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五至六年级学生以i love my family为主题进行了手抄报创作.国公营小学五年级英语手抄报活动my familymyfamily英语手抄报国公营小学五年级英语手抄报活动my familymy family手抄报版面设计图 - 英语手抄报 - 老师板报网上旬月份举行了英语手抄报比赛这次比赛以i love my family为主题my family 我爱我家英语手抄报英语手抄报图片-我爱英语学校英语主题国公营小学五年级英语手抄报活动my family家庭英语手抄报-my happy family英语四年级myfamily手抄报 四年级英语手抄报二年级小朋友的myfamily英语手抄报以我爱英语为主题的英语手抄报 我爱英语手抄报myfamily主题手抄报 手抄报模板大全手绘清新简单myfavoritefood英语手抄报英语手抄报myfamily英语手抄报myfamily英语手抄报图片以family为主题的英语手抄报英语手抄报英语手抄报ilovemyfamilymy family英语手抄报

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I love my happy family

Some people think that home is a luxury villa, an expensive BMW car, a pile of never spend " *** all red shrimp", and I think, home is a family to love and to cherish, happy, happy harmony. Where there is love only home.

A warm and happy family. Every day, when the earth was still sleeping. My dad got up early, I do a delicious meal, color, flavor and taste, let my taste in the mouth open; mother early will I cry, for fear that I am greedy bed, let me take exercise, want to let me have a healthy body; dad every day, rain or shine, bears the burden of responsibility to send me to school, never let me be late; every night before I go to bed, my mother would be to my bed to plug a steaming hot water bag, a warmth spread throughout the body, let me quickly to sleep...

I remember once, father, mother had to send me to school. When cold, the north wind roar, the wind roar, I see my mother would greet me in the past, take off her thick coat, said: "the weather is too cold, you wear it." See mother wearing a thin unlined garment, I endure the cold, quickly said: "no, I'm not cold." Then, I jump on my bike. On the way home, the wind picked up, my mother said to me: "you're concerned about the hat." I know my mother in front of more than I am sure cold, did not take his hat, give her mother wearing a hat.

My family everyone love each other and help each other, full of warmth. I love my happy family.

Elegant rich family. In my family, every night, the table must be unshakable sat three bookworm. I put the book on the table, sit, hands on the pages of the book, reading quietly, immersed in the fairy tale world. Mom sat across from me, her hands holding the book in English, yaotouhuangnao whispered. Sometimes even while looking up the dictionary, while taking a pen to make ments. Between me and mom and Dad, he pushed the book, immersed in a symbol of war in ancient China historical novels. SA we are reading are fascinated, especially me, at home, I was reading a book, my mom told me to eat, call several voice I don't promise, must let mother lioness's roar, I can respond to e over.

In the course of reading, the exchange is unavoidable, the exchange is a poem, the exchange is a song, the exchange is a lamp. We often exchange own experience and the content of the book, also often for the hero's life experience. Every time my mother didn't want to talk, she said, "I don't have a culture. I don't understand!" I think of this poem: dark plum lying spring flowers Youwen, lying branches injury hate bottom, lying away from the *** ell of water, easily reached through spring green. "I'm stupid" I did not culture, I am a very low IQ, ask who I am, a big ass. Our family will set the whole room roaring with laughter. I love my home is full of rich scholarly.

Laughter home. My dad is a master of humor, my mom is a super edian, and I am a happy bean. We together travel over land and water travel, happy to play together, and sang together, together happy party...... There is joy in my family, I love my happy home.

Separating the "family" English the word "Family", that is "Father and mother I love you". Translated into Chinese is "father and mother I love you." I said to the parents: I love you mom and dad! I love our home!

I love my family我爱我家

Everyone has their own home. I have a warm happy and harmonious happy family, I love my family.

I have a warm and happy family. I love my mom and dad are special. My father is very good, is very kind, never lose his temper with me. Whenever I encounter obstacles in learning, and my father will take great pains over and over for me to explain, until I understand so far. Mother in the life is more meticulous care and care for me. When I came home from school, my mother always put food on the table and do a good job waiting for me back, I was hungry. Our mother every day to be clean, three days a sweep, two days a *** all sweep. When I'm outside encounter difficulties or injustice is mom and dad for me to solve problems, they taught me how to behave, and they let me know the way of life can not be plain sailing.

I have a happy family. In my home, my father, my mother. Father and mother's feelings are very good, almost no quarrel. Dad has a good cook. As long as he was free, went to the kitchen to cook several dishes for me and my mom, what fish braised in brown sauce, eggplant puree, fish flavored pork... It is the color *** ell and taste, often gives me an appetite. Mum mum love music, sing great songs. In our home often can hear the mother's voice, and sometimes in order to be active and active atmosphere, my father and I will also act as her loyal fans, the home will often be heard bursts of laughter. When I get good grades, mom and dad will praise me, encourage me, let me continue to work hard, I hope to do the best. These results in addition to the teacher's credit, of course, also cannot do without careful training of mom and dad.

Spare time after dinner, our home is more enjoyable. At this time, we will each reading a book you love reading. My mother and I often put the book in the beautiful words written down, and then municate with each other. At this moment, I feel no more happiness than this. What.

This is my home. A warm and happy and harmonious happy family, I love my family.


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