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祝你全家,身体康健。I wish you and your family good health. 在新的一年开启新的希望,新的空白承载新的梦想。In the new year, we can open up new hope and new blank to carry new dreams. 希望2022过的五颜六色,而不是乱七八糟。Hope 2022 is colorful, not messy. 祝福随风来,愿你新年新气象,越过越精彩!Wish you the best in the New Year! 你好,2022!愿新的一年,所有美好,皆为序章。Hello, 2022! May the New Year be a prelude to all good things. 祝各位红红火火,顺顺利利,大吉大利,财运滚滚!I wish you prosperity, good luck and good fortune! 睡个懒觉,疲倦甩掉,愿悠闲与你共奔跑。Sleep in, get rid of tiredness, and run with you. 送上发财鱼一条,祝你年年发财,年年有余,招财进宝庆新年。Id like to send you a fortune fish. I wish you a fortune every year. I hope you can get rich every year. Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year. 祝福您,新年快乐。 A happy New Year to you. 恭贺新年。

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The New Year, offer best wishes to you。


Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year。


May the glow of New Year candle bring you peace and joy, wish your New Year be filled with love。


On this special day I send you New Year wishes, and hope that some day soon we shall be together。


The New Year, new wish, new hope, new life, I wish you a New Year, New Year, new life is good, good, good!


All the splendor in the world is not worth a bosom friend。 In the old days, I wish you all good!


In the season of joy I present my sincerest wishes and kindest thoughts。 May this New Year outshine all the rest。


Give you a bowl of honey, sugar, add salt, separate is salty, meet is sweet, the last to know everything is happy!


To wish your career progresses day by day, New Year's day more has the new atmosphere! In the future in the New Year!


New Year's bell kept on, and my blessing to send。 Words wish: a happy Spring Festival and auspicious New Year!


If tonight the peaceful cantus transflux from your in a dream, so do you think, this is my across the mountains came to your dream。


In the New Year bell, I lifted the cup, any bent crystal thoughts quietly precipitation in the bottom of the cup, deeply wishes you happy!


Have a happy love is, there is a kindness through love and blessings, called peace, friend, wish you a happy life and good luck throughout the year。


Happy New Year! Sincerely wish you: god bless you! God CARES for you! The bodhisattva to love you! The god of wealth follow you! Luck with you!


Strike a chord sincere, remember the bitterness of growing up, the road to success cannot leave you forever, my dear teacher, I wish you happiness forever!


Sweep off a year of tired and dusty, let us work together in the New Year, work hard! Hope everything goes well with you! The Spring Festival, good luck!


To the New Year, New Year, to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, firecrackers, beaming really busy! Send a message to ask sound good, promoting to a higher position backgammon!


Light a little friendship is very true, light point of attachment is very light, light miss very deep, light blessing the most true! I wish you a happy New Year!


New Year's day arrived, wish you in the New Year: career, mood sunny, wages DeFuTianFan, the future unlimited scenery, romantic love, still happy game room。

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240 评论


  • 英语问候的回答

    别无疑问 how do you do 不要把how do you do  和 how are you 混淆了。How do you do ? 你好!用于两人初次

    梦梦890505 3人参与回答 2024-06-11
  • 英文新年问候语

    1、新年到了,祝你拥有白雪公主的美丽。 The new year is coming. I wish you the beauty of snow white.

    一缕青丝万缕愁 3人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 英文新年问候

    新年来临,新年在即,我祝福你:天赐平安!悄悄带给你幸福甜美、幸运快乐!以下是“英语过年祝福语”希望能够帮助到您! 1、祝你享尽新年佳节快乐和新年礼品。

    星愿乐活 3人参与回答 2024-06-11
  • 英语新年问候

    导语:酒越久越醇,水越流越清,世间沧桑越流越淡,朋友情谊越久越真。衷心祝福吾友度过一个祥和美满的新年!以下是我为大家整理分享的过年英文祝福语,欢迎阅读参考。 1

    洋洋捌月 3人参与回答 2024-06-12
  • 英语问候语回答

    1.-How do you do ! -How do you do !\Fine\Well. 2.-How goes so far?最近怎样?根据你自已

    芬琳漆厦门站 4人参与回答 2024-06-12