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迈克尔杰克逊不愧为最傻的明星 Others a star a star, he still will not be superstars but they are learning a Shuada Pai others were unhappy with the question asked to leave immediately turn hostile when pressed by reporters he was also embarrassing things that actually silly Baji's an honest answer人家做明星他也做明星 还是天王巨星 但就是学不会耍大牌 别人一被记者问到不高兴的问题 立刻翻脸走人 他被记者追问难堪的事情 居然还傻了吧唧的老实回答 Others stars are well versed in the rules of entertainment in all probability, answering a reporter's question nonexistence of 10 years nine and a half words are lies, he Daohao to a reporter's right that he simply could simply let themselves fall into fall into the trap of people into their confidence人家明星都深谙娱乐圈的规则 回答记者提问十之八九都虚无缥缈 10句话里9句半都是假话 他倒好 来个记者他居然单纯的对那人推心置腹 让自己掉入陷进 People star contributions, he donated a little money contributions to others, the repeated pounding on drums and propaganda, he donated almost half of his net worth also have such a low profile so when people are facing bankruptcy, he added insult to injury call him did not know he deserved so much money into the Charity 人家明星捐款他也捐款 别人捐一点钱就敲锣打鼓的反复宣传 他差不多捐了自己大半的身家 还都这么低调 所以当他面临破产 人们都落井下石骂他活该 却不知道他把那么多钱投入了慈善 Star people doing public service career, he has also done public good money make it look good even if others get very caring he even hands-on care for terminally ill children and their children together, even when the share of lively and happy smile of God can be seen have been moved to this last copies of pure goodness is not in exchange for praise and applause of people but another disgraced in scandal 人家明星做公益事业他也做公益事业 别人拿点钱做做样子就算很有爱心 他竟然亲力亲为的照顾身患绝症的儿童 和孩子在一起时那份活泼快乐 连上帝看了都感动微笑 可最后这份纯真的善良换来的不是赞美与掌声 而是另人不耻的丑闻 Home star fell ill, he is also ill let someone else's pain all over the world but he does sympathize with perennial been disturbed by the skin of people whimsical as bleach the skin and he's not take the initiative to explain only blankly when asked when the only said one thing Gengrang being misunderstood by others for him to cover up for himself人家明星生病他也生病 别人的病痛能让满世界同情 可他呢 常年受皮肤病困扰 却被人异想天开的定为漂白皮肤 而他也呆呆的不会主动解释 只有在被问及的时候才会透露一点 却更让别人误解为他在为自己掩饰 People star cosmetic plastic surgery he has others to accept his transgender people to be able to make people laugh cosmetic has been ironic that he did not explain that he is injured because of an accident to begin plastic surgery pain and contempt than suffer in silence Originally, he intended to convert to Islam are not optimistic about American society, but he dared to do so.人家明星整容他也整容 别人变性人们都能接受 他的整容却一直让人们嘲笑讽刺 他却不说明自己是因为一次意外受伤而开始整容 默默的承受伤痛和鄙视 本来他打算皈依的伊斯兰教不被美国社会看好,可是他就敢这样做。 Yi Shu once said that if you love a silly people would think he would feel bad he wanted to protect him I think this is now I feel for him despite his power and prestige in the octahedral Stars shine on stage but in my eyes, he is a letter of Silly boy Although he is now close to go back to God will always love him, but I remember his music and his simple stupid亦舒曾说过 你要是真爱一个人 就会觉得他很傻 会心疼他 想要保护他 我想这就是现在我对他的感觉 尽管他在舞台上威风八面 星光闪耀 但在我眼里他就是个不折不扣的傻孩子 虽然他现在回到上帝身边去了 不过我会永远爱着他 记住他的音乐和他的单纯傻气

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我和北京奥运 Olympic ad Me 我盼望着2008年8月8日快点到来。这是北京奥运会开幕的日子,是世界体育大家庭聚会北京的日子,更是每一个中国人倍感骄傲的日子。 I am looking forward to the days coming of Aug.8TH 2008, the day Beijing Olympic games will be opened, the day Sports family gather in beijing, and the day All the Chinese feel proud. 作为一个小主人,我真想成为一名光荣的奥运志愿者,可是到了那时,我还太小,不能成为一个真正的志愿者,但是,我依然可以为北京奥运会做出自己的贡献。 As a littke host , I really want to be honorable volunteer for it, however, I am still too young to be a real volunteer , but I can still contribute for it (according as I am able) 首先,作为一个北京市的小市民,我要用我的热情、我的笑容迎接每一个来自世界各地的外国朋友,展示出我们北京人友好好客的精神风貌,让外国朋友们通过每一张北京人的笑脸感受北京。 First , as a citizen of Beijing, I will welcome every friend from all over the world with my enthusiasm and smile to show us beijing people’s friendship and hospitality. And let theforeigh friends know(feel) Beijing from the smile on our face 其次,我要更加努力的学习英语,在奥运会举办期间,能够用英语和外国朋友们说话、交流,为他们提供我力所能及的帮助,比如:做个小翻译、帮外国人指路等等,让外国朋友通过每一个北京人热情的帮助喜欢北京。 Then/second, I will study English harder.During the Olympic Games ,I can communicate with the foreigh friends in english and serve for them such as to be a interpreter and show them the way, let them love beijing more from our enthusiastic help 再次,我也要学习更多的有关北京、奥运的知识,将来可以为外国朋友介绍咱们美丽的北京,以及北京悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,要让他们通过和每一个北京人的交流更加了解北京,了解中国。 爱爱英语学习风站 Third, I will learn more knowadge about Beijing and The Olympic Games in order to introduce the beautiful beijing to foreigners and its long history and splendor culture in the future.Let them Kow more about China by talking to each Beijinger 最后,我还要动员我身边的每一个同学,大家一起学习文明礼仪,一起加强和宣传环保意识,为北京奥运会办成一个真正的“绿色奥运、人文奥运、科技奥运”从我做起、从现在做起。 At last I will mobilize every students around me to learn civilized manners andstrenth the consciousness of theprotecting the enivoement .we should do from now on for beijing Olympic Game to be a real Green Olympics, humanities Olympics, technology Olympics “同一个世界,同一个梦想”,我希望我的梦想能够变为现实 “One word One dream” I hope my dream will come true

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保护环境英语演讲稿I'm worried about my country.There is polution everywhere.It's time to do something about it.We need fresh air to breathe.We need pure water to drink.We need a clean environment to be healthy.People have to stop littering.We have to respect our surroundings.We must become friends of the earth.First,everyone must get involved.Everyone must lend a hand.Together we can clean up our neiborhoods.Second,we can practice conservation.We can reduce waste and reuse things.We can recycle paper,bottles,and plastic.Third,we can put up more "Don't litter" signs.We can trashcans on every corner.We can pick up garbage when we see it.We must take action to fight pollution.It's our future we're protecting.It's our duty to keep our planet clean.So,please don't pollute.Don't be a litterbug.Don't be afraid to remind others,too.Let's protect nature's beauty.Let's make our future bright.Let's start to clean up now.----------------------Win Competition of Environment Protection for BeijingAlthough the 2008 Olympics are still three years away, another special competition has already started in Beijing. This time, the competitors are not the athletes from all over the world, but the people living in Beijing. The special competition is not held in a stadium, but in every street and every corner of Beijing. I suppose some of you may have already guessed what the special competition is. Yes, it is the competition of protecting our environment and creating a green Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games.Someone may ask who is our rival in this competition? The modern Los Angeles, the charming Sydney, or the historic Athens? No, none of them. The real rival is ourselves. It is our bad habits of neglecting to protect environment in our daily life.Several years ago, I was very lucky to have an opportunity to live in the United States for about two years. I not only enjoyed the beautiful environment there, but also appreciated the American people's active way of protecting their environment. Now, whenever the environment protection is mentioned, a beautiful view of California will arise in my mind: white clouds flying across the blue sky, green grassplot sprinkled with colorful flowers and small animals playing happily among the trees.I remember that at the beginning of my coming to America, I often went to my father's working place, the United States Geological Survey, to have fun. Each time I found a lot of people riding bicycles to their offices. Among the cyclists, an old man with white hair attracted my attention. Curiously, I asked my father," Why does the old man ride his bike to work every day? Doesn't he have enough money to buy a car?" Father laughed, "No, not because of money. Actually, he is one of the greatest scientists in the world. He can afford to buy a motorcade if he likes. He is just an environmentalist and usually doesn't drive unless going shopping, or in bad weather. In America, there are a lot of environmentalists, who actively protect their environment. For example, in Palo Alto city we are living now, there is even a bicycle-to-work day on May 19th every year to encourage people to decrease air pollution caused by cars".Later, I also learnt another interesting fact of environment protection there. In some states of America, in order to decrease air pollution, save energy and reduce traffic jams, state governments encourage people to take buses to work or to share a car among several people. They even set special "diamond lanes" in some main streets, which are only for the vehicles with 2 or more people.The positive actions of American people and the effective measures the American government takes in environment protection fully won my respects and deeply affected my consciousness in environment protection.When I was back in China, people often asked me: " What do you think of America?" I always bolt out:" Wonderful, especially the beautiful environment." Frankly speaking, after several years, the faces of my American teachers and friends have gradually faded away from my mind, but the blue sky, green grass and lovely animals in California often arise in my mind, and became my dream of visiting there again.The 2008 Olympics provide us with the opportunity to publicize and practise environment protection in Beijing. Is it possible for Beijing to Is it possible for Beijing to become as beautiful as California? The answer is "yes", but the dream needs every Beijing citizen's full support and active moves to accomplish.From now on, if every student who is driven to school can take bus or ride bicycle to school once a week, if every car owner goes to work in a car pool once a week, we can make a difference. If everyone can actively protect the environment in our daily life, the blue sky, green grass and lovely animals in California will appear in Beijing.Tiny streams can combine into a vast ocean, small trees can together be an immense forest. Beijing is often described as a beautiful and aged picture. If every Beijing citizen adds a trait of green on the picture, the whole Beijing will become an ocean of green. Let us unite together to win the competition of environment protection in Beijing, and present the world a big gold medal. That is "Green Beijing, Great Olympics "给你找了一个中英文对照的,能好理解些.打好环保比赛、创建绿色北京尽管2008北京奥运会离我们还有3年之遥,但有一项规模宏大的特殊比赛已经拉开了序幕。这场比赛的参加者并非来自世界各国的体育选手,而是身处北京的每一位公民,比赛的场所就是我们身边的街区小巷。我想大家已经想到了我所说的这项特殊比赛,这就是"创建绿色北京、保护美好环境"。那么在这场环保大赛中,我们究竟要与谁一比高低?是繁华现代的洛杉矶、风光迷人的悉尼、还是古老神奇的雅典?都不是!比赛的对手就是我们自己,就是我们自身淡漠的环保意识。几年前有幸在美国加州度过的一段时光,既让我享受了那里宜人的环境,更让我领略了当地人民高度的环保意识。每当说到城市环保,我的眼前总会浮现出加州那蔚蓝的天空、明媚的阳光、碧绿的草地以及嬉戏在树枝间的松鼠、彩蝶和百灵鸟。记得刚到美国时,常去爸爸工作的美国地质调查局玩耍,每次均能看到许多人骑自行车上下班,而其中一位满头白发的骑车老人,引起了我的好奇。我问爸爸,"那个爷爷为什么总骑车上班,是不是没钱买车?"爸爸笑道:"没钱买车?嘿,说出来吓死你,他可是世界上顶级的大科学家。要论钱,他可以买一个车队呢。" "那他咋不买车呢?骑车多累呀!" "他有车,但平时除非下雨或购物,一般不去开。在美国有许多人都是环保主义者,为了节约能源和减少汽车尾气对大气的污染,他们用实际行动倡导人们尽量少开车。而我们所居住的这座美国城市,还特别将每年的5月19日定成了'骑车上班日',以支持和宣传这种有效的环保行为。"后来,我还在经常的搭车出行中获知了他们的另一件环保趣事:在美国的许多州,政府为了鼓励大家多坐公交车或几人合用一辆车,以节省能源和缓解交通压力,在城市内一些主干道路上开辟有专门的'钻石车道',只有乘坐了二人或二人以上的车辆才从此通过。美国人民这种自觉的环保意识和政府有效的环保措施使我从内心对他们充满了敬佩。并深刻地影响了我的环保理念。回国后,常常有人问我:"美国好吗?"我总会脱口而出:"确实好!最好的是环境。"说句真心话,回国三、四年,美国那边同学和老师的面孔已经逐渐模糊,但加州那宜人的自然环境,却每每清晰地浮现在我的眼前,成为我最深的记忆和期盼故地重游的缘由,也成了我心目中北京环境的蓝图。2008奥运会为我们倡导和实施北京的环保提供了契机,北京能否有朝一日也拥有象加州那样美丽的环境?答案是肯定的。但需要我们以真正的环保之心和切实的环保行动去一步一步地实现。从现在开始,如果每一位有车的朋友一星期可以少开一、两次车,每个让家长用车接送的同学一周能主动让家长少接送一两趟而改乘公车或骑自行车,我们就会有拥有更多的蓝天……。只要我们每一位北京市民都能够自觉的从身边的环保小事做起,加州的蓝天、白云和绿草地就会在北京安家,美国的松鼠、彩蝶和百灵鸟就会来北京落户。涓涓细流可以汇成滔滔江海,片片绿叶能够造就莽莽森林。只要我们每一位北京市民都拿起手中的环保之笔,在我们所处的街头巷尾,为北京这幅美丽而古老的画卷添上自己的一抹绿色,就能使北京掩映在绿色的海洋中。让我们一起行动起来,用我们集体的力量来打赢这场环保之赛,向全世界展现一块最大的金牌,这就是"绿色北京、精彩奥运"。

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中国是濒危动物分布大国,大家都要行动起来保护珍稀动物。我为大家整理了,欢迎大家阅读。 保护珍稀动物英语演讲稿篇1 Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have bee narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.许多野生动物正面临绝种的危险,因为它们生活的环境发生了极大的变化。例如,随着城市的发展,杀虫剂的使用和严重的污染,他们的生活区域变得越来越狭小。许多野生动物,现在面临粮食危机。同时,人类正在屠杀野生动物只是为了获得它们的皮毛,面板,角,牙齿和肉。 In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, reserves. 为了保护生态资源,人们应该意识到任何物种的缺失,至少意味着知识资源和自然美的缺失。因此,本应采取以下措施:制订污染标准以降低有毒物质;严禁杀害某些稀有物种;应建立国家公园作为野生动物,保护区。 Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved. 我们只有采取一些有力措施,才能保护野生动物。 保护珍稀动物英语演讲稿篇2 Protect first wildlife existence environment.Protect a wildlife the most important is to protect their habitats,don't chop down in disorder to fell in disorder,don't at will the heap put garbage,don't abuse agrochemical and insecticide and protect headwaters and air is also one parts which protects habitat.Secondly and not and over catch to over kill a wildlife,don't participate an illegal business wildlife,see the illegal immediately reflects toward the wildlife association or the forest public security official's organization.Again take out our benevolences and courage,the person who advises Zu close relatives and surroundings refuses to eat game,don't go to game restaurant to have a meal;For use the ware that the rare wildlife do,such as the fur-lined jacket,drugs,tonic...etc.,should also determinedly *** .End,aggressive publicity protection wildlife of important meaning,start to do from I,start to do from the family,start to do from now,develop to respect all the moralses of the lifes view hard. 首先,要保护野生动物生存环境.保护野生动物最重要的是保护它们的栖息地,不要乱砍乱伐,不要随意堆放垃圾,不要滥用农药和杀虫剂,保护水源和空气也是保护栖息地的一部分. 其次,不滥捕滥杀野生动物,不参与非法买卖野生动物,见到违法者立即向野生动物协会或森林公安机关反映. 再次,拿出我们的爱心和勇气,劝阻亲人和周围的人拒食野味,不去野味餐馆用餐;对于用珍稀野生动物做的制品,如皮衣、药品、补品等,也应坚决 *** . 最后,积极宣传保护野生动物的重要意义,从我做起,从家庭做起,从现在做起,努力培养尊重一切生命的道德观. 保护珍稀动物英语演讲稿篇3 Animals are our friends we should set up nature reserves to protect their advocacy for the Protection of Animals knowledge we all act together with us and the world that there is an animal Earth We should not destroy the surrounding of the animals and plates living .We should not catch and kill wild-animal ,not cut the plates for our greedy desire.I want scientists to stop using animals as experiments。 I thing killing or testing animals is very awful.It is wrong to kill animales for makeing clothes,or for some "fun". Governments should help to protect animales,birds,plants and insects in their own country.I like the animals and I will do evrything to help them I will never wear a fur coat 。When I grow up and make a lot of money I open Center for homeless animals。I want to be a vet when i grow up,I am an animal rights activist。 动物是我们的朋友,我们应该建立自然保护区,保护动物的知识,保护动物的知识,我们都和我们一起做,世界上有一个动物地球我们不应该破坏动物和动物的生活,我们不应该捕杀野生动物,也不为我们贪婪的欲望割盘,我想让科学家停止使用动物作为实验。我的事情杀害或实验动物是非常可怕的。杀死百兽makeing衣服是一种错误,或为一些“有趣”。 *** 应该帮助保护动物、鸟类、植物和昆虫在他们自己的国家。我喜欢动物,我会做一切来帮助他们我永远不会穿一件毛大衣,当我长大了,赚很多钱,我为无家可归的动物开放中心,我想成为一名兽医,当我长大了,我是一个动物权利活动家。 看完“”的人 1.保护珍稀动物演讲稿3篇 2.保护动物英语演讲稿3篇 3.保护动物高中英语演讲稿4篇 4.保护濒危动物英语作文演讲稿4篇 5.保护动物的英语演讲稿范文两篇

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