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首页 > 英语培训 > 英语对话二人关于环境

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英语对话教学是中学英语教学的重要组成部分,它对提高学生英语口语水平,培养学生的语言交际能力都有很大的作用。在英语教学实践中,由于受到各种因素的影响,对话教学没有得到应有的重视。下面是我精心收集的关于环保的英语对话,希望大家喜欢! 关于环保的英语对话篇一 杰克: I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution. 我觉得我们国家最大的环境问题是空气污染。 凯西: Yes, I agree. The air here is much more polluted than in my country. Of course, my country is more agricultural and has much less industry. 我同意。这里的空气污染比我们国家严重多了。当然,我们国家农业比重比较大.工业比重比较小。 杰克: We have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years, but cars are still a major source of them. Factories have bee cleaner as stricter environment pollution law have been introduced. 我们这些年也在减少有害气体排放量,但是汽车废气排放依然是空气污染的主要原因.随着环境保护法的颁布。工业废气排放没有以前严重了。 凯西: The problem is now on a truly global scale. I don`t believe that any single country can do anything about it. 问题是现在的问题是个全球性问题。我不认为单凭一个国家的力量就能解决问题。 杰克: I think you`re right. There needs to be an international response to this problem.?? 你说得对。环境问题需要全世界的国家负起责任来共同合作解决。 关于环保的英语对话篇二 M: what did you do over the weekend? K: I went a global warming rally in London. It was fantastic to be around so many people whocare about the environment. M: do you think there's anything we can do to reverse the damage that's been done already? K: it might not be possible to fix the problems that we've created for ourselves, but there arelots of things we can do to prevent more damages from happening. M: like what? K: well, we can use public transport instead of taking our cars for a start. M: what else can we do to protect the environment? K: if you do have to drive, you should make sure that your car runs on unleaded petrol. Also,your home should use sources of renewable energy. M: how about recycling? Does that actually help? K: yes. You should take your glass, paper, plastic, cardboard, and tin cans to a recyclingcenter. M: what do you think is the biggest worry for our future? K: I think that the issue of greatest concern is having enough sources of clean water foreveryone. M: I had no idea you were such as environmentalist before! K: to be honest, in order for the earth to continue to be a habitable place, we're all going tohave to bee more interested in the environment. 这个周末你都干什么了? 我到伦敦去参加一个有关全球变暖的 *** .周围有那么多人都在关注环境问题,可真是好事! 我觉得要想逆转目前我们队环境的破坏,有什么能做的吗? 我们自己酿成的恶果已经不大可能解决了,但是为了防止情况继续恶化下去我们还是有很多事情可以做的. 比如那些? 恩,大家可以乘坐公共交通设施代替自驾车. 想要保护环境还有什么其他可做? 如果非开车不可,那一定要用无铅汽油.而且,家里一定要坚持使用可持续能源. 废物回收呢?这有帮助吗? 有的.玻璃,纸张,塑料,硬板纸盒罐头盒都可以送进回收中心. 那你觉得未来最令人担忧的是什么问题? 我觉得最大的问题是是否有足够的水资源够每个人使用. 我以前还真不知道你是个环保主义者. 坦白说,为了让地球能够一直适合人类居住,我们都应该多关注环保问题. 关于环保的英语对话篇三 Interviewer: Today, I'm interviewing nine-year-old Alex about her feelings on how people can help save the environment. So, Alex, how can we save the environment? Alex: By saving water. Interviewer: Well, how can we do that? Alex: By not using too much water when we wash dishes, take a bath, and when we do other things, like watering the plants outside. Interviewer: Oh, I think I can do that. What else? Alex: When drinking or eating something outside, you should keep the garbage until you find a trashcan to put it in because littering makes our planet dirty. Do you like seeing trash all over the ground? Interviewer: No, I don't. Do you have any final suggestions? Alex: Yes. We shouldn't waste paper because trees are being cut down to make the paper. By recycling paper, we save the forests where animals live. Interviewer: So, how can children recycle paper, I mean, everyday? Alex: Well, for example, when I was in kindergarten, I used to save the newspapers so that I could make things make out of them, like paper trees, instead of just throwing them away. Now, the children in our neighborhood collect newspapers once a month to take them to a recycling center. Interviewer: That's great. Well thanks Alex for your ideas. "关于环保的英语对话"的人还:

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Bonny:We are going to do some research on the pollution of the Pearl River. Do you have any idea about it?Jason:Since pollution is one of the biggest problems in the world, I’m sure a lot of people are interested in this :Polluted water is a great danger to people’s health, so I think our work is very :And we can visit some factories along the :Good idea, because factories always pollute the environment by pouring waste water directly into :We can also borrow some books on this and Sarah:OK. Let’s go to the library now.邦妮:我们将做一些关于珠江污染的研究。你是否有一些关于它的主意?贾森:由于污染成为世界上最大难题之一。我肯定许多人对这个论题有兴趣。莎拉:水污染是很损害人们健康的,所以我想我们的工作是很有意义的。邦妮:我们可以参观一下建在河流旁边的工厂。贾森:好主意,因为工厂经常排出的废水直接流进河里污染环境。邦妮:我么也能借一些关于这个论题的书籍。贾森和莎拉:好的。我们现在就去图书馆。

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