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The passengers:

Everybody is good! B: my name is lu, I'm go to the guide of qin Terra Cotta Warriors. I'm very honored to serve you, hope we have a nice day today.

Now we're going to set off to the world-famous qin Terra Cotta Warriors.

You see, this great historical sites show in front of our eyes! Our xi 'an lintong has three qin Terra Cotta Warriors pit, a total of 3 20000 square meters, nearly 50 basketball courts, a pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors to nearly eight thousand. In three pits at the pit is the largest, 230 meters long, north and south 62 meters wide, with a total area of 14260 square meters; The pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors, of course, also the most, there are more than six thousand! Above the no. 1 pit has a huge vaulted hall. Into the hall, standing on high bird's eye view, will see the Terra Cotta Warriors pit, line by line, the process is very neat, formed a huge army of rectangle like qin shihuang had command of an army of fighting, invincible.

You look, the general burly, wearing a brown, wearing armor, sword in hand, with pride. Know it's the look on his poses battle-hardened, accountable.

The average height of the warriors, 1. 8 meters, trim. They dressed in a shirt to wear armor, feet front end up the cock combat boots, and armed with weapons, ready to go.

Look, the horse figurines in short armour, on foot mouth was wearing tight pants, boots right hand holding the REINS, left hand with bows and arrows, as if ready to mount a horse to kill.

Now we use one hour to watch slowly. Please take good care of cultural relics, don't litter. Thank you for your cooperation.

Hey, guys, I am a big adventure of the "little angel" guided Tours of a guide. My name is xu radium, you can call me radium radium. Today, I will take you to visit the grand qin Terra Cotta Warriors. Qin Terra Cotta Warriors in the ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign DiaoSuShi is unique, it is the pride of the Chinese nation.

Now, we came to a pit, it is near the area of 14000 square meters, is the largest of three pits at one. You see, this is the general figures. He burly, wearing is He crown on his head. Everyone could see that he is an experienced, bear the old general. On the left side of this is terrible, the warriors of his health, armed with weapons, and are ready to go!

Visit the grand, the no. 1 pit we come again to have a closer look at the no. 2 pit. No.2 pit no. 1 pit, but the inside of the terracotta warriors are various. Please look here, the old general figurines are attentively ponder over a problem. You must have guessed, yes, he is considering, with what method to defeat the terrible enemy merit for the state of qin. Take a look at there. Lovely TaoMa already was ready to fight. It seemed to have been swayed the cushion make straight ring, as if to go ahead urged knight, let him ride it back as soon as possible. Because the knight as long as a ride on a horse, the horse can casting its hooves, taking off, on a journey.

That we see again left the wearing golden armor is in front of terracotta warriors. He half a squat, terrible to stare at the distance, just like in homesick relatives, we seem to see him in tears. Why did he cry? Because war is merciless, he can damage many innocent lives. And the terracotta warriors, subject to sacrifice on the battlefield. If he was dead, they never see in the morning and night get along with relatives. Do you know why is he crying now.

Look, now we have come to the third pit. Although it was the youngest of three pits at one, but here not only of the Terra Cotta Warriors, and personality is distinct, many types. You see, we have stone on the right side of the hand, they are responsible for defense. If the enemy blockade running, they will try very hard to hit a big stone on the enemy. We left is common striker figurines. Took a bow on his left hand, right hand holding a bow and arrow, and looked very severe, courage again big enemy three points will be afraid of him. Striker figurines of low head, as if to say: "although my power is not very big, but the whole army fewer us these talented striker, it is impossible to defeat an enemy easily."

Dear visitors, although we only finished in a short time to visit the terracotta warriors, but, this terrible intrepid and lifelike qin Terra Cotta Warriors will be forever imprinted in everyone's mind. Let us forever remember this grand, magnificent verve of qin Terra Cotta Warriors, one of the eight wonders of the world!

The passengers:

Everybody is good! B: my name is lu, I'm go to the guide of qin Terra Cotta Warriors. I'm very honored to serve you, hope we have a nice day today.

Now we're going to set off to the world-famous qin Terra Cotta Warriors.

You see, this great historical sites show in front of our eyes! Our xi 'an lintong has three qin Terra Cotta Warriors pit, a total of 3 20000 square meters, nearly 50 basketball courts, a pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors to nearly eight thousand. In three pits at the pit is the largest, 230 meters long, north and south 62 meters wide, with a total area of 14260 square meters; The pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors, of course, also the most, there are more than six thousand! Above the no. 1 pit has a huge vaulted hall. Into the hall, standing on high bird's eye view, will see the Terra Cotta Warriors pit, line by line, the process is very neat, formed a huge army of rectangle like qin shihuang had command of an army of fighting, invincible.

You look, the general burly, wearing a brown, wearing armor, sword in hand, with pride. Know it's the look on his poses battle-hardened, accountable.

The average height of the warriors, 1. 8 meters, trim. They dressed in a shirt to wear armor, feet front end up the cock combat boots, and armed with weapons, ready to go.

Look, the horse figurines in short armour, on foot mouth was wearing tight pants, boots right hand holding the REINS, left hand with bows and arrows, as if ready to mount a horse to kill.

Now we use one hour to watch slowly. Please take good care of cultural relics, don't litter. Thank you for your cooperation.

Ha! Hi, I'm happy "tour" of the tour guide. Today, I take you to xi 'an east 30 kilometers. In February 1974, the local farmers in the east of emperor qinshihuang 1.5 zone () at the foot of the mount li qin Terra Cotta Warriors.

In that year, the emperor after he began to reign, and he began to build cemetery, hosted by prime minister lisi planning and design, general ZhangHan supervisors, build time for 38 years, engineering of vast, magnificent verve, the successive feudal rulers luxury lights of precedent. At that time, the qing dynasty a total population of about 20 million, and built ling labor was more than 720000. Xiu ling home soil, from 20xx meters south of this cemetery three between liu village to the county quarry department, there are 5 ~ 25 meters high multistage loess cliff. Fix cemetery used a large amount of stone from nutrient-laden hebei usagi nakayama, asan, depends on human to lintong, engineering is very difficult. Predictably large quantities, usagi nakayama, the corpse and under strict asan side shows the cruelty of the whole project. It is also known as one of "the eight wonders of the world"!

Qin Terra Cotta Warriors is divided into three pits, with a total area of 000 square meters. The Terra Cotta Warriors are robust, forms and more thoughtful! Figures are divided into general figurines, the side horse figurines, kneeling position figurines, figurines of cavalry, terracotta warriors... Among them, the no. 1 pit is the largest, 230 meters long, north and south 62 meters wide, about five meters deep. About 500, the warriors six chariots, driving, horse 24, and bronze sword, wugou, spears and arrows, crossbows, machine, copper halberd combat with weapons of bronze and iron, etc. They all facial expression, ' ', and action each are not identical: some thoughtfully, as if considering how to cooperate, defeat the enemy; Have a deep breath, as if in thought, as the people of qin, must help the emperor beat all places; Some look in the distance, seemed to be missing loved ones far away... Said so much warrior figures, the said the horse figurines: TaoMa ears erect, some mouths scream, some still shut up. All these of the qinshihuang terracotta warriors and touching artistic charm. If you hold your breath gaze of looking at it, you will find it muscle fullness, realistic than a real horse!

How do you do! Welcome to the ancient city of xi 'an, I am your tour guide in xian this time. My name is xu, everyone call me xu guide. Today visited the first scenic spot is one of the world heritage, the qin Terra Cotta Warriors. Scenic spot is located in xi 'an lintong, we take car is lintong county, about 40 minutes. I'd like to mention of xi 'an, you will certainly think of unique chi toilet.

Ok, we have come to qin shihuang mausoleum, in order to get off, please. Do you know the history of the qin Terra Cotta Warriors? Originally previous dynasty, the emperor's death is looking for some buried alive, then in the qin dynasty, a minister of emperor qin shi huang said: "previous dynasties but with buried the living. I think it is not very appropriate to you, let craftsmen create a made of dirt that you have conquered, invincible army How" Qin shi huang think this idea is very good, agreed. In fact, if it weren't for the time of qin shi huang, a nod today just see this vision spectacular terracotta army. Large scale of the Terra Cotta Warriors. Has discovered three pit, with a total area of nearly 20000 square meters, nearly 50 of the basketball court at ordinary times, about 8000 pit with the warriors.

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中文简介:秦始皇兵马俑博物馆坐落在距西安37千米的临潼县城东,南倚骊山,北临渭水,气势宏伟,是全国重点的文物保护单位。1974年,在秦始皇帝陵东发现三个大型陪葬的兵马俑坑,并相继进行发掘和建馆保护。三个坑成品字形,总面积22780平方米,坑内置放与真人马一般大小的陶俑陶马共约7400余件。三个坑分别定名为一、二、三号兵马俑坑。 一号坑最大,坑深5米,面积14260平方米,坑内有6000余陶人陶马,井然有序地排列成环形方阵。坑东端有三列横排武士俑,手执弓弩类远射兵器,似为前锋部队,其后是6000铠甲俑组成的主体部队,手执矛、戈戟等长兵器,同35乘驷马战车在11个过洞里排列成38路纵队。南北两翼的后卫部队。二号兵马俑坑平面呈曲尺形,面积6000平方米,是一坐西朝东,由骑兵、步兵、弩兵和战车混合编组的大型军阵。大致可分为弩兵俑方阵,驷马战车方阵,车步、骑兵俑混合长方阵,骑兵俑方阵四个相对独立的单元。共有陶俑陶马1300余件,战车80多辆,并有大量金属兵器。三号兵马俑坑平面呈凹字形,面积约520平方米,它与一、二号坑是一个有机的整体,似为统师三军的指挥部,出土68个陶俑和4 马1 车。秦始皇兵马俑博物馆上是中国最大的古代军事博物馆。俑阵经发掘对外开放后便轰动世界。1978年,前法国总理希拉克参观后说:"世界上有了七大奇迹,秦俑的发现,可以说是八大奇迹了。不看金字塔,不算到埃及,不看秦俑,不算到中国。"从此秦俑被誉为世界第八大奇迹"。兵马俑多用陶冶结合的方法制成,先用陶模作出初胎,再覆盖一层细泥进行加工刻划加彩,有的是先烧后接,有的是先接再烧。其实当年的兵马俑各个都有鲜艳和谐的彩绘。我们发掘过程中发现有的陶俑刚出土时局部还保留着鲜艳的颜色,出土后由于空气干燥,颜色就慢慢地脱落了。现在能看到的只是残留的彩绘痕迹。兵马俑的车兵、步兵、骑兵列成各种阵势。整体风格浑厚、健美、洗练。如果仔细观察,脸型、发型、体态、神韵均有差异:陶马有的双耳竖立,有的张嘴嘶鸣,有的闭嘴静立。所有这些秦始皇兵马俑都富有感染人的艺术魅力。秦始皇兵马俑(一说为宣太后)陪葬坑,是世界最大的地下军事博物馆。俑坑布局合理,结构奇特,在深5米左右的坑底,每隔3米架起一道东西向的承重墙,兵马俑排列在墙间空档的过洞中。秦陵内共有3个兵马俑坑,呈品字形排列。秦始皇一号俑坑,呈长方形,东西长230米,南北宽62米,深约5米,总面积14260平方米,四面有斜坡门道。俑坑中最多的是武士俑,身高1.7米左右,最高的1.9米。陶马高1.5米左右,身长2米左右,战车与实用车的大小一样。人、马车和军阵是通过写实手法的艺术再现。秦俑大部分手执青铜兵器,有弓、弩、箭镞、铍、矛、戈、殳、剑、弯刀和钺。青铜兵器因经过防锈处理,埋在地下两千多年,至今仍然光亮锋利如新,它们是当时的实战武器,身穿甲片细密的铠甲,胸前有彩线挽成的结穗。军吏头戴长冠,数量比武将多。秦俑的脸型、胖瘦、表情、眉毛、眼睛和年龄有差异。统一六国之后秦国实行全国征兵制,兵源来自全国各地,这恐怕是他们在脸型、表情、年龄上有差别的主要原因。工匠们用写实的艺术手法把它们表现得十分逼真,在这个庞大的秦俑群体中包容着许多显然不同的个体,使整个群体更显得活跃、真实、富有生气。纵观这千百个将士俑,其雕塑艺术成就完全达到了一种艺术美的高度。无论是千百个形神兼备的官兵形象,还是那一匹匹跃跃欲试的战马塑造都不是机械的模仿,而是着力显现它们“内在的生气、情感灵魂、风骨和精神。”绝大部分陶俑形象都充满了个性特征,显得逼真,自然而富有生气。俑坑发现种类齐全,数量空前的青铜兵器极大地丰富了秦兵器研究的领域,其中长铍,金钩等都是兵器考古史上的首次发现。兵器铸造的标准化工艺、兵器表面防腐处理技术的发现和研究填补了古代科技史研究的空白。而秦俑的设计者为了再现2000年前的秦军“奋击百万”气吞山河的磅礴气势,他们不仅仅在于追求单个陶俑的形体高大,而且是精心设计了一个由8000余件形体高大的俑群构成一组规模庞大的军阵体系。右侧为一个巨大的方阵,左前方为一个大型疏阵,左后方则是指挥部。那数千名手执兵器的武士,数百匹曳车的战马,一列列、一行行,构成规模宏伟、气势磅礴的阵容。有的头挽发髻,身穿战袍,足登短靴,手持弓弩,似为冲锋陷阵的锐士;有的免盔束发,身穿战袍,外披铠甲,手持弓弩,背负铜镞,似为机智善射的弓箭手;有的头戴软帽,穿袍着甲,足登方口浅履,手持长铍,似为短兵相接的甲士。还有身穿胡服,外着铠甲,头带软帽,足登短靴,一手牵马一手提弓的骑士;有头带长冠,两臂前伸,双手握髻,技术熟练的御手;有头戴长冠,穿战袍,着长甲,手执无钩的下级指挥官;有头戴鶡冠,身着彩色鱼鳞甲,双手扶剑,气度非凡的将军。这栩栩如生的千百个官兵形象,尤其在神态、个性的刻画方面,显得逼真、自然,而富有生气。如将军俑的形象:身材魁梧,身着双重短褐,外披彩色鱼鳞甲,头带双卷尾长冠,昂首挺胸,巍然伫立,有非凡的神态和威严的魅力。一般战士的神态:有的嘴唇努起胡角反卷,内心似聚结着怒气;有的立眉圆眼,眉间的肌肉拧成疙瘩,似有超人的大勇;有的浓眉大眼,阔口厚唇,性格憨厚纯朴;有的舒眉秀眼,头微低垂,性格文雅;有的侧目凝神,机警敏锐;有的昂首静思,有的低首若有所思,两者虽然得刻画一个“思”字,由于表现手法不同,前者给人的印象是气宇轩昂略带傲气,后者沉静文雅。秦俑表现的是古代军事题材,它既没有选择两方交战、将士厮杀的战争场面,也没有选择将士修整屯兵防守的场面。而是捕捉了将士披甲,直兵列阵地,严阵以待的临阵场面。尽管我在这个井然有序的静态军阵营,艺术家们在单个陶俑的雕塑上,还是力求“偶动与静之中”。使那一件件披甲之锐的武士俑昂眉张目,肃然伫立,神态坚定而勇敢,他们好似整装待发,又好似处于临战状态,还有那一件件驾车的御手俑,双臂前伸,紧握髻绳,目视前方,待命而发;那一匹匹曳车的陶马,两耳竖立,双目圆睁,张鼻嘶鸣,跃跃欲试;那一件件骑士俑,右手牵马,左手提弓,机警的立于马前,一旦令下,就将驰骋疆场。正是由这千百个充满生气、神态各异的陶俑构成整体静态的军阵地,达到了一种意想不到的艺术效果。“静极则生动,愈静则愈动”。惟有这种静态的军阵才能使人们感到军阵巨大威慑力的深浅莫测。这样恢宏的阵列,宏伟的构图,空前绝后,无与伦比。秦始皇二号俑坑呈曲尺形,位于一号坑的东北侧和三号坑的东侧,东西长96米,南北宽为84米,总面积约为6000平方米。坑内建筑与一号坑相同,但布阵更为复杂,兵种更为齐全,是3个坑中最为壮观的军阵。它是由骑兵、战车和步兵(包括弩兵)组成的多兵种特殊部队。二号坑建有1.7万平方米的陈列大厅,是目前我国规模最大、功能最齐全的现代化遗址陈列厅。二号坑有陶俑陶马1300多件,战车80余辆,青铜兵器数万件,其中将军俑、鞍马俑、跪姿射俑为首次发现。二号坑东、西两端各有4个斜坡门道,北边有2个斜坡门道,俑坑坐西面东,正门在东边。坑内布局分为4个单元。 第一单元,位于俑坑东端,四周长廊有立式弩兵俑60个,阵心由八路面东的160个蹲跪式弩兵俑组成。弩兵采取阵中张阵的编列,立、跪起伏轮番射击,以弥弩张缓慢之虞。 第二个单元,位于俑坑的右侧,由64乘战车组成方阵(车系木质,仅留遗迹)。每列8乘,共有8列。车前驾有真马大小的陶马4匹。每车后一字排列兵俑3个,中为御手拉马辔,另两个分别立于车左和车右,手持长柄兵器。 第三单元,位于中部,由19辆战车,264个步兵俑和8个骑士俑组成长方形阵,共分3列。每匹马前立骑士俑一个,一手牵马缰,一手作拉弓状。每乘车后除三名车士外,还配有8~36个步兵俑。 第四单元,位于军阵左侧,108个骑士俑和180匹陶鞍马俑排成11列横队,组成长方形骑兵阵。其中第1、3列为战车6辆。每匹马前,立胡服骑士俑一个,右手牵马,左手拉弓。而俑坑内的108件骑兵俑是我国考古史上首次发现的数量众多的古代骑兵的形象资料。在服饰装束及高度等方面都是严格模拟古代骑兵的战时形象。与步兵、车兵俑显然不同。它头戴圆形小帽,帽子两侧带扣系在颌下,身着紧袖、交领右衽双襟掩于胸前的上衣,下穿紧口连裆长裤,足磴短靴,身披短而小的铠甲,肩上无披膊,手上无护手甲。衣服具有短小轻巧的特色,铠甲显得简单而灵活。骑兵俑特殊的装束也与骑兵的战术特点密切相关。而铜车马的出土使世人耳目为之一新。其工艺之复杂,作之精巧,技艺之卓越无不令人惊叹。秦陵二铜车是一种带有篷盖的豪华车,车舆接近正方形,它宽78厘米,进深88厘米,其宽度仅比一号车长4厘米,可进深较之一号车长40厘米。二号车舆上罩着一块类似于龟盖状的篷盖。大篷盖不仅将车舆全部罩了起来,甚至连车舆前边的“驾驶室”也遮盖起来,形成封闭式的车舆。以便车主与“驾驶员”传递命令。二号铜车属于小轿车类型。车主既可以坐乘,也可以卧息。如果躺在这样宽敞、舒适、豪华的车舆内,完全可以享受到一种“软卧车”的舒服感。既使远行千里也可以消除长途颠簸的疲劳。二号车车内设备更富有特色。车舆内曝有彩绘精美的软垫。考古专家曾在车舆底部发现一块方形大铜板,其大小几乎与舆论舆论底尺寸相当,铜板表面彩绘着各种鲜艳的几何形图案花纹,下面四角和中部有8个3厘米高的铜支钉支撑。这块彩绘大铜板无疑就是古车上的“文茵”,类似于一种软垫制品。如果车中铺设双重文茵,一定更加平稳而舒适,其功能无异于现代的“软卧车”。可以说二号车属于我国最早的“软卧车”模型。考古专家经过仔细清理发现二号铜车马总共由3462个铸件组成,其中铜铸件1742件,金铸件737件,银铸件983件。总重量达1241公斤,其中金铸件3公斤多,银铸件,4公斤多。一号铜车马铸件的数量也不会相差太远。两乘车加起来不少于5000多个零部件,尤其令人拍手叫绝的是这里所有的零部件全部是铸造成型。而这5000多个零部件无论是大至2平方米以上的篷盖、伞盖及车舆、铜马、铜俑等,还是不足0.2平方米的小攸勒管都是一次铸造成型。就拿篷盖与伞盖的铸造来说,它不仅面积大,而且薄厚不一,厚的地方为0.4厘米,薄的地方仅有0.1厘米,再加上篷盖、伞盖,都有一定的弧度,这样难度大的篷盖、伞盖能一次性浇铸成功,不要说在2200年前的秦代,就是在科技发达、设备齐全的今天也并非易事。铜马和铜俑的铸造也令我们当代的工程师望尘莫及。我们发现8匹铜马、两个御官俑的铸造都达到了惟妙惟肖的程度,无论是整体造型,还是神态、性格、气质的刻划都可以与秦俑坑那雕塑最好的将军俑相媲美。铜马、铜俑铸造如此准,形神兼备实为罕见。比如铜马的笼头,它是由82节小金管和78节小银管连接起来,每节扁状金银管长仅0.8厘米,一节金管与一节银管以子母卯形式相连接,其精细和灵活程度较之现代的表链毫不逊色。经令人感到惊奇的是那马脖子下悬挂的缨络,这些缨络全是采用一根根细如发丝的铜丝制作的。专家们用放大镜反复观察,惊奇地发现铜丝表面无锻打痕迹,粗细均匀,表明很可能是用拔丝法制成。尤其是以铜丝组成的链环,是由铜丝两端对接焊成,对接面合缝严密。如此纤细的铜丝(0.5毫米)到底是用什么方法制作?采取什么样的工艺焊接?目前还是一个谜团。总之,铜车马的铸造工艺堪称古代青铜冶铸方面了不起的奇迹。试想当时没有车床,更没有现代化的冶铸设备,铸造出如此精美的金、银、铜大小规格不同的车马部件实在是一项伟大的创举。秦始皇兵马俑二号俑坑出土的总之,秦俑二号坑出土的弓箭手、轻车兵、骑兵俑等,首次为我们展示了2200年前的古代骑兵、轻车兵和弓箭手的形象资料,在古代军事史的研究方面有着极为重要的意义。秦始皇三号俑坑位于一号兵马俑坑西端北侧,与二号兵马俑坑东西相对,南距一号坑25米,东距二号坑120米,面积约为520平方米,呈凹字形,门前有一乘战车,内有武士俑68个。从3号坑的布局看,似为总指挥部,统帅左、右、中三军。三号俑坑号的陶俑大部分没有头,陶马马头也同样残缺不全,甚至有的残破陶片坑内也不见踪影。由此不难看出,三号俑坑曾遭受过严重的人为破坏。三号俑坑对于古代军事史的研究有着特别重要的意义。春秋战国之前的战争,指挥将领往往要身先士卒,冲锋陷阵,所以他们常常要位于卒伍之前。春秋战国时期随着战争规模的增大,作战方式的变化,指挥者的位置开始移至中军。秦代战争将指挥部从中军中独立出来,这是军事战术发展的一大进步。指挥部独立出来研究制订严密的作战方案,更重要的是指挥将领的人身安全有了进一步的保证。这是古代军事战术发展成熟的重要标志。三号秦坑是世界考古史上发现时代最早的军事指挥部的形象资料。建筑结构,陶俑排列,兵器配备,出土文物都有一定的特色。它提供了研究古代指挥部形制、卜占及出战仪式,命将制度及依仗服的服饰、装备等问题的珍贵资料。大凡参观过兵马俑的人们,对于少数陶俑脸部残留的彩绘或许还记忆犹新。其实当年的兵马俑各个都有鲜艳和谐的彩绘。陶俑的战袍上绘有朱红、桔红、白、粉绿、绿、紫等色。裤子绘有蓝、紫、粉紫、粉绿、朱红等色。甲片多为黑褐色,甲组和连甲带多为朱红。同时也有一部分甲组、连甲带绘成紫色。陶俑的颜面及手、脚面颜色均为粉红色,表现出肌肉的质感。特别是面部的彩绘尤为精彩,白眼角,黑眼珠,甚至连眼睛的瞳孔也彩绘的活灵活现。陶俑的发髻、胡须和眉毛均为黑色。整体色彩显得绚丽而和谐。同时陶俑的彩绘还注重色调的对比。从个体看,有的上着绿色长襦,下穿绿色短裤。再从整体来看,如探方20战车后的一排陶俑,第一个身着红袍第二个身着绿袍,第三个身着紫袍,第四个身着白袍。不同色彩的服饰形成了鲜明的对比。更加增强了艺术感染力。陶马也同样有鲜艳而和谐的彩绘。如探方20出土的一组陶马,其局部仍然保留着鲜艳的色彩。四匹马似为白蹄枣红马,但是在局部用色方面又有明显的区别。如马躯体部分为枣红色,前体腔及肚皮部位分绿色,生殖器则绘为黑色。马腿表面也是枣红色,内面异为粉绿色,蹄为白色。马前腿内侧的两个小夜眼(俗称)也绘为白色。马头部的颜色更是精心彩绘,两腮及眼睛以下部位为白色,鼻梁枣红色,鼻孔为粉红色,嘴唇下部亦为枣红色,舌胎则为粉红色,牙齿又绘为白色,马鬃、马尾均为黑色。总之,陶马的色彩既逼真又艳丽,使之静态中的陶马形象更为生动,更具有艺术魅力。秦俑彩绘主要有红、绿、蓝、黄、紫、褐、白、黑八种颜色。如果再加上深浅浓淡不同的颜色,如朱红、粉红、枣红色、中黄、粉紫、粉绿等,其颜色就不下十几种了。化验表明这些颜色均为矿物质。红色由辰砂、铅丹、赭石制成。绿色为孔雀石,蓝色蔚蓝铜矿,紫色为铅丹与蓝铜矿合成,褐色为褐铁矿,白色为铅白和高岭土,黑色为无定形炭。这些矿物质都是中国传统绘画的主要颜料。秦俑运用了如此丰富的矿物颜料,表明2000多年前我国劳动人民已能大量生产和广泛使用这些颜料。这不仅在彩绘艺术史上,而且在世界科技史上都有着重要意义。秦俑彩绘技术也有许多独到之处。一般在彩绘之前对陶俑表面先进行处理。由于陶俑是没有釉的素陶,具有较多的毛细孔,表面不能滑润。而彩绘则要求毛细孔不易太多,也不能太少,表面不易太滑,也不能太涩。为了达到这一要求,陶俑在烧造之前表面似用极细的泥均匀涂抹,并加以压光,减少了毛孔,又提高了光洁度,同时在陶俑烧造之后,似进行了化学物理处理。从陶俑陶片断面观察,也证明了陶俑烧造之前表面曾用细泥涂抹,有的部位不只涂抹一次,陶俑表面还涂有一层薄薄的类似以胶质的物质,表面涂胶减少了陶俑两者紧密地粘接起来,使之彩绘不易脱落。彩绘技法则是根据不同部位采取不同的方法。一般陶俑的颜面、手、脚面部分先用一层赭石打底,再绘一层白色,再绘一层粉红色,尽量使色调与人体肤色接近。而袍、短裤、鞋等处的彩绘则是采取平涂一种颜色,只是在衣袖与袖口、甲片与连甲带之间运用不同的色调作对比,更显示出甲衣的质感。有些胡须、眼眉的处理,则是用黑色绘成一道道细细的毛发。总之,彩绘工序复杂,手法多样,着色讲究,充分显示了彩绘的层次和质感,使雕塑与彩绘达到相得益彰的艺术效果。其中有些彩绘技法为汉代所继承。陶俑、陶马彩绘严格模拟实物,但在色调的掌握上以暖色为主,很少使用冷色。红、蓝、绿等色调的使用,巧妙地表现出秦军威武。英文简介:The Terracotta Army (Chinese: 兵马俑; Pinyin: Bīng Mǎ Yǒng; literally "military servants") or Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses is a collection of 8,099 life-size terra cotta figures of warriors and horses located in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor (秦始皇陵; Qín Shǐ Huáng Líng). The figures were discovered in 1974 near Xi'an, Shaanxi province, The terracotta figures were buried with the first Emperor of Qin (Qin Shi Huang) in 210-209 BC. Consequently, they are also sometimes referred to as "Qin's Army." The Terracotta Army of China was discovered in March 1974 by local farmers drilling a well to the east of Mount Li. Mount Li is the name of the man-made necropolis and tomb of the First Emperor of Qin; Qin Shi Huang. Construction of this mausoleum began in 246 B.C. and is believed to have taken 700,000 workers and craftsmen 36 years to complete. Qin Shi Huang was interred inside the tomb complex upon his death in 210 B.C. According to the Grand Historian Sima Qian, The First Emperor was buried alongside great amounts of treasure and objects of craftsmanship, as well as a scale replica of the universe complete with gemmed ceilings representing the cosmos, and flowing mercury. representing the great earthly bodies of water. Recent scientific work at the site has shown high levels of mercury in the soil of Mount Li, tentatively indicating an accurate description of the site’s contents by Sima Qian. The tomb of Qin Shi Huang is near an earthen pyramid 76 meters tall and nearly 350 meters square. The tomb presently remains unopened. There are plans to seal-off the area around the tomb with a special tent-type structure to prevent corrosion from exposure to outside air. However, there is at present only one company in the world that makes these tents, and their largest model will not cover the site as needed. Qin Shi Huang’s necropolis complex was constructed to serve as an imperial compound or palace. It is comprised of several offices, halls and other structures and is surrounded by a wall with gateway entrances. The remains of the craftsmen working in the tomb may also be found within its confines, as it is believed they were sealed inside alive to keep them from divulging any secrets about its riches or entrance. It was only fitting, therefore, to have this compound protected by the massive terra cotta army interred nearby.

229 评论



Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang and Terra-cotta Warriors

Emperor Qin's mausoleum is the largest of ancient China, situated at the northern foot of Mt Li, Lintong County, some 30m east of Xi'an city,

facing Weishui River in the north,close to the tourist resort Huaqing Pool in the west.

The huge and amazing satellite pit of terra-cotta warriors is 1 500m east of the mau-soleum,discovered in March of 1974,

by a group of farmers drilling a well against the draught.

Archaeologist the unearthed the treasure of Qin dynasty hidden for over 2000 years.

The pit is truly an underground military museum largest worldwide.

Its design is rational and unique with a weight wall every 3m,dividing the 5m deep pit into lanes of warriors neatly arrayed.



秦始皇的陵墓是古代中国最大的,位于北部的临潼县骊山脚下,西安以东约30 m处,面朝在北面的渭河,接近西面的华清池旅游胜地。巨大的、令人惊叹的兵马俑卫星坑在陵墓以1500米处,1974年3月由一群钻井抗旱的农民发现。








328 评论


terra-cotta figures; soldier and horse figures(兵马俑)

115 评论


The terra-cotta warriors museum is China's largest ancient military museum. In 1961, the state council of the People's Republic of China will be emperor qinshihuang as the national cultural relic protection unit.

For the first emperor qin shihuang cemetery thorough archeological investigation begins. In 1962, the archeologists were plotted cemetery, the first piece of plane layout diagram, via detecting, cemetery ranges 56.25 square kilometers, which is equivalent to nearly 78 palace, cause the archaeology sensation.

In 1987, the emperor qinshihuang and Terra Cotta Warriors pit "by UNESCO world heritage list approved listed in the", and is known as "eighth wonder of the world" make the whole world, make amazing all Chinese proud!










126 评论


  • 用英文介绍兵马俑

    The Terracotta Army or Terracotta Warriors and Horses is a collection of 8,099 l

    斯蕾油画 5人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 兵马俑100英文介绍

    terra-cotta figures; soldier and horse figures(兵马俑)

    冰灵蜜蜜 7人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 用英语介绍兵马俑

    兵马俑是我国的一大奇迹,介绍它的英语作文也有之。下面是我给大家整理的兵马俑英语作文,供大家参阅! The right picture is the famous

    机智小百合 5人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 英文介绍兵马俑


    初见521125 2人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 兵马俑介绍英文

    兵马俑英文简介: Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang and Terra-cotta Warriors Emperor Qin'

    萌萌尛宝贝 6人参与回答 2024-06-12