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首页 > 英语培训 > 关于平安夜的英语日记

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When I came to Aunt Gaoyun's house, I found that only Xiaole (aunt Gaoyun's child) was playing with another child. As soon as Xiaole saw me, he said, "sister Diandian is coming! Sister Diandian is coming!" I took off my boots and listened to Xiao Le say, "let's dress up the Christmas tree! Sister Dian, you put the bell and the deer on the top. That's why I invited you to come and play." I put the bell and deer on the top. When I looked at them in the distance, I found they were pretty good-looking. I thought: Xiaole has so many ideas!

After a while, Wang Qiyang, Liu Haotian and Doudou came one after another! Wang Qiyang gave each of us a shiny pop ring, including Santa Claus, reindeer and snowman. Wang Qiyang gave me a reindeer and said, "press the nose and it will shine. Press again and it will stop shining."

The next step is to guess riddles and eat fruit. I hurried home quietly and didn't finish my homework!

One night passed. When I woke up the next morning, I found two boxes of things at the head of the bed. I looked at them. WOW! It's two boxes of exquisite chocolate! Santa Claus must have given it to me! He also took the note I wrote him! I communicated with Santa Claus! Oh, oh, oh! fantastic!


At this time, I thought of something and shouted out loudly.

"Come on, get me a sock. I'll put it on the head of the bed." The members of the dormitory frowned and looked puzzled, I pretended to be a learned professor and said with interest: "I don't know. Let me teach you. It is said that there will be Santa Claus at Christmas. And on Christmas Eve, he will be afraid of us from the chimney. As long as you write what you want on paper and put it in your socks, he will meet your wishes and make your dreams come true!"

After that, everyone got anxious, "what if there is no chimney in our dormitory? Will he not come and send it to us?" Everyone said naively and curiously. I laughed loudly. It doesn't matter. Let's build him a fake chimney. He can find the entrance and give us gifts. So, everyone did it happily.

Soon it was done. Then we took a sock and a note, wrote down the gift we wanted, threw it into the sock excitedly, and looked forward to the emergence of Santa Claus

So we fell asleep with expectation and tired bodies until dawn.


At 3:30 pm, the Christmas party was grandly kicked off on the 10th floor of Huibao building. Many students and parents came to the scene. They wore beautiful costumes and brought their own musical instruments to spend this unforgettable Christmas Eve. Of course, I also have a program, which is an English short play - playing truant. It's almost time for us to play. We are very nervous and afraid of being laughed at. We went on the stage and hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at us closely. We were more nervous than before. However, slowly, our performance became more and more wonderful and lived up to the expectations of the teacher. The audience gave us warm applause. After coming down, master Mu said, "your performance was great", and we all smiled.

The whole party was full of program atmosphere, dance, erhu, electronic organ... The students showed their talents heartily. I seriously appreciated and appreciated every program. Of course, the most important one is the buffet meal, which includes all kinds of delicious food, such as fruits, drinks and cakes... WOW! There are too many. We fight, fight, laugh, eat delicious food and watch wonderful programs one by one. It's so happy! Finally, the teacher gave each student our favorite Christmas gifts!

Tonight is the happiest Christmas Eve I have spent. After my introduction, do you also want to participate?


On November 24 last year, my mother and I had a happy night. I remember that night, the streets were brightly lit and the traffic was flowing. My mother and I came to Xinhe supermarket with the bustling crowd. We chose a big Christmas tree, and then bought colored lights, pictures and many small gifts. When we got home, my mother and I were busy dressing up the Christmas tree. We first hang up a string of colored lights, plug the power into the socket, and then install the remote control button. "Pa" sound, all the colored lights are on, colorful, very beautiful! Then we hung many small gifts on the Christmas tree and dressed it up in colors. My mother and I looked at each other, holding hands, jumping around the beautiful Christmas tree and singing happy songs. I found that what revealed in my mother's eyes was not only joy, but also kindness and care for me. I stared at my mother and felt that at this moment, I was the happiest child in the world!

In this happy moment, we made our best wishes around the Christmas tree. My wish is: I wish my mother always young and beautiful!


The noble tried many inventions and failed, but they ran out of money, so they had to move to a farmhouse, and his daughters had to cook, sew and clean themselves.

A few years later, the daughters gradually reached the age of marriage, but the father became more depressed because he had no money to buy a dowry for his daughters. One night, the girls hung their stockings in front of the fireplace to dry after washing their clothes. When Saint Nicholas learned about their father's situation, he came to their house that night. He saw the family through the window

They were asleep and noticed the girls' stockings. Then he took out three small bags of gold from his pocket and threw them one by one from the chimney, just falling into the girls' stockings.

The next morning, the daughters woke up and found that their stockings were full of gold, enough for them to buy a dowry. The nobleman was able to see his daughters get married and live a happy life from then on.

Later, children all over the world inherited the tradition of hanging Christmas stockings. Children in some countries have other similar customs. For example, in France, children put their shoes by the fireplace and so on


Christmas Eve is the night we look forward to most. We dream: at 12 o'clock, a kind grandfather in red clothes, red hat and long beard will jump down our chimney and give me a basket full of gifts! Gradually, an old man's kind face came into my mind: "he's waving to us. He said there are too many gifts in his car! I can't give them all to the children overnight alone. Grandpa Christmas needs our help!" With that, we immediately rolled down from the bed and dressed. "Grandpa Christmas, here we are!" "Thank you, my dear children," Grandpa Christmas turned his worries into joy. "Here is the gift list for tonight. You should finish the task well!" With that, Grandpa Christmas solemnly handed me a long, long list, touched my hair and said to me, "I now officially seal you as the delivery leader of the Christmas gift team!" I swallowed my saliva. This time I really feel how lucky and bitter grandpa Christmas is! Why doesn't God send more people to send gifts to Grandpa Christmas? "You are!" Grandpa Christmas knew what I was thinking, stroked his long beard and said. "OK! Let's go now and help Grandpa Christmas send gifts!" I said loudly to the team members. "I wish you success, children!"

The elk car gradually flew into the sky. According to the list, we sent beautiful gifts to the socks and baskets prepared by the children for gifts, and wished the sleeping children a beautiful dream on Christmas Eve. We suspect that children may scream and jump up happily after receiving gifts.

Unconsciously, we have completed the task entrusted to us by Santa Claus. We yawned and went back to the room. As soon as we turned on the light, we found that the bed was full of gifts, and there was a Christmas tree in front of the bed, a Christmas tree shining with gold.


On Christmas Eve, there is one thing that I still remember: on that night, I was decorating my beautiful Christmas tree. Suddenly, I remembered that today was Christmas Eve and wanted to send apples. I knew there were no apples at home, so I asked my mother for money and hurried downstairs.

It was dark. Because I only wanted to buy apples, I had forgotten my fear. In addition to the moon mother and her star baby, there was no pedestrian on the road. Soon, I went to the supermarket and picked one big apple and one small apple. The big one was red and bright; The small ones are small and lovely. After paying the money, I took the apple with me, panting all the way and running in the direction of going home. Mother moon and Baby Star laughed and fell into the clouds when they saw me so embarrassed.

When I got home, I took flowers, gift boxes, wrapping paper, flower bags and other tools and decorated them

When Dad came back, I came out with two boxes of apples. One is an apple gentleman with a bow, the other is an apple held by a little girl with flowers. Dad and mom said it was good-looking!

These two fragrant and sweet red apples were eaten by us with our laughter


Hearing the sound of my sister entering the house, I jumped three feet high and immediately pulled my mother up to "set sail". My sister was confused by my appearance and asked, "what are you going to do?" Mother told her sister, "pack up quickly and let's go out for dinner." Sister, now I understand what's going on.

When we got to the hotel, we found that there were a lot of people here, which can be described as a sea of people. Our seat number is 2101, but now it's 2059! My sister proposed to go shopping, but I opposed it. If we forget the time when we go shopping, wouldn't we miss it. My mother and sister respected my opinion. We sat in the lobby of the hotel and waited.


Staring at the wall clock, the minute hand moved slowly. With the passage of time, my heart fell into a trough bit by bit. Today is Christmas Eve. I forget it again. On the table, the unopened red wine is filled with quiet light.

The smoke obscured his sad eyes. In that almost hysterical roaring song, I let my heart have a short peace of mind. That strong, stormy yearning arrives on the black carpet at the beginning of each night, hitting the dam of the soul like the tide. Yearning will prolong the long night infinitely, and memory will multiply the pain of the heart. His handsome and charming face was full of haggard. The look of wanting to cry without tears is heartbreaking. Who will soothe your hurt heart?

Put the body, spirit and soul. All of them are handed over and deeply precipitated in the endless darkness. The yellowing walls and rusty wardrobe outline the retro tone, the contrast between black night and red blood. It is so sad and beautiful. Red, dazzling blood red. Black, endless darkness, take a deep breath of smoke and let the cigarette permeate the whole room. Bury yourself deep.

The Christmas Eve is quieter and quieter.


Bao'er has a hobby now, that is, when taking the car, she always asks her mother to describe the scenery or objects outside the window in detail, just like the composition temporarily arranged for bao'er. Bao'er thinks this hobby is very good! It's just a test of Baoma's eloquence! We should draw as many words as possible. We should describe different things every time, painful and happy.

Finally, when he arrived at the bird's nest, Baoda found a place to stop the car. Haas was very interested in the bird's nest. He usually said it was the bird's nest when he saw a similar building. Today Baoda wanted him to get in close contact. Haas was still in Baoma's stomach for less than 8 months during the Beijing Olympic Games. Although he had tickets for the diving competition of the Olympic Games, he didn't dare to enter. Today, the weather was very cold, Haas was full of interest. He stayed outside for 5 minutes and hurried to get on the bus.

339 评论



It's a pity that there hasn't been any snow in Nanjing this winter, but this Christmas I'm happier than before: I went to Tangshan tourist resort with my parents and watched a colorful party, which is a bit like the Apollo Theater Performance in Nanjing. The wonderful performances of the actors make people laugh constantly; I tasted the delicious Christmas buffet and abalone for the first time in my life. It was really delicious and delicious. I also tasted the legendary Christmas Turkey, which made me excited; After enjoying the beautiful fireworks performance, the beautiful "flowers" bloom in the night sky with harsh calls

The most unforgettable thing is that my father and I had a close contact with the outdoor hot spring, although the outdoor night temperature is only 0 degrees, a little cold! Wearing swimming trunks and towels, we rushed out. I really can't resist the temptation of the hot spring. The water is hot and the air is cold. It's really ice and fire! It's like eating hot pot in an air-conditioned room in summer. What you want is this feeling. If you're not worried about being late for class tomorrow, you really want to stay for a while, soak for a while, and feel the strong Western holiday atmosphere.

When I left the resort, I found that I had learned to sing jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells.


I remember when I was five or six years old, my grandfather often told me stories about Christmas: on the night of Christmas Eve on December 24 every year, Santa Claus would drive a reindeer car from a distant place and sneak in from the chimney to give the gifts that every child wanted. Santa Claus is very beautiful. He is wearing a red hat with a small white ball on it. He was dressed in red, black gloves and a leather belt. Santa's eyes are as black as pearls, his nose is as red as fireballs, and his beard is like cotton... That's a wonderful story! Whenever I get up on Christmas morning and see a beautiful gift at the head of the bed, I will dance.

Although Santa Claus gives me Christmas presents every year, I've never seen him. On Christmas Eve when I was seven years old, I asked my grandfather curiously, I really want to see the real Santa Claus. What does he look like? Grandpa said that Santa Claus must give gifts when the children are asleep. I ran around the house in disbelief, but I only saw a slit in the window of the room. Grandpa patted me on the shoulder, smiled and said, "this is for Santa Claus, otherwise how can he come in and give gifts?" after listening to Grandpa's words, I sat firmly in the living room, anxiously waiting for Santa Claus to come. But the eyelids fought and closed slowly. Grandpa said, "go to bed, maybe Santa Claus has brought it to you." I stretched my waist and went back to my room. I just opened the quilt. Ah, the Barbie doll I thought about day and night is sleeping next to my pillow! I jumped three feet with joy. Grandpa and grandma also came and pretended to be very surprised and said, "Oh, Santa Claus has sent you gifts so early. Now you can sleep at ease." I soon fell asleep with my beloved Barbie doll. I dreamed that the kind Santa Claus was sitting in a beautiful reindeer car, running around the world, hard to give gifts to other children.

As the days passed, I gradually understood that there was no Santa Claus in the world, but a beautiful fantasy in people's hearts. The exquisite gift was also given by my grandparents. However, behind this gift, my grandparents have unlimited 'love for me!


The Bible says Jesus was born at night. When Jesus was born, an angel reported good news to the shepherds in the field: 'don't be afraid, my message of great joy to you is about all peoples; For a savior, the Lord Christ, has been born to you today in the city of David. You will see a baby wrapped in cloth and lying in a manger. That is the sign. " Then a large army of heavenly soldiers praised God with the angel: 'glory to God in the highest place! Peace and joy on earth belong to men! " Therefore, it is said that the night of December 24 is collectively referred to as "Christmas Eve".

On Christmas Eve, my family and I sat around the table and enjoyed the rich dinner carefully prepared by my grandmother for us. I couldn't wait, so I wolfed it down. While I was eating with relish, my doorbell rang. It was my uncle's family. My brother said, "let's have Christmas Eve together!" I jumped up excitedly. They danced wildly like drunk and sang heartily. I made everyone laugh and talk about the happiness of their family.

This is a happy, peaceful and Carnival Christmas Eve and reunion night!


On Christmas Eve that year, we came to the Holy Land in our mind, a place called "lover tree" by the locals. When we came, the place had been occupied by some gangsters. At that time, there were many hot-blooded young people among us. After three disagreements, they began to fight. Among the boys who came at that time, there were many people they liked. In order to express themselves and make a good impression on the people they liked, they did their best. A little gangster is a little gangster. It's not what the students can compete with. They finally lost. We had to find another good place. But this is what makes the originally rigid atmosphere melt in an instant. We have a momentum of moving forward bravely together. After the episode, some friends and I began to plan for a long time. In fact, on Christmas Eve, some children wanted to express themselves to the girls they liked, but they were stopped by me and several friends. We joined hands to prepare programs for Christmas. Of course, we can't do without the most interesting thing at that time: lovers get married. Several friends and I proposed to play the truth adventure, and everyone played together. In this chaotic situation, it is easiest to express success. Of course, there is no lack of the final coaxing, and everyone shouted "hold one, hold one...".

At that age, holding one exceeded the feelings of falling in love for several years. At that time, the feelings were the purest. That night has become a night I miss from time to time in recent years. Now we seldom reveal our true feelings. Too many distractions affect us, and society is also affecting us. We are painted colorful by life and can't return to the original whiteness. The beauty like first love rarely reappears, which makes our hearts throb again. We can't go back, only stagger forward, forward, and forward. This is our own choice. We have learned to grow and be human. We have our own principles. On the premise of not affecting our own principles, we allow ourselves to make a little mistake and finally correct it. This is the price of growth.


I remember last year's Christmas daughter quietly got up in the middle of the night to send me a greeting card. I was very moved. I was even more excited this time. It would be money. Looking at my lovely daughter, I laughed. My daughter also seriously asked me, "Mom, do you like money best?" I happily hugged my daughter and said, "Mom's favorite thing is that you are always healthy and safe! Of course, you love money! Thank you for this gift." my daughter laughed happily.

This gift from my daughter gave me a good mood for the day. It also makes my dull mood full of expectations. What will you give me for next year's Christmas daughter?

Look at the beautiful envelope my daughter made for me!


It's a big merry go round, which is composed of six big merry go round and six small merry go round. The posture of each merry go round is different. My favorite Trojan horse, with its head held high, seemed to say proudly, "I'm only the most handsome and unrestrained pony. Come and ride me quickly, children!" he had a pair of bright and noisy eyes, his black fur glittered, and his long tail disappeared and swayed in the wind. The top of the carousel is also painted with all kinds of Princess patterns, which is beautiful!

I happily rode on my favorite Trojan horse and felt like galloping on the vast grassland. I love playing that merry go round!


On the way home, I asked my mother if Santa Claus would give me gifts at night, because teacher Zhu told us that Santa Claus would put a lot of gifts in children's socks. My mother said, "as long as you are a good child, you will receive gifts the next morning." I think I will receive gifts. Sure enough, when my mother woke me up the next morning, I was pleasantly surprised to find a little red hat and a letter beside my pillow. My mother told me that Santa Claus had come and wrote me a letter. The letter said that there were some gifts hidden in the hat for me. I opened my hat and saw, wow, a lot of small things, including a bear, a mouse, a cat and a big snowman doll. I love this beautiful Snowman doll best. I want to take it to school to show it to my classmates.

I had an unforgettable Christmas and received many lovely gifts. I'm so happy.


Every Christmas, my mother will buy me some delicious food. This year, my mother asked my father to buy me a KFC children's set meal. My father hasn't come home from work yet. I'm waiting for my father at home. I'm absent-minded in everything. As soon as my father got home, I couldn't wait to welcome him. I opened the bag and a refreshing aroma. Our whole family shared the "big meal" for dinner. Now I really hope I'm Harry Potter, use magic to turn back time and eat that delicious set meal again.

There are not only delicious food, but also toys. My mother bought me a plug-in toy - a space shuttle. I can't put it down. I'll plug it in in a minute. I look left and right. It's really beautiful. If I were an astronaut, driving such a beautiful plane around the earth, I would be satisfied.

Mother also bought me two books. One is the outskirts of Tucker, which I miss so much. It is the story of Tucker, who is both wise and brave, who came up with a way to save the prairie. The other is aunt Tilly's magic box. In it, aunt Tilly has a magical makeup box that can make herself into various characters to make David happy.


At four o'clock in the afternoon, I went to Uncle Xiao's house with my parents. I handed over my gift and Lina accepted it with a smile. Lina is uncle Xiao's daughter. She is very beautiful. We watch TV together. After a while, the rain came. The three of us just planned to play sports games on TV. It's a very fun game. It's time to eat.

"Wow!" a big table of food! I eat with relish. After dinner, Lina gave everyone a box. If you open it, there will be gifts in it. Mine is a jigsaw puzzle.

Next, adults play cards or sing karaoke, and our children make their own decisions. We decided to play sports games. We bowled together. Lina is number one, Yuyan is number two, and I'm number three. The first game begins! Lina hit it all the first time! "Great!" we shouted. It's time for rain. "What!" said Yu Yan. Because she only got three balls. I have one left. Lina plays very skillfully. YuYan's grades are always unstable, and I always save one or two. Finally, Lina won and Yuyan lost. I was second. I'm quite satisfied with my grades.

It's already twelve o'clock unconsciously. It's time to go home, but I'm still remembering that beautiful moment, my Christmas Eve.


In the middle of the show, Santa Claus came! Santa Claus! Santa Claus came up to us and said chismasesehappy! Merry Christmas Eve. In people's mind, Santa Claus has a silver beard and a red coat with white leather edge. He always looks happy. I don't know how much joy and atmosphere he has added to Christmas. Santa Claus is really kind and mysterious in children's hearts.

No one thought that a simple "Merry Christmas" could be combined into such a spectacular scene: what everyone's descendants miss, what they play in their hands, what they talk about in their mouth, what they see in their eyes, and what they see on their heads is just "Merry Christmas" again and again

127 评论


1.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇一

In the evening, when we arrived at the hotel door, a lot of small snowballs flew down, creating a snowy atmosphere. I was covered with snow. Inside the door, Santa Claus and aunts said to me, "Hello, little friend, can you give me a gift?". While saying that, I put a colorful Christmas cap on my head. I was a bit shocked because I had no psychological preparation before, so I lost the hat without wearing it. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to! Then I went directly to our table. Tonight, my stomach will be stretched out!

After a while, the dinner started and the program began at the same time. The first program was hip-hop. I don't seem to know what hip-hop is, so I just eat. "Grandma, I also eat meat" is my favorite! "Grandma, I drink yogurt" can not forget to drink! When I was full and drunk, it was time to draw a lottery. Sister Yueyue wanted to go to the front of the stage, so we went there together. However, we were a little late, and some children had already arrived. But it didn't matter. Sister Yueyue soon found the cameraman. She just heard her say to him, "Please pat my sister" and hugged me tightly. Hehe, in fact, Sister Yueyue wanted to pat her and was embarrassed to say so.

Another program started. He was wearing a black hat, a black suit, black eyebrows, black eyes and red mouth. Oh! So it's magic! At this time, he suddenly came to me and turned out a small red lantern for me. I didn't dare to take it. At this time, my aunt thought I was afraid and ran to me to say "I am not afraid", so I said "I am not afraid" to my aunt. In fact, I am not afraid, you must know!

How time flies! The last prize was drawn by an old grandma and a grandpa respectively, and what's more, they respectively drew their own table number, which was so coincidental. It seems that those coincidences on TV really come from life! With the end of the activity, we all left with us. I'm so happy! There are still a lot of inner excitement I don't know how to express, so I want to say, "This is really a beautiful night!"

2.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇二

A week before Christmas, the atmosphere of Christmas is very strong. Colorful colored lights are installed on the roadside trees, which are very gorgeous. Almost some small stores selling trinkets put Christmas trees full of gifts at the door to attract customers. I came to a gift shop to send some greeting cards to my classmates, but found my father parked at the door of the shop waving at me, and I ran over.

Let's go to KFC. Dad will take you to Christmas. Dad put down my schoolbag while saying, really? I bumped into the car roof with joy. I rubbed my head and felt excited. You know, Dad is seldom free to take me out for dinner at ordinary times. We soon arrived at a nearby KFC, and Mom had ordered food at the counter. The orange lights and the colorful Christmas tree all seem so harmonious and warm. We ordered two family buckets to have dinner together in the joyful music. I told them interesting stories about the school, and my parents looked at me with a smile. It was really a wonderful Christmas Eve!

After I had eaten and drunk enough, I patted my belly comfortably. It was snowing. Under the light of street lamps, countless feathers fell from the sky, adding a little romance to the Christmas Eve. At this time, the cold wind mixed with flying snow is coming, which makes people feel chilly. However, I think it is warm and happy to have family around in this cold winter.

3.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇三

Finally, school was over, and I couldn't wait to arrive at the appointed place - "Mother and Son" in the East Garden. I was the first to arrive. After a while, everyone arrived. Under the leadership of our little master Li Jiating, a dozen people set out in a mighty manner.

Once we arrived at Li Jiating's home, everyone was busy. Some students helped Li Jiating's mother decorate the Christmas tree, some students went to make cakes, and others were eager to play computer games. We also found that she kept a little hamster at home, with light gray mixed with silver white fur, black eyes and short tail, which looked very cute. I wish I could have such a lovely animal.

Auntie asked us to have dinner. It's so sumptuous! There were cakes decorated by girls themselves, and many delicious dishes. Like a family, we had a happy and lively meal together. ha-ha! How happy!

After dinner, my aunt organized us to play games, and we divided into two teams to guess the brain twisters. Each team is divided into two people to guess together. I was lucky enough to be in the same group as Huang Yeheng. We got ten points in total, and one got two fruit candies

Time passed quickly. When we left Li Jiating's house, we still had more than enough.

Everyone gave her a blessing. Of course, the most grateful ones are her parents, who gave us a happy Christmas Eve!

4.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇四

With one exception, Ann has no wings. From the moment her father broke his dream, Ann lost her wings. Ann's dream is to go to the African grasslands, go to Sahara, and spend her life in the journey; Ann's father hopes to stay here safely, find a safe job and go through life quietly.

Ann, who lost her dream, refused to fly, and her wings fell off. At the moment when his father tore up the sunset of the Sahara and stepped into the dawn of the African grassland, An clearly saw the white feathers flying all over the sky, falling and falling in the pain of heart rending wings falling off

5.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇五

When I arrived at school, I found that many students in my class had big red apples on their desks. At this time, Miss Liu came in and said, "Dear students, today is Christmas Eve, a traditional Western festival. It is said that eating apples will make you safe all your life. You can eat apples yourself, or you can send" peace "to your classmates and good friends!"

After listening, I left the apple behind. When my father came to pick me up after school, I gave the apple to my father and said, "Dad, I will send you an apple. I hope you are safe!" My father touched my head with a smile and said, "Good boy. I really understand!"

Christmas Eve is really good. I understand the origin of this festival.

6.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇六

The twinkling Big Dipper in the sky formed a huge spoon. The stars blinked bright little eyes, and the moon was also releasing its brightness heartily. It shone on Alice's quiet little face and blond hair.

At this time, I saw a big golden star flashing out of the Big Dipper. Oh, here comes Santa Claus, sitting in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. The reindeer, wearing crowns, were flying in the sky. Behind the sled appeared a long beam of light consisting of tens of millions of small, shining dots. With a wave of his hand, tens of millions of small dots fell like rain. In an instant, it turned into sweet and sour delicious candy on the earth.

The reindeer pulled the sledge and circled in the sky for several times, then flew down again. Santa Claus dressed in red and white, walked off the sledge. He climbed up the roof along the wall, slipped down the chimney, entered Alice's room, and put a big gift bag in the sock. This is a gift Alice has always dreamed of. Then Santa Claus crept to the living room and ate the milk and cookies Alice had prepared for him. Then Alice opened her bleary eyes and saw that it was Santa Claus. She whispered, "Grandpa Christmas, can you take me to the sledge?" Santa Claus said kindly, "Yes, child." With that, Alice followed Santa Claus to the sled. "Oh, how funny, how funny! Ha ha..." At that moment, the alarm clock at seven o'clock in the morning rang, and Alice woke up from his dream.

This is the happiest, happiest and most unforgettable Christmas Eve for Alice!

7.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇七

We came to Haoxianglai Restaurant for western food. My brother ordered a set meal of Langsha Steak, and I ordered a set meal of filet mignon. This is our first time to eat delicious steak in Jiaozuo. Thinking, thinking, the waiter sister put the filet mignon in front of me and said, "Come on, put a piece of paper in front of the steak first, because the steak is too hot and the oil will spill on your body, which is very dirty! When the steak is not oily, my brother and I don't know how to eat it. Mom said," Look, take a fork in your left hand and a knife in your right hand to cut one piece and eat one piece! I took the fork to my right hand and asked my mother, "Is it like this?" Mom smiled and said, "No! I told you that the fork in your left hand and the knife in your right hand should be handled in this way." I asked curiously, "Mom, how can you use it?" Mom said, "I used to eat steak with my friends here. Would I know?" Oh, I ate steak and fried eggs with relish. It was really delicious!

Tonight is really a happy and happy "Christmas Eve" for me

8.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇八

My parents and I have eaten apples. The apples we ate are more delicious than each other. My parents hope that I am healthy, happy and happy, and I also hope that my parents are happy, happy and healthy.

On Christmas Eve, eat apples and have a safe night.

9.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇九

We each paid 20 yuan, but it was Xu Haotong's turn to pay. I remember that he paid 10 yuan, and then it seemed that Wang Chenqi forced him to pay another 10 yuan. Then when I saw that he paid another 10 yuan, I said it was enough, but he said we were stupid. In fact, he didn't have any pottery at all. Wang Chenqi said, "Wow, you should pay out the money quickly, even if it is profitable." We are confused enough to see.

After buying some food, we talked about something while eating, from the teacher to the students, and then to the boys and girls. It was eight o'clock in the twinkling of an eye. Time passed quickly. Jing said that she had to go. Then we were ready to go out together. KFC was warm and our faces were red. We pushed open the heavy glass door and said, "Wow, it's snowing outside." I cried out with great excitement, and the sky was filled with snow. It was beautiful.

We spread in the snow, letting snowflakes fall on our cheeks.

10.有关平安夜的英语作文范文 篇十

The twinkling Big Dipper in the sky forms a huge spoon. The stars blinked bright little eyes, and the moon was also releasing its brightness heartily. It shone on Alice's quiet little face and blond hair.

At this time, I saw a big golden star flashing out of the Big Dipper. Oh, here comes Santa Claus, sitting in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. The reindeer, wearing crowns, were flying in the sky. Behind the sled was a long beam of light consisting of tens of millions of small, shining dots. With a wave of his hand, tens of millions of small drops fell down. In an instant, it became sweet and sour candy on the earth.

The reindeer pulled the sledge and circled in the sky for several times, then flew down again. Santa Claus dressed in red and white, walked off the sledge. He climbed up the roof along the wall, slipped down the chimney, entered Alice's room, and put the big gift bag in the sock. This is a gift Alice has always dreamed of. Then Santa Claus crept to the living room and ate the milk and cookies Alice gave him. Then Alice opened her bleary eyes and saw that it was Santa Claus. She whispered, "Grandpa Christmas, can you take me to the sledge?" Santa Claus said kindly, "Yes, child." With that, Alice followed Santa Claus to the sled. "Oh, how funny, how funny! Ha ha..." At the right time, the alarm clock at seven o'clock in the morning rang, and Alice woke up from his dream.

This is the happiest, happiest and most unforgettable Christmas Eve for Alice!

107 评论


  • 平安夜前夜英文

    标准答案: Holy night.

    主君的太阳Soo 8人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 平安夜的英文

    平安夜的英文是:Christmas Eve 读音:英 [ˈkrisməs i:v]   美 [ˈkrɪsməs iv] 释义:n.圣诞节前夕(12月24日) 双

    大锅饭饭饭饭 9人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 英文平安夜

    标准答案: Holy night.

    平凡yifen 11人参与回答 2024-06-11
  • 平安夜英语

    平安夜英语意思是:baiSilent night。 平安夜又称圣诞夜,即圣诞前夕(12月24日),在大部分基督教会中是圣诞节日的一部分。传统上不少基督徒会在平安

    拽拽小蘑菇 8人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 英语平安夜

    平安夜[pínɡ ān yè] 英文:a peaceful night; Christmas Eve 双语例句: 1、今年我度过了一个孤独的平安夜和圣诞节,虽然

    一杯清茶NJ 8人参与回答 2024-06-11