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我本来还想给你他的历史,但是度娘说我有不和谐词汇!!!算了他菊花紧我没办法Voice of America (VOA) is the official external radio and television broadcasting service of the United States federal government. Its oversight entity is the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). VOA provides a wide range of programming for broadcast on radio, TV and the Internet around the world in forty-four languages, promoting a positive view of the United States.[1] Its day-to-day operations are supported by the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB).VOA broadcasts by satellite and on FM, AM, and shortwave radio frequencies. It is also available through the Internet in both streaming media and downloadable formats at VOANews.com. VOA has affiliate and contract agreements with many radio and television stations and cable networks worldwide.

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'The Interview' Raises Tension between US, North KoreaBy VOA02 January, 2015Millions of Internet users have paid almost six dollars each to watch an online movie called"The Interview." The film has deeply angered North Korea. It also has led many Americans to debate what actions to take when facing threats to free expression.The controversial film is a product of Sony Pictures of Burbank, California. In the movie, two American journalists get a chance to meet with North Korean President Kim Jong Un. The Central Intelligence Agency asks the two to kill Mr. Kim, and they agree.The Americans join forces with a woman officer in the Korean People's Army and shoot down the president's helicopter. This takes place just as he is preparing to launch nuclear missiles.Some people criticize the film for plotting the violent death of a government leader. Others have said the film's storyline and situations are not at all serious. They say they are meant only to be funny. Still others praise "The Interview" because it shows the freedom of expression that American moviemakers enjoy.The North Korean government was not pleased when it learned about the film. The government began to object publicly last June, months before "The Interview" was to open in theaters. North Korea called the movie "an act of war." It threatened what it called "merciless" reaction.But could the film plant seeds of doubt about the North Korean government among North Korean citizens? Observers wonder if the freedom demonstrated in the movie could lead some North Koreans to question the tight controls of life in their country.I'm Bob Doughty.VOA's Steve Herman reported this story. Jeri Watson adapted it for VOA Learning English. George Grow was the editor.

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