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1.小学一年级英语上册知识点 篇一

sheep绵羊 hen母鸡 dog狗 cat猫

rice米饭 soup汤 egg蛋 Noodles面条

ball球 doll娃娃 bicycle自行车 kite风筝

jelly果冻 ice cream冰淇淋 sweet糖果

biscuit饼干 Cola可乐 juice果汁 milk牛奶

water水 warm暖和 hot热 spring春天

summer夏天 sunny阳光明媚的 cloudy多云的

rainy下雨的 windy刮风的 T-shirt T恤

dress连衣裙 shorts 裤子 blouse 外套 ride骑车

skip跳绳 play打(球) fly飞 gift礼物

card卡片 firecracker爆竹 firework烟花

boy男孩 wolf狼 farmer农民 smell闻

Taste尝 see看 hear听见 drink喝

Red红色的 green绿色的

black黑色的 white白色的 purple紫色的

2.小学一年级英语上册知识点 篇二

2 Look at my big eyes/small face 看我的……

3 I see a rabbit/ bird……. Me too. 我看见……,我也是

4 See/ hear/call the bird.

5 -Give me your tail please?

Sorry, it’s too long/short/big

Look, there it is. 看,它在这儿

3.小学一年级英语上册知识点 篇三

some, any, no, every

thing: something, anything, nothing, everything

one: someone, anyone, anything, everyone

where: somewhere, anywhere, anywhere, everywhere

body: somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody


(1)Help! Somebody? Anybody?

(2)Where did you go? I went nowhere.

(3)Nobody is at home.

(4)You are really something.

(5)I looked for my book everywhere, but I cant find it anywhere.

(6)If you want to go somewhere, if you want to be someone, you must wake up.

(7)Since everybody is here, lets begin our class.

4.小学一年级英语上册知识点 篇四

book书, ruler尺子, pencil铅笔,

rubber橡皮, pen钢笔, bag包

2. 课堂用语指示句型:

Stand up, please. 请起立。

Sit down, please.请坐。

Open your book.打开你们的书。

Close your book.合上你们的书。


How are you? 你身体好吗?

Fine, thank you. 很好,谢谢你。

Good morning. 早上好。

5.小学一年级英语上册知识点 篇五

eye, ear, mouth, nose, face, hand, arm, leg, foot; one, two;see, hear,smell


1 This is the way I wash my face. 这是我……的方式

2 I have one nose/mouth/face 我有……

3 I have two eyes/ears/arms/feet/hands/legs

4 My eyes can see/My mouth can talk/My ears can hear/My nose can smell 我的……能……

5 What’s this?-It’s the head. 这是什么? 它是头

6 Touch your eyes/ mouth/ ears/ arm…… 摸你的……

143 评论


今天,共和国已走了六十一年,今天,深圳就是一片晴空,它是普照众生的沧桑.Today,the republic had left LiuShiYiNian,today,shenzhen is a sky,it is sunny sentient beings vicissitudes.六十一年前,深圳各种各样的小饭店,小超市出现,洋面,洋面最抢人眼球.61 years ago,shenzhen various small hotel,small supermarket sea,it appears,the most grab people's eye.现在,中国的产品已普遍大江南北.Now,China's products have generally great river north and south.六十一年前,深圳的人们还住在简陋的小木屋里,屋外是淅沥的水泥路和平平的大戈壁,现在,映入眼帘的是一座座的高楼,修得非常平坦的马路和挺拔的树木.61 years ago,shenzhen people still living in makeshift shack,outside the patter cement road and flat is big gobi desert,now,view is the place of tall buildings,the very flat roads and forceful trees.六十一年前,六十一年前,深圳的人们是在外国人的耻笑和唾骂中度过的,现在,大街上的人们个个都是昂首挺胸的,春光满面.61 years ago,61 years ago,shenzhen humans are foreigners spent disdain and reviled,now,"people on the street all are the faces,spring heads held high.六十一年前,深圳的人们还正在农田里耕梨种田,现在,高级代的机械已开进深圳的农田.61 years ago,shenzhen people are still farms plow pears,senior and earned,now already into the machinery of shenzhen of farmland.六十一年前,深圳的人们是在饥饿与疲劳中熬过的,现在,深圳的人们是在幸福的光芒中度过的.61 years ago,shenzhen people are in hunger and fatigue endured,now in shenzhen,people in the light of happiness is spent.六十一年前,深圳的科学技术使人失望又懊恼,现在,深圳的科学技术都是响当当.61 years ago,shenzhen science and technology make people disappointed and annoyed,now,shenzhen science and technology are famous.六十一年前,深圳最好的学校让外国的名胞瞧不起,现在,深圳的学校有的是人才.61 years ago,shenzhen the best school let foreign name cell despises,now,shenzhen school plenty of talents.六十一年前,深圳的孩子吃不饱,没钱读书,现在,深圳的孩子却是父母的掌上明珠,捧在手中怕摔了,含在嘴里怕化了.61 years ago,shenzhen children do not have enough to eat,no money reading,now,shenzhen children is the apple of her parents' eye,hold it in your hands,including fell in fear of mouth afraid.这就是变化,巨大的变化啊,为了深圳的未来,为了祖国的前途,我们就更应该沿着真理,沿着理想奋发图强!This is change,great changes in shenzhen,o the future,in order to our country's future,we will be more should follow the truth,unyielding along the ideal你的认可是我最大的动力、

344 评论


《How to plant flowers》Do you know how to plant a flower? Let me tell you. First, put the flower seeds into the soil. Next, put it in the sun. And add water often. Then, make sure it gets lots of sun. wait for a sprout. At last, wait for a flower to grow. It's very easy, isn't it? Let us plant more and more flowers. Let us make the world more beautiful.译文:《如何种花》你知道怎么种花吗?让我告诉你.首先,将花种子埋到沙土里.接下来,将花盆搬到阳光底下.要记得经常浇水.然后,确保它有足够的光照.耐心等它发芽.最后,等这花慢慢长起来.这很容易,不是吗?让我们种更多花吧.让世界变得漂亮一些.


274 评论


Unit 1 School (Lesson 1~Lesson 6)


book, ruler, pencil, pencil case , eraser, backpack,


-Hello/Hi! -Hello/Hi!

-Good morning! -Good morning!早上好!

-Good afternoon! -Good afternoon! 下午好!

- Good evening! -Good evening! 晚上好!

-Good night! -Good night! 晚安!


1 -Stand up,please! (请)起立!

-Sit down,please! (请)坐下!

2 Show me your ……

3 -Hi, I’m……

-Hi, I’m…… 你好。我是……

4 - Your book/……


Unit 2 Body (Lesson 7~Lesson12)


eye, ear, mouth, nose, face, hand, arm, leg, foot; one, two;see, hear,smell


1 This is the way I wash my face. 这是我……的方式

2 I have one nose/mouth/face 我有……

3 I have two eyes/ears/arms/feet/hands/legs

4 My eyes can see/My mouth can talk/My ears can hear/My nose can smell 我的……能……

5 -What’s this?

-It’s the head. 这是什么? 它是头

6 Touch your eyes/ mouth/ ears/ arm…… 摸你的……

Unit 3 Animals (Lesson13~Lesson18)


动物:cat, bird, rabbit, dog, duck, monkey, chicken, tiger, panada, elephant, fish,butterfly


1 -Are you Joy?

-No, I’m Lily. I’m a cat. 你是……吗?不,我是……

2 -What do you see?

-I see a panada/a bird/a monkey……. 你看见了什么?我看见了……

3 Look at me! 看着我

4 -What’s this?

-It’s a cat/a tiger/a bird 这是(叫)什么? 它是……

5 It has long ears/short legs/big eyes…… 它有……

6 I like my …… 我喜欢我的`……

Unit 4 Revision (Lesson19~Lesson24)


here, there, call, give, sorry, big, small


1 Here is my hair/pencil/book/eraser/ruler/…… 这是我的……

2 Look at my big eyes/small face 看我的……

3 I see a rabbit/ bird……. Me too. 我看见……,我也是。

4 See/ hear/call the bird.

5 -Give me your tail please?

-Sorry, it’s too long/short/big

-Look, there it is. 看,它在这儿

Unit 5 Numbers ( Lesson25~Lesson30)


数词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,ten


1 -How old are you?

-I’m one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight/nine/ten

你多大了?(你几岁了?) 我……岁了

2 One and one is two. 1+1=2 five and five is always ten. 5+5=10

3 Let’s make ten! 让我们数到10

4 -What’s your telephone number?



5 -What’s your room number? -521 你的房间号是多少?521

6 -Here are some chocolates for you. 给你们些巧克力

-Thank you! 谢谢

Unit 6 Colours (Lesson31~Lesson36)


颜色:red, yellow, purple, brown, orange, white, green, pink, blue, black,


1 I like blue/red/pink…… 我喜欢……颜色

2 -What’s this?

-It’s a bird.

3 -What colour is it? 这是什么颜色?

- It’s pink/white…… 是粉色/……

4 -How many birds can you see? 你能看见多少只鸟儿?

-Three. 三只

5 -I like an orange duck. 我喜欢一只橙色的鸭子。

-Here you are. 给你。

6 -What colour do you like? 你喜欢什么颜色?

-I like blue. 我喜欢蓝色。

7 What colour is …… 这是什么颜色?

-It’s red/blue/black……?是红/……色

Unit 7 Fruit (Lesson37~Lesson42)


水果:banana, apple, peach, melon, pear, orange, grape(s)(葡萄), strawberry, pineapple(菠萝)


1 -May I have two apples,please?

-Here you are.

-Thank you.

2 -What do you draw here?

- One banana.

3 -A gift for you.

-Thank you.

4 -What is it? -It’s a book.

Unit 8 Revision (Lesson43~Lesson48)


old, sweet, come, along, eleven, want, help, find


1 -How many brown monkeys (can you see)?


2 -How old are you? -I’m two.

3 -Do you like bananas?

-Yes,I like sweet bananas.

4 -Let’s count. -one two three four……

5 -Who is Come along. Stand here.

257 评论


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