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welcome to our school.In the past few months, a lot of changes have taken in our school .Now let me be your guide to show you around.Take a look at that brand new buiding over there, it was our new school buiding and it has a lot of advance equipment in it.Each floor has a dependent toilet,so it is quite convienent for us teachers and students.Now, we are standing on a new playground,it looks like a big circle and we do morning excercise here every morning at school.and it is also a good place to do some sports.The old one has been changed into a library.You must have noticed that there are a lot of trees around our school. Yes, all of them were planted by us in spring.Because of them, we have fresh air every day and we can enjoy it when studying.

189 评论



Schools more than ten years ago were all thatched cottages, and there were not a few decent tables in them, some even without blackboards, TVs, electric fans, playgrounds...Dare not even think about it, let alone computers , Multimedia, air conditioning, plastic runway.


Now, we are all in a bright and spacious building. Not only did everyone have brand new desks and stools, but also more LCD TVs, air conditioners, water dispensers...a computer room, a multimedia classroom, an electronic reading room, and a multifunctional training room. Our fitness figures are everywhere in the fitness activity venues and plastic sports venues, and the sound of our reading is heard in the classroom.


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It's my honor to tell you about the changes of my school.When you walk around our school, you can see various flowers and trees everywhere. At the same time, you can smell the taste, breathe fresh air. It's a nice place for us to study.


Please look at the new building over there. It's our library that was painted white again this year. It not only looks more beautiful, but also has increasingly more books than before. Reading different kinds of books can enhance our horizons and increase our knowledge.


I still remember I entered the school two years ago, the library was old enough and I always couldn't find my favorite comic books. Therefore, I often complained to my classmates that the library was out of fashion that we were not able to learn fresh knowledge in it.


What was even worse, as a member of school basketball team, my partners and I had few chances to practice, as the playground was too small to play and full of so many students after school. Luckily, I don't have to worry about that anymore, because our playground is large enough for all of us to play games, and basketball court is also bigger. That's wonderful!


My school has changed a lot, for it is more beautiful and modern. I love my school.


345 评论


My school is very beautiful. I like my school very much. There is a big playground in my school and we often play sports on it . My classroom is big and clean.There are many books in the library.I often read books here.There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building, too.The teachers in my school are very kind .The students are very polite and smart.I am happy in my school.

174 评论


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