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《牛津英语词典》中一共收入了245个由汉语引进的英语词,这么说其实有点不准确,因为这245个词汇中,其实有一个句子,典型的. Chinglish(中式英语)。

这句中式英语不是我们大家所熟悉并津津乐道的Long time no see,更不是bu zhe teng,而是no can do。《牛津英语辞典》对no can do这句中式英语的解释是:

It is not possible, it cannot be done; “I can't do it.”

说来这句话进入英语的时间相当早,可以追溯到由美国幽默作家Charles Godfrey Leland (August 15, 1824 – March 20, 1903) 在1876年编辑出版的Pidgin English Sing-Song(《别琴英语歌谣集》)一书。顺便说,“别琴”(pidgin)这个词的来源据说与中国人有关。当初外国人带着中国梦来到广州做生意,张口闭口business,当地中国人也跟着学说business。但因为模仿的不准确,在老外听来好像是pidgin,于是就把pidgin这个词代表一种语法和词汇都大大简化了的英语。

此后,有多位作家在作品中提到或者用到了no can do这个词。比如英国罪案小说家Elizabeth Ferrars (6 September 1907 - 30 March 1995)1962年出版的Busy Body一书中有这么一句话:

Sorry, no can do—not tonight.

No can do还有更简洁的形式no can。林语堂先生在1933年写过一篇In Defense of Pidgin English(为洋泾浜英语辩护)的文章(The China Critic, VI (July 22, 1933), p. 743),其中提到英国作家萧伯纳对洋泾浜英语的评价。据说萧伯纳在一次接受媒体采访时说,洋泾浜英语“no can”(不能)比正宗英语“unable”(不能)要清晰明了。比如一个女士告诉你她是unable to come(不能来),听者还会心存侥幸,说不定这位女士还会改变主意,但是要是她冷冷地说句no can,那就啥都别想了。

牛津词典专家严格把关,讨论是否同意将no can do收入牛津英语词典,最后结论是yes, we can,终于在1976年将no can do收入了《牛津英语词典》,成为目前唯一一句进入了大雅之堂的中式洋泾浜英语。

附:《牛津英语词典》no can do词条

no can do, phr.

Etymology: < Chinese Pidgin English no can do ( < no can do v.), after Chinese bùkěyǐ(frequently used in the positive-negative cluster kěyǐ-bùkěyǐ, lit. ‘is that possible or not?’). Compare can do at can 8c.

152 评论


good good study ,day day up!

190 评论


How old are you? 怎么老是你?Good good study,day day up 好好学习,天天向上。Give you some color see see. 给你点颜色看看。Long time no see 好长时间不见谢谢,欢迎采纳。祝你学习愉快。O(∩_∩)O

149 评论


1.we two who and who? 咱俩谁跟谁阿 2.how are you ? how old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你? 3.you don't bird me,I don't bird you 你不鸟我,我也不鸟你 4.you have seed I will give you some color to see see, brothers ! together up ! 你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上! 5.hello everybody! if you have something to say,then say!if you have nothing to say,go home!! 有事起奏,无事退朝 6.you me you me 彼此彼此 7.You Give Me Stop!! 你给我站住!

170 评论


Have you had your meal?你饭吃了吗people mountain,people sea人山人海the king is always lucky.王老吉

96 评论


我叫大老王i call bag old wang 好好学习,天天向上good good study, day day up 我想你i think you

95 评论


give you some color to see seego to your mohters给你点颜色看看 去你妈的

257 评论


china wind 中国风, 百度翻译会解决你所有的问题。

143 评论


兄弟们,上brothers, up

191 评论


最经典的中国式英语Good good study, day day up. I‘m a scamp,I‘m afraid of whom no three no four We are brothers,who and who You are who?? Give you some color to see see. I brother (我哥哥) you are black new new root you duck dead knock~~~~~~ people moutain people sea horse horse tiger tiger old three old four...... one word is out, four horses cannot chase... save man one life, betther than building up 7-floor tower riding a donkey reading play , go and see one road with windd Are you serious?(你是西尔瑞斯吗?) No,I\’m kidding。(不,我是凯丁) Birthday happy!! eight seven four! how r u=怎么是你? how old r u=怎么老是你? down half body consider up half body write---下半身思考 Want money no have要 钱 没 有 Want life have one要 命 有 一条 really his mother\’s nomeans........ spring dream you gave me get out!! rolling egg…滚蛋:) care he three seven twenty-one...管他2721...... meat beam hit dog, have go no return... Pig Head Three Dragon Head Old Big I only is no talking. In here doing no talking things. Big home please eight seven four me la…… long time no see do early fuck (做早操) your wife is where where. three peple go, one it\’s my teacher people first born, sex is kind I Very Love You(绝对经典的语法错误) east(west)single~~~~东(西)单 King\’s house well(王府井) White Give!(白给) i English no Good weighty Color gently Friend You give me wait!! first eye see u, i shit love u... america china not enough horse horse tiger tiger beautiful you!!美的你! bule who see, and whose.(不入虎穴,焉得虎子。音译) I Feel it difficult to pass。 “我感到很难过” Three heart two meaning!简单,’三心二意’! Look through autumn water!’望穿秋水’! Red face know me?“红颜知己”! I\’m not care three seven twenty-one“我不管三七二十一” fish yes women lady out animal ¥于是我们来到动物园... go high fuck try恭喜发财.......... have not face to see person!!!! I think come think go......... Five talk,four beauti,three lover五讲,四美,三热爱! 我的同学在美国,老师问中文America怎么说,答:美~~国~~~!老师:ma~~ke war~~~? --------- 这些东西,只要是学过英语的中国人都能看懂,就不用给出意思了吧~~

122 评论


If you no three no four,give you some color see see.如果你不三不四,给你点颜色瞧瞧。

201 评论


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