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I am still in love with you 楼2楼都错了

295 评论


英语是:I'll always love you! 句子解释: always 英[ˈɔ:lweɪz] 美[ˈɔlwez,-wɪz,-wiz] adv. 常常; 总是,老是; 永远,始终; 不断地; [例句]Whenever I get into a relationship, I always fall madly in love 我每次谈恋爱都深陷其中,无法自拔。 love 英[lʌv] 美[lʌv] vt. 喜欢; 爱,热爱; 爱戴; 赞美,称赞; vt. 喜欢; 喜爱; 喜好; 爱慕; n. 热爱; 爱情,爱意; 疼爱; 爱人,所爱之物; [例句]Our love for each other has been increased by what we've been through together. 我们共同经历了这些风风雨雨后,彼此更加相爱了。

你好! 我会永远宠着你,爱着你。 I will always spoil you, love you.


I will always love you as my own ways 。 as my own ways 犯了语法错误,"用某种方式"的对应词组是in one's own way,而不是as one's own 是作为或表示原因的介词,不表示途径和方式,in就具备途径和方式的意义,所以用in. 并且在固定词组in one's own way中,因为是固定搭配,所以way只能用单数,而不能用复数ways. 综上所述,按照你的要求: 我会用自己的方式一直爱着你 用英语应该是I will allways love you in my own way!

I will always love you

I have always been loving you, Li hui. 大概吧……

我一直爱着你 It Is You I Have Loved 杰西卡·辛普森 Jessica Simpson 唱 佚名 译 There is something that I see In the way you look at me There's a *** ile, there's a truth In your eyes 从你看我的神态里 我发现了某种东西 你的眼神里 充满了微笑和诚意 What an unexpected way On this unexpected day Could it be this is where I belong It is you I have loved all along 在意想不到的日子 以想不到的方式 莫非这意味着你是我的归属 我一直爱着的就是你 There's no more mystery it is finally clear to me You're the home my heart searched for so long And it is you I have loved all along 没有什么比这更神奇 我终于明白了一切 你就是我一直寻找的心灵归属 而我一直爱着的就是你 There were times I ran to hide Afraid to show the other side Alone in the night without you 有段时间我还去掩饰 在没有你的孤独的夜晚 担心把另一面展示给你 But now I know just who you are And I know you hold my heart Finally this is where I belong And it is you I have loved all along 但是现在我知道你对我意味着什么 我知道你占据着我的心灵 这是我最后的归属 而我一直爱着的就是你 There's no more mystery it is finally clear to me You're the home my heart searched for so long It is you I have loved all along 没有什么比这更神奇 我终于明白了一切 你就是我一直寻找的心灵归属 我一直爱着的就是你 Over and over I'm filled with emotion Your love, it rushes through my veins And I am filled with the sweetest devotion As I look into your perfect face 一次又一次,我充满 *** 你的爱在我的血液里奔涌 当我看着你那完美的面颊 我陶醉于这甜蜜深情 There's no more a mystery it is finally clear to me You’re the home my heart searched for so long And it is you I have loved It is you I have loved It is you I have loved all along 没有什么比这更神奇 我终于明白了一切 你就是我一直寻找的心灵归属 而我一直爱着的就是你 我爱着的就是你 我一直爱着的就是你

goodbye,I will remember you ,I will love you forever.

楼主,你好!我觉得是 I will always love you ,forever。 我会一直永远爱你

I‘ll love you deeply to the end of the world 哥们加油哦,甜言蜜语泡妞屡试不爽

331 评论



201 评论


I still love you ,for ever!

186 评论


中文就有点不通啊……就用经典歌名翻吧I will always love you

128 评论


我会一直陪着你,我也会一直爱着你,一辈子不离不弃 翻译为:I will always accompany you,I will always love you,never abandon a lifetime

263 评论


I will be still deeply loving you till eternity

128 评论


  • 我一直都爱你英文

    I always love you。 love是一个英语单词,指爱;爱情;喜好;(昵称)亲爱的;爱你的;心爱的人;钟爱之物;零分;爱恋(某人);关爱;喜欢(某物

    Yun云2870 6人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 我一直爱你英文

    I love you forever.

    墨亦成诗 10人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 我一直爱你的英文

    普通版:i will love you forever.莎士比亚版:forever i will love you.星战YODA版:forever love y

    眼角落下的泪 11人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 我一直陪着你英语

    I will always stay with you. stay 英 [steɪ],美 [steɪ] v. 停留;逗留;保持 n. 停留;逗留 例句: 1、I

    燃烧吧猪五花 9人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 我也爱你的英文

    我也爱你 [词典] I love you too.; [例句]我也爱你,永远爱你!And I love you, always!其实,我想我也

    爱欧尼亚荒原 6人参与回答 2024-06-11