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Time flies, today is my work in , the last day of is the first company I work in work in more than three years, I learned a lot, also learned much, here I want to thank everybody for me at work support and helpThank me at the same time, in my work encounter difficulties can timely help solve the problems and handle problems, timely meet the production requirements, the product lineThank my cadre , thank you for your work to my instruction, thank you for all I get to my good, you, I'll remember in heart, very sorry in this time put forward my exit my manager , thank you for the mistakes in my tolerance, thank you after finishing the work in my praise, thank you!Goodbye, my dear friend, goodbye, honorable bossThere is an opportunity, we long contact!

354 评论


The time flies, today are I work last day in (company), (company) is the first company which I work, in (company) works more than 3 years, I have learned many, also has understood many, must thank everybody in here me and helps to me during the work support to thank my, when I work encounters the difficulty can the prompt help solve the problem, the processing question, prompt met production line's production need, thanked me the cadre (personal name), thanked you in the work for mine instruction, thanked you to strive for meAll, you to my good, I will engrave on one's memory, was sorry very much in this time proposed I will leave job the application. thanks me the manager (personal name), thanks you when I make mistakes the containing, thanks you after I complete the work the praise, thanks you! goodbye, the dear friend, goodbye, respectable boss had the opportunity, we long relate!

211 评论


楼主说的是很久之后才见面的说法,还可以说さらばた 对于经常见面, じゃね 比较常用 还有就是 じゃ、また 这个比较随意では、また 这个比较正式また 明日(あした)明天见

167 评论


上级没走你就要走了时对领导 お先(さき)に失礼(しつれい)します。 先失礼了对一般同事では、じゃ、また明日(あした)。那么明天见 では,また,じゃ是简略说法对亲近的朋友バイバイ 拜拜 外来语

259 评论



146 评论


1、邪魔しました。/失礼しました。(真是打扰您了)正式场合,或拜访他人时的告别用语 2、では、お先に~(那我就先走了)和公司熟悉的同事或上司 3、じゃ、今日はこれで (那今天就到这里)用于公司中和熟悉的同事,或上司对下属 4、さようなら。 年轻人常用,由于有“永别”的意思,不要轻易对家人或是年长的人使用 5、バイバイ~ 同样是年轻人用语,和朋友是告别用 6、いってきます/いってまいります。(一般翻译为“我走了”)和家人短暂告别(出家门),因有事暂时离开公司和同事告别 7、じゃ・では 很省略的用法,和朋友说“じゃね~”也很好 8、また明日~(明天见) 基本除了非正式场合都能用() 9、さらばだ 这个说法个人感觉不常用,和关系很好的朋友可以这么开玩笑似的说 ,或者说得很老气也可以(老人/牛人用语?)然后把以上有些情况排列组合~很多种说法啊实际上,日本人很少用“さようなら”表示普通情况下的“再见”(年轻人除外)

180 评论


Dear XXX, Thanks for giving us some much support and help in our last cooperations. It is a pity for us to know that you resigned from your company. I do hope that you will have a promising future in your new position. Wheneve you need my help, please don't hesitate to let me know. I will spare no effort to satisfy your requirement. I wish you all the best. Best regards, xxxx

140 评论



96 评论


Time flies like an arrow, today is my (company) the last day of work, (company) is the first company I work in (company) in the 3 years of work, I learned a lot, learned a lot, here, I would like to thank you for my work on the support and helpThanks I at the same time, when I am having difficulty working to help solve the problem, problems, meet the production needs of the production line in time,Thanks to my cadre (name), thank you for give me guidance on the work, thank you for everything I fight for you on my good, I will to heart, I am sorry at this time I leave the to my supervisor (name), thank you I made a mistake in the inclusive, thank you after I have finished the work's praise, thank you!Goodbye, dear friend, goodbye, respectable bossGiven the chance, we long to contact!

243 评论


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