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beduetodo意思:按期;按理该做某事;预定要做某事;定于。例句: due to be do.做未到期的事..客人们预计下周到此。(tolamb)thisweek.这头母羊预计本周下羊羔。

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243 评论


be due to do和be due to doing的表现形式不一样。due to 后面加名词或从句是be due to do,due to后面加动名词是be due to doing。

be due to do和be due to doing的意思不一样。be due to do意思是按期,按理该做某事,预定要做某事,定于, be due to doing意思是应当。



due to do意思是按期,按理该做某事,预定要做某事,定于。

例句:Does something before it is due to be do.  做未到期的事。

be due to doing 意思是应当。

例句:The purpose of doing so is due to the following two reasons. 他们这样做的意图与目的基本上有两个方面。


1、作为形容词。表示“应付的,到期的”,如“the rent is due tomorrow 房租明天该付”。表示“应到的,预定的”,如“i am due to speak tomorrow  我预定明天讲话”。

2、作为副词,表示“正(南、北等)”如“sail due east  向正东航行”。

3、作为名词,表示“应得物,应付款数”,多用于短语,“due to表示由于”和“in due course表示到适当时候,及时地”。

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"be due to do"和"be due to doing"两者的区别在于前者表示某人计划或安排要做某事,而后者表示某人计划或安排要进行某个动作或活动。例如,假设有一个会议计划在明天举行:- "I am due to attend the meeting tomorrow."(我计划明天参加会议。)这里使用的是"be due to do",表示某人计划或安排要做某事(参加会议)。- "I am due to be attending the meeting tomorrow."(我计划明天参加会议。)这里使用的是"be due to doing",表示某人计划或安排要进行某个动作或活动(参加会议)。总的来说,"be due to do"强调计划或安排要做某事本身,而"be due to doing"强调计划或安排要进行某个动作或活动。

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due [dju:] n. 应得物、权力, [复]应付款 adj. 应得的, 应付的, 正当的, 预期的, (车、船预定)应到的 due due AHD:[d›, dy›] .[du8, dju8] .[du, dju] adj.(形容词) Payable immediately or on demand. 应付的:可立即支付或应要求可支付的 Owed as a debt; owing: 欠债的;欠付的: the amount still due. 欠付的款额 In accord with right, convention, or courtesy; appropriate: 适当的:符合权力,惯例或礼貌的;适当的: due esteem; all due respect. 应有的评价;全部应有的尊敬 Meeting special requirements; sufficient: 满足特别要求的;充分的: We have due cause to honor them. 我们有充分的理由给予他们荣誉 Expected or scheduled, especially appointed to arrive: 预定的,约定的:预期或预定的,尤指预定到达的: Their plane is due in 15 minutes. 他们的飞机预定在15分钟后到达 Anticipated; looked for: 被期望的: a long due promotion. 盼望已久的提升 Expecting or ready for something as part of a normal course or sequence: 该到的:预料或准备某事作为正常过程或程序的一部分到来的: We're due for some rain. This batter is due for another hit. 很快就会下雨了.击球手已经准备好再挥棒 Usage Problem Capable of being Usage Note at due to 【用法疑难】 因为…引起的参见 due to n.(名词) Something owed or deserved: 应得的东西: You finally received your due. 你终于得到了你应得的 dues A charge or fee for membership, as in a club or organization. dues 会费:对成员资格征取的费用,如俱乐部或某一组织的会费 adv.(副词) Straight; directly: 直接地;直达地: Go due west. 笔直向西走 Archaic Duly. 【古语】 适当地 Middle English 中古英语 from Old French deu [past participle of] devoir [to owe] 源自 古法语 deu [] devoir的过去分词 [欠,负] from Latin d¶¶re} * see ghabh- 源自 拉丁语 d¶¶re} *参见 ghabh- due [dju:; (?@) du:] adj. (常与to连用)欠的;应给的 Our thanks are due to him. 我们要感谢他. (常与for连用)适当的;合适的 due reward 应得的报酬 I am due for a rise in pay. 我应该提工资了. 应付的;到期的 应到的;预期的 When is the steamer due? 这船预定何时到? due n. 应得的东西 to give sb. his due 公平待人 (pl) 税;应交纳的费 harbor dues 港口税 due adv. 正向着(东、南、西、北)方向 due to 因为;由…引起;由于 accidents due to driving at high speed 由于高速开车而引起的交通事故 Her illness was due to bad food. 她的病是坏了的食物造成的. due [dju:] adj. 适当的; 应有的 应做的; 应得的; 正当的; 充分的; 足够的 (车、船等)预定应到的; 约定的; 预定的 应支付的; (票据等)到期的; 期满的 应给予的; 应归于的; 起因于...; 由于 (to) after due discussion 经过充分讨论 due reward 应得报酬 due course of application 正当的申请手续 a mistake due to carelessness 由于粗心而犯的错误 When is the train due at Shanghai? 火车该什么时候到上海? The plane is due at London at five. 飞机定于五点到达伦敦. When is my salary due? 什么时候付我工资? This note will fall [become] due. 这张票据要到期了. Respect is due to teachers. 教师应受尊敬. due [dju:] adv. (罗盘指针、方向等)正(南、北等) drive due east [west] 向正东[西]方行驶 due [dju:] n. 应得物; 应得权益; 正当报酬 [pl. ]应付款; 应付费用(如税、手续费、会费等) duebill [美](以服务抵偿债务的)借约 by due [古、诗]当然 of due [古、诗]当然 fall due 到期, 满期 become due 到期, 满期 for a full due 【航海】完全地, 彻底地; 一劳永逸地 give the devil his due 承认某人的长处 给某人以应得的评价; 公平对待某人 due from 应收 due to 由于; 起因于; 归功于 accounts due 应收到期帐款 amount due 到期金额 anchorage due 碇泊税, 碇泊费 annuity due 期初应付年金 association dues 协会会费 balance due 结欠(金额); 不足额 buoy dues ?晁? canal dues 运河通行费, 运河税 cargo dues 货物港务费 club dues 会费 customary dues 例定规费 customs dues 应付海关费用 date due 到期日期 dock dues 码头费, 船坞费 frontier customs dues 国境关税 harbor dues 港务费, 入港税, 碇泊税 inland customs dues 国内关税 interest due 到期利息 lighthouse dues 灯塔税 money dues 应付款 past due 过期 pier dues 码头税 port dues 港口税, 入港税 postage due 欠资 premium due 到期保险费 quarantine dues 检疫费 quarantine fee 检疫费 registration due 登记税(汽车) tenant's due 租借人负担 tonnage dues 吨位税, 船钞 transit dues 转口税, 过境税 transit duty 转口税, 过境税 due from banks 银行存放同业款 due from foreign banks 存放外国银行款 due from other funds 其它基金欠款 due on demand 活期 due 源自拉丁语debere欠 due equitablefairfittingjustproperrightfulsquareundue

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首先我们来看下be due to do和be due to doing的大致意思:

be due to do:词性为动词短语,be + due to + 动词原形,表示动作或事件的预计或计划。

be due to doing:词性为动词短语,be + due to + 现在分词,表示某事物的原因或原因所在。

通过下面的表格我们了解下be due to do和be due to doing的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下be due to do和be due to doing的用法区别:

1.语法结构:be due to do的动词原形表示动作预计或计划,be due to doing的现在分词表示原因或原因所在。


- I am due to travel tomorrow.


- The project delay is due to them not having enough resources.


2.时间/时间性质:be due to do表示某事物预计或计划要在特定的时间发生或完成,be due to doing表示原因或原因所在与时间无关。


- The plane is due to depart at 4 PM.


- Our success is due to the team's effort.


3.语义解释:be due to do强调预计或计划的结果或效果,be due to doing强调原因或原因所在。


- They are due to complete this project.


- The emergence of this problem is due to a lack of communication.


4.动作性质:be due to do表示任务、工作或行动,be due to doing表示原因或原因所在的状态或行为。


- The report is due to be submitted before Monday.


- His lateness is due to traffic congestion.


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"be due to do" 和 "be due to doing" 的区别在于 "do" 和 "doing" 所表示的动作或行为的状态。"be due to do" 表示计划、安排或义务上即将发生的动作。例如:- 我明天应该去看医生。 (I am due to see the doctor tomorrow.)- 他们下个月计划去旅行。 (They are due to travel next month.)而 "be due to doing" 则表示因为某一行为或状态而导致的结果。例如:- 由于天气变冷,他们计划取消露营。 (Due to the cold weather, they are planning to cancel the camping trip.)- 由于工人罢工,工厂停产了。 (The factory is closed due to the worker's strike.)总而言之,"be due to do" 是指即将发生的动作,而 "be due to doing" 是指因为某种原因导致的结果。

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"Be due to do" 和 "be due to doing" 都表示某件事情预计会发生或安排在将来的某个时间,但用法上略有不同。"Be due to do" 表示某个任务或事件预计会在未来某个时间点发生,通常接一个动词原形,表明将来要完成的动作。例如:- I am due to meet my friend at 7 PM tonight.(我预计今晚7点和朋友见面。)- The train is due to arrive in five minutes.(火车预计将在五分钟内到达。)"Be due to doing" 则表示某个事件或任务预计会在某个时间点开始发生或进行,通常接一个动名词,表明将要进行的动作。例如:- The concert is due to start at 8 PM.(音乐会预计在晚上8点开始。)- The project is due to begin next month.(这个项目预计下个月开始。)总的来说,两者都表示将来发生的事情,但 "be due to do" 更强调动作的完成时间点,而 "be due to doing" 更强调动作的开始时间点。

250 评论


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