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Among so many festivals, National Day is a vital special one. It is a festival to memorize the state itself, in other words, it is the birthday of China, so it is also the birthday of every Chinese. In October 1, 1949, our nation announced to be independent officially. Thus, since then we start to make October 1 be our National Day.


As we mentioned, National Day is a festival for the whole people. Everyone will have a-seven days off from work or study, except for some special industry, because we can’t make everything stopped.

This special holiday makes everyone remember this special day. Meanwhile, the purpose of this festival to show the power, confidence, cohesion, and patriotism of the whole Chinese citizen achieve.



How to celebrate this festival is an important part. For the nation herself, she is not only gives us a-seven days off, but also does many things for us. Such as, hold the huge ceremony-military review.

encourage people from all areas to hold ceremonies; issue highway free policy; open some scenic spots to the public and so on.


Anyway, enjoy this festival beyond to everyone! Happy National Day!


277 评论


Oct.1st is the national day of China.In 1949.Oct.1st,was the first year of the national day of China.At that time,people were very happy,because China has been free ,the war has just stopped.We were the winner!Then every year of this day,people put the national flag out to celebrate.At the capital of China--Peking,there is a lot of people to parade and celebrate in the national day.Everybody was happy and very exciting.It was very lively.Do you want to know and see it? Come and visit us for the national day of China. 十月一日是中国的国庆节,在1940年十月一日,是中国的第一年国庆节。在那时候,人们非常高兴,因为中国从此自由了,战争已经停止了。我们是胜利者!所以每年的这天,人们升起国旗庆祝。在中国的首都——北京,那里很多人们为能庆祝国庆节而骄傲。每个人都异常的兴奋。非常有生气。你想了解和来看吗?为我们中国的国庆节而来访吧!

82 评论


Today is national day again. It's a holiday. I'm going to take advantage of this furniture to play for a few days and relax。 Anyway, there's nothing to do at ordinary times. I have to buy some tickets now. I can go out early tomorrow

97 评论


The National Day holiday arrived, I went back to the "absence," one month's house. Just enter the house, Dad will be smiling welcome in the ranks. "Dad, what do so delighted!" "Baby daughter leave, happy that I can not do!" "Is not a bar! Fast from the real provoke, or I make a tricky move! "" Do not no big or little of! "pretend angry father Ban Qilian . In my carrot and stick, and repeated questioning, Dad told me: "This year's House fish pond harvest, you say, Dad is not happy can do," "really! Great, I can satisfy their appetites in!" " Small slander cat! "My father had scratch my nose, with a smile. A moment later, Dad came back from the ponds there. The hands of mentioning the four big carp jump, "to meet the girl for coming back today to celebrate the country's birthday, Dad today, the cooking himself Zhu Yu!" "Long live Dad! "Suddenly, I thought of my uncle Zuiteng. So, I had two fish from a dad Eurya hand, flying out of the house is also similar. The way, I remembered that I still remember the thing: That year, uncle broke his leg at home, rest, family and friends brought a lot of nutrition. One day, I went to uncle house to play, burst of flavor induced with my mouth-watering. It turns out Aunt to cook a bowl of Xian Yutang uncle, originally the winter rain is very rare, because the time is not very rich, not to mention the fresh fish; uncle Duanqi Wan, just drink, they I saw the door, so he greeted me in the past, said: "The girl, come, drink fish soup." I was too small, not sensible, Duanqi Wan, could not wait to enjoy the delicious taste of soup, not knowing that this is the uncle of the tonic ... ... "Black, black ... ..." A burst of fireworks voice interrupted my thoughts, "uncle, your birthday, it is also the motherland." "That's right. Let's either a great country, how can we have a happy life today呀! "Suddenly, I thought of the hands of the fish," uncle, this is my dad playing just pond up, and send you to eat. "" girl Yeah, your dad just gave me the day before yesterday sent six, not yet eat it! "See, I pursed her mouth, uncle changed the subject," but is a girl sent fish, uncle how could not it! "uncle said as he took the fish." Now呀! prosperity of the country, and people's living standards have improved, this year's uncle home-grown lotus Recently sold for a good price, make a lot, go to your aunt entered the room allows you to peel lotus seeds to eat ... ... " From the uncle out of family, I stroll around a bit, I was surprised to find that, unwittingly, my family, great changes have taken place around; environment, the United States, and the house well, people's clothing grade increases ... ... Great motherland, your development, and make my life more happy and make our home more beautiful, I sincerely wish you: "Happy Birthday!" 国庆长假到了,我回到了"阔别"一个月的家. 刚踏进家门,老爸便笑着迎了上来."爸,什么事这么开心呀!""宝贝女儿放假,我能不开心吗!""不是吧!快从实招来,不然我使绝招了!""别没大没小的!"老爸板起脸佯装生气 .在我软硬兼施和再三追问下,老爸告诉我:"今年咱家鱼塘大丰收,你说,老爸能不开心吗 ""真的!太棒了,我可以大饱口福了!""小谗猫!"老爸刮了一下我的鼻子,笑着说. 不一会儿,老爸从鱼塘那边回来.手中提着4条活蹦乱跳的大鲫鱼,"为迎接丫头今天回来,庆祝祖国的生日,老爸今天亲自下厨煮鱼!""老爸万岁!"突然,我想到了最疼我的大伯.于是,我从爸手中拎过两条鱼,飞也似的冲出家门. 途中,我又想起了那让我至今仍记忆犹新的事:那年,大伯摔断了腿,在家休养,亲朋好友送来了许多营养品.一天,我到大伯家去玩,一阵香味诱得我垂涎欲滴.原来,大婶给大伯煮了一碗鲜鱼汤,本来冬天雨就很少见,因为那时候不是很富有,更别说是鲜鱼了;大伯端起碗,刚要喝,就看见了门口的我,于是他招呼我过去,说:"丫头,来,喝鱼汤."我那时太小,不懂事,端起碗,迫不及待地享受着鱼汤的鲜美滋味,殊不知,这是大伯的补品…… "啪,啪……"一阵清脆的爆竹声打断了我的思绪,"大伯,你也在为祖国过生日呢.""对呀.要不是咱们伟大的祖国,我们哪有今天的幸福生活呀!"突然,我想到了手中的鱼,"大伯,这是我爸刚从塘里打上来的,送给您吃.""丫头呀,你爸前天刚给我送了6条,还没吃完呢!"见我噘起了嘴,大伯话锋一转,"不过,是丫头送来的鱼,大伯怎么会不要呢!"大伯边说边接过鱼."现在呀!国家富强了,人民的生活水平也提高了,今年大伯家种的藕前阵子卖了个好价钱,赚了不少,走,进屋让你婶给你剥莲子吃……" 从大伯家出来,我四处逛了一下,我惊奇地发现,不经意中,我家周围发生了很大的变化;环境美了,房子好了,人们的衣着档次提高了…… 伟大的祖国,你的发展,使我的生活变得更幸福,使我们的家乡变得更美丽,我衷心地祝愿您:"生日快乐!"我们也要写一篇英文的《国庆见闻》的作文!所以我就发给你了!我好不容易才发给你的,累死我了!

102 评论


国庆节英语小短文:National Day each year, countries have a different forms of celebration activities to strengthen its people's patriotic consciousness, strengthen the country's cohesive force. Between the various countries to also congratulate each other.The National Day every ten every five, some will expand to celebrate. To celebrate the National Day, governments usually we will hold a National Day conference, by national heads of state or government or foreign minister, invited presiding in all countries in the local ambassadors and other important foreign guests to attend.But some countries do not held a reception, such as the United States, Britain are not held a reception.每年国庆,各国都要举行不同形式的庆祝活动,以加强本国人民的爱国意识,增强国家的凝聚力。各国之间也都要相互表示祝贺。逢五逢十的国庆,有的还要扩大庆祝。为庆祝国庆,各国政府通常要举行一次国庆招待会,由国家元首、政府首脑或外交部长出面主持,邀请驻在当地的各国使节和其他重要外宾参加。但也有的国家不举行招待会,如美国、英国均不举行招待会。

227 评论


国庆,一些内容参考了:)~ Today is National Day.We have no classes. In the morning, I went to the People's Park with my mother.We had a good time. In the afternoon, I helped my parents to cook supper.I had a busy day today. OCT .1 2006 SUNNY Today is National day, but I don’t feel any happy at all, just no reson. Last night I download the English Paper till 3AM ,sometime I want to give up.but in order to accomplish my dream.I can handle it. Today is National Day on Oct,1 2006, Weiqun have 2 days as holiday, I just made a call to home but she still didn''t get home, I asked mother to try to call her to confirm her position right now in order to be convenient for taking fetch by my father in 6-cross roadmouth. New house has been finished nearly. Dad decided to resume working in Houzai Glass factory just for RMB350 monthly even actually I don''t want him to work back. there are 7 days holiday I will take for Chinese National Day. But maybe I need on duty every day. Linyunbin will come back to Dongguan today.楼主给我多追加分啊~~ 谢!

298 评论


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