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A:Welcome back! How was your vacation?欢迎回来!假期过得怎么样?

B:It was fantastic, but I'm glad to be back! Being a tourist is really tiring!好极了。不过回到家我还是很高兴。毕竟出门旅游还是挺累的。

A:Where did you end up going?那你后来决定去哪里了?

B:Because it's off-season, we got a really good package deal to Paris, so we went there.由于属于旅游淡季,我们赶上了一个去巴黎的特别优惠的旅游团,所以我们就去那儿了。

A:I've always wanted to go to Paris. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world! Did you go to the top?我一直都很想去巴黎。埃菲尔铁塔是世界上最的名胜之一!你登到塔顶了吗?

B:That was the first thing we did. I have a few pictures. Do you want to seet them?我们第一站就是去那儿。我拍了一些照片。你想看看吗?

A:Sure. What's this one a picture of?当然。这张拍的是什么?

B:Oh, that's a picture of me on our fourth day of travelling. I'm standing next to a famous founation in the centre of the city.这是我在旅游第四天拍的。我站在市中心一个特别有名的喷泉旁边。

A:You don't look very happy in that picture.你看起来怎么高兴啊?

B:No,by that time, I was sick of sightseeing. I had had enough of art galleries, cathedrals, fountains, statues, and palaces!不是,那时候我对观光已经有点腻了。我参观了太多的美术馆,教堂,喷泉,雕像和宫殿!

A:So what did you do?那你怎么办?

B:We spent that afternoon walking around a flea market. We had a few coffees, watched a movie, and went for a swim in the pool at the hotel.那天下午我们去逛了逛跳蚤市场。喝咖啡,看电影,然后回酒店泳池游了泳。

A:My travel agent always reminds me to plan a day of relaxing for every 3 days of sightseeing. Did you go to the Louvre?我参加的旅行社总是提醒我每观光3天就要腾出一天时间来放松身心。你们去卢浮宫了吗?

B:Of course! You can't go to Paris without going to their famous art gallery! I was surprised by how small the Mona Lisa was though.当然去了!去巴黎怎么能不去最有名的美术馆呢!但是蒙娜丽莎那幅画怎么那么小啊,真让我大吃一惊。

A:That's what everyone says! I can't wait to see it for myself some day.每个去过的人都这么说!我已经等不及了,一定要找时间亲自去看一看!

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Ann: Today is not so hot. Lucky! Lily: Yes, I agree. Ann: It is growing cool. Lily: The vacation is on the way. Do you have any plan? Ann: Not yet. And you? Lily: Go back grandpa’s home. Ann: That is good. Lily: He is old now, but my aunts and uncles are all out. He is will go back to look after him. Ann: Why doesn’t he live with you? Lily: He doesn’t like city life. He was born there and grew there. He loves there. 希望我的回答对你有帮助并采纳哦 O(∩_∩)O~~~~Thank U

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What will you do this summer vacation? 这个暑假你干什么? Sophie: What will you do this summer vacation? Billy: I'll learn magic tricks. Billy: What about you, Sophie? Sophie: I'll go on a trip. : Sounds great! Where? Sophie: I'll go to New York with my family. Billy: What's your summer plan, : Well...I'll visit my grandparents. Billy: Great! Where do they live? : They live next to my room. We live together! 苏菲:这个暑假你干什么? 比利:我要学习魔术。 比利:你呢,苏菲? 苏菲:我会去旅行。 X先生:好极了!去哪里? 苏菲:我会和我的家人去纽约。 比利:X先生,你的暑假计划是什么? X先生:嗯......我会去看我的祖父母。 比利:太好了!他们住在哪里? X先生:他们住在我的房子旁边。我们住在一起!

212 评论


(不好意思,刚刚看见你的问题,回答晚了。以下小对话,仅供参考)Xiao Li met Xiao Ma in their classroom:小李在他们的教室里碰到了小马。Li: "Xiao Ma, what are you planing to do in this summer holiday?"李:“小马,这个暑假里你计划做什么?” Ma: "I want to visit Qingdao with my family." 马:“我想和我们全家一起访问青岛。”Li: "Are you going to fly there?"李:“你们是要飞过去吗?” Ma: "No, we are taking a train, and we can enjoy lots of beautiful scenes on the way."马:“不,我们要坐火车去。这样一路上我们可以欣赏许多美景。”Li: "What are you doing in Qingdao?"李:“你们在青岛都做些什么呢?”Ma: "We will spend a week there on the beach, sea-swimming, and enjoy the great view from the top of Lao Shan. What about you?"马:“我们要在青岛停留一个星期,去海滩上玩,在海里游泳,还要爬到崂山顶上欣赏那里壮观的景色。你呢?”Li: "I will stay home, take a good rest."李:“我要呆在家里,好好休息一下。“Ma: "Yes. I think you had too many sport competitions this year." 马:“是啊,我觉得你在这一年里参加了太多的体育比赛。“Li: "Even so, I will need to further practice the badminton skill to prepare for the school's Automn Games."李:“即使是这样,我还需要进一步训练羽毛球技巧,以准备学校的秋季运动会。”Ma: "That was amazing. What about your homework?"马:“真不简单!那你的作业怎么办?“Li: "Yes. You reminded me that I have to finishing all summer homeworks, in addition to the missing work due to the matches."李:“真的,你倒是提醒我了。我还要完成所有的暑假作业,并要补上因比赛而落下的功课。”Ma: "Well, take a good rest, and I will bring you a very beautiful sea shell from Qingdao." 马:“那你就好好休息吧。我会从青岛给你带回一个漂亮的贝壳的。“Li: "Great. I am also looking forward to hearing some interesting stories from you, and don't forget to take lots of pictures to show me."李:“太好了。我还等着你有趣的故事呢。别忘了多照些照片带回给我看看。”Ma: "Deal."马:“一言为定。”

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