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Many years ago, the movie about the youth became very popular, every year, we can see many hot movies about the protagonist’s passed youth. People like to recall their passed youth, which makes such movies sell good. But I find the common things about these movies, all the protagonists’ youth are about fighting, love and other negative things. I understand the directors’ intention, they want to tell people youth is not perfect and having pities. Of course movie is exaggerating, the real youth is about studying, at least, most people have worked so hard to get into their ideal colleges. What the movies describe make up some people’s youth, for which they don’t have the chance to experience. We should not be misled by these movies, for the teenagers, their job is to study, so that they can have a bright future.



When college students graduate, most of them will choose to join the civil servants exam or further study, these two choices become more and more popular, they have the common side, that is stability. The young people pay special attention to stability when they find a job, because in today’s society, the pressure is so heavy, they fear to lose job, working for the government is the best choice for them, they don’t have to worry about losing jobs. While they are so young, they should be energetic, they should do the pioneering work, they have nothing to lose, because they have nothing at the beginning. If the young people don’t dare to fight, they waste their youth, all their lives are insipid, when they are old, they look back on their youth, just nothing leaves. If the young people want to do pioneering work, just do it, take no hesitation.


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As the development of high technology, nowadays, people have access to all kinds of new products, these high technology products bring convenience to people’s life. Cell phone is one of the biggest inventions, people can keep in touch with each other anytime and anywhere. It is natural that every adult has a cell phone, but for some students who are belong college, they are not admitted to use cell phone, the reason is that they need to focus on study, cell phone will make them distract. In my opinion, all the students can have cell phone, it is just a communication tool, there is no need to forbid students using it. At first, students may be addicted to playing cell phone, because they are curious about new things. But if they keep it for a long time, they get used to it and will use it in a right way.


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hen talking about the hero, people will think about the person who saves the world, such as superman and batman, they care about the public’s lives and interest all the time. In the real life, people believe that a hero at least can make great influence to the society, like the scientist. But in my opinion, some true heroes are easy ignored, they are doing the ordinary jobs while making great contribution to the society. The city cleaners are the classic ones, they beautify the city and bring comfort to the public. Though they are nobody, they are doing the great job. They are heroes and should be praised.



As the semester is over, my teacher starts to make the summary of our study situation. I am so happy because my teacher praises me in front of my classmates. My teacher says that I am her wonderful student, I can also fulfill her expectation and she hope that others students can take me as the example. My teacher’s praise is such a great honor for me and I will continue to do the best. People say one is easy to lose himself when he is facing honor, so I will remember these words and keep moving on. I will remind myself not to be proud, there is still a long way for me to go.



I like reading novels, because in the novels, I can imagine the world that the author creates, I treat myself as part of the novels, it feels like that I witness all the incidents. I especially like to read short novels, because I don’t have so much to read the long novels, I am studying in the high school, I have many subjects to learn. I have little time only on the weekends. Short novels only costs me about one day to finish reading, while the long novels will take me more than a week to finish, if I hang on reading part of it, I will think about it all the time and can’t focus my mind on studying. What’s more, I like to read novels more than twice, so it is easy to do for me to read short novels. I gain so much for read these short novels.



Every year, my school will have the summer camp activity. I love to join this activity so much, because I can have a lot of fun with my friends. What’s more, I can take a break from the study time and enjoy my moment. Last year, we went to the country farm and experienced the life there. I was so impressed by the clear river and simple lifestyle. We woke up early and then walked on the country road, it was so quiet and the air was so fresh. In the city, I never woke up so early. I felt really peaceful in my heart. Though life here was simple, I liked it. I was so close to the nature and could appreciate its beauty. I am so looking forward to the summer camp activity this year, I want to experience the different things.


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对于高中生而言,英语是一门大科,英语分数对综合考试成绩有很大的影响,因此,学好英语对高中生是至关重要的。下面,是我为你整理的 高考必备的英语作文 ,希望能对你有有帮助! 高考必备的英语作文 篇1 As the economic level keeps increasing, many people would like to travel abroad. But there is a survey shows that China is one of the five worst tourist nations which include India, France, Russia and England. It didn’t surprise me because there is always news about how Chinese tourists impressed the local people by their bad behavior. They were known as talking loud in the public, being unfriendly to the environment, tipping stingily, and the worst, marking on the historical sites. Every time I heard about these thing I felt so sorry for my country. China is meant to be a country with an ancient civilization and courtesy people. We are nice to foreigners here and being a good host. I hope every tourist who goes abroad should understand that he/she is on behalf of our country. We have the responsibility to defend the dignity of our country. We should show the world the best of China. 随着经济水平的不断提高,很多人喜欢去国外旅游。但是有份调查显示中国是五个最差游客国家之一,还包括印度、法国、俄国和英国。这份调查并没有让我吃惊,因为一直都有新闻说中国游客的糟糕行为让当地人印象深刻。他们被认为在公众场合大声喧哗、不爱护环境、吝于付小费,更糟糕的是,还在历史古迹上留言。每次我听到这样的消息都为我的国家感到很遗憾。中国理应是个文明古国,人民热情礼貌。我们在国内对外国人都很友好,做一名好主人。我希望每个出国的人都应该明白我们是代表着自己的国家,我们有责任维护国家的尊严。我们应该像世界展示最好的中国。 高考必备的英语作文 篇2 When my friends ask me to take pictures of them, they will take a lot of pictures and then only keep a few of them. Because they are not satisfied with most pictures, they think they are not perfect. Actually, when I look at the pictures, there is nothing serious in my eyes, everyone in the pictures look as they are. People chase for the perfect side, that’s why more and more people choose to have the plastic surgery. Take the celebrities for example, they look beautiful enough, but to make themselves look perfect, most of them take the plastic surgery, which makes them look unnatural. People have to cost the great price for chasing the perfect side, while no one is perfect. If we accept our imperfect side, we will live in the easy way and can enjoy the life. 当我的朋友们叫我帮拍照的时候,他们会拍很多照片,然而只有少部分照片能保存下来。因为他们不满意大部分的照片,觉得自己看起来不完美。实际上,当我看到照片的时候,在我看来没有什么大问题,照片中的每个人看起来都像他们自己的样子。人们追求完美的一面,这也是为什么越来越多的人选择去进行整容手术。就拿名人来说,他们看起来足够漂亮,但是为了让自己看起来完美,大部分人进行了整容手术,这让他们看起来不自然。为了追求完美,人们不得不付出很大的代价,然而没有人是完美的。如果我们接受自己不完美的方面,那么我们就会过得轻松点,享受好生活。 高考必备的英语作文 篇3 Since the one child policy carried on, many families had only one kid. As the children growing up, they felt lonely, because they did not have anyone to accompany. They felt so envious when they saw others have siblings. There is no doubt that the one child policy has controlled the population to increase so fast and helped people to improve their life lever. Recently, the government tends to open the second child policy slowly. People hold the different opinion. Some people think that it is good to let the child have siblings, so they will not lonely and can learn the meaning of sharing. Other people don’t want to have one more child because they don’t have enough money. They want to give the best education to the child, so they think one child is enough. Anyway, the second child policy gives people more choice. 由于独生子女政策的执行,许多家庭只有一个孩子。当孩子们长大了,他们感到孤独,因为他们没有人陪。他们看到别人有兄弟姐妹时会感到很羡慕。毫无疑问,独生子女政策控制人口快速增长和帮助人们改善他们的生活水平。最近,政府趋向慢慢开放二孩政策。人们持有不同的意见。一些人认为这是好的,让孩子有兄弟姐妹,这样他们不会孤独,可以学习分享的意义。另外一些人不想要一个孩子,因为他们没有足够的钱。他们想给孩子最好的教育,所以他们认为一个孩子就足够了。无论如何,二胎政策给予人们更多的选择。 看了“ 高考必备的英语作文 ”的人还喜欢: 1. 2017高考必备英语作文 2. 高考英语范文15篇 3. 2017高考英语作文必备 4. 必备高考英语作文 5. 高考英语必背范文

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