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越来越多的年轻朋友都会在有空的时候找一些关于名人励志的英文小 故事 来看,那么名人励志英文小故事都有哪些呢?一起来看看吧。 名人励志英文小故事篇1:罗琳的神来之笔 ——The Magic Pen of J. K. Rowling Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born in England in 1965, and wrote her first story at the age of six. She was in her mid-20s when the idea for the Harry Potter novels came to her, during a long train ride. By the end of that journey, she says, the character of Harry and the school for wizards which he attends were more or less fully formed in her mind. 乔安妮·凯瑟琳·罗琳1965年在英国出生,六岁时写了她的第一篇故事。二十四五岁时,在一次长途火车旅行中,她有了写《哈利波特》这部小说的想法。她说,旅途结束时,哈利这个角色和他就读的魔法学院或多或少已在她脑海中成形了。 It would be several years, however, before the novel was completed. By that time, Rowling had been through a failed marriage. Living on welfare as a single parent, she wrote about Harry Potter while sitting in an Edinburgh cafe with her daughter asleep beside her. She could not have dreamed of the fame and success which Harry would bring her in the years to come. 然而,这部小说的完成却是几年以后的事。当时罗琳经历了一次失败的婚姻。作为一个靠救助金生活的单亲母亲,她坐在爱丁堡的咖啡馆中写着《哈利波特》,女儿睡在她的身旁。她绝对想不到,哈利竟会在以后的岁月里给她带来如此的名誉和成功。 Harry Potter is not your average superhero. He is 12 years old, skinny, wears glasses, and tends to worry a lot. Yet, he has captured the imagination of children and adults the world over, and has introduced millions to the joys of reading. 哈利波特可不是一个普通的超级英雄。他12岁,瘦削,戴副眼镜而且常常发愁。然而,他却抓住了全世界 儿童 和成人的 想象力 ,带给千万人阅读的乐趣。 Harry's appeal stems from his role as a very ordinary boy who finds himself in extraordinary situations. Orphaned as a baby, Harry spends the next 10 years being mistreated by the awful relatives with whom he lives. On his 11th birthday, he learns that he possesses magical powers and is admitted for training at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 哈利的魅力来自于他的角色,一个发现自己身处不寻常境遇中的平凡男孩。从小就是孤儿的哈利,在寄居的亲戚家中遭受了十年的虐待。在11岁生日那天,他得知他拥有魔法的力量,并被获准进入霍格沃茨魔法学校学习。 The adventures of Harry and his friends at the school are superbly narrated by J. K. Rowling. She manages to lead her millions of readers deep into the world of the supernatural, while at the same time dealing with the fears and emotions of the ordinary human world. Many feel that this is the real magic of Harry Potter. . J. K.罗琳精采地讲述了哈利和他的朋友在学校的冒险。她设法让数百万的读者深入到一个超自然的世界,同时也触及了人间的恐惧和情感。许多人觉得这才是《哈利波特》真正的魔力所在。 名人励志英文小故事篇2:亨利福特 When Henry ford decided to produce his famous v-8 motor, he chose to build an engine with the entire eight cylinders cast in one block, and instructed his engineers to produce a design in one for the engine. The design was placed on paper, but the engineers agreed, to a man, that it was simply impossible to cast an eight-cylinder engine-block in one piece. Ford said, “Produce it anyway.” “But,” they replied, “It’s impossible!” “Go ahead.” Ford commanded, “And stay on the job until you succeed, no matter how much time is required.” The engineers went ahead. There was nothing else for them to do, if they were to remain on the ford staff. Six months passed and nothing happened. Another six months passed, and still nothing happened. The engineers tried every conceivable plan to carry out the orders, but the thing seemed out of the question:“impossible!” At the end of the year ford checked with his engineers, and again they informed him they had found no way to carry out his orders. “go right head,” said ford, “I want it, and I’ll have it.” They went ahead, and then, as if by a stroke of magic, the secret was discovered. The ford determination had won once more! This story may not be described with minute accuracy, but the sum and substance of it is correct. Deduce from it, you who wish to think and grow rich, the secret of the ford millions, if you can. You’ll not have to look very far. Henry ford was successful, because he understood and applied the principles of success. One of these is desire: knowing out the lines in which the secret of his stupendous achievement have been described. If you can do this, if you can lay your finger on the particular group of principles which made Henry ford rich, you can equal his achievements in almost any calling for which you are suited. 亨利福特在要制造有名的v8汽缸引擎汽车时,曾指示他手下的工程师着手设计一种引擎,要把八个汽缸全放在一起。设计的纸上作业完成了,但是工程师们都异口同声地跟福特说,“要把八个汽缸全放在一起,压根是不可能。” 福特说:“无论如何都要做出来。” 他们又回答:“但是,那不可能啊!” “动手做。”福特一声令下, “不论花多少时间,做到交差为止!” 工程师只得着手去做。如果他们还想呆在福特的公司里讨生活,就别无他途可行,值得去做。过了半年,没有动静。又过了半年,一样没有半点进展。工程师们试过了所有想得出来的计划去执行命令,结果仍然是:“不可能!” 过了一年,福特的工程师们都没有进展,他们再次告诉他,他们想不出有什么办法可以做到的指示。 “继续做,”福特说。“我要八汽缸引擎,就一定要做到!” 他们继续努力,然后仿佛如有神助似的,做法出笼了。 福特的决心又打赢了一仗。 这个故事也许说的不够详尽,但是故事的内容却都是“如假包换”的。要想致富的你,从这个故事可以推算出福特百万家财的秘密何在。务须舍近求远,就在眼前。 亨利福特了解成功的原则,也运用了这些原则,所以他成功了。这些原则中,有一项就是渴望:知道自己要做的是什么。阅读这篇 文章 时,请牢记这则福特的故事,时时在字里行间寻找他了不起的原因。只要你能做到,能正确无误地指认出福特所运用的原则,就几乎可以在适合自己的任何行业里,和他一样地出类拔萃。

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《左忠毅公逸事》:先君子尝言:乡先 辈左忠毅公视学京黯,” 一日风雪严寒,从数骑 出,微行入古寺,民下 一生伏案卧,”文方成 草。公阅毕,即解貂覆 生,为掩户。叩之寺僧, 则史公可法也。及试, 吏呼名至史公,公霍然 注视;呈卷,即面署第 一。召入使拜夫人,曰: “吾诸儿碌碌,他日继 吾志事,惟此生耳。”及左公下厂狱,史 朝夕狱门外。逆闭防伺 甚严,”虽家仆不得近。 久之,闻左公被炮烙,” 旦夕且死,持五十金, 涕泣谋于禁车,卒感 焉。一日使史更敝衣草 履产背筐,手长钮广为 除不洁者。引入,微指 左公处,则席地倚墙而 坐,面额焦烂不可辨, 左膝以下,筋骨尽脱 矣。史前跪,抱公膝而 呜咽。公辞其声,而目 不可开,乃奋臂以指拨 眺/目光如炬,怒日:“庸奴I此何地也,而汝 来前!国家之事,糜烂 至此,老夫已矣,汝复 轻身而昧大义,天下事 谁可支拄者?不速去, 无侯奸人构陷,吾个即 扑杀汝卜’因模地L刑 械,作投击势。史噗不 敢发声,趋而出。后常 流涕述其事以请人曰: “吾师肺肝,皆铁石所 铸造也!累硕末,流贼张献 忠出没预、黄、潜、桐 间,“史公以风庐道奉 檄守御。每有警,辄数 月不就寝,使将上更 休,而自坐幄幕外,择 健卒十人,令二人蹲踞 而背倚之,漏鼓移则番 代。每寒夜起立,振衣 裳,甲L冰霜进落,梁 然有声。或劝以少休, 公日:“吾上恐负朝廷, 下恐愧吾师也。”史公治兵,往来桐 城,必躬造左公第,候 太公、太母起居,拜夫 人于堂上。余宗老涂山,左公 甥也,与先君子善,谓 狱中语乃亲得之于史 公云。 【左光斗与史可法】先父曾经说,同乡前辈左忠毅公在京都附近任学政。一天,刮风下雪特别寒冷,几个骑马的随从跟着左公外出,私行察访走进一座古庙。到了堂下小屋里见一个书生趴着桌子睡着了,文章刚成草稿。左公看完了,就脱下貂皮裘衣盖在书生身上,并给他关好门。左公向庙里的和尚了解这个书生,原来就是史可法。等到考试,吏官叫到史可法的名字,左公惊喜地注视着他,他呈上试卷,就当面批点他是第一名。又召他到内室,让他拜见了左夫人,并对夫人说:“我们的几个孩子都平庸无能,将来继承我的志向和事业的只有这个书生了。” 等到左公被送进东厂监狱,史可法早晚守在监狱的大门外边.可恶的太监防范窥伺很严。即使左家的佣人也不能靠近。过了好久,听说左公受到炮烙酷刑,不久就要死了,史可法拿出五十两银子,哭泣着跟看守商量,看守受感动了。一天,看守让史可法换上破旧衣服,穿上草鞋,背着筐,用手拿着长锹,装做打扫脏东西的人,把史可法引进牢房。暗暗地指点左公呆的地方,左公却靠着墙坐在地上,脸和额头烫焦溃烂不能辨认,左边膝盖往下,筋骨全部脱落了。史可法走上前去跪下,抱着左公膝盖就哭泣起来。左公听出是史可法的声音,可是眼睛睁不开,于是奋力举起胳臂用手指拨开眼眶,目光像火炬一样明亮,恼怒地说:“没用的奴才!这是什么地方?可你来到我这里!国家的事情,败坏到了不可收拾的地步,我已经完了,你又轻视自己不明大义,天下事谁能支持呢?还不赶快离开,不要等到坏人捏造罪名来陷害你,我现在就打死你!”于是摸索地上刑具, 做出投打的样子。史可法闭着嘴不敢出声,快步地出来。后来史可法常常流着泪讲述这件事,告诉别人说:“我的老师的肝肺、都是铁石所铸造出来的。” 崇祯末年,张献忠在蕲春、黄冈、潜山、桐城一带活动。史可法凭着凤阳、庐州道员的身份奉命防守御敌。每次有警报,就几个月不能上床睡觉,他让士兵轮番休息,可是自己在帐篷外边坐着。挑选了强健的士卒十人, 命令二人蹲坐着用背靠着他,过了一更就轮番替换一次。每到寒冷的夜晚站立起来,抖动自己的衣裳,铠甲上的冰霜散落下来,像金属响亮的声音。有人劝他稍微休息一下,他说:”我上怕辜负朝廷,下怕愧对我的老师呀!” 史可法指挥军队,往来于桐城。一定亲自到左公府第向太公、太母请安,并到厅堂上拜见左夫人。 我本家的老前辈涂山,是左公的外甥,他和先父很要好,说左公在监狱里对史可法讲的话,是亲耳从史可法那里听到的。

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1、居里夫人Madame Curie

Madame Curie was one of the GREatest scientists in the world. She was born in 1867. She first lived in Poland, then went to France. When she was very young she was interested in science. She worked very hard and discovered the element radium. She received the Nobel Prizes in 1903 and in 1911.

For the last ten years of her life she was almost blind. the radium with which she had worked for many years had caused blindness and illness and finally a disease of the blood. She died in Paris at the age o~ 66.


2、达·芬奇VINCI, Tuscany

Vinci, Tuscany, a famous painter of the renaissance, loved painting from childhood. His father sent him to the famous city of Florence, Italy at that time, to worship the famous painter Flochio as a teacher.

The teacher told him to start with egg painting. He drew one after another for more than ten days. Seeing that he was a little impatient, the teacher said to him: "Don't think it is easy to draw eggs, you know, never two eggs in 1000 are exactly the same. "



When she was a year and a half old, Helen Keller, a blind and deaf American writer and educator, lost her sight and hearing to illness, an unimaginable and unbearable suffering for the average person. But Hailun didn't give in to fate.


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海伦.凯勒 Hellon was one of the greatest writer of the 20th do you know she was she was a little girl she couldn't see any 's so hard for her to learn thing like she made it!Though she could only learn language by her hand , that is to feel the letters which is made for blind people with her didn't see any thing by her eye ,so,why she could write beautiful feel the world with her heart and mind.

355 评论


居里夫人Madame Curie Madame Curie was one of the GREatest scientists in the world. She was born in 1867. She first lived in Poland, then went to France. When she was very young she was interested in science. She worked very hard and discovered the element radium. She received the Nobel Prizes in 1903 and in 1911. For the last ten years of her life she was almost blind. the radium with which she had worked for many years had caused blindness and illness and finally a disease of the blood. She died in Paris at the age o~ 66. Today she is remembered as a GREat scientist. But she is also remembered for her determination and courage. 毛泽东. Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China (1936 ~1976) Chairman of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (1943~1945) and the Central Military Commission (1945 ~1976) Chairman of the Central People's government (1949~1954) and the President of the People's Republic of China (1954 ~1959). 周恩来Zhou Enlai was born in Huai‘an, Jiangsu, on March 5, 1898. In 1917, he finished school in Nankai Middle School, and then went to France to learn Marxist theory. In 1922, he joined the Chinese Communist Party. After that, he was active in his work and directed the Party work in led the famous uprising①----Nanchang Uprising on August 1st, 1927. Then he took part in the Long March. From 1937 to 1945, he worked in South the People‘s Republic of China was founded, he was elected Premier②of China. He put all his heart into the work and always worked until midnight. He had no time to think about himself, but only the Chinese Zhou died on January 8th, 1976. The whole nation was in deep sorrow at his death for he was loved by all the people. Our beloved Premier Zhou will always be alive in our Chinese people‘s hearts. He was a great Marxist and communist.

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Edison spent a whole decade to develop the battery, during which he suffered continuous failures. He insisted on gritting his teeth. After about 50000 tests, he finally succeeded. He invented the battery and was given the title of "king of invention".


Van Gogh's persistent painting dream, although it is a pity that his works were not appreciated by people before his death, he still insisted on his dream and painted the paintings he wanted to paint in an environment where the world ignored and was poor, which is really beyond people's ability.


Marx, the mentor of the world proletarian revolutionary movement, spent more than 40 years on capital and read a lot of materials in the British Museum. A layer of cement was worn off on the concrete floor under his seat. Through his unremitting efforts, Marx finally wrote the capital needed by the proletarians all over the world.


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海伦亨勒,奋斗的人:She fought for women’s rights, crusaded for the causes of workers, promoted equality for minorities, and championed the underprivileged and the oppressed. She also earned several prestigious awards from countries as diverse as Japan, Brazil, and Lebanon. An impressive list of achievements for any human, all this was accomplished by a woman who was blind and deaf. Helen Keller was born a healthy child in 1880 in Alabama. Stricken by illness at the tender age of nineteen months, Helen lost her ability to see, hear, and speak. Growing up unable to comprehend the world around her, Helen became wild and unruly, until her parents found help. They contacted Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, the famous inventor and teacher of the deaf, who introduced them to an institute for the blind in Boston, Massachusetts. A student there, Annie Sullivan, was asked to help. Annie would later become known as the “Miracle Worker.” Annie Sullivan taught Helen how to connect objects with letters by spelling words into Helen’s hands. Helen’s breakthrough came when Annie held her hand under a water pump while spelling “water” into her other hand repeatedly. Helen suddenly understood, and from then on progressed by leaps and bounds. Having mastered both the manual and Braille alphabets, Helen became proficient in reading and writing, and began learning how to speak in 1890. Helen entered Radcliffe College and, assisted by Annie Sullivan, graduated cum laude in 1904. She was the first blind-deaf person ever to graduate from college. Helen Keller spent the rest of her life as a writer, lecturer, and advocate for the deaf and blind and other disadvantaged groups. She traveled to numerous countries on behalf of the disabled, and founded the Helen Keller Endowment Fund for the American Foundation for the Blind in 1930. She died on June 1, 1968, an outstanding example of the unconquerable human spirit. 海伦·凯勒—奋斗的人 她为女权而战、投身工人事业、促进弱势团体平等权利、支持受苦和受压迫的人。她还荣获日本、巴西、黎巴嫩等国颁发的几项荣誉奖。对任何人来说,这都是给人印象深刻的成就,然而这是由一位双眼失明双耳失聪的女人取得的。 1880年,海伦·凯勒在美国的阿拉巴马州出生时是个健康的孩子。可在她19个月大时,她得了一场大病,海伦从此失去了视觉、听觉和说话的能力。在成长的过程中,她无法了解周围的一切,变得狂躁而难以管教,最后她的父母只好求助于他人。 他们和著名的发明家、聋哑教师亚力山大·贝尔博士取得联系之后,被介绍到一家位于马萨诸塞州波士顿的盲人机构。该机构的学生安妮·苏利文应邀提供帮助。她就是后来那位著名的“奇迹创造者”。 苏利文在海伦手上拼字,借此教她如何将物体和字母联系在一起。有一次安妮把海伦的手放在水泵出水口下,并且在她的另一支手上重复拼写 water 的时候,海伦突然明白了,她的学习有了重大突破。从此她进步神速。 海伦在学会了手指拼字法和布莱耶盲人点字法后,她的阅读和书写能力变得熟练起来;1890年,她开始学习说话。后来海伦在苏利文的帮助下,进入拉德克利夫 (Radcliffe) 学院就读,1904年以优异的成绩毕业,她成为第一位大学毕业的盲哑人。 海伦·凯勒的余生都致力于写作和演讲,声援盲人、聋人和其他弱势群体。她代表残疾人,足迹踏遍海外各国,并且在1930年为美国盲人基金会创建了海伦·凯勒捐赠基金。海伦·凯勒于1968年6月1日与世长辞,她可以说是人类不屈不挠精神的最佳典范。

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