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Happinemeans different things to different people. For example, some students believe that if they have much money or a large number of possessions, they will be happy. They believe that they will be able to do anything they want to if they have money.

Some students think that they should be in good health, and enjoy whatever they like. Many students wish to have much wealth from their parents. In this way they don’t have to work hard, and they can have everything. I don’t agree with the above points. We can’t buy many important things with money, such as health, happineand knowledge.

I value knowledge, which makes me happy, for I can do much for mankind with knowledge. Although different people value happinedifferently, my “wealth” of happineis in my study.


Today when people talk about Red Cross Organization, they shake their heads and don’t trust this organization. People react for it originated from about four years ago, at that time, a girl showed off her luxury in the public media, she told people that her father was a member of the Red Cross Organization.

More and more people knew her, they thought they were cheated by the organization, the money they donated was not used in the right way. The incident has a great negative influence on the Red Cross Organization, people don’t trust it any more, they are not willing to donate their money.

As for me, I will not donate money to the organization, I choose to give money to the person who is in need of help, so the money won’t be taken by others, make sure the person get the real money.


When we asks parents for money and for other things, we are so naturally to do it and without thinking too much. If our parents refuse, we will be angry.

But the fact is that they don’t owe us, instead, we owes them and most of us don’t know the meaning of gratitude. Don’t take everything from our parents as a necessary.


When I do well in the exam, I will show my paper to my parents, they are so happy to see me do well in the exam. I want to be happy all the time. But I have put so much pressure on myself.

One day, my parents tell me that they don’t care how I do well in the exam, they just want me to be happy. I know I should relax myself and be happy.


In my eye, my father is so adorable, because he can give me advices and help me to make the best decision. My father experienced a lot. When he graduated from college, his first job was to work in the office, then he found life was boring to sit in the office all the day, so he decided to quit and then started his trip to many places.

My father had been traveled to many places, he opened his vision and then went back home to find another job he liked. When he met my mother, he thought it was time to settle down. I was so interested in his life experience, I couldn’t help thinking what if I go with him. I must will meet many new persons and then see the beautiful scenery.

I want to live as my father, when the time comes, I will travel too.

116 评论


有很多的同学在写英语 作文 的时候,也会写一些经典的议论文,我整理了相关范文,希望会对大家有所帮助!


Many years ago, the movie about the youth became very popular, every year, we can see many hot movies about the protagonist’s passed youth. People like to recall their passed youth, which makes such movies sell good. But I find the common things about these movies, all the protagonists’ youth are about fighting, love and other negative things. I understand the directors’ intention, they want to tell people youth is not perfect and having pities. Of course movie is exaggerating, the real youth is about studying, at least, most people have worked so hard to get into their ideal colleges. What the movies describe make up some people’s youth, for which they don’t have the chance to experience. We should not be misled by these movies, for the teenagers, their job is to study, so that they can have a bright future.



I like English. I think I can share my English learning method with you. First of all, develop interest on English. My way to make it is to watch movies from abroad. At first, I will watch the movie with subtitle. Then I will remove the subtitle, only English left. Gradually, show great interest in English. Secondly, recite vocabularies. Vocabulary is the necessary foundation to start learn English. This time you have to force yourself to remember words. Thirdly, understand basic grammar thoroughly. It is hard for me to understand the meaning of a sentence if I don’t know the basic grammar. Last but not least is to speak more. The basic purpose to learn a language is to communicate. So talk in English as much as you can. And don’t worry about losing face, because everyone makes mistakes. Those are my methods.



Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often

An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money.

Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life.



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高考英语考试时,若是写作题,你会写议论文还是陈书文,亦或是散文?下面是我给大家带来高考英语议论文,供大家参阅! 篇1 It is widely acknowledged that the amount of violence in films and on TV is one of the direct causes that lead to our high crime rate in our society. The voice of demanding the government to control violent scenes in media has been much louder than before. Personally, I totally agree with this voice.论点 First and foremost, violence on TV or in films is often as extreme as possible in order to attract audiences and this will definitely set a bad example for those immature audiences, who lacking correct guidance and are most likely to copy the violent behaviors and mit real violent crimes.论据 For example, teenagers will regard those killers and murderers in the films and on TV as role models and copy their behaviors. It is recently reported in the news that a seventeen-year-old killed his parents out of hatred. Furthermore, media, such as TV or film, is considered as the correct rmation source regulated by the government. It should be reporting and reflecting true phenomena in the society. Violence certainly has to be reported. However, excessive violence is offering misleading rmation to the public. In a word, what the government has to do immediately is to take effective measures to control the amount of violence in media. Only in this way, can our society enjoy high level of security and peace.结论 篇2 The progression of puter is inevitable and undeniable. Nowadays puters also have bee a part of our daily life. Instead of leaving home to go to shop bank and work people can do these at home by clicking the buttons. However, some people hold the opinion that it will cause people isolated from each other and lose social skills. Personally I find it hard for me to agree with this opinion by following reasons In the first instance, puters are tool to munication with people instead of isolation from the world. When we say a person is isolated it means that he is lonely and cut off the world. However, people seldom have this feeling while they are surfing the Internet. On the contrary, people tend to make more friends through the net. Secondly, people also can acquire social skills on Internet. munication on Internet has the same purpose as face-to-face munication has. For example, through Internet we can send greeting cards to our friends. Furthermore, sometimes it might be a better way of munication on some occasions such as when you find it embarrassing to say sorry face to face we can send a message of apology to your friend. Last but not least, doing something through Internet actually spares more time for our social life. Sometime we need to spend a lot of time shopping in department stores. Now we can save the time and may visit our friends. In general, puter just make our life more colorful so we don’t need to worry about the changes its may bring to us. Especially most of these changes are positive. 篇3 Some reports have discovered the incidence of violence for young women is increasing. Give possible reasons and remendations to the situation. It is reported that the proportion of young female criminal unfolds a steady increasing trend, and women crime, especially the young female's delinquency has bee a serious social problem indeed. Young women, as the most peaceable parts of human, are always regarded as the last aim by the police office. Why they go astray is mainly due to the two following reasons: one is their own character peculiarity, the other is from social pressure. For one thing, the female is sensitive to the trifles and sentimental to the reins and loves. Sensitivity often puts them to the edge unnecessarily and forms extreme ideas, which frequently leads to direct criminal. Frangibility of sensibility makes them so depressed and despaired that they have a high probability to do the illegal behavior when they slip down in loves. As for the latter reason, the social pressure es of traditionally sexual discrimination and survival petition. It is no denying the fact that the contemporary including the women are confronted with the more severe petition than their ancestors were, and in addition to this point, females still have to struggle with the deep-booted discrimination. When young women make their debut in the society, all kinds of crises, trouble and pressure lay them into flat, which pels them to avenge and relieve their feeling with lawless methods in unassisted situation. Ponderance of young female criminal reveals long-term negligence to the female's inner and outer circumstance. It is almost impossible to change female's nature, so the society should take more care of women, especially for the young women. For example, some psychological courses and the methods of solving problem are effective measures to adjust the mood of women. In the meantime, prejudice to women should be out of the social stage and fair, equal and friendly atmosphere should be set up, which can help women to take part in the formal and rational contention. Additionally, the society should approbate the female's indispensable position of munity and encourage them to show their special aptitude and intelligence.

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