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汉语地名、专有名词(如书名、机关、团体等)的第一个字母要大写。如Bei jing(北京)B要大写,Shang hai(上海)S要大写,Ning bo (宁波)N要大写。如果专有名词是词组,要按词连写,每个词的第一个字母要大写。如Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo(中华人民共和国),中华的第一个字母Z,人民的第一个字母R,共和国的第一个字母G都要大写。3. 每个整句开头的第一个字母要大写;如果是诗歌,每行开头的第一个字母也要大写。4. 商标和商店的名字,一般每个字母都大写。汉字知识点•①认识常用汉字3000个左右,其中2500个左右会写。做到读准字音,认清字形,了解字义,并能在阅读和习作中正确地理解和运用。•②能辨析学过的多音字、同音字、形近字、形声字;修改错别字。•③能比较熟练地运用三种查字典的方法,能据词定义。•④能用钢笔写字,书写速度不少于每分钟20个字,并做到字迹工整,行款整齐。用毛笔临帖,结构匀称,纸面干净。•下列各字都有多种意思,它们在不同的词语中分别是什么意思?请在括号里填上序号表示。•望a向远处看b盼望,希望c探望d名望•喜出望外()一望无际()德高望重()•满a全部充实,达到容量的极点b使满c达到一定期限d全e满足f骄傲•满不在乎()场面爆满()心满意足()词语知识点•①能正确读写学过的常用词语,联系上下文理解其意思,大部分会用。•②能在一定语言环境中辨析近义词,能正确搭配使用。•③能按一定要求对词语进行逻辑归类。•用“严”字组词,恰当地填在下面一段话的括号里。•王老师非常关心爱护我们,对犯错误的同学总是耐心地批评教育,从不()指责。他经常教育我们要()要求自己,对待学习要()认真,关键时刻要经得起()的考验。•填字成词,再按要求写序号进行归类。•a水流()急b手忙脚()c五光()色•d眼()手快e翠色欲()f汹涌澎()•g五彩()h()山()岭i微波()•表示水流的:_______________________•表示颜色的:_______________________•表示动作的:_______________________句子知识点•①能正确理解句子的意思。•②掌握常用的几种修辞手法。•③通过缩写练习,从感性上区别句子的主干和枝叶;通过扩句练习,把句子写得更具体、生动。•④能运用常用词语、关联词语造句,做到文从字顺,意思完整。•⑤会修改常见的病句。•⑥掌握几种常见句式的变换。句式变化包括:•①“把”字句、“被”字句、陈述句的互换。•②陈述句、反问句、感叹句的互换。•③直接引用和间接叙述互换。•④肯定句和双重否定句的互换。•⑤归并意思相关联的句子。•⑥改变句子中词语的顺序。•如果……就……即使……也……•()明天下雨,渡江活动()照样举行。•()明天下雨,登山活动()改期。•只有……才……只要……就……•()打个电话,维修部()会派人上门修理。•这么大毛病,我也没有办法修了,()请维修部派人上门,()能修好。标点符号知识点•①综合运用学过的常用标点:句号、问号、逗号、顿号、冒号、引号、叹号。•②认识分号。•③能根据具体的语境体会省略号、破折号的不同用法和意义。相传徐文长到朋友家里去,适逢下雨,主人写了一个条子跟他开玩笑,上面写的是“下雨天留客 天留我不留”,他可没这样读,他读出来的意思正好和住人的相反,你知道他是怎么读的吗?“下雨天留客,天留我不?留”“下雨,天留客,天留我不留?”“下雨天,留客天,留我不留?”“下雨天留客,天留我?不留!”“下雨天,留客天,留我?不留!”词语积累知识点•①对义务教材中要求学上掌握的词语,进行系统复习,对学生易错易混淆的词语进行再次回顾、默写。•②掌握常用的成语、谚语和歇后语。•③了解构词规律,懂得各类词的特点,对词语进行归类。叠词的形式有:•AABB式干干净净整整齐齐•ABAB式商量商量讨论讨论•ABAC式有权有势大摇大摆•AABC式恋恋不舍姗姗而来•ABB式静悄悄软绵绵•模仿词语结构,写词语的有:•①什么—怎么样—什么—怎么样:头重脚轻 语重心长•②什么—怎么样:手脚发软四肢无力•③并列的四种事物:天地山水花木禽兽•④两个相关的动作相连:敲敲打打推推搡搡•⑤由反义词组成的词语:顾此失彼有口无心•⑥给一种状态程度加深的:烫——(滚烫) 热——(火热)•⑦事物—这种事物所呈现的色彩:瓦蓝梨黄•⑧颜色—叠词:红彤彤绿油油•⑨两个反义词组成的词语:出没涨落•⑩两个近义词组成的词语:开放凋谢•用修改符号修改下面菜谱中的错别字。冷盆:烤带豆红烧蕾笋泥骡蟹湖热菜:爆炒虾仁清炒何兰豆葡萄闷鸡块平姑肉片点心:印度飞屏八保饭水果:糖水菠箩甘庶古诗分类:•按作者分:如李白的诗有《静夜思》《望庐山瀑布》《赠汪伦》等。•王维的诗有《鹿柴》《送元二使安西》等。•杜甫的诗有《春夜喜雨》《江畔独步寻花》等。按内容分:•写四时风光中的春天的有:《风》《咏柳》《春晓》《春夜喜雨》《惠崇春江晚景》《春日》《游园不值》《赋得古原草送别》《绝句》等•田园风光:《江南》《村居》《小池》《池上》《小儿垂钓》《四时田园杂兴》《所见》《咏鹅》《忆江南》《书湖阴先生壁》《乡村四月》•山川奇景:《望庐山瀑布》《望天门山》《江畔独步寻花》《山行》《浪淘沙》《敕勒歌》《题西林壁》《鹿柴》《望洞庭》•边塞烽火:《凉州词》(二首)《出塞》《塞下曲》•浓浓乡愁:《静夜思》《枫桥夜泊》《游子吟》《九月九日忆山东兄弟》《泊船瓜州》《早发白帝城》《清明》•依依惜别:《芙蓉楼送辛渐》《送元二使安西》《赠汪伦》《送孟浩然之广陵》《别董大》•人生感悟:《乐游原》《登鹳雀楼》《江雪》《渔歌子》《竹石》《石灰吟》《夏日绝句》《墨梅》《蜂》《寻隐者不遇》•忧国忧民:《题临安邸》《悯农》(二首)《江南春》《江上渔者》《秋夜将晓出篱门迎凉有感》《己亥杂诗》《示儿》•儿童活泼可爱,天真烂漫,常成为诗人的写作对象。我们读过的古诗中,就有不少写到了古代的少年儿童,如“松下问童子,言师采药去”(《寻隐者不遇》),写的是一个跟师傅隐居山间的少年形象。你还能默出几句描写古代少年儿童生活的诗?默在下面的横线上,并写出诗的题目。•月亮美丽、圣洁,给人以无限的遐想,我国古代有许多诗人写过月亮。请从你读过的古诗中选出带有“月”字的诗句,默写在下面。•1、题目()作者()•2、题目()作者()•3、题目()作者()•读了《细雨蒙蒙》一文后,你能用学过的古诗来描述一下自己的心情吗?•我们的小草,在那纤细弱小的身躯里,竟然蕴藏着多么强大的生命力啊!难怪古代诗人写下的咏草诗句:•“_______________________ ”,千载之后,读来仍然使人激动不已。•将下面的古语名句与意思相近的谚语、词语连上线。•蠹众木折,隙大墙坏。熟能生巧•不贵尺之璧,而重寸之阴。小洞不补,大洞吃苦•操千曲而后晓声,观千剑而后识器。一寸光阴一寸金•老师请你选名言警句或诗词佳句布置教室的墙壁,你会选:_______________________例如:①表示“注意力高度集中”的成语:聚精会神、全神贯注、专心致志、目不转睛。②说明“谦虚”的名言:满招损,谦受益。——《书.大禹漠》谦逊基于力量,高傲基于无能。——[德]尼兹谦让是身体的良心。——[法]巴尔扎克你愈是少说你的伟大,我将愈想到你的伟大。——[英]培根③描写“积累”的谚语:千条小河成大江; 急火不如慢太阳; 聚尘土而泰山; 燕子衔泥垒大窝。④描写“春光”的古诗:杜甫的《江畔独步寻花》 叶绍翁的《游园不值》 贺之章的《咏柳》 杨万里的《宿新市徐公店》⑤描写“离别”的古诗:李白的《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》 李白的《赠汪伦》 高适的《别董大》 王昌龄的《芙蓉楼送辛渐》2、指导学生正确地调用积累。教师有目的地创设情境,设计一些学习活动,唤醒学生的积累,让学生正确地运用积累。例如:(1)给学校的花草树木上挂上“古诗牌”。(2)给下列地方设计标语。学校餐厅、体育馆、图书阅览室……(三)巩固练习。1、开展语文综合性学习活动,内容可以有:成语接龙、歇后语填空、古诗朗诵会、名人名言读后感等。2、根据要求写。(1)写出以“一”、“百”、“千”、“海”、“不”、“有”等字开头的成语。(2)写出表示“革命烈士气节”的成语。(3)写出表示“时间过得快”的成语。(4)写出两句关于“读书有益”的名言。(5)写出两首“表达爱国热情”的古诗。(6)写出两首描写“秋天景色”的古诗。(7)写出两首描写“友情”的古诗。(8)写出两句关于“珍惜时间”的名言。(9)写出两句 “农谚”。(10)写出两句反映“气候”的谚语。3、给下列地方设计标语,可以用合适的名言佳句,也可以自己创作。(1)学校花圃:(2)音乐教室:(3)实验室:(4)学校餐厅:(5)体育馆:(6)图书阅览室:习作知识点•(1)能自拟题目或根据命题写简单的记叙文。•(2)能根据需要写各种应用文。•(3)内容具体,感情真实,语句通顺,有一定条理,书写工整,注意不写错别字,会用常用的标点符号,并有一定速度。•(4)养成想清楚再写和写后认真修改的习惯。难点与对策•(1)学会审题。•(2)重视选材。基本要求是:①紧扣中心②详略得当③力求新意④富有真情实感。•(3)注意文章的开头、结尾和过渡。•(4)材料作文的类型主要有扩写、缩写、改写和续写。•(5)应用文要掌握不同的写法、格式。•(6)要重视在平时培养学生关心时事、了解身边发生的事的好习惯。•自从广东发现第一例“非典型性肺炎”病例后,“非典”就进入了我们的生活。在这里,让我们来交流一下非典时期的非常措施,非常经历,非常经验。然后要求写一则启事“非典时期之非常措施”,一篇作文“非典时期之非常经历”。•根据提供的材料为小明一家设计对话情景。要求:突出人物对问题的不同见解;注意标点符号,准确运用“××说”的三种不同位置状态。•〔新闻选摘〕根据杭州市教育局的安排,从今年开始,杭州市将传统的一学年两学期两假期改为一学年两学期四假期,实行春假、暑假、秋假和寒假。春假时间为“五一”节前后两周;暑假时间从7月中旬到8月底;秋假时间为11月的第一周;寒假时间为三周左右,即农历除夕前5天和除夕后15天。爸爸、妈妈和小明看到这则报道后,议论纷纷: 请勿抄袭!!!!!!!!

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Unite1plan 计划 pearl珍珠 the Pearl River 珠江 cruise漫游;游弋 instead代替have been to到过 temple庙 the Six Banyan Temple六榕寺 have fun 玩得开心dim sum点心 lot 许多 a lot of 许多 clothes 衣服 yummy味道好的;好吃的 Unit 2 What Shall We Do?go fishing去钓鱼 love爱 stupid愚蠢的 on上演 tonight今晚;在今晚 king国王Unit Four - I Know This City!flag旗 national国家的;民族的 national flag 国旗 capital首都 Italian意大利的;意大利语;意大利人 Italy意大利 Rome罗马 Paris巴黎 America美国;美洲Washington D.C.华盛顿哥伦比亚区 New York纽约excellent极好的;优秀 Tokyo东京 Wellington惠灵顿Sydney悉尼 Canberra堪培拉Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go On Holiday?maybe可能 noisy吵闹的 crowded拥挤的 quiet安静的 just仅仅;正;恰好;刚Moscow莫斯科 Russia俄罗斯 Berlin柏林the Great Wall长城 mountain山;山脉population人口 million百万Unit Seven - Ben Wants to Play Footballbored厌烦的 later以后 won't=will not 将不 poor可怜的 match比赛 circus马戏团 go boating去划船 go swimming去游泳 come to tea来喝茶Unit 8 - Janet Is Going to Have a Partyinvite邀请 picnic野餐 outside外面,在外面bring带来 CD激光唱片 VCD可视激光光盘problem问题Unit 10 - May I speak to Miss White?telephone电话,打电话 afraid恐怕,害怕message消息,消息 take a message传递消息were是(are的过去式) weren't=were not不是was是(am, is的过去式) doll玩具娃娃free有空的,自由的 bookstore书店answer回答 busy忙的unit11voice声音 number号码;goodbye再见Dial打电话 did (do的过去式)做, hear听见 said (say的过去 had有 felt (feel)的过去式 didn't = did not take拿走 history历史unit13turn轮到 question问题 anybody任何人 saw看 meal一餐;一顿饭 dirty肮脏的 evening晚上 mark交作业 prepare准备 went做(do)的过去式 phone电话unit14finish结束classmate同班同学timetable时间表 different from不同 less较少的(little的比较级); floor楼层 got得到(get的过去 read读;(read)过去式:unit16ask for请求 treat or trick不给糖就捣蛋 from door to door挨家挨户 Britai不列颠 Christmas圣诞节festival节日的 popular流行的 western西方的,lots of许多 Father Christma圣诞老人 wait等,等候 stocking长统袜decorate 装饰 Halloween万圣节 Easter复活节unit17money钱;货币 row zongzi粽子 Dragon Boat Festival龙舟节,端午节 mooncake月饼 Help yourself to随便吃点 lucky money压岁钱 lucky幸运的 Spring Festival春节 dumpling饺子Mid-autumn Festival中秋节 the day after tomorrow后天 adult成年人 during hope希望 yourself你自己dragon龙

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六英上复习要点一、词汇(一)名词:1、国名、地名、国籍:国名城市(有*号是首都)国籍China*BeijingChineseThe USA (America)*Washington DCNew YorkAmericanThe UK (Britain, England)*LondonBritish, EnglishCanada☆OttawaCanadianJapan*TokyoJapaneseAustralia*CanberraSydneyAustralianFrance*ParisFrenchGermany*BerlinGermanRussia*MoscowRussianItaly*RomeItalianNew Zealand*Wellington☆New Zealander(划线的词为“四会”单词,有☆号为“二会”单词其余为“三会”单词, )2、关于国家有关的其它词(组):四会:the capital of…,三会:the population of…, national flag3、节日四会:festival, Spring Festival, Christmas,三会:Mid-autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Halloween, Easter4、食品:四会:dumpling三会:mooncake, zongzi, dimsun,5、饭餐:四会:meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner6、自然界四会:river, mountain, hill, lake7、其它:四会:clothes, problem, CD, VCD, doll, bookstore, history, question, turn, voice三会:pearl, temple, adult, stocking,(二)代词:anynoeverythinganythingnothingeverythingbodyanybodynobodyeverybodyoneanyoneno oneeveryone(三)形容词(组):1、国家的,…民族的:四会:China, Chinese, American, British, English, Canadian三会:French, German, Japanese, Italian, Australian2、其它:四会:dirty, excellent, noisy, quiet, bored, boring, poor, free, busy, less, same, lucky, same, different, a lot of, lots of, afraid,三会:crowded, stupid, western, popular,(四)数词:四会:hundred, thousand三会:million(五)动词(组):四会:have been to, go fishing/boating/swimming/shopping, love (our country), come to tea, invite (me, our teacher), ask for, bring (me the book), answerthe question, hear (me, the teacher), fell (happy), have a meal, be different from, finish (the exercise, one’s homework), phone (me, him), wait for (me, them), sounds (good, beautiful), go away, hope, see you later,三会:go on the Pearl River Cruise, take a message, dial, have a picnic, go outside, have a problem, mark the homework, decorate (the house, the Christmas tree), row the boat(六)表示时间的词或短语:四会:today, tonight, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, in the morning (afternoon, evening), at night, for (an hour), during (the festival, holiday),二、句型、语法1.你了解这些语法知识吗?你能运用在实际中运用这些语法知识吗?(1) 句子的构成可包括含to be, there be, to do的肯定式、否定式、一般疑问式。To be:肯定句否定句一般疑问句一般现在I am…We/You/They are…He/She/It is…I am not…We/You/Theyaren’t …He/She/It isn’t …Am I …?Are we/you/they…?Is he/she/it…?一般将来I will be (amgoing tobe)…We/You/They willbe (are going tobe)…He/She/It will be(is going toBe)…I won’t be(am not goingto be)…We/You/Theywon’t be(aren’t goingto be)…He/She/It won’tbe (isn’t goingto be)…Will/Shall we/I…?Am I going to be…?Will you/we/they/he/she/it…?Will you/we/theybe…?Are we/they/yougoing to be…?Is he/she/it goingto be?一般过去I/He/She/It was…We/You/They were…I/He/She/It wasn’t…We/You/They weren’t…Was I/he/she/it…?Were we/you/they…?There be:肯定句否定句一般疑问句一般现在There is/are…There isn’t/aren’t...Is/Are there…?一般将来There is/are goingto be…There will be…There isn’t/aren’tgoing to be…There won’t be…Will there be… ?Are there going to…?一般过去I was…We/You/They were…He/She/It was…I/He/She/It wasn’t…We/You/They weren’t…Was/Were there…?To do (行为动词以work为例)一般现在I/We/You/They work…He/She/It works…I/We/You/They don’twork…He/She/It doesn’twork…Do I/you/we/theywork…?Does he/she/itwork…?现在进行时I am working…We/You/They areworking…He/She/It isWorking…I am not working…We/You/They aren’tworking…He/She/It isn’tworking…Am I working…?Are you/we/theyworking…?Is he/she/itworking…?一般将来I/We/You/He/She/It/They will work…I’m going to work…We/You/They aregoing to work…He/She/It is goingto work…I/We/You/He/She/It/They won’t work…I’m not going to work…We/You/They aren’tgoing to work…He/She/It isn’t going towork…Will I/we/you/they/he/she/itwork…?Am I going towork…?Are you/we/theygoing to work…?Is he/she going towork…?一般过去I/We/You/They/He/She/It worked…I/We/You/They/He/She/It didn’t work…Did I/we/you/they//he/she/it work…?(2) 读下面的特殊疑问式的句子,你能总结一些特殊疑问句的构成的规律吗?I.Who lives there?Who is singing in the room?Who was at home yesterday?II.What does he do?What is he doing?What did they do?When does he usually get up?When did she have dinner yesterday?Where is he now?Where are they planting trees?Where did they play football?How is your mother?How is he coming?How did they get there?Why does he go there?Why did she go there?III.Whose book is this?Whose parents are coming here?Which book is yours?Which presents did he give you?2. 关于形容词、副词的比较级和最高级(1) 你知道形容词、副词的比较级和最高级构成的一些规律吗?A. 一般情况下加-er, -est:long – longer, longest; small – smaller, smallestB. 重读闭音节,双写最后一个字母再加-er, -est:big – bigger, biggest; hot – hotter, hottestC. 辅音字母加y,改作后一个字母y为i再加-er, -est:funny – funnier, funniest, lucky – luckier, luckiestD. 部分双音节和多音节词,加more, most:slowly – more slowly, most slowly; more delicious, most deliciousE. 不规则变化:good – better, best; bad – worse, worst(2) 你知道形容词、副词的比较级和最高级句子的构成吗?A. This book is newer than that one.The English book is the newest of the three.Mike runs faster than John.Mike runs fastest in his class.B. This flower is more beautiful than that one.This tree is the oldest in the park.The girl is swimming better than the girl.Jim swims best in his group.C. Snakes are more dangerous than frogs.The meeting is the most important.The old man walks more slowly the young man.Kate jumps highest in her class.D. Tim has more books than Jim.Tim has the most stamps in his class.3. 关于代词some-, any-, no-, every-:(1) some- 多用在肯定句表示请求得到某些东西的句子:Someone will come here.Would you like something to eat.(2) any- 多用于疑问句或否定句:Is there anything in the box?We don’t want to see anyone of them?(3) no- 是事实的否定:There is nothing in the room.Nobody can do that.(4) 代词some-, any-, no-, every- 语法上看成是第三人称单数:There is something in the bottle.Everyone likes it.三、语篇1. 下面是本册要复习的日常生活用语,你知道它们的意思吗?(1) Shall we go shopping? Let’s go boating.OK / All right.(2) Would you like to go shopping with me?Yes, of course.Yes, I’d love to, but I am busy now.(3) Can you go with me?Of course.Sorry, I can’t.(4) Why don’t you go swimming?Great! That’s great!Good idea!(5) You’d better come here tomorrow.(6) To tell you the truth.(7) Good! / Great! / Excellent! / Fantastic!(8) What’s the matter?(9) Poor Ben!(10) Are you sure? Yes, I am sure.(11) Maybe we can have a party outside.(12) No problem!(12) May I speak to Jane? Speaking. / This is Jane speaking.(13) Who’s that, please? It’s Ben here.(14) See you then / later! See you! / Goodbye!(15) Is that 56778903? Wrong number.(16) Can you call back later? Can I take a message for him? No, thanks.(17) Don’t worry!(18) That sounds / looks interesting.(19) What day was it yesterday? It was Wednesday.(20) What was the date yesterday? It was December 30th.(21) Welcome to my home! Thank you.(22) I can’t wait.(23) He likes the food. Me too.四、听说1. 重点掌握计划、国家与城市、邀请、打电话、谈论过去、表示过去的日期、节日等的听说内容;2. 要提高自己的听说水平,首先要积极参与英语活动,应主动发言,积极回答问题;3. 在进行句子听写时,可以把听到老师说的句子在心中重复一次,努力理解句子的意思,在听第二遍时再写,当听第三遍后进行检查;4. 在听对话、短文时,注意先看题目,了解对话、短文可能提及的内容,当老师读对话、短文时,要注意关键词(如地点、时间、人物、动作等),如果某个地方听不懂,不要停留去想它。要对一些不懂的地方可以猜想结论。五、读写1. 重点掌握计划、国家与城市、邀请、打电话、谈论过去、表示过去的日期、节日等的读写内容;2. 要主动寻找阅读材料,大量阅读,加大语言的输入量;3. 阅读时应抓住关键词,要利用插图、题目和上下文、构词法等去猜测不懂的词语;4. 书写时要注意大小写、标点符号;5. 书写或注意检查,从逻辑性、语法的去检查自己写的内容。上下学期都有的~~~~~前面几页上三年级的~~~~~

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六英上复习要点一、词汇(一)名词:1、国名、地名、国籍:国名 城市(有*号是首都) 国籍 China *Beijing Chinese The USA (America) *Washington DC New York American The UK (Britain, England) *London British, English Canada ☆Ottawa Canadian Japan *Tokyo Japanese Australia *Canberra Sydney Australian France *Paris French Germany *Berlin German Russia *Moscow Russian Italy *Rome Italian New Zealand *Wellington ☆New Zealander(划线的词为“四会”单词,有☆号为“二会”单词其余为“三会”单词, )2、关于国家有关的其它词(组):四会:the capital of…,三会:the population of…, national flag3、节日四会:festival, Spring Festival, Christmas,三会:Mid-autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Halloween, Easter4、食品:四会:dumpling三会:mooncake, zongzi, dimsun,5、饭餐:四会:meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner6、自然界四会:river, mountain, hill, lake7、其它:四会:clothes, problem, CD, VCD, doll, bookstore, history, question, turn, voice三会:pearl, temple, adult, stocking,(二)代词:any no every thing anything nothing everything body anybody nobody everybody one anyone no one everyone(三)形容词(组):1、国家的,…民族的:四会:China, Chinese, American, British, English, Canadian三会:French, German, Japanese, Italian, Australian2、其它:四会:dirty, excellent, noisy, quiet, bored, boring, poor, free, busy, less, same, lucky, same, different, a lot of, lots of, afraid,三会:crowded, stupid, western, popular,(四)数词: 四会:hundred, thousand三会:million(五)动词(组):四会:have been to, go fishing/boating/swimming/shopping, love (our country), come to tea, invite (me, our teacher), ask for, bring (me the book), answer the question, hear (me, the teacher), fell (happy), have a meal, be different from, finish (the exercise, one’s homework), phone (me, him), wait for (me, them), sounds (good, beautiful), go away, hope, see you later,三会:go on the Pearl River Cruise, take a message, dial, have a picnic, go outside, have a problem, mark the homework, decorate (the house, the Christmas tree), row the boat(六)表示时间的词或短语:四会:today, tonight, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, in the morning (afternoon, evening), at night, for (an hour), during (the festival, holiday),二、句型、语法1.你了解这些语法知识吗?你能运用在实际中运用这些语法知识吗? (1) 句子的构成可包括含to be, there be, to do的肯定式、否定式、一般疑问式。To be:肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句 一般现在 I am…We/You/They are…He/She/It is… I am not…We/You/They aren’t …He/She/It isn’t … Am I …?Are we/you/they …?Is he/she/it…? 一般将来 I will be (amgoing tobe)…We/You/They willbe (are going tobe)…He/She/It will be (is going toBe)… I won’t be(am not goingto be)…We/You/They won’t be (aren’t going to be)…He/She/It won’t be (isn’t going to be)… Will/Shall we/I…?Am I going to be …?Will you/we/they/ he/she/it…?Will you/we/they be…?Are we/they/you going to be…?Is he/she/it going to be? 一般过去 I/He/She/It was…We/You/They were… I/He/She/It wasn’t…We/You/They weren’t… Was I/he/she/it…?Were we/you/they …?There be:肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句 一般现在 There is/are… There isn’t/aren’t... Is/Are there…? 一般将来 There is/are going to be…There will be… There isn’t/aren’t going to be…There won’t be… Will there be… ?Are there going to…? 一般过去 I was…We/You/They were…He/She/It was… I/He/She/It wasn’t…We/You/They weren’t… Was/Were there…?To do (行为动词以work为例)一般现在 I/We/You/They work…He/She/It works… I/We/You/They don’t work…He/She/It doesn’t work… Do I/you/we/theywork…?Does he/she/itwork…? 现在进行时 I am working…We/You/They are working…He/She/It isWorking… I am not working…We/You/They aren’t working…He/She/It isn’t working… Am I working…?Are you/we/they working…?Is he/she/it working…? 一般将来 I/We/You/He/She/It/They will work …I’m going to work…We/You/They aregoing to work…He/She/It is going to work… I/We/You/He/She/It/They won’t work…I’m not going to work…We/You/They aren’t going to work…He/She/It isn’t going towork… Will I/we/you/ they/he/she/it work…?Am I going to work…?Are you/we/they going to work…?Is he/she going towork…? 一般过去 I/We/You/They/He/She/It worked…I/We/You/They/He/She/It didn’t work… Did I/we/you/they//he/she/it work…?(2) 读下面的特殊疑问式的句子,你能总结一些特殊疑问句的构成的规律吗? I. Who lives there? Who is singing in the room? Who was at home yesterday? II. What does he do? What is he doing? What did they do? When does he usually get up? When did she have dinner yesterday? Where is he now? Where are they planting trees? Where did they play football? How is your mother? How is he coming? How did they get there?Why does he go there? Why did she go there? III. Whose book is this? Whose parents are coming here? Which book is yours? Which presents did he give you?2. 关于形容词、副词的比较级和最高级(1) 你知道形容词、副词的比较级和最高级构成的一些规律吗? A. 一般情况下加-er, -est: long – longer, longest; small – smaller, smallest B. 重读闭音节,双写最后一个字母再加-er, -est: big – bigger, biggest; hot – hotter, hottestC. 辅音字母加y,改作后一个字母y为i再加-er, -est: funny – funnier, funniest, lucky – luckier, luckiestD. 部分双音节和多音节词,加more, most: slowly – more slowly, most slowly; more delicious, most deliciousE. 不规则变化: good – better, best; bad – worse, worst (2) 你知道形容词、副词的比较级和最高级句子的构成吗? A. This book is newer than that one. The English book is the newest of the three. Mike runs faster than John. Mike runs fastest in his class.B. This flower is more beautiful than that one. This tree is the oldest in the park. The girl is swimming better than the girl. Jim swims best in his group. C. Snakes are more dangerous than frogs. The meeting is the most important. The old man walks more slowly the young man. Kate jumps highest in her class. D. Tim has more books than Jim. Tim has the most stamps in his class.3. 关于代词some-, any-, no-, every-: (1) some- 多用在肯定句表示请求得到某些东西的句子: Someone will come here. Would you like something to eat. (2) any- 多用于疑问句或否定句: Is there anything in the box? We don’t want to see anyone of them? (3) no- 是事实的否定: There is nothing in the room. Nobody can do that.(4) 代词some-, any-, no-, every- 语法上看成是第三人称单数: There is something in the bottle.Everyone likes it.三、语篇1. 下面是本册要复习的日常生活用语,你知道它们的意思吗? (1) Shall we go shopping? Let’s go boating.OK / All right. (2) Would you like to go shopping with me? Yes, of course. Yes, I’d love to, but I am busy now. (3) Can you go with me? Of course. Sorry, I can’t.(4) Why don’t you go swimming?Great! That’s great! Good idea! (5) You’d better come here tomorrow. (6) To tell you the truth. (7) Good! / Great! / Excellent! / Fantastic! (8) What’s the matter? (9) Poor Ben! (10) Are you sure? Yes, I am sure.(11) Maybe we can have a party outside.(12) No problem!(12) May I speak to Jane? Speaking. / This is Jane speaking. (13) Who’s that, please? It’s Ben here. (14) See you then / later! See you! / Goodbye! (15) Is that 56778903? Wrong number. (16) Can you call back later? Can I take a message for him? No, thanks. (17) Don’t worry! (18) That sounds / looks interesting. (19) What day was it yesterday? It was Wednesday. (20) What was the date yesterday? It was December 30th. (21) Welcome to my home! Thank you. (22) I can’t wait. (23) He likes the food. Me too.

191 评论


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