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听力专题(除了VOA还有好多呢,种类都要听下,不要限于一种) voa 听力网 个人网站,相当不错 听写网站 广播英语网 中青网 听力特区 可以实时收听很多电台 探索频道 DISCOVERY探索频道了,内容丰富 活页英语,一些VOA新闻的文本 《美国习惯用语 Words & Idiom》是Voice of America推出的免费广播讲座 大家去看吧免费的听力新闻,带文本 上外网 听读新闻是它最大的特色! 练习VOA慢速英语的朋友,不要错过!也包括从儿童英语一直到大学英语的相关资料 超酷的英语听力站 有如下内容 :新概念英语 听力入门 现代文阅读 ESL-Lab分级测试 CNNSF新闻测试 《圣经》在线 通用英语百句(视频) 现代交际英语(视频) 轻轻松松学英语(在线广播) 非常优秀的听力网站,论坛也非常不错。 香港大学英语中心,非常好的一个网站 英语学习网,最主要的是澳大利亚英语广播讲座和一些连接 美国普渡大学的写作实验网上实验室 /amcstart.htm 台湾的教学节目,空中美语,网上收听 台湾的英语教学网站,有杂志和线上广播 汇集了全世界各国的broadband tv station 美国大学的大量视频 新视界英语交流中心,有不少好东西 商业英语新天地,关于商业英语的好网站

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Modern technology has a strong influence on many things we do. In fact, technology is shaping almost every part of our day-to-day existence, including education. Ashok Goel is a professor with the School of Interactive Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Goel says he uses the Internet in almost all of the classes he teaches. Every term over 300 graduate students take his class on artificial intelligence (AI). The students never meet in person. All of the classes take place online -- through a website. The site lets students ask questions and complete their work from anywhere in the world. Having hundreds of students in a class means Ashok Goel has to answer thousands of questions. He has eight teaching assistants to help him. But even that is not enough to give all the students the help they need. So, in January, Goel had an idea. First, he noted that each term his students were asking many of the same questions. Then he decided to try an experiment. At the start of the spring 2016 semester, he added a new member to his teaching team: Jill Watson. She was able to answer questions faster than most other teaching assistants. And she was available 24 hours a day. It was only at the end of the semester that Goel’s students learned Watson’s secret: she was not a real person like the other teaching assistants. Jill Watson is an AI computer program. Goel says only two students came close to predicting Watson’s true identity. He was worried about telling his students because he thought they would not like being part of the experiment. But once they learned Watson’s identity, they became very excited. "Then, you know what happened? They not only asked that question about Jill. ‘Is she an AI?’ Once the identity of Jill was revealed they also asked if I was an AI." Goel now uses Watson in two other classes, but still does not tell his students which of his teaching assistants is a computer program. He hopes this technology will make it easier for teachers to create their own programs to use in and outside the classroom. And it appears stories like his will only become more common. A website called Campus Technology publishes stories about how colleges and universities use new technology. In August, the site published a survey of over 500 professors and their use of technology. Fifty-five percent of the professors said they ask students to use study materials online before coming to class. And, more than 70 percent said they combine online materials and face-to-face teaching in their classrooms. Ashok Goel says the new kinds of technology becoming available will increase the availability of learning all over the world. But there are some concerns about how well the technology works. SRI International is a non-profit organization that researches many different issues. In April, the group released the results of a survey of educational technology at 14 colleges. The study measured the effect of online classwork and special programs that measured student progress and made suggestions about educational resources. The study found that the technology did little to help student performance. Louise Yarnall is a senior research social scientist at SRI International. She says there are two major problems. First, she says, the technology has yet to reach a level that proves how useful it can be. Second, there is no system to make sure the technology is used the same way. Yarnall notes that students and teachers all use the special programs in different ways. This means they may not be using the technology as best they can. "Just like in school when teacher says, ‘Do your homework,’ we have found that students who do their homework tend to do pretty well in school and students who don’t do their homework often don’t do so well in school. And the same idea applies here with adaptive learning. If you don’t use it, you don’t progress." Yarnall worries that once more technology enters classrooms, teachers and students will be more concerned about the technology than anything else. Jose Bowen goes even further. Bowen is the president of Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland. He wrote a book arguing against the use of technology in classrooms. It is called “Teaching Naked.” Bowen admits that technology does improve the availability of information. But he notes technology is not free. It still mostly goes only to people that have money to pay for it. Bowen also warns that giving students more information through the internet or social media does not help them understand how to use that information. He says the job of a college is to teach people how to think critically and find their place in the world around them. Technology can bring teachers to students all over the world, as in the case of Ashok Goel’s class at Georgia Tech. But Bowen notes that online classes do little for students with limited educational experience. "So those tools are there. But the problem is that online content by itself doesn’t know how to ask you the question ‘What interests you? What motivates you?’ … The first thing a good swim teacher does is ask you a couple of questions. The first question is, ‘How do you feel about water?’ And if you don’t like water, then I change my lesson plan. … And if you love water, well maybe I push you in the deep end." He admits there is a place for technology outside the classroom. It can do some things teachers cannot, like provide answers immediately when a teacher is unavailable. Bowen says teachers must accept the many things technology can do that they cannot. But he and Goel agree that nothing can replace the personal relationship between teachers and students. And the training in the classrooms of today may be the only thing that prepares students for the technology of tomorrow.

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其实想要有好的英语学习效果 外教水平很重要,纯正欧美口音(非东南亚)才行,如果多比较就能发现差异明显,口音学偏就麻烦了!别人给你推荐的英语辅导也并不能说都适合你学习!你要根据自己的实际情况参考比较~ABC天卞英语中心你可以去看看.好. 是在线学习的~每天在家通过网络和老师进行互动交流的形式授课 还挺方便的上课方式~怎样利用VOA练习听力这一点十分重要,首先要清楚自己是处于英语听力的哪一阶段,只有选择听力难度适合的听力素材才会收到明显的效果。听力练习可按以下几个步骤进行尝试。1.听写。将听力材料先听一遍或几遍,看看自己能听懂多少,然后再听写。复读听写一般以~秒的短句为单位,~秒短句实际上是机械记忆音节,超过10秒音节太多,只能理解记忆,不利于听写。遇到听不出来的单词,尽量查字典,实在听不懂的时候,再对照参考译文。这样做主要是为了增强辩音能力,同时也是为了增加声音与脑子反应之间的刺激强度。.对照。对照的前提是实在听不懂,通过对照参考译文可以从自己的错误中学到很多知识。对照是非常重要的一个环节,也是最容易被忽视的一个环节,其具体操作可参考下面的做法:●错误总结和分类,可以包括语音、语法、拼写、增漏。●整理生词。●统计错误率,例如语音,语法1,拼写,增漏1,生词,共计11处,错误率10%。.译背。译背主要是为了锻炼口语和翻译能力,同时也是为了更好地消化听写内容,其具体操作可分为以下几个步骤:●将听写材料翻译成中文。●将译文翻译成英文。●对照(英文)无误后,一次一次翻译背诵(看着中文,背诵英文)。●朗读课文,追求流利 用钟道隆的逆向法去学习 一定会有进步的 踏踏实实一步一个脚印进步~!

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