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Today I’m going to talk about discover yourself. Ever since the accelerated development of human civilization, perpetual scientific discovery of nature have companied mankind all along the journey. It was by discovering the around us that human beings have been able to live a more sophisticated life. However, as G.K. Chesterton once said “one may understand the cosmos, but never the ego, the self is more distance than any star. Thus, a life is a journey of unrelenting offers to discover more of ourselves. When I was six, I constantly picture myself as an elegant and skilled pianist rendering Xiao Bang’s nocturnal beautifully on the stage, receiving award and applause after my performance. However, as I further my piano lessons, it was hard to be oblivious of my non-gifted skills. Sometimes I couldn’t help but have this feeling of despair, when I woke up to the reality and discover that my goal was unrealistic. Brutal but real. It was the first time; I had discovered that I couldn’t have it at all, when I was twelve. I thought the coolest job in the entire universe was to be a surgeon. I spent hours and hours watching the drama Grey's Anatomy and couldn’t help falling in love with the kind of live those doctor lead on the scream. I was utterly mesmerized by the scalpel and all those fancy medical terms that use. However, I stop to dream about being a surgeon when I discover that it was the idea of being a surgeon that appeal to me, not what it truly was. As a result, the dream ended and I discovered some more about myself. This year, I turned sixteen and I could proudly say I do not dream to be, but ascertain to peruse being a lower in the future. Since junior high school I had always been awarded the most eloquent debater in every single debater participated in. I can not only think logically, but also deliver my thought promptly. My huge interest in philosophy also acts my reason in whenever I tried to argue with something equivocal. Being aware of the obstacles and the hardships on the way becoming a great lawyer never panics me, for the simple reason that I have this faith and passion in what I am aspiring after. G.K. Chesterton was absolutely correct; the most complicated part of comprehending the world is the study of somehow smaller world, ourselves. I subsequently realized that growing up is a process that discover yourselves. We got to know what we truly are and become who we dream to be. As we shape ourselves and as we shape of our lives. We gradually become more aware of limits and potentials, and consequently learn to adjust learn what’s out there, and by that ladies and gentlemen I’m proud to say that I have discovered part of myself, sue to discovering today and definitely a lot more in the future. I would always keep this in embedded in my heart. Things do not change, we do!

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下载地址如下(央视网站上的视频): mms://winmedia.cctv.com/cultureexpress/2008/11/cultureexpress_300_20081124_1.wmv mms://winmedia.cctv.com/cultureexpress/2008/11/cultureexpress_300_20081124_2.wmv mms://winmedia.cctv.com/cultureexpress/2008/11/cultureexpress_300_20081125_3.wmv mms://winmedia.cctv.com/cultureexpress/2008/11/cultureexpress_300_20081125_4.wmv mms://winmedia.cctv.com/cultureexpress/2008/11/cultureexpress_300_20081126_1.wmv mms://winmedia.cctv.com/cultureexpress/2008/11/cultureexpress_300_20081126_2.wmv mms://winmedia.cctv.com/cultureexpress/2008/11/cultureexpress_300_20081126_17.wmv mms://winmedia.cctv.com/cultureexpress/2008/11/cultureexpress_300_20081126_18.wmv mms://winmedia.cctv.com/cultureexpress/2008/11/cultureexpress_300_20081126_19.wmv

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