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There are some ways to reuse the wastes. The used plastic bags can be used to contain our family rubbish. The empty tins can be made into ashtrays. We can also make the used bottles into different kinds of handiwork. That will make our rooms more beautiful. If we don't know how to reuse the wastes, we can sell them to the recycling station. There are many other ways to reuse the wastes. If we try our best to recycle the wastes, there will be less waste and less pollution in our life. To cherish the environment is to love ourselves.废物再利用 我们在日常生活中产生少许多废物,比如像用过的纸张飞旧报纸、用过的塑料袋、罐头筒、瓶子等等。所以充分利用废品是十分重要的。 有许多废品再利用的方法。用过的塑料袋可以用来装家里的垃圾;空罐头盒可以制成烟灰缸。我们也可以将用过的瓶子制成各种各样的手工艺品,把我们的房间装扮得更美。 如果我们不知道如何再利用废品,我们可以将它买到废品收购站去。 还有许多废物再利用的方法。如果我们能尽力将废品回收再利用,那废品将会大量减少,我们周围的污染也会大大减轻。 爱护环境就是爱护我们自己。

313 评论



The resources of the earth are limited. We should cherish and cherish these resources. So we're going to do garbage sorting, and reuse the available resources again.


At home, remind everybody garbage classification, water bottles, cans, such as waste paper packed together to sell, resources recycling, and made money, the waste batteries, cartridges, etc in the recycling bins. In school, you can reuse and reuse garbage, put in two different trash cans, one is recyclable and one is unrecyclable. Learn from your classmates and discuss ways to classify rubbish. In the suburbs, we will use two bags to classify garbage, pick up the garbage that we see and classify it, so that it is the best young pioneers. This allows you to easily categorize.


Everyone is sorting garbage, and the earth is beautiful. We will see the thick wood, the clear water, the blue sky and the blue sea, everyone has a sweet smile.




With the development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the problem of "garbage besieged city" has become increasingly prominent. Everyone will throw out a lot of garbage every day, but there are few cases of garbage classification. Last Sunday, I came to a nearby village to do a small survey of garbage classification.


As soon as I entered the village, I found that there were many health dead spots in the village. The back streets and alleys were full of garbage, and the garbage cans were stinking. "How do you deal with the garbage in your house?" I visited several families randomly and got the same answer: "let's throw the garbage together and let the garbage truck take it away."


There are many rubbish in our daily life. They come from different places and pass by different people's hands. Many people throw some recyclable things into the garbage can no matter what they are, which is very wasteful. In addition, garbage piles up to destroy our living environment, even affect human health, which is very harmful


Therefore, I think each department can go to some public places or communities for publicity and education. Through holding some garbage classification knowledge competitions, we encourage everyone to actively participate in and really attach importance to it, so that people can fully understand the methods and significance of garbage classification.


To promote garbage classification, we must start from me!

We make a lot of garbage every day. How do we deal with it? After reading the publicity materials given to us by the teacher, I know that the garbage will be transported to the garbage dump first, and then sent to other places for treatment. There are two ways of treatment, one is landfill, the other is incineration. The cost of landfilling is very expensive, and a large amount of land is occupied. It costs 200 to 300 yuan to process a ton of garbage. The most commonly used is incineration. Although incineration does not occupy the land, a large number of highly toxic carcinogens will be discharged from the incineration waste, which can cause bronchitis, asthma and other diseases.

In order to reduce the harm of garbage disposal to human beings, we now advocate garbage classification and less production of domestic garbage. Now, there are many wastes that can be recovered from incineration and landfill. Good waste classification can not only reduce the pollution of incineration, but also save land. It can also turn the cost into a treasure. The benefits of waste classification are endless.

There are four kinds of garbage classification, one is recyclable garbage, the other is kitchen waste, the other is harmful garbage, and the other is other garbage. Recyclable waste is recyclable, such as waste plastic, waste paper, waste metal, waste glass. Kitchen waste is rice, pasta expired food, fruits, bones and so on. Hazardous waste is paint, batteries, pesticides, etc. Other rubbish is quilts, schoolbags, clothes, etc. To classify garbage, remember that blue is recyclable garbage, green is kitchen waste, red is harmful garbage, and gray is other garbage. Waste classification can reduce the consumption of resources, avoid the pollution caused by landfill and incineration, and turn waste into treasure. Making recyclable waste into something else is a good renewable resource.

A lot of things can be recycled to make another thing. For example, the lunch box can be made into artificial wood, and the glass can be made into new glass Garbage classification should start from me and turn garbage into treasure!


我们每天都会制造大量的垃圾,这些垃圾是如何处理的呢?看过老师给我们的宣传资料,我知道这些垃圾先运到垃圾堆放场,才送去别处进行处理。处理的方式有两种,一种是填埋,另一种是焚烧。填埋的费用很昂贵, 还要占用大量的土地,处理一吨垃圾要用人民币200元至300元。用得最多的是焚烧,焚烧虽然不占据土地,但焚化后的垃圾会排出大量的剧毒致癌物质,能让人导致支气管炎,哮喘等疾病。




222 评论



194 评论


There are some ways to reuse the wastes. The used plastic bags can be used to contain our family rubbish. The empty tins can be made into ashtrays. We can also make the used bottles into different kinds of handiwork. That will make our rooms more beautiful. If we don't know how to reuse the wastes, we can sell them to the recycling station. There are many other ways to reuse the wastes. If we try our best to recycle the wastes, there will be less waste and less pollution in our life. To cherish the environment is to love ourselves.

废物再利用 我们在日常生活中产生少许多废物,比如像用过的纸张飞旧报纸、用过的塑料袋、罐头筒、瓶子等等。所以充分利用废品是十分重要的。 有许多废品再利用的方法。用过的塑料袋可以用来装家里的垃圾;空罐头盒可以制成烟灰缸。我们也可以将用过的瓶子制成各种各样的手工艺品,把我们的房间装扮得更美。 如果我们不知道如何再利用废品,我们可以将它买到废品收购站去。 还有许多废品再利用的方法。如果我们能尽力将废品回收再利用,那废品将会大量减少,我们周围的污染也会大大减轻。 爱护环境就是爱护我们自己。

There are some ways to reuse the wastes. The used plastic bags can be used to contain our family rubbish. The empty tins can be made into ashtrays. We can also make the used bottles into different kinds of handiwork. That will make our rooms more beautiful. If we don't know how to reuse the wastes, we can sell them to the recycling station. There are many other ways to reuse the wastes. If we try our best to recycle the wastes, there will be less waste and less pollution in our life. To cherish the environment is to love ourselves。

First. 先用线穿过纸卷心,我用纸卷的心做了一个简易的抹布架,this is from the middle through recycling:今天优质解答 oday,把抹布从中间穿过,my paper roll heart made a summary of the cloth! 翻译,through the papers by the end of the line in a nail,hang dishcloth,把线的一头挂在钉子上,这样就是废物利用了。

I love study. I have a pencil case . I like it very much, beacause it is the gift of my birthday. And I have three pens and a red put away all of them into my schoolbag after I have finished my homework in the evening. I will try my best to finish my homework by using of them and to study better.。


They e to know that recycling is an important part of the conservation ofresources. 2我们要废物利用,降低成本。We should make use of the waste material and reduce the cost of 很多公司现在正尝试废物利用或是寻找其它处置废弃料的办法。

Companies are now trying to recycle their waste or find other ways of disposing oftheir by-products. 4废物利用可以使我们周围的环境越来越干净。Using waste can make the environment around us cleaner and cleaner. 5城市剩余污泥和当地酒精厂工业废料酒精糟液共厌氧达到了废物利用的功效,为城市剩余污泥的工业化应用提供了依据。

The codigestion on WAS and alcohol draff reached the reuse level of waste, whichprovided the basic experimental data for industrial application of anaerobicdigestion on WAS。.。


They e to know that recycling is an important part of the conservation ofresources.



We should make use of the waste material and reduce the cost of production.



Companies are now trying to recycle their waste or find other ways of disposing oftheir by-products.



Using waste can make the environment around us cleaner and cleaner.



The codigestion on WAS and alcohol draff reached the reuse level of waste, whichprovided the basic experimental data for industrial application of anaerobicdigestion on WAS.

The longing summer vacation is approaching, it is the best part of the school year for me. I cannot let the holidays elapse meaninglessly,my vacation should be a phase of harvest. The events in my plan should give me a sense of infinite potential.

The following plan may reveal the intensity of my desire to travel, work and study in this vacation. In the first few days I want to climb Mount Huang Shan with several friends to refresh ourselves. Then I tend to visit relatives,senior school teachers and former clas *** ates. Besides,to find out the best ways to cultivate my abilities,I will find a part time job and conduct some social investigation.


1、waste reuse


3、Reuse the Wastes


1、waste reuse

英文发音: [weɪst ˌriːˈjuːs]


Also can crush construction waste reuse, etc.









Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps.


3、Reuse the Wastes

英文发音:[ˌriːˈjuːs ðə weɪsts]



There are many other ways to reuse the wastes.







Try where possible to reuse paper.


The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste


1. Use rubbish and accelerate cycle economy development


2. “ i think recycling is a good idea

“我觉得废物利用是个好主意。 ”

3. The methods used have helped enormously in cutting out deadwood


4. Not only do you help recycle a used item , but you also encourage your child ' s imagination and creativity


5. With this simple idea in mind we can play our part in helping to save the environment even on the happiest days of the year


6. We promote the principle of reduce , reuse and recycle to our staff and encourage them to practise it in daily work


7. Like our agricultural minister margaret beckett , i want to tackle the waste and excesses of agricultural protectioni ***

同我国的农业大臣margaret beckett一样,我希望解决废物利用问题及过渡的农业保护问题。

8. Here you can learn about the 3r concept reduce , reuse and recycle , and what you can do to reduce waste on festive occasions

本文将介绍三用原则(即物尽其用、废物利用及循环再用) ,以及如何在庆祝节日时减少废物。

9. The grid s nodes can be salvaged scavenged client or server machines that offer resources only when otherwise idle


121 评论


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