One, very sorry to the Chinese people and to the family of the Chinese fighter pilot Wang Wei for his loss. Also, very sorry for the entry into Chinese airspace. The U.S. is pointing out that the crew felt that an emergency landing was required and entering into Chinese airspace was required in order to save their own lives.The Chinese version of the statement is omitting that fact, merely saying that the United States has said it's very sorry for entering Chinese airspace. So there is a very big difference on that. Meanwhile, however, the U.S. is certainly focusing on the impending release of the 24 U.S. crew members. It's not clear when they will be released. But the U.S. ambassador Joseph Prueher, who has been the man in charge of negotiations here, came out and spoke about them little while ago. And here is what he had to say.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)JOSEPH PRUEHER, U.S. AMBASSADOR TO CHINA: We're obviously delighted that the aircrew is going to be going home. The people of America should be very proud of this aircrew and the way they handled a very complex and difficult sudden in-flight emergency to safely land the airplane as well as how they comported themselves while they were here in -- being held in China.(END VIDEO CLIP)MACKINNON: Now, the Chinese have made a very clear even though they say they are releasing the 24 U.S. crew members on, quote, unquote, "humanitarian grounds," this affair is not over, that there are going to have to be talks between the U.S. and China about exactly what happened, that the Chinese side is insisting still that the United States halt further surveillance flights near Chinese airspace, the U.S. acknowledging that China wants to discuss this but not in any way indicating there's an interest in doing so.Clearly, all of these things up for negotiation. The Chinese still holding the plane. It's unclear at this point when and if it will be released. It's also clear, however, that that is going to have be determined after the negotiations get underway.Back to you.KAGAN: Rebecca, we heard the Chinese officials today say that there had to be procedures that took place before those 24 crew members were let go. Do you know what kind of procedures they are talking about and what the delay would be?MACKINNON: Well, we asked foreign ministry spokesman that, what exactly these procedures were going to be. It's not exactly clear. The U.S. ambassador would not go into details either about exactly the sequence of events that is going to take place between now and the release. However, observers are assuming that there is going to be have to be some kind of procedure when comes to transfer of custody. There's probably some paperwork, visa issues in and out involved, various legalities that will have to be to be gone through, also landing rights for the U.S. plane, this kind of thing. However, people in China who I've been speaking to expect that we're likely to see them go within the next 24 hours.KAGAN: Rebecca Mackinnon in Beijing, thank you -- Stephen.STEPHEN FRAZIER, CNN ANCHOR: As we heard Rebecca say, this is not yet over. We do have an agreement. But the situation is not fully resolved. And President Bush is choosing his words very carefully today. For more on those words, we go to CNN White House correspondent Kelly Wallace -- Kelly.KELLY WALLACE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Stephen, that is exactly right. The White House certainly welcoming this news, but Mr. Bush as well as senior aides still treating this as a very delicate moment as they await the actual release of those 24 crew members.Now we understand that Mr. Bush received word that a deal had been struck at about 5:20 this morning. He got that word from his national security adviser, Dr. Condoleezza Rice. And then about an hour-and-a-half ago, he came here into this briefing room to deliver a very brief statement, the president not taking any questions. Again, the administration trying not to say very much right now until those crew members are actually on their way back to the United States.Here now is what the president said pretty much in its entirety about an hour-and-a-half ago.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: I'm pleased to be able to tell the American people that plans are underway to bring home our 24 American servicemen and women from Hainan Island. This morning, the Chinese government assured our American ambassador that the crew would leave promptly. We are working on arrangements to pick them up and bring them home.This has been a difficult situation for both our countries. I know the American people join me in expressing sorrow for the loss of life of a Chinese pilot. Our prayers are with his wife and his child.I appreciate the hard work of our ambassador to China, Joseph Prueher, and his entire embassy team who worked tirelessly to solve this situation. The American people, their families, and I are proud of our crew. And we look forward to welcoming them home.

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