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儿童 英语小 故事 不仅可爱有趣,还能够让孩子在读故事时更早地接触英语, 让孩子们逐渐对英语产生兴趣,有利于孩子之后的 英语学习 。下面我给大家介绍关于英文 童话故事 ,方便大家学习。



A man once caught a weasel, which was always sneaking1 about the house, and was just going to drown it in a tub of water, when it begged hard for its life, and said to him, "Surely you haven't the heart to put me to death? Think how useful I have been in clearing your house of the mice and lizards2 which used to infest3 it, and show your gratitude4 by sparing my life." "You have not been altogether useless, I grant you," said the Man: "but who killed the fowls5? Who stole the meat? No no! You do much more harm than good, and die you shall."

从前,有一个人抓住了一只黄鼠狼,它总是在房子里偷偷摸摸。这人正要用一盆水淹死它时,黄鼠狼苦苦哀求人饶了自己的性命,并且对人说:“你一定不忍心杀了我!想想我对你们家做的贡献吧,我可是一只在清理你家里的老鼠和蜥蜴,为了显示你对我的感激之情,就饶我一命吧。”“我也承认,你并非完全无用,” 男人说, “但是,是谁杀了鸡?是谁偷了肉?不不!你做了太多坏事,理应去死。”


The Miser

A MISER sold all that he had and bought a lump of gold, which he buried in a hole in the ground by the side of an old wall and went to look at daily. One of his workmen observed his frequent visits to the spot and decided to watch his movements. He soon discovered the secret of the hidden treasure, and digging down, came to the lump of gold, and stole it. The Miser, on his next visit, found the hole empty and began to tear his hair and to make loud lamentations. A neighbor, seeing him overcome with grief and learning the cause, said, "Pray do not grieve so; but go and take a stone, and place it in the hole, and fancy that the gold is still lying there. It will do you quite the same service; for when the gold was there, you had it not, as you did not make the slightest use of it."


有个守财奴变卖了他所有的家产,换回了金块,并秘密地埋在一个地方。他每天走去看 看他的宝藏。有个在附近放羊的牧人留心观察,知道了真情,趁他走后,挖出金块拿走了。 守财奴再来时,发现洞中的金块没有了,便捶胸痛哭。有个人见他如此悲痛,问明原因后, 说道:“喂,朋友,别再难过了,那块金子虽是你买来的,但并不是你真正拥有的。去拿一 块石头来,代替金块放在洞里,只要你心里想着那是块金子,你就会很高兴。这样与你拥有 真正的金块效果没什么不同。依我之见,你拥有那金块时,也从没用过。”


Once upon a time a wolf was lapping at a stream. When he looked up, he saw a lamb drinking a little lower down.

"There’s my supper," he thought. "I will find some excuse to catch it." Then he called out to the lamb, "How dare you muddle the water?" "No, master," said the lamb. "I cannot muddle your water because it runs down from you to me."

"Well, then," said the wolf. "Why did you call me bad names this time last year?" "It was impossible," said the lamb. "I am only six months old."

"I don’t care," shouted the wolf. "If it was not you, it must be your father." After that he rushed at the poor little lamb and ate it up.






Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city."

The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid.

After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid."







One morning a fox sees a cock.He

think,"This is my breakfast.''

He comes up to the cock and says,"I know

you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''The

cock is glad.He closes his eyes and begins

to sing.The fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away.

The people in the field see the fox.They cry,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.''The cock says to the fox,"Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.''

The fox opens his mouth ang says,"The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.



他朝公鸡走来,对他说:“我知道,你能唱得非常好听,你能唱给我听么?”公鸡很高兴。他闭上眼睛开始 唱歌 。狐狸看到这些抓住它放到自己的嘴里走了。



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如果觉得学英语觉得枯燥的话,可以加点乐趣的元素进去。我在此献上 英语 故事 ,希望对你有所帮助。

英语 童话故事 :自私的巨人

Every afternoon, as they were coming from school, the children used to go and play in the Giant's garden.


It was a large lovely garden, with soft green grass. Here and there over the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars, and there were twelve peach-trees that in the spring-time broke out into delicate blossoms of pink and pearl, and in the autumn bore rich fruit. The birds sat on the trees and sang so sweetly that the children used to stop their games in order to listen to them. "How happy we are here!" they cried to each other.


One day the Giant came back. 1-1e had been to visit his friend the Cornish ogre, and had stayed with him for seven years. After the seven years were over he had said all that he had to say, for his conversation was limited, and he determined to return to his own castle.When he arrived he saw the children playing in the garden.

有一天巨人回来了。他去 拜访 康沃尔的怪物朋友,和他一起住了七年。七年结束了,巨人说完了想说的话,因为他的话总有个尽头,他决定回到自己的城堡。当他到家的时候,看见孩子们正在花园里玩耍。

"What are you doing here?" he cried in a very gruff voice, and the children ran away.


"My own garden is my own garden," said the Giant; "any one can understand that, and I will allow nobody to play in it but myself." So he built a high wall all round it, and put up a notice-board.








He was a very selfish Giant.


The poor children had now nowhere to play. They tried to play on the road, but the road was very dusty and full of hard stones, and they did not like it. They used to wander round the high wall when their lessons were over, and talk about the beautiful garden inside. "How happy we were there," they said to each other.


Then the Spring came, and all over the country there were little blossoms and little birds. Only in the garden of the selfish Giant it was still winter. The birds did not care to sing in it as there were no children, and the trees forgot to blossom. Once a beautiful flower put its head out from the grass, but when it saw the notice-board it was so sorry for the children that it slipped back into the ground again, and went off to sleep. The only people who were pleased were the Snow and the Frost. "Spring has forgotten this garden," they cried, "so we will live here all the year round." The Snow covered up the grass with her great white cloak, and the Frost painted all the trees silver. Then they invited the North Wind to stay with them, and he came. He was wrapped in furs, and he roared all day about the garden, and blew the chimney-pots down. "This is a delightful spot," he said, "we must ask the Hail on a visit." So the Hail came. Every day for three hours he rattled on the roof of the castle till he broke most of the slates, and then he ran round and round the garden as fast as he could go.He was dressed in grey, and his breath was like ice.

春天到了,整个村庄到处盛开着小花,到处都有气小鸟欢唱。只有自私的巨人的花园里依然是冬天。鸟儿们不愿意去那儿歌唱,因为那里没有孩子们的踪迹,树木也忘了开花。一次,一朵美丽的花儿从草间伸出头来,可是当它看到告示牌的时候,它为孩子们感到难过,又把头缩回到地里,继续沉睡。唯一高兴的是白雪和 霜降 。“春天忘记了这座花园,”他们嚷道,“那么我们可以常年住在这里了。”雪用她厚重的白色外衣覆盖住草地,霜降给所有的树木刷上了银色的外衣。之后他们还邀请北风来和他们同住,北风来了。他裹在毛皮里,整日在花园里呼啸,还吹掉了烟囱管帽。“这是一个让人愉悦的地方,”他说,‘我们一定要叫冰雹来做客。”于是冰雹也来了。每天他都要在城堡的屋顶连续不断地敲打三个小时,直到大部分瓦片被砸破为止,然后他又以最快的速度绕着花园奔跑。他穿着一身灰衣,气息如冰一般。

I cannot understand why the Spring is so late in coming," said the selfish Giant,as he sat at the window and looked out at his cold white garden; "I hope there will be a change in the weather."


But the Spring never came, nor the Summer. The Autumn gave golden fruit to every garden, but to the Giant's garden she gave none. "He is too selfish," she said. So it was always Winter there, and the North Wind, and the Hail, and the Frost, and the Snow danced about through the trees.



One evening, the sun was just setting in with true splendor when a flock of beautiful large birds appeared out of the bushes. The duckling had never seen anything so beautiful.They were dazzlingly white with long waving necks. They were swans and uttering a peculiar cry. They spread out their magnificent broad wings and flew away from the cold regions toward warmer lands and open seas.


They mounted so high, so very high, and the ugly little duckling became strangely uneasy. He circled around and around in the water like a wheel, craning his neck out into the air after them. Then he uttered the shriek so piercing and so strange that he was quite frightened by himself. Oh, he could not forget those beautiful birds, those happy birds.And

as soon as they were out of sight, he ducked right down to the bottom and when he came up again, he was quite beside himself. He did not know what the birds were or where'd they flew. But all the same, he was more drawn towards them than he had ever been by any creatures before. He did not envy them in the least.e How could it occur to him even to

wish to be such a remarkable beauty'? How thankful he would be if only the ducks would have tolerated him among them, poor ugly creature.


Early in the morning, a peasant came along and saw him. he went out onto the ice and hammered a hole in it with his heavy wooden shoe, and carried the duckling home to his wife. There, it soon revived. The children wanted to play with it. But the duckling thought they were going to ill use him and rushed in and he frightened to the milk-pan, and the milk spurted out all over the room. The woman shrieked and threw up her hands. Then it flew to the butter-cask and down into the meal-tub and out again. Oh, just imagine what it looked like by this time. The woman screamed and tried to hit it with the tongs, and the children tumbled over one another in trying to catch it, and they screamed with laughter.


By good luck, the door stood open and the duckling flew out among the bushes and the new fallen snow. And it lay there, extremely exhausted, but it would be too sad to mention all the privation he had to go through during that hard winter. When the sun began to shine warmly again, the duckling was in a marsh, lying among the rushes. The birds were singing, and the beautiful spring had come. Then all at once, he raised his wings and they flapped with much greater strength than before and bore him off.Before he knew where he was, he found himself in a large garden with the apple trees in full blossom. And the air was scented with lilacs, the long branches of which overhung the shores.Oh, the spring freshness was so pleasant. Just in front of him, he saw three beautiful white swans advancing towards him from a thicket. With rustling feathers, they swam lightly over the water. The duckling recognized the majestic birds, and he was overcome by a strange melancholy.


"I will fly to them, the royal birds, and they will hack me to pieces because I who am so ugly venture to approach them. But it won't matter." So he flew into the water and swam towards the stately swans. They saw him and darted toward him with ruffled feathers."Kill me ,oh, kill me." said the poor creature. And bowing his head towards the water, he awaited his death. But what did he see? Reflected in the water, he saw below him his own images, but he was no longer an ugly clumsy dark gray bird.He was himself, a swan.



She was awakened by a shock, so sudden and severe that if Dorothy had not been lying on the soft bed she might have been hurt. As it was, the jar made her catch her breath and wonder what had happened; and dog Toto put his cold little nose into her face and whined sadly. Dorothy sat up and noticed that the house was not moving; nor was it dark, for the bright sunshine came in at the window, flooding the little room. She sprang from her bed and with Toto at her heels ran and opened the door.


The little girl gave a cry of amazement and looked about her, her eyes growing bigger and bigger at the wonderful sights she saw.


The cyclone had set the house down very gently in the midst of a country of great beauty. There were lovely patches of greensward all about, with stately trees bearing rich fruits. Banks of attractive flowers were on every hand, and birds with rare and brilliant plumage sang and fluttered in the trees and bushes. A little way off was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green banks, and murmuring in a voice very grateful to a little girl who had lived so long on the dry, gray prairies.


While she stood looking eagerly at the strange and beautiful sights, she noticed coming toward her a group of the queerest people she had ever seen. They were not as big as the grown folk she had always been used to; but neither were they very small. In fact,they seemed about as tall as Dorothy, who was a well-grown child for her age, although they were, so far as looks go, many years older.


Three were men and one a woman, and all were oddly dressed. They wore round hats that rose to a small point a foot above their heads, with little bells around the brims that tinkled sweetly as they moved. The hats of the men were blue; the little woman's hat was white, and she wore a white gown that hung in pleats from her shoulders. Over it were sprinkled little stars that glistened in the sun like diamonds. The men were dressed in blue,of the same shade as their hats, and wore well-polished boots. The men, Dorothy thought, were about as old as Uncle Henry, for two of them had beards. But the little woman was doubtless much older. Her face was covered with wrinkles, her hair was nearly white, and she walked rather stiffly.


When these people drew near the house where Dorothy was standing in the doorway,

they paused and whispered among themselves, as if afraid to come farther. But the little old

woman walked up to Dorothy, made a low bow and said, in a sweet voice:


"You are welcome, most noble Sorceress, to the land of Munchkins. We are so grateful to you for having killed the Wicked Witch of the East, and for setting our people free from bondage."


Dorothy listened to this speech with wonder. What could the little woman possibly mean by calling her a sorceress, and saying she had killed the Wicked Witch of the East?Dorothy was an innocent, harmless little girl, who had been carried by a cyclone many miles from home; and she had never killed anything in all her life.


But the little woman evidently expected her to answer; so Dorothy said, with hesitation,"You are very kind, but there must be some mistake. I have not killed anything."


"Your house did, anyway," replied the little old woman, with a laugh, "and that is the same thing. See!" she continued, pointing to the corner of the house. "Them are her two feet, still sticking out from under a block of wood."


Dorothy looked, and gave a little cry of fright.There, indeed, just under the corner of the great beam the house rested on, two feet were sticking out, shod in silver ,shoes with pointed toes.


293 评论


英语 故事 会出现学生认识或是不认识的单词,而这个单词的重复不断出现,会加深同学们对单词的记忆,这种记忆不同于一般的死记硬背,而是在潜移默化中,让学生记住单词,并且不枯燥。下面我给大家介绍关于英语 童话故事 ,方便大家学习。



I am in desperate need of help -- or Ill go crazy. Were living in a single room -- my wife, my children and my in-laws. So our nerves are on edge, we yell and scream at one another. The room is a hell.

Do you promise to do whatever I tell you?; said the Master gravely.

I swear I shall do anything.

Very well. How many animals do you have?

A cow, a goat and six chickens.

Take them all into the room with you. Then come back after a week.

The disciple was appalled. But he had promised to obey! So he took the animals in. A week later he came back, a pitiable figure, moaning, Im a nervous wreck. The dirt! The stench! The noise! Were all on the verge of madness!

Go back,said the Master, and put the animals out.

The man ran all the way home. And came back the following day, his eyes sparkling with joy. How sweet life is! The animals are out. The home is a Paradise, so quiet and clean and roomy!












She had a little house of her own, a little garden too, this woman of whom I am going to tell you, but for all that she was not quite happy.

If only I had a little child of my own,she said, Then, indeed, I should be quite happy.

And an old witch heard what the woman had wished, and said, Oh, but that is easily managed. Here is a barley-corn. Plant it in a flower-pot and tend it carefully, and then you will see what will happen.

The woman was in a great hurry to go home and plant the barley-corn, but she did not forget to say ;thank you; to the old witch. She not only thanked her, she even stayed to give her six silver pennies.

And what do you think happened? Almost before the corn was planted, up shot a large and beautiful flower. It was still unopened. The petals were folded closely together, but it looked like a tulip. It really was a tulip, a red and yellow one, too.

The woman loved flowers. She stooped and kissed the beautiful bud. As her lips touched the petals, they burst open, and oh! wonder of wonders! there in the very middle of the flower, there sat a little child. Such a tiny, pretty little maiden she was.

They called her Thumbelina. That was because she was no bigger than the womans thumb.

And where do you think she slept?

When she slept little Thumbelina lay in her cradle on a tiny heap of violets, with the petal of a pale pink rose to cover her.

And where do you think she played? A table was her playground. On the table the woman placed a plate of water. Little Thumbelina called that her lake.

Round the plate were scented flowers, the blossoms laying on the edge, while the pale green stalks reached thirstily down to the water.

She peeped at her, this ugly toad.

How beautiful the little maiden is, she croaked. She will make a lovely bride for my handsome son. And she lifted the little cradle, with Thumbelina in it, and hopped out through the broken window-pane, down into the garden.

At the foot of the garden was a broad stream. Here, under the muddy banks lived the old toad with her son.















During the Han dynasty, about two thousand years ago, to the north of Huayin Mountain, there lived a family called Yang. They were farmers, and had only one child, who was so precious to him that they named him Treasure Pao.


Yang Pao was not only clever, kind, and quick-witted, but he was also very good looking with his clear eyebrows and bright eyes. His parent shaved all of his hair off except for two locks on the top, which they tied into two knots. Everybody agreed that he was very cute.

杨宝不仅聪明、善良、机敏,而且眉清目秀,一表人材。他的父母剃光他的头, 只留下头顶的两撮头发,扎成两个发髻 .每个人都 承认他很聪明 .

Yang Pao loved nature. He spent a lot of time playing in the forests of Huayin Mountain. One day when he was nine years old, he was playing outdoors as usual. All of a sudden he heard a cry above him. He looked up and saw a hunting owl had just snatched a little bird, a titmouse, out of the air. The owl was so startled to discover someone watching it hunt that it dropped the titmouse, which fell to the ground. It was so dazed it just lay there without moving.

杨宝热爱自然。他时常在华阴山的森林里玩。九岁的时候,一天他跟往常一样在外边玩。忽然他听到上方传来一阵惊叫声。他抬头一看,见一只猫头鹰刚在空中抓住了一只山雀 .发现有人在看见它捕猎,猫头鹰受到惊吓,丢下了山雀。那只山雀被摔昏了,躺在地上一动不动。

Ants then came to take it away for food, but the titmouse had been hurt by the owl's claws and the fall to the ground, so it couldn't move. Yang Pao ran over and picked the titmouse up, brushing away the ants. He took the titmouse home and raised it in a bamboo cage.

蚂蚁们想搬走山雀当食物。山雀先被猫头鹰的利爪所伤,又从空中跌下,因此已经动弹不得。杨宝跑过去,拾起山雀,掸去蚂蚁。他把山雀带回家,放在一个竹笼里 饲养 。

He loved his little bird. He fed it chrysanthemum petals and tended to its wounds until it was strong enough to fly. Then he took it to the forest and let it go.

他很珍爱这只小鸟。他用菊花的花瓣来喂它,还照料它的伤口, 直到它康复能够飞翔 .之后他把它带到树林里放生了。

"You're free now! Watch out for owls! Goodbye!!"

"你现在自由了! 小心猫头鹰 !再见了!"

Not long afterwards, he had a strange dream. A child dressed in brown clothes came to thank him for saving his life. He presented Pao with four priceless white jade bracelets, saying, "Sir, I am an envoy of the Heavenly Queen. You have saved my life. I would like to show my gratitude by presenting these four immaculate jade bracelets to you, with my blessing that your children and grandchildren be as spotless as pure jade, and hold posts in the top ranks of the government."


Yang Pao did not want to take the gift, but the little boy dressed in brown insisted, so he finally took the bracelets. As soon as he did, he woke up and found that it had just been a dream.


"That sure was a strange dream," he thought, shaking his head.


Yang Pao's sons, grandsons, great-grandsons, and great- grandsons were as spotless as pure jade. For four generations, his descendants all held posts in the top ranks of the government.

杨宝的儿子、孙子 、曾孙……,都像纯洁的玉一样无暇。他的四代子孙都是高官。


there was once a Prince who wished to marry aPrincess; but then she must be a real Princess. Hetravelled all over the world in hopes of finding such alady; but there was always something wrong.Princesses he found in plenty; but whether theywere real Princesses it was impossible for him todecide, for now one thing, now another, seemedto him not quite right about the ladies. At last hereturned to his palace quite cast down, because hewished so much to have a real Princess for his wife.

One evening a fearful tempest arose, it thundered and lightened, and the rain poureddown from the sky in torrents: besides, it was as dark as pitch. All at once there was heard aviolent knocking at the door, and the old King, the Prince's father, went out himself toopen it.

It was a Princess who was standing outside the door. What with the rain and the wind,she was in a sad condition; the water trickled down from her hair,and her clothes clung to herbody. She said she was a real Princess.

“Ah! we shall soon see that!” thought the old Queen-mother; however, she said not aword of what she was going to do; but went quietly into the bedroom,took all the bed-clothes off the bed, and put three little peas on the bedstead. She then laid twenty mattressesone upon another over the three peas, and put twenty feather beds over the mattresses.

Upon this bed the Princess was to pass the night.

the next morning she was asked how she had slept. “Oh, very badly indeed!” she replied. “I have scarcely closed my eyes the whole night through. I do not know what was in my bed,but I had something hard under me, and am all over black and blue. It has hurt me so much!”

Now it was plain that the lady must be a real Princess, since she had been able to feel thethree little peas through the twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds. None but a realPrincess could have had such a delicate sense of feeling.

the Prince accordingly made her his wife; being now convinced that he had found a realPrincess. The three peas were however put into the cabinet of curiosities, where they are stillto be seen, provided they are not lost.

Wasn't this a lady of real delicacy?



















The Fox and the Horse

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

A peasant had a faithful horse which had grown old and could do no more work, so his master no longer wanted to give him anything to eat and said, "I can certainly make no more use of you, but still I mean well by you, and if you prove yourself still strong enough to bring me a lion here, I will maintain you. But for now get out of my stable." And with that he chased him into the open field.

The horse was sad, and went to the forest to seek a little protection there from the weather. There the fox met him and said, "Why do you hang your head so, and go about all alone?"

"Alas," replied the horse, "greed and loyalty do not dwell together in one house. My master has forgotten what services I have performed for him for so many years, and because I can no longer plow well, he will give me no more food, and has driven me out."

"Without giving you a chance?" asked the fox.

"The chance was a bad one. He said, if I were still strong enough to bring him a lion, he would keep me, but he well knows that I cannot do that."

The fox said, "I will help you. Just lie down, stretch out as if you were dead, and do not stir."

The horse did what the fox asked, and then the fox went to the lion, who had his den not far off, and said, "A dead horse is lying out there. Just come with me, and you can have a rich meal."

The lion went with him, and when they were both standing by the horse the fox said, "After all, it is not very comfortable for you here —— I tell you what —— I will fasten it to you by the tail, and then you can drag it into your cave and eat it in peace."

This advice pleased the lion. He positioned himself, and in order that the fox might tie the horse fast to him, he kept completely quiet. But the fox tied the lion's legs together with the horse's tail, and twisted and fastened everything so well and so strongly that no amount of strength could pull it loose. When he had finished his work, he tapped the horse on the shoulder and said, "Pull, white horse, pull!"

Then up sprang the horse at once, and pulled the lion away with him. The lion began to roar so that all the birds in the forest flew up in terror, but the horse let him roar, and drew him and dragged him across the field to his master's door. When the master saw the lion, he was of a better mind, and said to the horse, "You shall stay with me and fare well." And he gave him plenty to eat until he died. 一个农夫有一匹勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨为他干活的马,但这匹马现在已经老了,干活也不行了,所以,农夫不想再给马吃东西。他对马说:“我再也用不着你了,你自己离开马厩走吧,到你比一头狮子更强壮时,我自然会把你牵回来的。”







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260 评论


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    童话故事---Fairy tale 或 Story of Fairy Place

    嘻哈寶萊 5人参与回答 2024-06-03
  • 英语原著故事

    那个书虫(园会)那本书挺好的适合高中生阅读都是些很有意思的短篇偶尔也有些不错的句子哦不是特别难但是很地道的~~ 对了(风雨河岸柳)也不错很有意思的不看汉语翻译读

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