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Too much expenditure on fashion Nowadays, fashion has become the hot topic among people, especially young people.However, too much expenditure on fashion is good or not at all? Maybe, the answer is obivious. People are born with a sense of beauty.It is nature of human being,which can be understood. But we shold make ourselves beauty moderately instead of too much expenditure. The reason is as follows.First, we can't form this concious that fashion is everything.Seeking fashion with our purpose will take up your mind,especially for young girls. They will lost their heart on study and think what they should be all day long. Second,as for the poor family, seeking fashion is a luxurious thing.If they always see beatiful clothes are on other's bodies. They will be too eager to get money, which maybe cause society unstable. To sum up, I think too much expenditure on fashion is bad for both you and me. I don"t mean fashion is not bad. But I think if everyone can control them in a moderate way.everything can be widely accept.

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Fashion Nowadays, fashion has become the hot topic among people, especially young people.However, too much expenditure on fashion is good or not at all? Maybe, the answer is obivious. People are born with a sense of beauty.It is nature of human being,which can be understood. But we shold make ourselves beauty moderately instead of too much expenditure. The reason is as follows. First, we can't form this concious that fashion is everything.Seeking fashion with our purpose will take up your mind,especially for young girls. They will lost their heart on study and think what they should be all day long. Second,as for the poor family, seeking fashion is a luxurious thing.If they always see beatiful clothes are on other's bodies. They will be too eager to get money, which maybe cause society unstable. To sum up, I think too much expenditure on fashion is bad for both you and me. I don"t mean fashion is not bad. But I think if everyone can control them in a moderate way.everything can be widely accept.

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