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对于比赛,我们能想到的是竞争,想到的是残酷激烈,想到的是结果,但这次组织的赛事每个参与的人都会有不同的感悟,每一次不同类型活动都带给人不同的教育思考。         认真是种态度,赛前在有限的时间内虽然孩子家长老师们做了充分的准备和指导,但对于孩子们我们不清楚,他们是否知道比赛意味着什么,到了正式场合他们是否能够像之前一样的放松,能够流畅的表达完,可能会怯场,不想上舞台,会哭,忘词,不知所措,紧张,面对舞台,面对舞台面对观众,可能不上台,可能不知道舞台意味着什么,太过于放松,太过于计较成绩。         看到上台前家长比孩子们还紧张,给孩子换上场衣服,化妆,鼓励,对着镜子说,不要紧张,告诉孩子要怎么讲,比孩子还要着急的等待。         但比赛中,第一个孩子从懵懵的状态上台,压力最大,但却完整的进行了自己的演讲和表演,带了一个好头,后面的孩子们都跃跃欲试,提前候场等待,所有的孩子都能够完整的进行完自己的节目表演,会紧张,没有胆怯,有的自信完整流畅的表达,像一个leader,有的充分享受舞台,释放着自己的特色,有的年龄最小但却不紧不慢,淡定的表演完。有的来者不惧,应变能力特别强,带动着大家。       在他们身上看到了每一个孩子自信的登台的勇气,没有一个放弃的,看到了每一个孩子的在台上的闪光点,互相影响,互相带动。         作为比赛,评委给出的是打分的成绩,有排名,有先后,一个孩子有一组数字,但这组数字代表不了孩子们各个环节的表现,通过专业评委的点评,我们看到了每一个分数背后,相同要求原则下,一个个优点和不足,指导着大家更好的前进,而对于每个孩子而言,它代表不了每个孩子的起点,每个孩子的进步大小。也许结果是成绩很高,但却没有发挥全部,也许成绩比较低,但却超长发挥。每个人的起点不同,每个人的结果不同,但我们对比的是每一个孩子自己起点到结果这个点进步的空间距离,有的一点点就代表了质的飞跃。         这就是我们提出的所谓让孩子充分享受比赛过程,结果也很重要,但如何解读诠释看待角度是一个很重要的命题。       在比赛中作为家长,我看到了大家的认真重视,比赛让家长站在旁观者的角度观看了孩子的表现,跟自己平时预期的差别,因为日常的训练准备只是其中一部分,真正上台比的是全方位的,心理素质,应变能力,自信心,抗压能力,抗挫折能力,表现力各方面的综合考量,不仅仅是完成了规定的任务,他是对一个人系统的测压。也让家长们看到孩子面对不确定中保持的哪些确定的品质。         纵向对比的同时,家长们不自觉的会跟其他小朋友做对比,孩子处于平均水平的什么位置,我认为的孩子的优势是他自己独特的优势还是大家都有的,对于孩子哪些是我觉没什么但比赛中发现孩子的闪光点与众不同需要重点培养的,还有一些可能没有发现的认知盲点,孩子原来是这样的,他还可以这样,同时也会发现孩子的一些不足,自己认知偏差,如何调整,更好的培养孩子,从一个家长的单一视角,回归到上帝视角,更全方位评判和了解。       教育的目的就是帮助孩子发现自己,了解自己的过程,家长也能参与其中,了解孩子发现孩子,更加客观,从孩子在家里的父母家庭成员视角,孩子到幼儿园老师同学视角,孩子步入社会,社会视角,不同的视角组成了不同的认知,不局限不拘泥于单个视角,盲目地觉得好,觉得不好,更全面客观,孩子也更能适应未来社会,把握理想和现实的距离。       正确的对比赛的认知决定了孩子在比赛中的成长。我很欣慰的看到的是家长们没有把孩子的结果看成第一要素,而是跟孩子自己比,即使是晋级的选手,也能做到客观,不以物喜不以己悲,这是正确的比赛观。         作为教育工作者,比赛带给我们很大的意义,教育是一项系统工程,没办法去评比,日常的考试可以评比知识分数,但是对于教育质量教育目标的实现,没办法去统一衡量。就像很多人说的,没办法衡量,这就是一个问题,教育的好,到底有多好,不好在哪里,好与更好,好与一般的差距在哪里,自己说好,不是真正的好,孩子在未来社会中长远发展是检验的唯一标准,但时间太过于常,影响因素太多,到底哪些是学校教育,家庭教育引起的,不可衡量,不可控。如果处处是比赛,那么会为了比赛而比赛,又陷入死循环。看似是无解的事情。         但这场比赛,让我看到了一些希望,在时间,内容,起跑线基本一致,因素可控的情况下,还是有一定的可比性的。       单个孩子看个体,有差异性,我们看到的是整体,整体孩子都表现的特别的自信,勇敢,积极的时候,高于我们所认知的平均水平。对我们教育思考意义很大,它对老师是一种鼓舞。       冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,看到了冰上面的孩子们一个个的自信,但我们更能看到看不到的东西,冰下面的百分之八十是如何做的。       我们提倡孩子们习惯的培养,自信心的培养,这是每个家长期望的,每个老师教育目标,太过于抽象不具体不可衡量,但我们把他们具体落实到孩子的每一天,融入到孩子的一日生活中。我们每周的分享,每日报餐,孩子互相的绘本阅读分享,我是小老师,日常节目表演等等,每个孩子上台机会很多,这是能看得见的,看不见的孩子日常自信心的引导,培养,在任何场合的适应力都是无形的影响。这些看似细小不能称之为课程的时间对孩子的影响是很大的,无用之用。         老师们感慨是我们的努力没有白费,所有在暗处用的功,在孩子身上都得到了体现,对我们所提倡的理念,更加的坚定和认可。教师职业幸福感最强的时刻就是看到了孩子的进步,但这个进步有时候是老师发现的,并未得到更广泛的认可,通过这样的活动,家长和社会得到了更大的反馈,这是一种肯定。老师也需要这样的肯定对他也是一种正向积极的反馈。         自信,独立,积极,有爱,抗挫折力,适应力这些家长学校的教育目标,靠习惯来培养,习惯又靠行为来塑造,行为靠一天一天一点一滴的积累。包括演讲力,领导力,都是日积月累的结果。         同时感谢参与活动的所有小朋友,家长对本次活动的重视,全英文主持人郭老师对孩子的引导,在高校担任英语教学研究,英语专业八级,本科研究生一直致力于英语学习研究的康老师,为我们带来专业细致全方位点评,感谢真格教师团队辛苦付出。

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My future

Good and gentlemen!

I am honour to stand here to deliver my speech .And my topic today is about future. As we all know, mans life is a process of growing up, actually Im standing here is a growth. If a persons life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however thats passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me.

When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future.

How to say futureMaybe its a nice wish. Lets makeuourminds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.



I am very glad to stand here and deliver a speech.

2008 sees the joys and sorrows of China. The snow disaster ,the earthquake and the Olympics all happened in this particular year. We chinese had never suffered such disaters and held the Olympics for the first time. That was a big challenge for us. But the strong chinese nation would fight until he dropped! Just as the saying goes, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Hard work paid off. The disasters has gone by and the Olympics has been a big hit throughout the world.

Now I'm standing here to tell you that we're on our way to be one can deny us the winter has come,can spring be far behindWe stand on the land of snow,we hear the voice of hope!

Thank you!

2008 is a special year for Beijing for the Olympic Games. It is a special year for me too. I watched 8 games. The Olympic Games let me know, for all of the people in the world, we are family. In the 16 days, I saw different people from different countries. I heard different languages in the world. I sat next to English, American, Canadian and Korean when watching hockey games. I shouted “Go! Go! Go!” with Argentinian and Serbian when watching football match. In the Olympic Park, Australian friends shared their small gifts with Russian, German, French and Chinese. Everybody from different countries smiled at each other. Everybody was friendly to each other in these 16 days.

This is Olympic. It brings friendship, it brings peace.

I will remember the Beijing Olympic Games in my life.

In 2008, I understand, we are living in earth village.

I believe, we are family of the world.

My speech is over. Thanks!

Lecture Scripts

Global Citizenship Begins at Home

When I saw this title , I felt a little nervous, if I could expound this topic for you clearly, maybe my wisdom was enough to help me write a masterpiece in every field. Unfortunately , I cannot. And fortunately, in less than 3 minutes will you know my ideas.

I think the most unbelievable news in the last century is we are genetically the same. Do you feel a little excited, nowI did, when I first time heard it from the radio. And suddenly realized that we are born to be the same. This eye-catching news approved what we called “global village”, and then told us we are born with a “global citizenship” just like with the character.

However, same to the character, global citizenship is not only accepted by oneself ,but also by others. As traditional Chinese saying goes, “thousands of miles should begin at first step”. Only if we have a good beginning at home — step first we firmly stepped, it would be easy for other global citizens to admit us .

But you may feel a little bored to listen to my lecture and ask “what do you really want us to know”

So let’s pay attention to our motherland. China has set us good examples to favor the title “global citizenship begins at home”. More than a hundred years ago, when the old Chinese government limited economic growth and lock his doors against the world. He missed the best opportunity to develop himself. He abandoned home, but was eager for an absolute global citizenship. He wanted to ignore the first step but jump far. Let alone other countries with an ulterior motive, I cannot agree. But now everything is changing. China is enjoying his broaden global citizenship in global affairs. Only when he is getting stronger himself, the global citizenship is truly owned by himself.

Honor judges and dear friends, remember “global citizenship begins at home”, our dream should be that we keep on going to conform the changing world and keep our global

citizenship worthy. As long as our dream outweighs our ability, the world, our country and ourselves will be forever young. That’s is our destiny. And this is our moment.

Thank you for listening. Good night.

good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen . The title of my speech is " The development of traditional culture " :

The 21st century has started a new history . Great changes have taken place in the world because of the prosperous development of technology and science . Some of

you might have noticed that more and more people around us have started to learn a second language besides English . But maybe you will ask me “Isnt it a good thing ” No , absolutely not . It certainly meets the objective request of the economic globalization .While we accept western culture, some of us lost themselves in the cultural sea. Chances are that we are likely to lose our own traditional cultures . So ,the cultural globalization which is caused by economic globalization may be harmful to our countrys scientific development.

As is well known to all , culture is the pillar of science .But there exist two

phenomenon in the process of globation . One is some people called Mr West 。They accept western culture without any judgement , and they dont care whether it is good or not . For instance ,maybe someone has found that western festivals are more and more popular such as Christmas and Valentine’s day. At the same time ,Chinese traditional festivals are fading away in our memories .we cant image how a country could develop with its own culture lost. Well , another is called Mr Old , in the contrary , they refuse to accept any other cultures , they blame that cultural globalization is a disaster . To our surprise , they absolutely dont know that exchanging culture communication can advance the development of science and technology .

Absolutely affirm or deny a culture for our development isnt a wise choice it isn’t a wise choice to completely accept or deny a culture.. Im glad to hear that our party implemented a policy which is called sustainable development and tries their best to inherit and enhance our traditional culture .Under the precondition , our culture could promote . In this case, Chinese citizen may manager to survive. What’s more , we feel delighted to see that more and more


Goodafternoon,ladies and gentlemen,

My name is__________,coming from school of Chengdu xishu

experimental am very glad to give my speech to you here, the topic of my speech is "Just Do It".

"Just do it!"I think everybody is familiar to this sentense about Nike, a very famous company of shoes.

In my opinion, it means that just do it if you want. Today I'm here, just want to do what I want to do, and just have a try.

Just do it if you want.

In fact, we have many things to do in a day, in a year and in all our lives, it depends on your choices .

Just do it if you like.

I was attracted by English on my first sight in primary school. My English teacher always had the class interesting and she has a nice voice,it's comfortable when I heard her singing songs. As the time flew I knew more English songs .

Just do it no matter whether you can be successful.

When I asked others that why they didn't join in the competition, was it the reason that they didn't like English or they had no time. To my surprise, they almost gave me the same answer, "even though I couldn't get a rank in it, I needn't to do that, what's more, I didn't want to lose my face because of failed."I really can't believe that in their dictionary there is only one word 'success'. Although I don’t know whether I can enter the final fighting or not, and maybe I will be out of the

competition after this speech, I still come here, just do it, no matter how far I can walk.

So as long as you want and like, just do it by heart, no matter whether you can succeed or be failed.

That's all,

Thank you!

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