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给你点实战性的Optical Shop –Filling a prescription(配眼镜) 眼镜店的眼镜架(frames)琳琅满目。较常见的眼镜架有round frames(圆形镜架),oval frames(椭圆形镜架)和rectangular frames(长方形镜架)。店员可依顾客的面型,向他们提供意见。 情况一:招呼顾客 顾客走进眼镜店,店员可主动打个招呼,然后提出协助: 店员: Can I help you(我可以帮助你吗)? 顾客: Yeah, I need to get glasses(可以,我需要配眼镜). 店员: Please take a seat(请随便坐). Have you seen an optometrist(你有没有见过视光师)? 顾客: Yeah, she gave me this prescription(有,这视光检验报告是她给我的). 店员: Fine, we can fill that for you(好,我们可根据报告给你配一副眼镜). 情况二:提供意见 店员须先问清楚顾客的需求,然后再作介绍:“What sort of frame would you prefer(你喜欢哪种眼镜架呢)?” 若顾客表示还没有决定要哪种款式的眼镜架:“I’m not sure(我暂时还未决定).” 店员可参考以下例句给意见: 例句一:I think the round frame would suit your face nicely(我认为圆形的眼镜架会更配合你的面型). 例句二:The oval shape frame would look good on you, too (你配戴椭圆形的眼镜架也会十分好看). 情况三:价钱太贵? 如果眼镜架和镜片(lenses)是个别订价,店员向顾客推介时,应先向他说明清楚: 顾客: This style looks good. How much is it(这款式看来不错,这个多少钱)? 店员: One thousand five hundred dollars(一千五百元). 顾客: Do the lenses cost extra(镜片是否另计)? 店员: Yes, prescription lenses cost a thousand dollars(是,配有度数的镜片售价是一千元). 顾客: Gee, they’re too expensive(哗,它们太贵了). Optical shop-Sunglasses(太阳眼镜) 眼镜店店员向顾客介绍太阳眼镜(sunglasses)时,除了向他们推介最新的款式(the latest style),也应提供镜片色泽(tints)和防紫外线光膜(ultraviolet coating)的数据,方便顾客选择。 情况一:镜架款式 店员想向顾客推介最新款式太阳眼镜时,可参考以下例子: 顾客: I’d like to see some sunglasses(我想看一些太阳眼镜). 店员: These are new arrivals(这些是最新款式). Look nice on you(你戴起来十分好看). 顾客: Yes, it seems to suit my face(是啊,似乎很衬我的面型). 情况二:镜片颜色 店员想介绍太阳眼镜的镜片颜色(lens colour)和颜色深浅度(depths of colour)的数据给顾客,可参考以下例子: 店员: Now, for the lens colour, we have three tints: rose, yellow, and grey. Each has three depths of colour to choose from. So you can decide how dark you want it to be(至于镜片颜色,我们有玫瑰红色,黄色和灰色三种,每种颜色有三个不同深浅程度,所以你可以选择不同深浅色的镜片). 顾客: Are they different in price(它们的价钱有没有分别)? 店员: No, they all cost the same(没有,它们的售价完全一样). 顾客: OK. I think I like medium grey(好吧,我喜欢中灰色). 情况三:防紫外线 店员想向顾客提供有关防紫外线光膜功能的数据,可参考以下对话: 店员: Can I also recommend UV coating on your lenses? This will protect your eyes from harmful rays. It costs a little extra, but it’s worth it(你大可考虑在太阳眼镜片上加一层防紫外线光膜,这会防止有害光线伤害你的眼睛,价钱是多一点,但是物有所值). 顾客: OK. I’ll have that as well(好吧,我要那个光膜). 店员: Fine. You can collect the sunglasses the day after tomorrow(好,你可以后天来拿你的太阳眼镜). 顾客: Thank you(谢谢). Optical Shop-upgrading(改善视力) 顾客怀疑镜片度数和视光检验报告建议度数不符合,店员应怎样处理? 情况一:协助顾客 顾客要求店员检查镜片度数:“Can you check my glasses against this prescription, please? I get headaches every time I read. I think the lenses are not right.”(请检查我的眼镜度数是否符合这视光检验报告。每次我戴这对眼镜阅读时便会头痛,我想是镜片度数不正确。)店员在检查镜片前应先向顾客交代说:“Sure. Just one moment, please(没问题,请稍等一会).” 情况二:检验视力 店员想为顾客检验视力,可参考以下对话: 店员: Sir, the prescription and glasses are the same. Your eyesight may have changed. If that’s the case, you’ll need a new prescription. We can check your eyes if you like(先生,视光报告建议度数和镜片度数相同,可能是你的视力有变。假如是这样,你便需要再做一次视光检验,我们可以替你检查视力). 顾客: Yeah, I’d like to have a check(好,请替我检查一下). 店员: Alright, please go over to the machine and sit down. Rest your chin on the ledge and look through the eyepieces. We’ll just run through some pictures and you can tell me which one is the clearest(没问题,请到那边的验眼机前坐下,把你的下颚放在坐架上,然后从视镜注视画面。稍后你会看到一些图片,请你说出哪一张图片最清晰). 情况三:提出意见 店员认为顾客须配另一对眼镜时,可参考以下例子: 店员: Well, your left eye is OK, but your right eye is probably the cause of your headache. You should get a new glasses lens for your right eye(你的左眼没有问题。你的头痛可能是右眼引起的,你应更换你的右眼镜片). 顾客: Well. I should probably get both lenses replaced as the old ones are a bit scratched(我可能应该把两块镜片都更换。旧的两块都划花了。) 店员: Great. I’ll rewrite your prescription and order the new lenses to fit this frame(好,我会改写你的视光报告建议度数和订购可配合这镜架的镜片). Optical shop-contact lenses(隐形眼镜) 眼镜店店员应了解隐形眼镜的类别、特色和配戴方式,以便向顾客介绍。 情况一:协助顾客 顾客向店员提出有关隐形眼镜的问题,店员能向他们解释清楚,便会提高顾客试戴的兴趣。 顾客: Hi, I want to ask about contact lenses(你好,我想问有关隐形眼镜的问题). 店员: Sure, please take a seat. What do you want to know(没问题,请坐。你想知道什么)? 顾客: Can I get them for my prescription(我的视力度数可否配隐形眼镜)? 店员: Let me see…Yes, we would be able to do that – contacts can be used in most prescription nowadays (让我看看...我们可以替你配隐形眼镜。现在大部份情况都可配隐形眼镜). 情况二:隐形眼镜种类 店员想向顾客解释隐形眼镜的特色,可参考以下例子: 顾客: What types are available(市面上有哪种隐形眼镜呢)? 店员: Well, there are basically three types: hard, soft and disposable (基本上分硬镜,软镜和即弃镜三种). 顾客: What do you mean by disposable(即弃镜是什么意思)? 店员: They are designed to be worn only once and thrown away. So it minimizes wear and tear to the lens. They also stay sterilized, and it minimizes the risk of infection(设计上它们只可戴一次,然后便要弃置,这样能把镜片的磨损程度减至最低,而且它们可以保持消毒,把感染的可能性降低). 顾客: Interesting, but I bet they cost more(很有趣,但我相信它们比较昂贵). 店员: Yes, as you have to keep replacing them(没错,因为你要不断替换它). 顾客: What about keeping the other types clean(其它类型的隐形眼镜如何保持清洁呢)? 店员: We sell special cleaning and disinfecting solution for soaking overnight(我们售卖一种特别的清洁消毒药水,可以把隐形眼镜浸过夜清洁). 情况三:配戴隐形眼镜 顾客要求店员教他/她们配戴隐形眼镜,店员可参考下例: 顾客: Can you teach me how to get them on(可否教我戴隐形眼镜)? 店员: Sure. OK, first, make sure your hands are clean. Balance the lens on your index finger. Look down and put the lens gently on your eyeball. Then blink to make sure it’s comfortable(当然可以。首先,你的手要干净,把镜片平放在你的食指上,眼睛向下望,轻轻地把镜片放在眼球上,然后眨几下眼,直至你觉得舒服便可以). 顾客: Are there any times I can’t wear them(什么时候我不能戴隐形眼镜)? 店员: You shouldn’t sleep in them, and if you swim you can’t open your eyes underwater with them (你不应戴着隐形眼镜睡觉,游泳时,你在水里会张开眼睛,也不能戴着隐形眼镜). Optical shop - Problems(眼睛问题) 顾客把有问题的眼镜带来眼镜店,希望店员提供解决办法。店员可怎样处理? 情况一:眼镜架太紧 顾客投诉眼镜太紧,令他觉得不舒适,店员可以参考以下例子: 顾客: My glasses are giving me headaches. I think they are too tight on my ears(我的眼镜紧紧地夹着我的耳朵,可能这样令我头痛。) 店员: Let me see if I can adjust them for you. I’ll just bend them out a little(让我看可否把眼镜架调校一下,把它向外拉弯一点)… Let me put them back on. How does it feel(现在替你把它戴上,觉得怎样)? 顾客: Yes, that feels better. Thanks a lot. How much does that cost (好得多了,谢谢,那要多少钱)? 店员: It’s free of charge(不用收费) 情况二:眼镜架太宽 顾客投诉眼镜架太宽,店员怎样处理呢? 顾客: I sat on my glasses, so the frame became loose and now they keep falling off(我曾经坐在我的眼镜上,现在眼镜架松了,并不断地滑下来). 店员: Let me see if I can adjust them for you. I’ll just bend them a little(让我试试可否把眼镜架调校一下,让我把它收紧一点). 情况三:镜片掉下 顾客投诉镜片不停地突然掉下来,店员怎样解决呢? 顾客: The lens of my glasses keeps popping out(我的眼镜镜片不时掉下来). 店员: Oh, the frame around the glass has loosened. I’ll tighten it for you (镜架圈松了,我替你把它收紧一些) 顾客: Can you stop it from happening again(可否令这情形不再发生呢)? 店员: Well I could put a little glue on the screw to stop it from loosening but that would make it difficult to take the lenses out if you want to change them in the future (我可以在镙丝钉上放少许胶水以防它再松开。但如果你以后想把镜片拿出来更换便会困难一点了). 顾客: Alright, just tighten it then(那只把镜架收紧好了). 对话:眼镜制作材料(塑料类和天然类) Dialogue C: customer S: salesman S: Hi, can I help you? 您好,有什么可以帮忙吗? C: Yes, I would like to buy some glass frames. 我想买些眼镜架。 S: What color do you like? 您喜欢什么颜色? C: Gray 灰色。 S: All right. The color goes well with your face. Rectangle is coming into fashion this year. Do you prefer the plastic one or the metal one? 好的,这种颜色很适合你的脸型。长方形今年开始流行了。您较喜欢塑胶架还是金属架? C: I like the plastic one. The board one is my favourite. 我喜欢塑胶架。板材架是我的最爱。 S: Don’t you see the frame? Its temple is made of memory metal, the end cover is made of the board of resin, and the quality is very nice. 您看到这款镜架吗?它的脚腿是记忆金属制的,脚套是树脂板材做的,而且质量非常好。 The plastics are also very good. They are suitable for sports. 塑胶架也很好。很适合运动时候使用。 C: Then I’ll buy both. 那么我两种都买吧。 S: Thanks. 80 Yuan is for each one; then 160 Yuan in all. 谢谢。每支80元,合共160元。 C: Can you give me any discount? 可以给我一些折扣吗? S: Sorry, sir, if you buy over 30 pieces… 不好意思,如果您买超过30支的话…… C: It doesn’t matter. These are my samples. If my clients like them I will come back to buy more. 不要紧,这些只是作为样板。如果我的客户喜欢的话,我会回头入大量的货。 S: You are always welcome. 欢迎下次光临。 (Two days later, the customer comes into the store again.) 两天后,这名顾客再次回到这里。 S: Good afternoon, sir, I’m glad to see you again. 先生,下午好,很高兴再次见到您。 C: I am glad to see you too. My clients are satisfied with the glasses. So this time I am going to buy 100 each. You should give me the best price. 再次见到您我也很高兴。我的客户很满意这些货品,所以我这次来是想每款买100支的。你应该给我个优惠的价格了。 S: Ok, no problem. You can take 15% off. 好的,没问题。给您打个8.5折吧。 C: All right. That’s 8500 Yuan in all. 好的,那就是一共8500元。 S: Wait a moment, sir. Look at this! It’s made of tortoise. It’s elegant and natural, isn’t it? 先生,请稍等。请您看看这款镜架,它是由玳瑁做成的,看上去很优雅而且是天然的,对不? C: No, I dnn’t like it. 我不喜欢这种款。 S: It doesn’t matter. You are always welcome. 不要紧,欢迎下次光临。 情景对话:眼镜制作材料(金属类) Dialogue One C: customer S: salesman S: Hi, can I help you? 您好,有什么可以帮忙吗? C: I want to look at the metal frame. 我想看看金属架。 S: We have a variety of frames, such as Titanium, gold, silver, bronze and so on. 我们有各种各样的镜架,比如钛、金、银、古铜等等。 C: I’d like… 我想看看…… S: What color would you like, black or silver? 您喜欢什么颜色,黑色还是银色? C: Silver is better. The color is popular with the people in my country. And the ellipse is in fashion this year. What is the price? 银色比较好。这种银色在我国很受欢迎,而且今年很流行椭圆形。价格如何? S: RMB 200 Yuan a piece. 每支200元人民币。 C: Here is the money. 收钱吧。 S: Keep your change and receipt. 请找回的零钱和收据。 C: Can you give me the invoice? 可以给我*吗? S: Of course. Here you are. 当然可以,给你。 Dialogue Tw S: Hello, may I help you? 您好,有什么可以帮您? C: I want to buy some glass frames for my clients. Can you show me the sample? 我想帮我的客户买些眼镜架。可以给我看看样板吗? S: What brand do you like? 您想要什么品牌? C: I like this brand. 我喜欢这种品牌。 S: You have made a good choice. ABC company is famous for their glasses. The buyers all have high comments on it. 您的选择很不错。ABC公司的眼镜很有名。买家对他们产品的评价普遍很高。 C: Yes, I want five pieces. 好的,我想要5支。 S: 100 a piece. 500 Yuan altogether. 每支100元,一共500元。 C: Oh, too dear. 哦,太贵了。 S: But the quality is very good. It’s a well-known brand. 但质量相当好,这是一个很出名的品牌。 C: I will go and look around first. 那么我先到处看看再说。 S: You are welcome to come back again. 欢迎再次光临。 打折的常用语: some useful expressions for rebate 1.I am sorry, but I can’t give you any discount. 对不起,不能打折。 2.I am sorry, but we can’t make any reduction. 对不起,我们不打任何折扣。 3.Our prices are firm. 这是实价,我们不讲价。 4.I am sorry; we can’t cut prices any more. 对不起,我们不打任何折扣。 5.What’s your bottom line price? What’s your lowest price? 你们的最低价是多少? 6.You may receive a better price by paying it off now. 现在就一次付清的话,价格可以优惠。 7.I’m sorry, this is the last one at this price. 对不起,这种价格的就剩这一副了。 8.The utmost we can do is to reduce the price by 5%. 我们最高能减价百分之五。 9.What’s your general price range? 那您需要的价位是多少? 10.There is no room for any reduction in price. 价格毫无再减的余地。 开价与付款: offer and payment 1. You can offer a price. 您开个价吧。 2.We have lost money in business. 我们已经亏本了。 3.In view of our friendship and long cooperation, if you pay in cash instead of by check we’ll give you 10% off. 鉴于我们的友谊和长期合作,如果您用现金而不是用支票付款,我们可以给您打九折。 4.Pay in cash/ by check(cheque) by letter of credit/ by L/C. 用现金、支票、信用证付款 5.The cashier’s desk is over there. 收银台在那边。 Dialogue One S: Welcome to our store. What can I do for you? 欢迎光临,有什么可以帮您? C:The glasses over there look beautiful. How much are they? 那边的眼镜看上去很漂亮,价格如何? S: 4800 Yuan. 4800元。 C: Oh, it’s too dear. 哦,很贵啊。 S: Then you can offer a price. 那么你可以开个价。 C: I say it’s worth 200 Yuan. 我觉得它值200元。 S: You are joking. The quality is very good. It’s made of pure gold. My boss offers 5000 Yuan. If I lost money in business, I would lost my job. 你开玩笑吧。这个产品的质量很好的,是纯金制作。我老板开价是5000元的,如果我亏本卖货,我会连工作都保不住的。 C: I understand. 我明白。 Dialogue Two S: Good morning, Mr. Smith, nice to meet you again. 早上好,史密斯先生,很高兴再次见到您。 C: Nice to meet you, too. 再次见到您我也很高兴。 S: How’s your business? 生意如何? C: Not too bad. Same as ever. 不错,和平常差不多。 S: What would you like this time? 这次想买些什么? C: I like the tortoise frames produced by your factory. We bought 2000 pieces last month. I’ll get 3000 this time. 我喜欢你们工厂生产的玳瑁镜架。上个月我们买了2000支。这次我想买3000支。 S: In view of our friendship and long cooperation, if you pay in cash instead of by check, we’ll give 10% off. 鉴于我们的友谊和长期合作,如果您用现金而不是用支票付款,我们可以给您打九折。 C: All right. That’s 88 Yuan a piece. 好吧,那就是88元一支。 S: That’s right. Just a moment, I’ll do the figures…that comes to 250,800. As we are old friends---let’s round it off and call it 250,000. 是的,请稍等,我计算一下。一共250,800元。鉴于我们是老朋友,就打个折只收250,000元吧。 C: Thank you very much. 谢谢。 S: The cashier’s desk is over there. 收银台在那边。

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    glasses英 ['glɑ:sɪz] 美 ['glɑ:sɪz] n.眼镜; 眼镜; 玻璃杯; 双筒望远镜; 玻璃( glass的名词复数 ); 玻

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