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永不放弃 [词典] never give up; [例句]但是,只要你永远不要停止努力工作,永不放弃。But so long as you never stop working hard and never give up.

139 评论



Never give up.

205 评论


never give up意思:永不放弃;永不言弃;从不放弃。

83 评论


never ever give up课文翻译是:英国的伟大首相温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士,小时候在哈罗公学上学。当时他可不是个好学生,要不是出身名门,他可能早就因为违反纪律被开除了。谢天谢地,他总算从哈罗毕业了,在那里犯下的错误并没影响到他上大学。



Sir Winston Churchill, Britain's great prime minister, went to Harrow School as a child. He was not a good student at that time. If he hadn't come from a famous family, he might have been expelled for violating discipline.

Thankfully, he finally graduated from harrow, and the mistakes he made there didn't affect his college education.

Later, with his outstanding performance in his military career, he was elected British Prime Minister.

His talent, wisdom and sense of civic responsibility have won him a good reputation. His extraordinary determination has inspired not only the whole nation, but also the whole world.

206 评论


never give up希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可继续追问

120 评论





never give up

网 络Never give up;never say die;Won't Back Down;Facing The Giants



Because you never give up!



Never give a girl your number.

1. Asas the sun will rise again, I will never give up. 只要太阳会再一次升起, 我就永不放弃. ——邢超.

2. Believe that you can do it well! Never give up! Come on! 相信自己.你可以做得很好的! 永不放弃! 加油!

3. Microsoft also has a well - deserved reputation for never giving up. 微软一直以”永不放弃“的性格在业界闻名.

4. No matter what difficulties I face, work hard and never give up! 无论我面对什么困难, 我都会努力工作,永不放弃!

5. Achievers never to give up, people who gives up will never succeed. 成功者永不放弃, 放弃者永不成功.

6. My strength His bane and I will never give in. 我的力量、他的破坏、而我将永不放弃.

7. We can get out of the deepest well by never giving up! 只要永不放弃,最终我们能走出深井.

8. There is but one secret to success - never give up. 成功只有一个秘诀 ― ――永不放弃.

9. Passion gives you the intestinal fortitude you need to never give up. 激情可以给你勇气和力量,从而让你永不放弃.

10. Any one who works hard and never gives up will succeed. 任何人,只要努力工作永不放弃,就能够成功.

11. To fight, to seek, to struggle, and not yield! 去斗争 、 去探寻 、 去发明, 永不放弃!

12. Never give up, never give in! Yes, we can! Yes, you can! 永不放弃, 永不放弃! 是的, 我们可以! 是的, 你能行!

13. Never tiring, never yielding , never finishing. 坚持不懈, 永不放弃,勇往直前.

14. I will never quit. 我永不放弃.

15. A real warrior never quits. 真正的勇士永不放弃.

16. Never give up until achieve. 永不放弃,直到实现.

17. Never give up, Never lose hope. 永不放弃, 永不心灰意冷.

18. Never give up, life has been Robinson rations. 永不放弃, 鲁滨孙有了生活的口粮.

19. Mrs Clinton is pummelling home the message that she is a fighter who nevergives up. 她是一名永不放弃的斗士,克林顿夫人正费着吃奶的力气,要让大家深刻领会这一点.

20. Never looseto give sunshine to the day of a person who needs a fewencouraging words. 永不放弃,给需要鼓励的人,献出阳光般的温暖.

194 评论


您好,永不放弃的英语时“never give up”意思就是不轻言放弃,永远不放弃,坚持下去!

227 评论


  • 他永不放弃英语

    您好,永不放弃的英语时“never give up”意思就是不轻言放弃,永远不放弃,坚持下去!

    小猪乐乐88 8人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 永不放弃英语

    never give up 必须的!!

    辉love玉 6人参与回答 2024-06-11
  • 永不放弃英文

    never give up永不放弃

    墨迹墨迹小蜗牛 3人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 永不放弃英文版

    永不放弃 [词典] never give up; [例句]但是,只要你永远不要停止努力工作,永不放弃。But so long as you n

    Scorpio&Aries 5人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 他永不放弃英文

    never give up意思:永不放弃;永不言弃;从不放弃。

    夏雨落荷塘 8人参与回答 2024-06-12